chapter 9

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Gwen stood there in shock as Doc Oc was strangling Miles. Behind her mask she was struggling to hold back the tears. This was until she saw doc oc falling backwards and Miles standing there with little streaks of lightning coming off him. She realised Miles had used a venom blast on him. Miles! Gwen shouted in delight I'm glad your OK. Well why  wouldn't I be OK everyone forgets I can do that so I've used that many times in fights let's them think there winning then boom release the strike. Gwen replied saying nice trick you even made me think u were going to die. Miles reached his hand towards his heart saying owch that hurt Gwen having that little confidence in me. She replied with a sarcastic har har. Suddenly Miles felt his sence go off again and saw doc ock back up he looked at him saying impressive spiderman but can u deal with this he reached over to a nearby crane and and threw it towards Miles he avoided but Miles giving his fashion statement of always having his shoes un tied tripped on the laces and started  falling off the empire state building but his head off the edge knocking him out. MILES Gwen screamed out running towards the edge and diving over the edge to save Miles. Fortunately Gwen was able to grab Miles just metres from the ground but she was able to swing them away from safety when she knew it was safe she tried to get Miles back awake until she noticed Miles mask was wet she took it off and noticed Miles head was bleeding. No no no gwen kept saying knowing she had to get Miles to hospital but knew she couldn't go to one in her dimension she quickly entered Miles dimension into his gizmo and jumped in with Miles holding him tightly before landing in his apartment and fortunately Jefferson was just about to head on shift when he herd a bang come from Miles room. He raced to towards Miles room barged open the door and saw Miles mask off out cold with Gwen holding him. What happend he asked Gwen concered. He tripped on his shoelaces and well off my dimensions empire state building but he whacked his head off the edge before falling and has cut his head. Jefferson said to her take his suit off to keep his identity secret and you as well and let's get him to hospital before running down towards his car with Gwen following carrying Miles. Jefferson got them in his car stuck his siren and lights on and drove like a mad man to the hospital when he got there he carried Miles himself screaming for a Doctor when one came he told her he was knocked out and suffering bloodloss she immediately managed to get him a bed and laid him down and rushed him to surgery when they got to the door she told Jeferson and Gwen they sadly couldn't enter but she would inform them on his condition Jefferson just nodded then her and Gwen walked towards to the waiting area as they went and sat down gwen just burst out crying saying its all my fault. Jefferson looked and her and said he's going to be OK Gwen he said and it's not your fault I've been telling him for years about tieing his shoes but he never does. Gwen replied it is if I hasn't asked him to come to my dimension this would of never happened started to cry even harder then ever. Jefferson handed her a tissue and told her it could of happened anytime don't be so hard on yourself. It was at this moment the doctor came over  and told them they had stopped the bleeding but he's in a bad way so we have had to put him in a coma it's up to Miles now to pull threw. We've put in him in a private room. You can go see him now if yous want to. Thank you Jeferson said as they both went into see Miles connected to machines and head bandaged up. Jefferson went up and please be ok Miles I've already lost my brother I can't loose you to! Nearly starting to cry. This time Gwen noticed this and said you know he loves you she said when he looked at her tell her to continue. She said that he told her he was proud to be your son and it was actually your words when you went to see him after his uncle died that helped his control his abilities. Jeferson smiled and said thank you for telling me that Gwen. She smiled back before Jefferson told her you know he likes you he may not of said it but it's so obvious everyone can see it epically after them drawings he's done of you he said smiling. He then handed Gwen a number and said if anything happens please contact me on this number. Gwen took it and said I will do before Jeferson headed off leaving Gwen alone with Miles.

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