chapter 46

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(Time skip 1 week)

Miles and Gwen arrived back in New York after there honeymoon and dispite telling Jefferson and Rio they would get a taxi back to the apparetment while waiting for there bags Miles received a message saying that Jefferson was waiting for them. As they left the air port they spotted Jefferson within seconds after leaving the terminal as Miles hugged his dad and Gwen followed suit. Jefferson then asked them
"So how was cancún?"
Miles was about to speak but before he had the chance Gwen replied back
"It was amazing! The hotel was fantastic the scenery was great to and the food was to die for but what made it the best was having Miles there with me."
Miles blushed a little before he said back "I'm happy you enjoyed it and to be honest we could of been on a construction sight and I would still enjoy it as long as I was with you Gwen"
Gwen blushed before kissing him. After the kiss Miles asked his dad
"So anything happen when we were away in the city?"
Jefferson replied back
"Honestly it's been quiet and nothing bad has really happened which is strange but it feels like something big is going to happen."
Miles and Gwen looked at each other knowing that they would receive a message soon of one of the spiders saying there is a problem and 5 minutes  later they revived a message from Miguel saying if just them two could pop over to his dimension when they had the chance. 10 minutes later they arrived back at the apparment where they ditched there bags and when straight to Miguel's dimension.
As they arrived they were supprised as they saw Miguel's workshop and they loved it but they didn't have time to admire as from the shadows Miguel spoke up
"Nice to see yous two I would ask if yous enjoyed your getaway but of course I already know you did."
Miles laughed before he then asked
"So why exactly did you ask us over"
Miguel sighed before he told them
"Don't worry to much but there's a new enemy who's out for all our heads and was part of the reason doc oc was able to help jump dimensions the only issue is he's incredibly smart and hides in plain sight.
"Miles simply said I'm used to this now but what exactly does this person look like?"
Miguel answered back
"That's the issue Miles no one has seen them all we know is that it is a male as I have herd his voice only and it was a British accent.but he's saying he's out for all the spiders blood and that's why I Said to come over as I need to do some adjustments to your gizmos so it will pick up his voice and I couldn't risk calling as I thinking as to how smart this guy is he could hack into the gizmos and cause chaos if he got access so be aware yous two and if anything goes down contact all of us instantly as I'm sure this will be the hardest fight we have had yet!"
After hearing this news and getting there updates Miles and Gwen headed back but were silent as they arrived back as they had this feeling that they were going to loose a member of the spider family

(So who do people think this British accented person could be if anyone guesses correctly they will get a shout out and would also like to thank people for the messages I received)

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