chapter 4

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After Gwen explained and showed Miles how his gizmo worked including the ability to video call and text each other they both realised they were both starving so agreed to go for something to eat after taking off there suits Miles took Gwen to one of his favouite pizza places. Once they entered they were met by one of the waitresses who asked them table for two? Miles replied with yeah please and were taken to one of the booths and were handed there menus but before the waitress left she said to Gwen "you know yous look good together and love the hair" Gwen smiled a little taking in the complement but  replied were not together were just good friends Miles on the other hand was looking through the menu and it was good thing as his mind started racing at the thought of "Gwiles" becoming a real think but shook it off saying there's no chance of this happening besides we live in different dimensions and she's probably has a boyfriend anyways. They both decided to get 2 pepperoni pizzas and 2 sodas. When they arrived Gwen making conversation asked him so why exactly did you get grounded Miles? He's sighed I knew you would ask this he replied, what happened is that Visions had actually called both my parents in as they were not happy that I had missed a couple of classes due to having to stop the likes of Scorpion and that causing chaos around the city. Gwen looked and laughed saying its a risk we have to take. Miles replied saying yeah smiling however the school doesn't see it like that and they actually suspended me for a week! Gwen was just about to take a bite when the news shocked her and the cheese and pepperoni just dropped off the slice she had right next to her mouth right on to her plate."Miles I'm so sorry" gwen said with a bit of sorrow  it's OK Miles said back its just a bit hard when your dad is a cop. Actually Miles I do know that feeling Gwen said  looking up at his with a look of compassion. My dad is a cop as well but he must understand this will happen given the fact your spiderman Gwen asked him he does know right? Miles looked up for a second and scratched his head actually Gwen he doesn't know about that. Gwen just looked at him mouth open in shock before saying how doesn't he know its been over a year he really should know Miles. Yeah I know he replied but he worries so much about me already telling him I'm spiderman will just make him fear more plus he's not really that much of a fan of him Miles said dropping his head. Gwen noticed an reached over and put her hand onto of his and said if you want I can help you tell him if you like. Miles smiled and said I would like that. Gwen smiled back. After finishing there pizzas and paying Miles offered to pay for both they swang back to his apartment however as he was entering through his window Miles noticed his door was starting to open and Jefferson entered and spotted Miles and Gwen entering through the window with Miles having his mask off there was no going back now he had to tell him his secret.

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