chapter 13

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Miles had just arrived back at his apartment and as soon as he entered through the door he noticed his mam and dad setting the table for there meal tonight. Miles noticed this instantly as they never normally put this much effort into a dinner unless someone important was coming over. He shouted  Dad what's going on we having your boss or mams boss over for dinner or something tonight. His dad appeared out of his room  all dressed up in suit amd tie and said to Miles no son but there is someone really important joining us so make sure you look smart he said. Miles was really confused but he just thought ok and went to his room. Without even thinking he went straight to his sketch book and started making a new drawing of Gwen but this one included him as he was going to give this sketch to Gwen on her birthday next month. He had just done the outline of his sketch when he felt his gizmo go off and it was a text from Gwen saying Miles I left my suit at your place is it OK if I come back later and pick it up (knowing she didn't it was her cover story to Miles) Miles replied sure no problem will be nice to see you again with a x at the end. He got a reply instantly saying il be there in a hour no problem. An hour later Miles herd a knock at the door he shouted to his parents. Miles opened the door and saw Gwen standing there with a studed earrings in a little bit of lipstick and a knee length light blue dress which hugged her figure and a pair of light blue heels to match, she looks incredible Miles thought. (Gwens side now) as the door opened I saw Miles on the other side and his jaw dropped like I knew it would she had never felt confident to wear dresses before but for some reason it felt like the right thing to do tonight. Gwen broke the silence by saying sooo you just gunna stand there looking or you gunna invite me in? Miles shook himself out of his trance before saying sorry you just look incredible to which Gwen blushed and she replied saying and don't you look good going somewhere fancy tonight she asked. Miles replied saying I wish but my parents have someone really important coming over for dinner so had to make an effort. Gwen just laughed so hard it made Jefferson enter the room also laughing. Whats funny Miles asked before Gwen said well I am important after all she said. Miles just looked at his dad with a don't try anything funny tonight don't mess this up for me look. Miles then looked back to Gwen and said well I'm glad you finally get to meet my family and have dinner with us but I'm sorry my parents made you have to dress up for it not like I'm complaining he said smiling then kissing her. Gwen replied I don't mind dressing up for you sometimes becuase your worth putting the effort in for sweetheart. 20 minutes later dinner was served and while eating there spaghetti and meatballs Rio asked Gwen so how exactly did yous to meet and what made you shave one side of your hair off Gwen. Miles instantly went red worrying Gwen would tell rio of him not being able to control his abilities and got his hand stuck in his hair but Gwen actually said they met at visions in one of the classes Miles turned up late carrying so many books and got asked why he was late he simply used (looking at Miles) the worst joke I have ever herd in my life but it was smart it was then I knew I liked him she said smiling and whilst the hair on that same day me and Miles were talking after that class and some idiots decided to stick some gum in my hair as a joke but Miles was there and covered me to the first aid room where it had to shaved off.  Miles spoke up saying it was like the gum was a Web and I wanted to help her I could u could say I caught in a Web of love myself (Gwen instantly loved that and thought you genius you've given me my original song name). Rio looked to Miles and said please dont tell me you said the Einstein Joke. Gwen just laughed and told her he did causing him to go red again. Miles really Rio said you've been using that joke for years it's never been funny. The night went off without a hitch but before it ended Miles thanked his parents for not embarrassing him to much. Everyone laughed before Rio said don't worry there's a lot of this I can say to my future daughter in law in the future. Mammmmm Miles said she just laughed. At the moment Gwen knew his parents loved her but her mind started racing to the thought of being married to Miles I have to say Gwen Morales does have a nice ring to it she thought. 10 minutes later once again Miles and Gwen had left after saying goodbye to his parents into the empty out of sight alleyway so she could go back to her Dimension but before she left she told Miles her dad wants to meet him and have dinner next week so il let you know the date and also Miles your a genius she said before once again Kissing and hugging him before stepping into the portal.

caught in a Web Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora