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(Time skip a week)

Ever since Gwen found out she know had the same abilities asMiles she had been properly learning how to use them.every day but sometimes she would use them to wind up Miles. Today was one of them days it was 7am as the sun started to rise she also woke up yet again in Miles arms. Miles was sound asleep and usually didn't wake untill 10 am she thought she would trick Miles but she would also treat him she made him a breakfast that he could re heat when he wakes up while making herself breakfast. During this time she had set a Web right outside of Miles room she chuckled a little bit and waited on the ceiling. It had just turned 10am and as expected her sence told her Miles was just about to leave his room, so as she seen the door handle move she turned herself invisible as Miles looked out from his door. He looked around looking for her before he shouted
"Gwen where are you?"
There was no response so Miles steped out of his room and fell right into the Web Gwen set up as he ended up tripping over the Web and faceplanting the floor and this moment Miles just ended up shouting
At this moment Gwen started to laugh out loud and made her self visible again before saying.
"Morning sweetheart" before laughing again
Miles was furious and let Gwen know
"Gwen just becuase you have my abilities you can't go round using them for comedy remember with..."
At this moment Gwen butted in
"Yeah I no comes great responsibility and all that I just got board since I'd been up since 7 and I know you never get up before 10 sleepyhead and just to let you know I made you breakfast but does need reheating though.
Miles swung up to ceiling and then kissing Gwen then said to her
"Gwen I'm sorry I'm a sleepyhead il try to get up earlier mainly so you don't pull a prank on me"
Gwen and Miles both laughed as they took them selves off the ceiling as Miles then went to reheat his breakfast. After he age his breakfast both Miles and Gwen decided that they would get there wedding rings today so after they both showered and got there suits on and headed to the jewelry store they helped save from being robbed. When they arrived the shopkeeper said
"Welcome back yous to. How can I help?"
Miles then putting on his deep voice replied
"Sir me and this gorgeous woman have decided to get married and were wondering if we could have a look at your rings please."
The shopkeeper replied
Certainly and it's nice to see to people in love commit to each other for the rest of there lives congratulations to yous to."
After about 20 minutes of looking they both picked the rings they liked and paid. They then returned to the appartment they had just sat down when there gizmos went off they both looked and saw that it was from Ham the message said
Doc oc spotted here get over here ASAP!!!
Miles turned to Gwen  and looked at her and then Gwen said to Miles
"I Bloody hope so"

caught in a Web Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum