chapter 37

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Miles all of a sudden started sweating but he just came out with
"Ever since I got these powers you've been like a farther figure helping me with them so I think it's only right that I ask you if you will be my best man for my wedding?"
Peter smiled and responded back to him
"Miles thank you for that and if course il be the best man you gave me belief in myself again when we met and gave me the confidence to get MJ back so its the least I could do you."
Miles suddenly went up to Peter and thanked and hugged him with a huge smile on his face.
Suddenly MJ spoke up saying they she was going to take May for a walk.
Peter responded back to MJ
"OK sweetheart just make be safe"
He then kissed her just before she left the house for her walk.
Peter then turned back to Miles and said
"Miles can you ask Gwen if she can pop around now there's something I need to ask you two."
Miles responded back
"Sure thing Peter il message her right now"
Miles then texted her and got a message  back instantly saying she was on her way. 5 minutes later she arrived Miles went and kissed her and Gwen kissed back before asking
"So why did you want me to come over Miles"
He then responded back
"Well it's was actually Peter who wanted you over as he wants to speak to both of us"
Gwen then turned to Peter giving him a signal to go ahead
Peter's face suddenly went sad as he spoke up
"Miles,Gwen obviously you know that with these powers  there is a lot of responsibility and in turn that leads to us having a lot of enemy's and here there a new ones appearing all the time all looking for me and won't rest till time gone which means that MJ is at risk as well. Also there's a huge chance that May will inherit my powers when she's still young and I will not let her go into crime and obviously yous two have your own powers so it would be great if May could learn from yous. So in short I was wondering if the worst happens to Me and MJ will you be her godparents?" (At this point Peter had started to cry)

Miles and Gwen  instantly looked at eachother for about two seconds and without even a word being said they turned back to Peter and said together.
"Peter of course we will be her godparents"

Peter then hugged them and thanked them but then he said
" how come you didn't have to speak to each other just look at each other and tell what your thinking?"
Gwen spoke up saying
"To be honest we have no clue no clue as to how but its only just started to happen."
Suddenly a voice spoke up saying
"I can tell you the exact reason as to why!" Both Peter and Gwen recognised the voice but to Miles this was a total stranger.

Sorry this chapter is short and appiligies for the wait just had a lot of personal stuff to deal with

caught in a Web जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें