chapter 10

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Gwen went over to Miles bed side reached for his hand held it and said Miles I'm so sorry about this it's all my fault and if you wake up from this I would do anything for you I'd even stop being spiderwomen if you asked me to. Also Miles there is something I need to tell you ever since I went back to my dimension I couldn't stop thinking about you infact everyday I would look at that selfie we took and would make me smile at first I thought it was becuase you removed the chains I had on friendship and il always respect you for that but as time kept moving I missed you more so when miguel gave me this pointing to her gizmo I was beyond happy I could see my best friend again. Also since we have been back in contact something changed I always smile when you send a message or call me, the drawingd you do of me make me feel warm but then when I'm with you I feel more safe then I have ever felt before. I've also noticed small things about you the way you move the way you sing bare in mind that needs work she said chuckling to herself but I can help with that. But most importantly the way your treat people with respect and the way you goof around as well it's a perfect way to describe you and then the spiderman part of you. You told me I was the better spider the truth is you are Miles. Infact your the ultimate spiderman you can go invisible and shoot lightning let alone saving my life she said. I know I'm babbling on here but you should know I've had offers to be peoples girlfriend but my walls go up even with friendship I never knew why until this week I've noticed what all these little things now mean and the walls went up becuase I can't see myself being with anyone else but you Miles. I wanted to lie to myself abouut my feelings after I 1st saw you coming in late to that class at visions but I liked you at first sight. I wondered why my spidersence went crazy knowing there was another spider person but my sence mixed with my heart. Right enough stalling Miles if you can hear this I'm done with hiding my feelings she then took here thumb out of his hand and placed it onto of his thumb and rolled hers across his the same way she did at the colider and said I love you Miles Morales and I don't wanna be with anyone else I want to be yours forever I just hope I'm not to late sharing this with a single tear starting to fall which landed on Miles hand. She waited a little hoping it would wake him up but nothing happened her head dropped as she il see you tomorrow Miles and the day after infact il be back everyday until you wake up as I know you will she said kissing him on his forehead before walking away just before she was about to open the door to leave she herd a familier voice saying Gwen? She turned around and noticed Miles was now awake looking at her. Gwen started crying again this time from happiness and ran towards Miles hugging him and he returned the hug himself they hugged for a minute before Miles looked at Gwen and said there's something I need to tell you Gwen. What is it she asked. Miles going red said while stuttering it's it's it's err that. It what Miles? Gwen asked thinking she knew what was coming. Miles spoke again saying I love you to Gwen Stacy he said smiling. Gwen suddenly had the biggest smile she had ever had in her life and Miles did to but he didn't have time to show its as within seconds his and Gwens lips were locked together sharing there 1st kiss and he wished he could stay In this moment forever.

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