chapter 64

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The next day had arrived and for the first time in  what felt like forever both Miles and Gwen were not awake at the crack of dawn and either was Aaron who for the first time in his short life had slept the entire night. However at 9.30 am there were woken up by him due to his crying. Miles got up within seconds to care for him as it turns out he needed changing again as he got up and took Aaron in his arms he said to him
"Aint you a big boy sleeping the whole night. I'm so proud of you"
Aaron who still couldnt talk reached for his dad but was also smilling. After changing him he set him down in his high chair as he was going to feed him but at that moment Gwen arrived and offered to do it which Miles let her. Whilst she was feeding him Miles said to himself
"I can't believe how well Gwen has taken to being a mother. I mean I know she was going to be good but didn't expect her to be this good."
After feeding Aaron they set him down as he went back to sleep leaving Miles and Gwen sometime to themselves before checking out Miles' uncles appartment. Gwen asked Miles
"How you feeling about today?"
He turned to her and said
"I really don't know how to feel Gwen. Afterall the last time I was in there it led to my Uncles death but then I remember all the memories I had there"
Gwen nodded knowing what he ment as guilt still lived with her after she was responsible for her dimentions Peter dying. A few hours later they made there way to the appartment after rio and Jefferson arrived back from there shifts who would baby sit and they told Miles and Gwen to have the afternoon to them selves as they never had time to even go on date ever since Aaron was born so decided after the viewing there would go to a restaurant and then a movie. Gwen made sure she looked the part in a green knee length dress with a little make up meanwhile Miles kept it casual with a shirt and jeans. When they arrived at the appartment Gwen was shocked when she saw the size of the place. As she walked around she couldn't help but take in all the decor and secretly she loved they continued  they made there way into the kitchen which wasn't the biggest but it did the job as she was looking round she noticed there was a photo frame with Miles and his uncle in she picked it up walked back into the living room where she saw Miles standing behind the tv crying his eyes out
Gwen rushed over hugged him and asked
"Miles what's the matter?"
Miles hugged back saying
"Just it was in this exact spot where I found out that my uncle was the prowler and its just gave me flashbacks to that day."
another tear had escaped Miles eye and Gwen wiped it away she then said
"It's ok Miles I know how hard it is to come back where bad things happen but you need to also remember the good times."
At that moment Miles started to remember all the times he loved when he visited his uncle even getting the shoulder touch talk at this point he smiled as he noticed Gwen was holding the picture frame. He asked her
" what's that you got?"
She  replied I found it in the kitchen and thought you should take it home"
She handed it over and he saw the picture of them two. He handed it back  and asked her to put it in her back as he agreed that she was right before he then asked her
"So what do you think about the place you think you could live here?"
Gwen smiled a little before she replied
Il tell you at the restaurant Miles as I'm actually starving plus I like to keep you in suspense" They laughed at that comment before Miles said
"Well lead the way."

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