chapter 44

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As Miles and Gwen made there way to the reception in the wedding car they were just starting lovingly at each other before Miles broke the silence
"So how does it feel to be a married woman Gwen Morales?"
Gwen chuckled showing the gap in her teeth before she replied to Miles question
"It feels incredible especially when I have the most incredible and caring husband in the world"
After hearing this Miles couldn't resist any longer and planted his lips onto Gwens Again for a passionate kiss which Gwen had no hesitation joining in. After about 2 minutes with there lips locked together. They separated for air before Miles asked Gwen
"You been told were the reception is?"
She responed back
"I haven't been told a single thing (when planning Rio and jefferson said they would organise the evening reception for them) just that your parents would sort it out and they have gave nothing away as to where"
Miles looked out of the cars window to see they were in manhattan and nearing the rockefeller centre. At this moment Miles knew they were having the reception there minutes later they pulled up outside and there were members of staff lined up to greet Miles and Gwen as they got out of the car. As soon as they steped out there immediately given the VIP Treatment. As one of the staff said
"Welcome and congratulations Mr and Mrs Morales if you would like to follow me to the reception"
They followed hand in hand in to the elevator and before they knew it they had arrived but the door stayed closed before a pa system went off saying
"ladies and Gentlemen could you please be standing for your newlyweds MR AND MRS MORALES"
right then the door opened and they walked out to everyone cheering and applauding as they walked towards there seats for there meals. After the meals were the speeches as to where Jefferson and Peter were giving speeches and Jefferson went first
"First of all I want to thank yous all for coming to celebrate the marriage of these to. I Remember when I first met Gwen and to be honest I thought she was trouble as I caught her sneeking in Miles window when he was grounded so as a parent you think the worst. However I got to know Gwen a lot after that and then after she started living with us after her dad sadly passed. At that moment in my eyes she was already my daughter in law and I couldn't be more proud to call her that now. (HE turned to Miles).Miles you found a real diamond in the rough when you found Gwen shes kind smart caring but most of all she's able to cope with you singing that sounds like a screeching cat! (Everyone started laughing) but yous to are the definition of perfect and here to many years together."
Peter then stood up to give his speech
"Thank you jefferson for that speech. Now some of you may of noticed I looked old enough to be Miles uncle but in a way I kind of did he came to me when he was in a tricky situation though we didn't exactly get on well at first infact "Miles actually knocked me out the 1st time we met! (laughter filled the room again) but as the time went on the bond happend then Gwen came along and from an outside view I could see the connection instantly though it took Gwen way longer then it should of done I remeber sitting on a back of the bus thinking just admit your feelings to eachother watching them talk about the past. But I'm glad yous to managed to get together and Miles your dad is right your singing is really bad so congratulations Gwen on not making your ears bleed hearing every day but now you are now man and wife and I couldn't think of a better young couple so once again but this time let us raise raise a glass to Miles and Gwen Morales"
The guests then said in unison
"To Miles and Gwen (as they raised there glasses)."

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