Undiscovered Truths

By SunrisexCamren

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Everyone has skeletons in their closets More

Loss Of A Father
Mock Honeymoon
Old Faces
A Mysterious Stalker
Warm Welcome
Private Investigator
When Their Journey Began...
Problems Can Be Resolved
Work With, Having It
Unwanted Discovery
In The Fire
Downpour Before The Storm
Out Of The Dark
Everything Becomes Clear
Taking Some Time Apart
Karaoke Bar
An Unforgettable Past
Nothing In Mind But You
Not An Easy Game
Complete Family Once Again
Couples Therapy
Shocking Discovery
Wrong Kind Of Love
In Question
A Disturbing Obsession
A Major Break Through
Legal Team
Taken To Court

Family Beach Day

369 23 20
By SunrisexCamren

Upon next morning, a car pulls up to Lauren's and Camila's house as all four doors open.

"Okay kids, your home safe and sound," Mike speaks.

"Abuelo, why did Lauren send us with you last night?" Sofia asks Mike.

"I don't know sweetheart but we can find out," Mike says.

Clara, who's up ahead with the twins, takes out the house key her daughter gave her and inserts it, unlocking the front door.

When the older woman steps in, she takes in the scattered clothes as she gasps.

"Niños cover your eyes," Clara says.

When Michael enters with Sofia, both their eyes widen at the scattered clothes.

"Lauren, you didn't..." Clara trails off.

Michael walks over to the stairs and picks up the boxers on the stairs and the panties, examining them before dropping them.

"She did. That girl is going to hear me," Mike says and ascends the stairs.

"Kids stay here," Clara looks back at the three.

"No! I want to come," Sofia says.

Clara debates on it but ushers the younger Cabello upstairs right when Michael throws open Lauren's bedroom door.

"Lauren! Is that the reason you told me and your mother to watch the kids for the night?!" Mike yells.

The green-eyed girl jerks awake and Camila falls off the bed, taking the covers with her, leaving the green-eyed girl exposed.


"No, is that your bastard of your boss down there?" Mike says.

"I can't believe you will disrespect your house, the bed that you only share with your wife," Clara says.

Before Lauren can stop her father, he stalks over to the other side of the bed.

"Come here you bas-"

"Suegro. It's me!" Camila says.

She takes the covers off of her face and stands up. The brunette takes the covers off of her and hands them to Lauren who envelops herself in them as Camila brings a hand up to her crotch and cups it, covering her sex.

"Oh, Camila! I'm..." Mike turns away.

"It's okay, suegro," Camila says.

The brunette walks into the closet and changes into some clothes as she grabs Lauren some.

She walks back out and hands them to the green-eyed girl who mouths a 'thank you'.

"Camila!" Sofia chirps. She pushes past her grandmother and jogs over to her sister, hugging her.

"Hey little one," Camila hugs back her sister.

"Sorry mija that we barged in like that. We just saw all the scattered clothes downstairs and we thought-"

"It's okay, mami," Lauren says. She changes into the clothes Camila handed her before getting out of bed. "Where are the twins?" Lauren asks.

"Downstairs," Mike says.

"Let's go downstairs, Kaki! The twins miss you," Sofia says.

She rushes out of the room causing the older Cabello sister to laugh.

"Mami, papi, go downstairs. We'll meet you there. I want to talk to Camila privately," Lauren says.

"Okay, mija," Clara says.

Michael walks over to her wife and they both leave the room, closing the door behind them.

Lauren turns to her wife and her cheeks start to heat up as she walks to be in front of her.

"Sorry about... All that," Lauren says.

Camila waves a hand in dismissal and laughs softly. "It's okay. So what did you want to talk to me about?" Camila says.

"Last night was amazing," Lauren says.

Camila bites down on her lower lip and wraps her arms around the green-eyed girl's neck. "I can't deny it... It was," She says.

"Can you stay for breakfast?" Lauren asks hopefully.

"Yeah. The kids know I'm here and I don't want to do them dirty by leaving," Camila says.

"Okay. Let's go," Lauren says.

"But first... Let me kiss you," Camila says.

"Kiss away," Lauren smiles.

The brunette tilts her head up and presses their lips together, making them both moan.

Camila slides her hand down and her fingers fiddle with Lauren's engagement ring and wedding ring before the brunette pulls away.

"After breakfast, we can talk about what happens between us," Camila says. She brings Lauren's left hand up to her lips and kisses the rings.

"Okay," Lauren says, frowning slightly.

"Don't frown. Your too beautiful to frown," Camila says.

"I love you. Keep remembering that," Lauren whispers.

"I am," Camila whispers.

The brunette takes her wife's hand in hers and together, hands locked, they walk downstairs and into the kitchen where Michael and Clara are making breakfast.

"Hey, mija," Mike says.

"Hey, Papi. Do you guys need help?" Lauren asks.

"No, we're fine. The twins and Sofia are in the living room playing Monopoly," Clara says.

"Let's go," Lauren pulls on Camila's hand.

Camila smiles at her in-laws and allows the green-eyed girl to drag her to the living room.

"Niños guess who-"

"Not now, Lauren! It's getting intense," Sofia says.

"How? It's Monopoly," Lauren says.

"We've bought a lot of properties and two of us can lose it all," Sofia says.

"Joseph, Cole. You two are too young to be playing Monopoly," Camila speaks up.

At the sound of her voice, the twins turn to look at her and abandon their money and game pieces.

"Mami!" The twins chirp.

They attack her into a hug as the brunette laughs and hugs them back.

"Hola, mis amores," Camila kneels to their height.

"Staying mami? Not leaving again?" Cole says.

"Please, stay," Joseph pouts.

Camila sighs as she stares up at Lauren who avoids her wife's gaze.

"Amores, I don't know when but I promise I'll come back. For now, I'm going to eat breakfast with y'all, and maybe we can spend the day together if you guys would like. Me, you, Sofia, and your mother. And maybe abuelos too if they want to," Camila says.

"Yes!" The twins say immediately.

"Yes! Beach!" Sofia says.

"Beach!" The twins say.

"Okay. Beach later, breakfast now," Camila says. She stands up and ruffles the twins' hairs. "Go help abuela and abuelo cook breakfast," Camila says.

"Yay!" The twins cheer and run out to the kitchen.

"Sofi," Camila looks at her sister.

The younger Cabello stands up, smiling at the two. "I'll love to help too," Sofia says before walking away.

Camila smiles at Lauren as she walks to be in front of her.

"Are you being for real? That we will spend the day together?" Lauren says.

"I told you, I'm not just going to show up to them and just leave afterward. Plus, you can have your chance to convince me to come back," Camila says.

"Any chance I get to do that then I will," Lauren smiles.

Camila cups her wife's cheek, pulling her closer. "Good," She says.

After the family finishes their breakfast, changing into their swimwear and placing clothes over them, Camila and Lauren place the bag filled with necessary things for the beach in the trunk along with the towels.

"Mami, papi! Hurry up!" Lauren yells.

"Sorry, mija. Your father is bringing the cooler," Clara walks out of the house.

"Let me guess, there is beer in that cooler," Lauren rolls her eyes.

"Beer and water," Clara says.

"I'll go help him," Camila says.

The brunette kisses Lauren on the cheek and smiles at Clara before jogging inside the house.

"Is everything fixed between you two?" Clara asks.

"I don't know if I'm being honest but I'll make sure that I fix things," Lauren says.

"You better," Clara says. She squeezes her daughter's shoulder and walks past her.

Lauren bites down on her lower lip as she looks up and sees Camila and her dad carrying the cooler out.

The green-eyed girl walks over to them. "Do we have everything?" Lauren asks.

"Yeah," Camila nods.

Lauren nods and closes the front door, locking it. "Do y'all need help?" She asks.

"No, we got it," Camila says.

"Just sit back and look pretty," Mike says.

"That won't be hard for her to do suegro," Camila chuckles.

"Yeah! It took my genes and her mother's and lots of lovemaking," Mike says.

"Ew, dad!" Lauren whines, scrunching her nose.

Michael and Camila laugh as they load the cooler in the truck.

As Michael adjusts the cooler and closes the trunk, Camila walks over to Lauren.

"For some odd reason, what your father said will be something I will say," Camila smiles.

"No wonder you two get along," Lauren scrunches her nose.

Camila laughs as she pecks her wife's lips. "Come on, we don't want to keep the kids waiting," She says.

"Yeah, last time we kept them waiting they started punching the car ceiling chanting 'beach, beach, beach!'. Luckily they didn't dent the ceiling," Lauren laughs.

Camila reaches down and takes Lauren's hand in hers. "Come on," She says.

Lauren smiles and lets Camila lead her over to the passenger side of the car.

After they all get settled in, Camila turns the car on and pulls out of the driveway, starting to make her way to Miami Beach.

Skipping through the car karaoke and the traffic, Camila finally pulls up to the parking lot for Miami Beach as she finds a parking spot and claims it.

"We're here!" Camila says.

"Yeah!" Sofia and the twins cheer.

"Wooh, the beach!" Camila cheers.

"A bunch of children," Lauren shakes her head.

Everyone laughs as they all get out of the car and take everything out of the trunk.

"Honey, can you help me with the cooler?" Mike calls towards his wife.

"Leave it! Have Camila and Lauren take it," Clara says back.

"Yes, abuelo! Come build a sandcastle with us," The twins say. They grab Michael's hands and drag him towards the water.

"Come on abuela, let's tan," Sofia says to Clara.

"Let's," Clara says.

Lauren and Camila look at each other and then at their kids leaving with Clara and Michael.

"I think the kids want to leave us alone so we fix our problems," Camila says.

"It's kind of obvious," Lauren nods. She sits down on the trunk directly in front of Camila. "At least that gives us alone time," Lauren smiles.

Camila chuckles as she goes in between her wife's legs. "Sadly, I can't do what I want to do to you," She says.

Lauren scoots closer to the edge so her center presses up against Camila's flat abdomen.

"We have a whole car by ourselves," Lauren says.

"We'll be hiding but the noises..." Camila cups Lauren's cheek.

"You make a good point," Lauren says.

"Maybe we should discuss the problem instead of just pushing it away by having sex," Camila says.

"Yeah. But you gave it till the end of the day," Lauren says.

"No... I said we will discuss what will happen between us. Right now I'm talking about..." Camila's eyes look down at Lauren's stomach.

"You don't have to take care of it him or her if you don't want to," Lauren says.

"Well... If I return to you, this baby will be a part of my life anyway because I'm guessing that Zayn doesn't want to have anything to do with this baby," Camila says.

"And your guess is correct," Lauren sighs.

"Why do you get yourself involved with asshole guys? Specifically, from what you told me, it was always your boyfriends," Camila says.

"Because maybe the guys tend to be more assholes than girls," Lauren says.

"I wouldn't call girl's assholes but they are some that are equivalent," Camila says.

"I suppose. Anyways, I guess it's because I always felt a rush with them but then with you, I felt it too but it was... Different. Very different and I liked it, shit I was addicted to it. When I was with Zayn and then with you... I... Felt the differences of the rush again. And with you, it took time for it to resurface and me to acknowledge it but... It was there and I started feeling horrible for what I was doing and I reduced the meet-ups with Zayn," Lauren says.

"When did you start feeling like this?" Camila asks.

"When we had sex for the first time in a long time after your dad died," Lauren says.

"If you needed intimacy, and I've said this so many times, you know you could have told me. Did it start when I got my vasectomy?" Camila says.

"Well, you know that when I started the affair with Zayn is so he can raise my stand and my salary and it was just for that but yes, I continued with him because of your vasectomy and when your months of recovery were over well..." Lauren says.

"Mhmm..." Camila hums.

"Say words," Lauren says.

"I don't know what to say," Camila says.

"Like 'you shouldn't have done it anyway even if you were thinking and trying to help our family. There could have been a better way'," Lauren says.

"I think you covered it," Camila says.

"Anything else you want to know?" Lauren asks.

"Is he better than me in bed? Is his size bigger?" Camila questions.

"Camila!" Lauren says.

"I want to know," Camila says.

"I already told you, he's good in bed but not better than you. And for his size... Let's say he beats you by a little," Lauren says.

"Fuck," Camila mumbles.

"Hey, size doesn't matter if you don't know how to use it," Lauren says.

"And he knows how to if you've kept your affair with him for years," Camila says.

"I've been yours longer and you were my first and fuck it was the best," Lauren says.

"I'm glad because I was so unexperienced," Camila laughs.

"You told me it was your first time too, understandable. I didn't know what to do either, I just went with it," Lauren says.

"And you did well, best first dick ride ever," Camila sings the last part.

Lauren throws her head back and laughs as Camila leans forward, placing kisses all over the green-eyed girl's exposed neck.

"Mhmm... Stop before I allow you to fuck me right now," Lauren says.

The brunette pulls away and instead connects their lips as she bites down on Lauren's lower lip harshly before sucking on it.

"Fuck. Please... Stop," Lauren mumbles.

"Fine. For now. But when we get home, expect an evening of pleasure," Camila says.

"Can't wait for it," Lauren says.

The two girls pull away from each other and take the cooler out, carrying it to the beach after Camila closed the trunk.

Finally, they find where Clara, Michael, and the kids found a spot, setting the cooler down.

"Took you long enough," Clara sits up slightly.

"Sorry, we were talking," Lauren says.

"Talking, talking or 'talking'?" Clara asks.

"Ew," Sofia scoffs in disgust.

"No, suegra, we were just talking, talking," Camila chuckles softly.

"Good," Clara lays back down.

Lauren opens the cooler and takes out a water bottle, drinking all of it.

"Hey, since Sofia is tanning with your mom and the twins are making a sandcastle with your dad, what do you want to do?" Camila asks her wife.

"Enter the water," Lauren says. She places the empty water bottle in the cooler and grabs Camila's hand. "Come with me," Lauren says.

"Lets take our clothes off first," Camila chuckles.

"Oh... Yeah," Lauren lets her wife's hand go.

The two girls take their top clothes off leaving them in their swimwear, Lauren a bikini, and Camila an old shirt and swim trunks.

Lauren takes Camila's hand again and both girls walk over to the water.

"It's gonna be cold," Camila says.

The green-eyed girl enters the water but the brunette stays back, causing Lauren to not be able to move further in due to their locked hands.

"Come on, Camila," Lauren says.

She pulls but the brunette doesn't budge so what she does is let go of Camila's hand, causing her to fall forward into the water.

"Lauren!" Camila spits out water.

The green-eyed girl laughs as she splashes water in Camila's face. "You need a little push or should I say pull," Lauren says.

"I am so going to kill you," Camila stands up.

"Catch me!" Lauren runs deeper into the water.

Camila laughs as she chases after her wife and she reaches her when they are shoulder deep in.

"Ah!" Lauren yelps when she's pulled under.

Camila comes closer to Lauren underneath the water and presses their lips together.

They resurface as they continue to kiss each other heatedly, their hands roaming each others bodies underneath the water.

Camila pulls their lips away but she brings Lauren's body closer to her, leaving no gap between them.

"I don't think I'm going to need a whole day to think," Camila whispers.

"What?" Lauren furrows her eyebrows.

"I've made up my mind," Camila says.

"And?" Lauren asks.

"I want to come back to you, to the kids," Camila says.

"Really?" Lauren's features light up.

"Yes," Camila smiles.

Lauren lets out an excited squeal before connecting their lips again.

Camila chuckles as she gently squeezes her arms that are around her wife's waist.

Lauren pulls away as her right-hand caresses Camila's left shoulder before running down her arm.

"I know it will be hard for you to trust me again but I'm planning to end things completely with Zayn," Lauren says.

"You haven't done that yet?" Camila asks.

"I was more worried about you and me," Lauren says.

"You shouldn't have, stress isn't good for the baby," Camila says.

"I know but... You don't mind staying here with my parents and the kids? I'm going to speak with Zayn right now," Lauren says.

"I don't mind. And plus, the sooner you fucking end all ties with him the better," Camila says.

"Then I should better get going so I can come back faster," Lauren smiles.

"Go on," Camila chuckles.

Lauren pecks her wife's lips and whispers, "Don't miss me too much."

"Don't take too long then, mi amor," Camila says.

Both girls smile, sharing a final kiss before Lauren swims back to shore leaving the brunette alone in the water.

"Let's just hope nothing bad happens, mi amor," Camila whispers to herself.

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