Teen Wolf Imagines

By Etherealist_x

470K 8.7K 623

A whole compilation of Teen Wolf imagines consisting of Scott, Stiles, Derek, Isaac, Aiden, Liam, Parrish, an... More

Welcome! :)
Unrequited Love - Scott
Car Trouble - Stiles
Rescued - Derek
Stay Back - Isaac
Love Bite - Aiden
Jealousy - Liam
The Sheriff's Station - Parrish
Blue Eyes - Scott
You've Always Been There - Stiles
You Keep Me Going - Derek
The Bad Boy - Issac
Betrayal - Aiden
Find Your Anchor - Liam
Don't Leave Me - Parrish
My Hero - Scott
Say You Believe Me - Stiles
Thunder Storms - Derek
I Hate You - Isaac
Unwanted - Aiden
Gone (Pt. 1) - Liam
Gone (Pt. 2) - Liam
The Werewolf and the Hellhound - Parrish
The Enemy - Scott
Living Color - Stiles
Sourwolf - Derek
I Don't Have Anyone - Isaac
Betrayal (Pt. 2) - Aiden
Secret Lovers - Liam
My Happiness - Parrish
Him?! - Jackson
Omega - Scott
Not Over You - Stiles
The Return - Derek
Nightmares - Isaac
Was It Real? - Aiden
Was It Real? (Pt. 2) - Aiden
Beat Up - Liam
Freezing - Parrish
Popularity Contest - Jackson
Pressure Test - Theo
Win You Over - Brett vs Isaac
Supernatural - Scott
Movie Night - Stiles
You Came Back - Derek
Miss Alpha - Isaac
The New Kids - Aiden
The Shy One - Liam
I'm back :)
By Your Side - Parrish
You're Good - Theo
Coach's Niece - Scott
All Yours - Stiles
My Turn to Save You - Derek
A Connection Like No Other - Isaac
"Studying" - Liam
Visits at Work - Parrish
Chimera - Theo
Coach's Niece (Pt. 2) - Scott
Overwhelmed - Stiles
Magic Bullet - Derek
Outside the Window - Isaac
His Jersey - Liam
Happiest With You - Parrish
Look at Me Now - Theo
A Little Extra Help - Scott
The Argent Twins - Stiles
Care About You - Derek
It's Still You - Isaac
Second Chances - Liam
More Than Friends - Parrish
I'll Keep You Safe - Theo
Bitten - Scott
Written in the Stars - Stiles
Not the Alpha Anymore - Derek
All an Act - Isaac
Running With the Wolves - Liam
A Deep Connection - Parrish
Horror Movies - Theo
Bitten (Pt. 2) - Scott
Standing Watch - Stiles
Below the Surface - Derek
Almost Gone - Isaac
Borderline Stalking - Liam
Jail Break - Parrish
Goody Two Shoes - Theo
Rainy Days - Scott
Unexpected Powers - Stiles
Getting Along - Derek
Unleashed - Isaac
Premonitions and Pick-up Lines - Liam
Mind Control - Parrish
Feeling Alone - Theo
Status Asthmaticus - Scott
Busted - Stiles
Getting Along (Pt. 2) - Derek
Bad Memories - Isaac
Gossip - Liam
I Rescued You, Now We're Friends - Parrish
You're Cute When You're Mad - Theo
Tattoo - Scott
Busted (Pt. 2) - Stiles
Puppy Love - Derek
Lovefool - Isaac
New Pack, New Love - Liam
Hellhound Training - Parrish
Bloodlust - Scott

Rescue Mission - Theo

771 14 0
By Etherealist_x

Theo had been missing for a few days, and no one had heard anything from him. Granted he doesn't communicate his every move with the pack, but he does with you. He tells you everything because he completely loves and trusts you. So, you were positive he was in danger.

You didn't know what to do, so you were now pacing in Scott's room. He was like your brother, so you always turned to him when things got tough.

He was sitting on his bed watching you worryingly, "(Y/n) relax, everything's going to be alright."

You stopped and spoke loudly, "I can't relax until I have some idea of where Theo is! He's in danger!"

Scott just sighed.

You sighed too, "I'm sorry, I'll try to calm down so we can figure this out. I'm just really worried about him, especially with Beacon Hills being infested with hunters again."

"I know, I'm worried too. Gerard is training these new hunters well."

You looked at him in realization, "Gerard."

"Yeah, remember–"

You cut him off, "Yeah I remember everything you told me last week," you paused and then looked at him in shock, "Scott I know where he is!"

He stood up quickly, "Really? How? Where?"

"Gerard is behind all of this, right? He's training and advising all of these new hunters. He's using them to form an army and wipeout all supernaturals. Obviously, he would need some sort of headquarters to carry out this massive plan. A place where he could monitor everything, put a gun in everyone's hand, and hold onto any captured supernaturals. Theo's at the old Argent Arms."

Scott's eyes widened, "Oh my god, you're right!"

"I'm going there now, get the pack and meet me there."

"What? No, (y/n) wait for us. It's too dangerous to go alone."

"Theo's in danger and I need to get him out of there now. The longer I wait, the higher the chances are of him getting hurt or killed. Just meet me there with the pack, okay?"

He sighed heavily, "Fine, but be careful, okay?"

"I'll do my best."

You ran out of Scott's house and immediately went to Argent Arms.

Once you were there, you began to sneak around the building, looking for a discreet entrance. You found a cellar door in the back of the building that was attempting to be werewolf-proof. It was chained closed and had about four locks on it. You rolled your eyes and easily broke the locks off, removed the chains as quietly as you could, and opened the door.

You cautiously walked down the stairs and looked around, finding yourself on the bottom floor of the building.

You stopped and caught Theo's scent, he was here.

You followed his scent and moved cautiously throughout the building. Surprisingly the hallways were empty, but once you got to a corridor that had nothing but chained and caged supernaturals, security was high.

You snuck up behind the first hunter and knocked him out with a swift elbow, but he didn't necessarily fall quietly. So, as he landed with a thud, the other five hunters turned to see you standing above the unconscious hunter.

You smiled with your fangs, "Oops."

They all took out either a taser wand or large knife, and then ran towards you. You noticed they all had guns, so you were thankful they were stupid enough to choose their secondary weapons.

The last hunter spoke into a walkie talkie as he was running, "We need back-up at the armory. We've got a rouge werewolf."

You roared as you ran towards them and began fighting them off.

You blocked their every attempt to tase or cut you, and, after some fighting, knocked all five of them unconscious.

You knew more hunters would get to Argent Arms soon, so you immediately continued to run down the hallway, following Theo's scent.

You stopped short in front of a door, and Theo's scent was strong. You knew he was in there, so you kicked the door down, causing him to jump.

He was sitting on the floor and looked up at you in disbelief, "(Y/n)?"

You ran over, knelt down in front of him, and cupped his face, "Theo! Oh god look at you, you're covered in blood. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just," he lifted his shirt and winced in pain as he revealed a gash in his side, "I can't get this to heal."

You inspected the wound and saw yellow glistening in it, "They used yellow wolfsbane when they did this to you. We need to burn it out now."


"Yes now! We can't let this sit, it could kill you."

He watched you as you rummaged through the cabinets in the room, "Well that's comforting."

You found a blow torch and turned it on, "This is going to hurt, but try to hold still."

Even though he was in pain, he was as sarcastic as ever, "Sure thing."

You burned the wolfsbane out of his wound as he sat there groaning in pain. By the time you were done, his fangs were out and his eyes were shining their gold color.

You inspected the wound and made sure there were no more traces of wolfsbane, "Okay, it's all burnt out, you'll start to heal now."

He was breathing heavily, "Good. Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet, I need to get you out of here now. More hunters are coming and," you paused as you heard cars pulling up outside, "they're here, let's go!"

You helped him stand up, but he was able to walk on his own since the healing had started.

You both ran out of the room he was locked in and began running back the way you came, but you heard hunters running towards you. So, you quickly stopped short and ran the other way, but you found yourselves at a dead end.

Theo looked at you, "I think I hear about ten heartbeats, if not more, think we can take them?"

"Well we have to and," you stopped talking as you caught a scent, "Scott's here!"

"He is?"

"Yeah I just caught his scent. He's here, and so is Malia and Liam, and Lydia, and, and Stiles is here too!"

"Okay but how–"

You cut him off by roaring loudly to let the pack know exactly where you were in the building.

"Well that answers my question."

As he said that, the hunters turned the corner and found the two of you.

You took your claws out and growled, "Ready?"

Theo took out his claws, "Ready."

You both roared and ran towards the hunters, doing everything you could to fight them off. You were pretty successful, knocking out quite a few of them, but, just as you realized you were making progress, more hunters turned the corner.

As they did, you got shot in the shoulder with a rather large bullet, causing you to fall to the ground.

As you fell, Theo ran over to you and the hunters surrounded you. You figured this was it, but you noticed Scott, Malia, and Liam finally turned the corner.

They began fighting the hunters too, leaving only three interested in you and Theo.

You looked at Theo, "Help me up."

He helped you stand up, and you immediately attacked the hunters again.

There were so many hunters now, as a few more had turned the corner after the pack did, and you knew you were outnumbered. But, almost right on cue, you saw Lydia and Stiles running towards everyone.

You noticed Stiles was standing back and put his hands over his ears, so you yelled to your pack, "Cover your ears!"

You all did, and Lydia screamed, knocking every single hunter out at once.

You all slowly uncovered your ears and looked around at each other.

Stiles ran over, "Is everyone alright?"

You nodded, "Yeah, yeah I think so."

Theo walked up to you, "(Y/n) your shoulder."

"Oh," you used your claws to remove the bullet and winced as you did, "I'll heal now."

Scott looked at you and spoke out of concern, "This is why I told you to wait for us, this could've ended badly."

You were going to respond, but Theo cut you off, "If she didn't come when she did, I'd probably be dead."

You smiled softly and rested your head against Theo's chest.

Scott sighed, but he couldn't help but smile, "You somehow always know exactly what to do (y/n)."

Malia spoke, "Look, I love this whole brother-sister-like relationship you guys have, I really do, but can you do this later so we can get the hell out of here?"

You laughed a little, "Sure," you grew serious again, "but there's a few other supernaturals locked down here, we need to get them out too."

Scott nodded, "Okay, come on."

You and the pack walked down the hallway, got the other supernaturals out safely, and then left the building.

You, Theo, and Scott got in Stiles' Jeep, as Malia and Liam got in Lydia's car.

As Stiles was driving, you rested your head on Theo's shoulder and quickly fell asleep. You were exhausted from the rescue mission you just performed.

Theo noticed you were asleep, so he kissed your forehead and wrapped his arms around you.

Everything was okay again.


Here's a nice long one for you guys, hope you enjoyed it!

Thanks for reading! <3

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