My First Kiss

By pookey

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My First Kiss
Chapter 1: Suprise
Chapter 2: Concert of my life time
Chapter 3: Okay
Chapter 4: Crap
Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 6: Disasters and Suprises
Chapter 7: Pool time
Chapter 8: The date
Chapter 9: Harry and Jenny
Chapter 10: Twins and hospital?
Chapter 12: a bit of love HATE
Chapter 13: All Hate
Chapter 14: Last night of the boys
Chapter 14: True couples emerge
Chapter 15: Bye-bye girls, we love you still
Chapter 16: Is this a dream???
Chapter 17: Wishes come true, promises kept
Chapter 18:Jenny's Wedding
Chapter 19: Lex's Wedding
Chapter 20:Epilogue

Chapter 11: Well crap!

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By pookey

*Liam P.O.V.*

I listened to Lex and her story, acting like I am asleep. After she is done and fell asleep I went also, thinking of the most beautiful girl in the world. I only wish she was mine.

New Chapter

*Liams P.O.V.*

          I wake from my beautiful sleep to Niall and Lex laughing.  I mumble incoherently to tell them to shut up. Only for laughing to break out laughing more. Sitting up I tousle my already tousled hair.

“When are the guys coming?”  I asks.

“Oh, they will be here soon, we just signed the discharged papers so they are bringing clothes for me and Niall.” Lex answered.Nodding laying back on the couch closing my eyes.  Only to be woken up with someone landing on my back. Turning my head to the side to find Jenny on my back. I start to grumble under my breath before turning and making her fall off me and onto the floor.  I bust out laughing turning over and over again until I land beside her on the floor myself.  When both are calm we look to find everyone shaking their heads at us. Niall and Lex are dressed in different clothes. Pulling myself up I grab the bag from Louis going to the joined bathroom to change.

        Coming out in my usual plaid shirt, jeans, and some sneakers.  When I walk out I find the group sitting around as Niall signs some papers. The nurse handed Niall pills, a knee brace, and a arm sling. Lex is trained on how to do everything  for his care.Nialls in khaki shorts and his famous polo red shirt.  Coming into the group we grab everything and head out to the van.  Entering the front waiting room it is full of fans, great who tweeted it? Giving everyone the evil eye everyone was smirking.  All of a sudden Jenny is pulled into the crowd. I run in and grab her with instinct running through me. Yanking her in  my arms I tug her with me out to the group where Paul and some guards lead us to the van, to safety.

     Sitting in the van I turn around to face everybody. “Who tweeted or whatever?” I yell. They all look at each other sheepishly before they all raised their hands.My eyes bulged.

“Why?” I beg. Louis speaks.

“Well Harry and I decided to do a twitcam and present our girlfriends.  So we all did. Well Niall saw it this morning  presenting Lex. So yeah.”  They all nod their head. Before Niall lets out an

“Oh SHIT!”  We all turn to him.

“What?” We all yell, Lex's eyes widen when she sees the tweet.  

“Uh, this is a Harry, Jenny, and Liam issue, Ni. Lets show them.” Lex took nialls phone and handed it to Jenny as I am Harry pull out our phones to check, the pic and tweet are totally weird. It was me holding Jenny and pulling her through the crowd.  The tweet was Harry is your girl cheating on a bandmate? We looked at each other like crazy, it was weird. Jenny let out a choked sob. Lex rips the phone out of her hand and looks.  Her face turns into horror.   Lex jumps over the seat before pulling Jenny into a hug. Yelling out at Paul to stop the car the girls climb out. Harry and I were about to join the group, but Katrina told us to stay and they would meet us back at the hotel.  Nodding Zayn kisses her cheek before shutting the van door where we head to back. We were silent the whole way there.

*Lex P.O.V.*

When I read the tweet that Eric sent out and a lot of others girls hate.  That sob I only heard once, it was after the first time she cut. I knew then she needed out. Paul let us out, and I led her and the girls to a bench in the park nearby. Holding Jenny I let her cry on my shoulder as the other fuss over her.  About an hour later Jenny fell asleep from all the emotions running through her body.  Picking her up bridal style I we make our way back to the hotel. Entering our suite I check the clock saying it was 2:55 in the morning.  Setting Jenny in the bed I strip her of her clothes and throw the hoodie over her. Tucking her in I head out of the room to go sleep on the couch letting her have the peaceful sleep. Katrina and Rachel are already asleep.  

Snuggling up on the couch I am about to fall asleep when a knock comes on our door.   Walking up to the door and look through the peephole to see Liam. Taking off all the locks I let him enter. Shoving his hands in his pocket he looks around the room observantly.  I break him from his daze.

“So what do you need Liam?” I ask

“Oh, just couldn't sleep, and thought to check on you, Jenny, and the girls.” He said while shrugging his shoulders.

“Shouldn't Harry be checking on Jenny, I know you would probably, since your Daddy direction, but Harry it should be mandatory. So where is he Liam?” I ask giving him death glare.  I watch as he shivers in weakness of my death glare.

“Uh, he might of went out to a bar.” He mutters, low, but I could here him and I was pissed!

~How could a boyfriend to that to his girl, seriously Jenny does not need a guy like him.~

“Which, bar Liam?” I say through gritted teeth.

“Uh, the one right down the street, I think it is called Hooters unleashed...” He says nervously.

“I need to change and go talk to him. Now can you stay here and make sure Jenny doesn't have a panic attack while I'm gone. Nodding his head I thank him going back to my room and pulling on some jeans and my converses I rush out the room to the bar, not before thanking Liam again.

Taking the 2 block walk to the bar, I was cold and tired.  Walking in I sit at the bar scouting out the area looking for Harry. I finally find him at the end of the bar. And I did not like what I saw either.

*3rd P.O.V.*

What caused Jenny to flip? What did Lex see at the end of the bar? What will happen? I know the cliffhanger is hard, but I am already working on the next chapter. Be ready babies something big is about to happen.

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