Experimenting - Scientist mal...

By DeSminator

19.2K 281 76

You've been working on a secret project. One that's been challenging your ethics and morals to their core. On... More

Chapter 1: Morals
Chapter 2: Meetings
Chapter 3: First date (part 1)
First date (part 2)
Chapter 4: Love
Chapter 5: Tête à tête
Chapter 6: The sample arrives
Chapter 7: Truth
Chapter 8: Hope
Chapter 9: Decisions
Chapter 10: Where it all began
Chapter 11: The Beginning
Chapter 12: No heart
Chapter 13: Dawn
Chapter 14: Fallout (lemon)
Chapter 15: Convergence
Chapter 16: Memory lane
Chapter 17: The Briefing
Chapter 18: Chesspiece
Chapter 19: Captured
Chapter 21: Epilogue

Chapter 20: Succesful experiment

359 8 2
By DeSminator

The rest of the overwatch team arrived into the lab. What they saw was Amélie sitting in front of Y/N.

What they didn't see were his eyes.

"Chèrie. Look at me. Talk to me.", Widowmaker pleaded and begged as Y/n shifted his face to look her in the eyes.

His blank expression communicated no emotion. No feeling. He simply stared at her.

"Did you know the muscles in the human body are always usable to their fullest extent, no matter how untrained they are?"
Doctor Hollin now once again crawled up the walls on his way to the ceiling.
As he said this, Y/N grabbed Amélie by the throat and lifted her up as he got up.
Amélie tried to break free but it was no use.

"Emotion inhibitors. I created them myself. When applied, the subject no longer requires emotions to function. No fear, no love, no anger, no hatred. A simple state of existence. The mind can react faster, the body even more so. No more doubts, making the perfect type of soldiers, don't you think?"

Tracer walked forward as she saw the scenery in front of her.
"Y/N! This ain't you, luv! We came to rescue you! To bring you and Amélie together again!"

"She doesn't need me.", Y/N spoke eerily calm.

The room fell silent.

"There are better people than me. Bigger. Stronger. Smarter. Faster. More logical. More fun."
His eyes rested on Amélie's calmly.
"I couldn't even save you outside. So what's my use?"
"Chèrie. That's not why I love you.", Amélie tried to speak, but could only barely let the words leave her squished throat.
"Love is inconsequential. A means to an end. You, above all, should know this."

Y/N's voice remained eerily calm. Yet he seemed to be very strained.

"When no emotions are involved, my mind feels clearer. I look around and all I can see is how this world is all going towards a singular point. Death. People wage war, they love and care, they fear and hate, but eventually, when they come to pass, there remains little of them. It all returns into oblivion with them."

The words leaving Y/N's mouth stunned everyone in the room. Even Doctor Hollin's.

"Well. An unexpected side effect. But not an undesirable one.", Hollin chuckled.

"Life has no meaning. It never did. People filled it with fantasies and lies they told themselves, so they could sleep peacefully at night. Face it, Amélie. No one needs no one."

"That's. Not. You. Chèrie...", Amélie tried to fight against the grip but Y/N didn't budge.

Y/N tightened his grip on her neck as he looked back to the overwatch members, who drew their weapons.

They ran up as turrets appeared from within the walls of the room. Soon the room was filled with gunfire, yelling and fighting. But Y/N stood there, holding Amélie up.

She reached her hand out as her strained voice started to talk.
"Chèrie. Whatever happens today. I forgive you. This is not you. I know it isn't."
Her hand touched his cheek.
"If you kill me in this state, I will not hold it against you. Je comprends. It's okay."
Her voice grew more strained as she forced the words out.
Y/N just looked at her. She who was once the love of his life.
As this thought passed his mind, he felt his cheek get wet.
Amélie looked at him and saw the tear running down his face as his grip softened.

"I feel no hatred. I only feel love. The love you have shown me. Y/N. In life and in death. Je t'aime."

Y/n's arm seemed to strain. Another tear started rolling down.

His voice had changed from a monotone one to one drained in anguish and pain.
"We only have one chance. I'm going to drop you. I can feel the pain. That inhibitor is probably overloading. Shoot me in the chest, next to my heart."

Amélie's eyes went wide.
"Y/N. I can't! I won't!"
Flashes of Gerard appeared in front of her.
She didn't want to. Not again.

"It'll destroy the inhibitor. Please, amélie."

Y/N's arm swung back as the inhibitor regained control.

"I love you."

With those words, Y/N flung Amélie to the other side of the room, back to her rifle.

His look went cold again as he started trudging forward through the chaos.

"An insignificant feeling. If only the inhibitor worked properly. Then I would've gotten rid of you. And I could've become an actual scientist. Instead of a lovey-dovey fool."

His voice once again cynically repeating his "clear thoughts", Amélie picked up her rifle and aimed at his chest.
Her aim wavered, however. Her hands started shaking. Her scope swayed too much to land a steady shot. She could kill him like this.

"My plan to shoot the inhibitor did not account for your emotions. Once again, you can't do what you must to save your "great love", Amélie. But that's to be expected, is it not? You could only save me when you were an assassin. When your emotions were inhibited too. I should never have cured you. I should never have joined talon. I should-"


The fighting stopped as the shot rang through the room.

Everyone looked back at Y/N's still body, standing there motionless.

Amélie's rifle had smoke emanating from her barrel. And her scope had been trained on his chest, right next to his heart.
Immediately she dropped it as she ran up to Y/N. His legs gave out under him as he collapsed into her arms.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean those words. I'm so sorry.", Was all he started muttering as blood crept down his chest.

"You don't have to say anything. Just breathe. Please." Amélie sobbed as she sat next to him.

The Doctor yelled as he tried to jump towards the couple.

He was redirected to the far wall howevr by D.va's mech boosting into his side as she kept the lunatic locked down.

Tracer took care of the turrets as Lucio skated up to Amélie and Y/N.

"Got some soothing tunes here. Should keep you well enough until we get to the base and get Mercy to check on you."

He started his healing song and Y/N started to feel relief wash over him.

Y/N p.o.v.

"Thanks, Lucio. We still need to get those documents.", I said with a smile.

"Buddy, I think that mad doctor isn't going anywhere in a while.", Lucio said as he pointed to D.va shooting the robotic legs of the doctor and immobilising him.

"You two take your time.", he said with a reassuring smile as he left the healing song on one of his boxes next to us.

He skated off to the others.
Amélie looked at me, in tears.

"What I said. Just then. That was my mind. I won't deny that.", I started. She remained silent, looking at me.
"But without my heart speaking. No matter how great my mind may be, which it clearly isn't after this revelation, I acted not out of love. Not out of the feeling I get as I look at you now. I acted out of logic. But even Moira and Sigma will agree with me. Love defies all logic. No matter what scientists have tried to explain about chemistry reactions and what not, it is by and large something that science has never been able to define."

I put my hand on her cheek.
"A gut feeling. Something only the person who feels it can understand. And even then."

She put her hand over my hand.

"I understand if you do not wish us to continue, like this."
There was a lump in my throat. Inhibitor or no, I hurt her in a way that a beloved shouldn't.
I was however met with a chuckle as she leaned in.

"You've lost too much blood, chèrie. You are acting delusional.", She giggled as tears ran down her face.

I wiped them away as i just chuckled.
"I think so. I'm seeing an angel right in front of me."

Our lips met there, in that cold laboratory. The laboratory where all of this torment started. The place where all of it will end today.


The documents weren't too hard to find. His archives gave us enough insight to the formulas he used on me. Hollin was taken into custody my Overwatch. He would never see the light of day again.

Mercy was able to clean up the wound sufficiently enough so that it would heal. I underwent some tests before Winston relayed to me that they found a way to reverse what happened to me before. The two figures. These other people.

Amélie sat next to me at all times as I recovered.
We pondered on the upcoming procedure.

"So, they'll be gone for good then?", She asked.
"Jup. No more fear of me changing again.", I smiled.
"I can't help but wonder though... Who were they?", I asked absentmindedly.
"Not you, chèrie."
Amélie kissed my cheek as we sat in Mercy's office.
I just smiled and leaned my head on her shoulder.
Mercy soon came in.
"Now then. The procedure will take some time to research. The way the formula describes it, he tried fusing different alchemical solutions with your DNA. In order to even look for a solution, we'll have to take a blood sample."

Mercy grabbed a syringe and drew a little blood from my arm. She put it in a vial and got to work on a couple of files.
"You can go. I suggest relaxation and talking with your partner. What you experienced is nothing short of a trauma. Should you need professional help, come see me and we'll arrange whatever is required. I'll keep you updated on the procedure as we experiment with it."

Amélie and I got up as I faced Mercy.
"Thank you, Doc. I think I'll be fine for now. Talk to you later."

Me and Amélie made our way to the mess hall. I was starving! And god, was I thirsty.
"Man, I'm only now realizing I haven't had a drink in the longest time."
"Well, you'll get the chance now, chèrie.", Amélie spoke, beaming with a smile.
"I'm just happy you've returned to me.", She said softly as she kissed my cheek.

When we entered the mess hall, I was immediately approached by a few people. Moira, D.va, Tracer, Winston, Sigma, Genji, Mccree. Everyone made their way over to me as I just stood there in awe as people hugged me, congratulated me, pat me on the shoulder.
There were smiles, compliments, jokes. Just overall cheer.

And I just stood there. The receiver of them all. And I felt like I didn't deserve any of it.

"Why?", I muttered to myself.
"Because, chèrie,", Amélie whispered into my ear,"they care about you. We all do. And so, whether you like it or not, you are now one of us."

And so here I stood. With my new friends. My new family. From an empty apartment room with nothing but a mattress and a small tv, to the base here at Overwatch. With Amélie at my side and my friends surrounding me.

I would dare to say it now. Life is good.

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