Happy Thoughts | Peter Pan x...

By That_Vanessa_

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Y/N Darling, twin sister of Wendy Darling, has a run in with the Boy Who Never Grew Up, and he takes her and... More

Chapter 1: Storyteller
Chapter 2: The Shadow Dilemma
Chapter 3: You Can Fly!
Chapter 5: Mermaid Lagoon
Chapter 6: Captured Princess and Brilliant Acting
Chapter 7: The Chief and Chieftess
Chapter 8: Do I Really Want To Go Home?
Chapter 9: It's A Trap
Chapter 10: The Rescue
Chapter 11: Stay...Please
Chapter 12: When There's a Smile in Your Heart
Im crying

Chapter 4: A Wendy Bird

10.2K 227 230
By That_Vanessa_

The group soared through the air until they landed on a cloud. Peter was showing them the lay of the land from above, but Y/N noticed something in the waters below. It was a ship. And not just any ship. It was the Jolly Roger, Captain Hook's ship.

"Oh, Peter, its just as I've always dreamed it would be," Wendy said, before pointing to a section of water on the east side of the island, "Oh, look, Y/N, there's Mermaid Lagoon."

"By Jove!" John breathed out, before pointing a collection of tepees on the west side of the island, "And the Indian encampment!"

Micheal, who was laying on his stomach at the edge of the cloud, pointed to the ship Y/N was looking at, "Oh, look, there's Captain Hook and the pirates."

Suddenly, a cannonball was fired from the ship, hurling straight towards them.

Peter pushed the children behind the cloud, before stooping down to avoid the cannonball, "Look out!"

"Quick, Tink. Take Y/N, Wendy and the boys to the island. I'll stay here and draw Hook's fire," Peter said the pixie, who looked frustrated.

"Please, be careful, Peter," Y/N whispered, worried for his safety.

Peter turned to her, smirking, "Don't worry. That ol' codfish couldn't hit me to save his life. I'll be fine."

Y/N nodded and Peter winked at her, before turning back around, and whistling to the pirate captain, "Hook! Hook! You codfish! Here!"

Multiple cannonballs were fired at Peter, who easily avoided them. Wendy was flying ahead of her sister and brothers, trying to keep up with the small pixie, who bolted to the island as fast as she could.

"Tinkerbell? Not so fast. Please, Tinkerbell," Wendy pleaded, flying as fast as she could.

"We can't keep up with you," she shouted, "Tinkerbell! Wait!"

Y/N was able to speed ahead of her sister, following closely behind the pixie.

"Tinkerbell, why are earth are you flying so fast?" Y/N questioned, raising an eyebrow at the fairy.

Tinkerbell's eyes widened, wondering how she would explain her actions to the one girl who could understand her, "I-um- I just really want to get back to camp."

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Then why do you seem like you're deliberately trying to escape my sister?"

"I-uh," Tink stuttered, "Ok, I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to be mad."

The girl sent Tink a questioning look, "I promise, Tinkerbell. Now, what is it?"

"I'm going to tell the Lost Boys to shoot her down," Tink muttered, avoiding eye contact with Y/N.

Y/N's eyes widened, "What!? Why on earth would you want to do that!?"

Tinkerbell sighed, "I just really don't like your sister. I feel like she's trying to taking all of Peter's attention. I've always been the only girl, and I sort of feel threatened by her."

Y/N tilted her head as the two continued to bolt through the air, "Do you feel threatened by me?"

Tink shook her head, "No. I trust you. You're my friend."

Y/N smiled, "You're my friend too, Tinkerbell. And if this is what would make you feel more comfortable," she sighed, "I won't stop you. Just please make sure not to hurt her."

Tinkerbell smiled, nodding, "I promise, Y/N."

Y/N followed Tinkerbell as she made her way to the hideout. She saw a group of boys in animal costumes sleeping in a pile. Tinkerbell flew around the boys, trying to wake them up, while Y/N hid in a place where they wouldn't see her. Tink ended up pushing a wooden club onto the head of a boy in a fox costume, Slightly.

"OW!," the boy cried as the club fell into the arms of a sleeping boy in a bear costume.

"So!" Slightly said, assuming it was the boy who hit him.

Slightly kicked the boy, Cubby, causing him and a pair of twins in raccoon costumes to slam into a wall.

The raccoon twins looked shocked for a moment, before punching the direction of Cubby.

"Who ya' shovin'? Who ya' shovin'?" they said one after the other.

"You! That's who!" Cubby shouted, pushing the twins back into the wall.

The twins charged at Cubby, and Slightly and another boy in a bunny costume, Nibs, as well as a boy in a skunk costume, Tootles, all jumped into a pile and started fighting. Tink pulled on the ear of Slightly's costume, trying to get his attention.

"Huh? Orders from Pan?!," Slightly said, stopping the fight, "Hold it men!"

Cubby was about to slam the raccoon twins' faces into each other, but looked up at the mention of his leader.

Nibs flipped his hood down and looked at the pixie, "What's the orders, Tink?"

Tinkerbell gestured horns with her fingers, and flapped her arms like a bird, making Cubby question her, "A terrible what?"

"Wendy Bird," Slightly clarified, flapping his hands by his ears.

"Wendy Bird?" Cubby asked, confused.

Tink continued to gesture as Slightly spoke for her, "Flying this way?"

"Pan's order are...What?" Cubby asked, not sure if he understood her.

"Smash it?" Cubby asked, shoving his fist into his palm.

"Kick it?" Slightly asked, kicking at the ground.

"Stomp it? Stomp it?" The raccoon twins asked one after another, stomping on the ground.

Tink shook her head, mimicking shooting into the air.

"Oh! Shoot it down!" Slightly said, finally understanding.

Tink nodded happily, gesturing for the boys to follow her. The boys all grabbed their weapons, before running out of the hideout, following Tinkerbell. Y/N followed behind quietly, making sure that her sister wouldn't be hurt.

"Ready?" All the boys said.

"Aim," they all aimed their weapons at Wendy.

"Fire!" They shouted, firing all their weapons at Wendy.

Wendy screamed as she started to fall, and Y/N rushed to help her sister. Before she hit the ground, Y/N caught her just as Peter landed on the ground beside Y/N.

"Are you alright, Wendy?" Y/N asked as she placed her sister back on the ground.

Wendy hugged her sister tightly, "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for saving my life, Y/N."

Y/N smiled and hugged her sister close, "Anything for my sister."

Micheal dropped down into Wendy's arms, "Are you hurted, Wendy?"

"No, Micheal. Y/n caught me just in time," she said, hugging her baby brother close.

John fell from the sky as well, using his umbrella to fall gently, "Good heaven, Wendy, you might have been killed."

Peter, who was now sitting on a rock, smiled at Y/N before he heard voices coming towards them. He took out a dagger, turning around, only to see his Lost Boys running towards them, shouting about how they followed his orders.

John opened his umbrella and Wendy ducked behind it, grabbing onto Micheal's hand and pulling him behind as well. Y/N simply walked up beside Peter, placing a hand on his arm to calm him down.

All of the boys started shouting about how it was them that shot Wendy down, desperate for Peter's approval. They ended up in another pile, before Peter broke them up.

"Attention!" he shouted, taking Y/N's hand in his own.

All the boys stood in a line, saluting their leader.

"Well... I'm certainly proud of you," Peter said, making Y/N send him a strange look.

The boys all looked proud of themselves, before Peter continued, "You blockheads!"

Peter let go of Y/N's hand, marching in front of the boys with his hands behind his back, "I bring you a mother to tell you stories-"

"A mother?" The boys repeated, looking at where the two girls stood side by side.

Wendy looked confused, and turned to Y/N, who smiled sheepishly at her, then the boys.

"And you shoot her sister down," Peter continued, tossing his hands in the air in disbelief.

"Well," Cubby sniffled, tears falling from his eyes, "Tink said it was a bird."

Peter turned to Cubby, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Tink said what?"

"Well, she said you said to shoot it down," one of the boys justified.

"Tinkerbell," Peter said sternly, "Tink!"

The pixie peaked out from her hiding spot behind a leaf, smiling at Peter, before looking at Y/N, who had a disappointed look on her face.

"Come here," Peter called, but Tink simply turned around, not seeming to care.

"You're charged with high treason, Tink," Peter said as the fairy faked a yawn.

"Are you guilty or not guilty?" Peter asked, but she simply waved him off as she stepped back behind the leaf.

"Guilty? But don't ya' know you might have killed her?" Peter asked, gesturing to Wendy, who was being held by her sister.

Tink nodded, a smug smile on her face. Y/N gasped, before narrowing her eyes at the fairy. Tinkerbell looked up at her, her smile faltering at the angry look on the girl's face.

"Tinkerbell!" Peter said in a stern voice, as the fairy walked nonchalantly on the leaves, "I hear by banish you forever."

Tink turned around quickly, her mouth open in shock, before stomping her foot, and flying off.

"Please, not forever," Y/N pleaded, placing both hands on Peter's arm, making him turn to her.

"Well," Peter thought, before turning in the direction the fairy flew, "For a week then."

He turned back to the children, taking Y/N's hands before gesturing for Wendy to follow them, "Come on, girls. I'll show you the island."

"Oh, Peter," Wendy said, clasping her hands in front of her.

"The mermaids?" Y/N asked hopefully.

"Awh, let's go huntin'," Cubby said, making the girls turn to look at him.

"Tigers?" Nibs asked the raccoon twins.

"Naw, bears. Naw, bears," they both said.

"Personally, I prefer to see the aborigines," John said politely.

"And the Indians too," Micheal said in a sweet voice.

Peter flew up into the air, pulling Y/N along with him, "Alright, men! Go out and capture a few Indians," the boys saluted him, "John, you be the leader," he said to the oldest boy.

"I shall try to be worthy of my post," John said, saluting as well, before gesturing with his umbrella, "Forward! March!"

All the boys marched after John, as the girls looked after them.

"Oh, Micheal, do be careful," Y/N shouted after the youngest.

Peter tugged on Y/N's hand gently, " Come on, Y/N. I'll show you guys the mermaids."

Y/N smiled, grabbing Wendy's hand and pulling her along as the flew out of the forest.

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