Chapter 7: The Chief and Chieftess

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A/N: Quick little disclaimer.

This chapter deals with derogatory terms to describe Native Americans that are now very politically incorrect. The only reason I am including this in the story is because it was a part of the movie and this, in no way, represents my views on the Native American people. Remember, this movie was made in 53'. That doesn't make these views correct, but they reflected peoples views in the time. If you are uncomfortable in any way with the description of Native Americans in the movie, you will not enjoy this chapter, and I suggest you skip it.

 If you are uncomfortable in any way with the description of Native Americans in the movie, you will not enjoy this chapter, and I suggest you skip it

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After Y/N and Peter returned Tigerlily to the Indian encampment, the two girls found their brothers and the Lost Boys already there.

The Chief wished to do something to thank Y/N and Peter for the return of his daughter.

He stood before the two, raising his right hand, "How."

Both Peter and Y/N imitated his actions, "How."

The Chief began to move his hands in different motions.

"What's the chief doing, John?" Wendy asked her brother, who now had yellow streaks painted on his cheeks and a red and white feather in his hat.

"He's delivering an oration in sign language," John explained as the Chief continued to make gestures.

"What's he saying?" Michael asked, his footie pajamas now pulled down and wrapped around his waist. He had two triangles painted on his belly and two streaks on each of his cheeks in red paint. He was also wearing a headband with a red and white feather.

The Chief faced Peter as John translated, "He says, "Peter Pan, mighty warrior. Help save Tigerlily. Make big chief heap glad.""

"Well, he certainly doesn't look "heap glad,"" Wendy whispered to John, making the two of them giggle.

The Chief then turned to Y/N and John continued to translate, "Y/N Darling, brave girl. Rescue Tigerlily from water. Earn big chief respect."

The Chief then took a head dress and placed it on Peter's head, "Make Peter Pan heap big chief. You now Little Flying Eagle."

Peter cheered aloud, moving his hand over his mouth to change the sound. He leapt into the air, flying around a totem pole as the Lost Boys and Darling children cheered for him.

The Chief took out a second head dress and placed it on Y/N's head, "Make Y/N Darling big chieftess. You now Precious Nightingale."


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