My Moon is My Life (KristSing...

By Yukino27_2020

73.1K 4.1K 708

One headline sprouted controversy, gossip and rumors. Two eligible and most popular bachelors, The perfec... More

Author's Note
First Glance
Our Wedding
Perfect Husband
The First Sight
Husbands' First Day
A Shopping Date
The Unexpected
What's KFC?
A Little Bit of Chaos
Cast & Characters
Something's Changed
Attack Before A Double Date πŸ”ž
The Double Date
The Double Date Part. 2
The Double Date Part. 3 πŸ”ž
Their Heated Afternoon πŸ”ž
The Shy Giant
A Little Bit of Fun
Too Cute To Handle
I Love You
A Bedtime Story
It's You!
An Innocent Hangout
Cast & Characters Part. 2
Touchy Krist
You Belong To Me, ONLY πŸ”ž
Hangover πŸ”ž
Love Is A Choice
Running Away
A Situation
A New Addition
Perth's Confusing Day
The Truth Revealed
The Key To My Heart πŸ”ž
A Glimpse Of The Past πŸ”ž
I Got My Eyes On You!
Krist's Dilemma
I Said No πŸ”ž
Let's Talk!
A Palace Visit
Domestic Routine
Domestic Routine Part. 2
Domestic Routine Part. 4
Broken Together
I Want To Put Things Right
Knowing Godt's Past
Our Throuple
I'm Not Leaving, Ever
My Decision
You Are Ours πŸ”ž
Am I Okay? πŸ”ž
Meeting The Parents
Creating Balance
Welcome To The Family
Final Test
Meeting The Ex
Long-Awaited Moment πŸ”ž

Domestic Routine Part. 3

574 48 15
By Yukino27_2020

"Do you think we went too far?"Krist asks, they both stare at the door where Perth left for a nap.

"No... He needed that push. At this pace, those bodyguards will stop pursuing him," Godt sighs. "He always seems to hold himself back when it comes to relationships."

"Like you don't do the same thing," Krist points out. "That's why Perth feels connected to you. You're both broken in relationships and needed someone to rely on."

"I know... I just hope I didn't do the wrong thing by giving Kimmon a chance. Ever since I figured out my feelings, the alarm sounds don't stop in my mind... It's scary..." Godt closes his eyes in defeat. "It's hard when the worst scenario replays in your mind over and over... Don't you ever feel that way?"

"I do..." Krist admits. "The whole life with P'Sing is like a fairytale... I can only think I'm lucky... To be able to be married to my crush and have him love me back... Sometimes I feel like I'll wake up one day and realise it's all a dream."

"It's not gonna happen... Singto loves you like a maniac... The whole icy glare from him when we first met still gives me shivers. We can all see how possessive he is of you," Godt teases, watching Krist erupts a series of pink blushes like a volcano. "Plus, making fun of you is a bonus."

"Stop it!!!" Krist hisses. "Wait till it's your turn, I'm pretty sure Kimmon will be the same knowing they're brothers!"

"No, he wouldn't!" Godt shoots back. "He's the chilliest guy I've ever met! And for a guy who has spent months in different cities, that's saying something!"

Krist snorts, earning a glare from Godt. "What? Spit it out!"

"Literally or figuratively?" Krist grins sarcastically. "Obviously you have not seen him around his friends... One time P'Off was framed by a classmate for doing something he didn't do, P'Kimmon made sure that guy never sets foot in class again. Another time P'Marc was cheated on by his girlfriend, P'Kimmon did something that made that girl never be able to have sex ever again.  That's him around his friends so imagine him having a relationship..."

Godt opens his mouth to protest and closes them, his eyebrows furrow in confusion. He never remembers Kimmon as a guy who is jealous or possessive. Somehow, he feels a hinge of doubt and sadness knowing a side of Kimmon he doesn't know.

"That can't be right. Kimmon didn't say anything when I hangout with Perth because he should know Perth was in love wi-..." Godt trails off in the same confusion before making eye contact with Krist.

"But P'Kimmon didn't know Perth likes you. Or rather him confessing to you. Or rather him being in love with you. I don't think you, me or P'Sing ever told him," Krist confirms his confusion.

Godt stays silent.

"Godt... That doesn't mean he's any different. Everyone has different sides of themselves, good and bad. I'm sure there are sides of me and you that we both don't know yet," Krist reassures with a smile, patting Godt gently on his shoulder.

"You're right... But now, should I let Kimmon know about Perth? I mean his confession doesn't mean anything now but should Kimmon know about it?"

"Know about what confession?"

Godt and Krist startle at the sudden intimidating voice filling the room. They spring apart like jumpy bunnies to find Kimmon and Singto watching them with unreadable expressions. Kimmon narrows his eyes, demanding an explanation. Singto shoots Krist a wink and watches a lifting smile from his Krist, revealing his dimples.

Krist runs to Singto and gives him a warm kiss. "Welcome back, P'Sing!" Singto smiles and slides his hand over his husband's waist, pulling him close. They both give each other a nose rub affectionately.

"I'm home, love," Singto rests his forehead against Krist. Krist giggles and kisses Singto's nose. The royal couple is lost in their world.

"Well?" Kimmon states again, breaking the fluttery atmosphere. Krist and Singto jump apart, silence greets the room once again.

Krist shoots Godt an apologetic smile and pulls Singto away to leave the room. Godt gulps nervously. The atmosphere grows tense. Kimmon slowly makes his way to Godt's side.

"Godt?" Kimmon's soft tone reminds him of a calm before the storm. Kimmon touches the palm of his hand with his finger and feels Godt flinch from the connection. He frowns and wraps his arm around Godt, pulling him close. "Don't be afraid of me. Don't run from me. Whatever happens, DON'T."

Godt blinks at Kimmon and nods, feeling bashful. He senses Kimmon's protectiveness towards him when he has never had anyone being protective of him. Every bit of it is new and foreign. He slowly touches Kimmon's arm and smiles.

"So... What is this about Perth confessing to you? Is he the one Krist warned me about? My rival?"

"N-no!! Yes... I mean no!!" Godt panics. "I mean yes, Perth did confess to me... But there's nothing. He doesn't love me anymore... He loves... umm... I don't know who, but it's definitely not me."

"Hmm... So should I be worried?" Kimmon stares with a blank look, void of all emotions. The look scares Godt.

"There's nothing... I promise... We have talked it out," Godt mumbles. "D-don't be mad..."

"I'm not mad," Kimmon lets out a sigh. "I'm trying to calm my emotions down... It has become a norm when you're a public figure. Sorry, I scared you." He pulls Godt closer and places a kiss on his forehead.

Godt wraps his arms around Kimmon and enjoys some alone time together.






"Will they be okay?" Singto sits cross-legged on their bed, Krist hands him a bottle of water before laying down on his lap.

"They will... Godt has lots of insecurities," Krist beams at Singto. Singto leans down for a kiss.

"Mmm... P'Kimmon has his insecurities too. He never liked being in the limelight. P'San also didn't like their publicised relationship. So he always feels guilty of that," Singto adds another kiss on Krist's lips. "Are you insecure about us?"

"I was..." Krist admits. "But not anymore."

"What were you worried about?" Singto strokes his hair tenderly.

"Just... Maybe one day you won't love me anymore? Or you'll find someone else? Or you'll think a woman is better? Or-"

"Stop!!" Singto frowns. "None of that!! You're the one I want, you're the one I fell in love with. I have met so many women through my family and events. None of them attracted me. So don't ever say that, ever!"

Singto pulls Krist to eye level and smashes their lips together. Krist gasps at the sudden ferocity, allowing Singto to slide his tongue in his warm mouth. Krist moans immediately, melting into his arms.

Singto pushes him down and climbs on top of Krist. Sliding his hand under Krist's shirt, Singto flicks a mounted nipple. The sound of music excites him. Krist spreads his legs open, allowing his husband to dive into his body.

"If I reckon, it's your turn to ravish me. Or you're planning something else?" Singto teases, tugging on his nipple before leaning down for a taste.

"You started this, not me. So finish what you started," Krist pouts, biting hard on Singto's collarbone.

"As you wish, love," Singto frees their excited poles and grinds them together. Krist moans and grunts, moving his erotic hips. Their pre-cum fluids mix together. The pace quickens for a release. Krist releases a louder moan, hearing a low growl from Singto.

"P... P'Sing... I'm c-... cum... cumingg..." Krist moans. Singto sucks hard on Krist's nape, leaving a bruise. His fingers poke a tight hole for permission to enter. Almost immediately, his middle finger is sucked inside. He pushes deeper before twisting his finger around, probing into Krist's spot.


Krist gasps and ducks under the blanket, covering his embarrassed self. Singto curses angrily and flops onto the mattress, hiding his disappointed erection. The air dulls in sadness. Another knock adds to their misery.

"Khun Singto, Khun Krist. Dinner is ready."

Bank formally announces before trotting away. Singto fumes into the mattress. Krist peeks out and glances at Singto. "P'Sing?" He moves closer and kisses his hair. "We can continue tonight."

"Agggrrrhhhh..." Singto releases his frustration. Krist laughs and wears his shirt.

"Shall we meet up with Kimmon and Godt? We also need to wake Perth up. He's napping."

Singto sighs again and gets up. His frown is replaced by a blush when Krist gives him a loving kiss. All is well. Krist is still his. He is still getting sex tonight.





Perth turns to the other side, hugging a pillow tightly. He senses a tingling feeling below his waist and parts his thighs, pushing another pillow in his embrace. The edge of the pillow rubs against a memorable phallus, reminding him of his teenage years. The grinding friction causes him to groan softly.

He buries his face onto the pillow he is laying on to avoid any unnecessary sound eruption. He tries to remember the last time he had an erection and how he dealt with it.

Because of his past, he was never a sexual person. He is able to count the number of times he had sexual frustrations on both hands. Mostly, his desired person was Godt. A person that has now disappeared.

Now, he tries picturing the first person that comes to mind. Maybe it will assist in showing him the decision he should make.

And it didn't work...

Perth groans again, this time out of disappointment with his excitement still present. There is not no option. Both appeared in his mind. A delicious sexy god and a desirable fair-skinned daddy.

"Fvck," He moans again. "Please someone ... fvck me..." Not knowing if he wants it sexually or in the killing his brain way.

"Umm... I would but I wouldn't want to do it in a guest room at the palace. So maybe this time I would suggest a cold shower."

Perth hears a voice and blinks one eye open before meeting a pair of teasing eyes. He pops out of bed in a panic, forgetting his problem as his erection dangles in the air. Judging the look on the intruder, Perth closes his eyes with internal curses before glancing down at his proud little self.

"Bathroom... I'll wait," The intruder points to the other door. Perth leaps away and enters, shutting the bathroom door with a slam.

Thanawat chuckles before stopping. He decides to come back after finding another bathroom.



Does anyone need a part 4? 😅 I swear I didn't mean it. At least I don't think so...

FYI, my antidepressants just started readjusting so I might delay updates again... 😞😞 Let's hope for the best.

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