Mr. Lee

By DollyStuart

178K 5.5K 958

MobsterBoss!LeeDongWook x DaughterOfMobster!Reader ------ When your father's mob clan makes a mistake by brea... More

1. Treaty
2. Sacrifice
3. Prison
4. Hostage
5. Home
6. Heiress
8. Note
9. Handcuffs
10. Project
11. Clothes
12. Association
13. Gifts
14. Art
15. Wounds
16. Remember
17. Pleasure 🔥
18. Interrupted
19. Dress
20. Posessive
21. Ex
22. Associate
23. Wet 🔥
24. Beg 🔥
25. Cuddles
26. Lingerie
27. Watching 🔥
28. Practice 🔥
29. Stockholm
30. Elite
31. Gaze 🔥
32. Mine 🔥
33. Owned
34. Smile
35. Rembrandt 🔥
36. Control 🔥
37. Chain 🔥
38. Swallow 🔥
39. Detail
40. Swim
41. Show 🔥
42. Exposed 🔥
43. Dinner
44. Wanted
45. Tricks
46. Love
47. F*ck 🔥

7. Betrayed

3.6K 160 23
By DollyStuart

You stayed at your father's villa for the rest of the week.

Both your father and Mr. Park kept asking you questions about Mr. Lee, trying to get information on him out of you. But you honestly knew very little about him besides that he didn't have any home security.

At the end of the week even Eomeoni, Binna's mother, started to ask you questions about him. But you simply gave her the same answers as you had your father and Mr. Park.

You were quite sure they put her up to it. They probably thought you were being insincere towards them because they dropped the bomb on you that you would never be a part of the Buja clan.

Binna didn't ask much about Mr. Lee luckily. She mostly talked about Eun-woo and his supposedly dreamy eyes and hair and everything. You were happy to listen to her stories and fantasies. It seemed like the only thing that felt like home anymore.

Your father as well as Mr. Park and Binna's mother acted differently around you. And you were quite certain it had nothing to do with the fact that you had asked to be a part of the clan. No this was something different.

Your father had doubled the security instantly and he, Mr. Park, Binna's mother, and even the employees acted like you were some sort of bomb which could go off at any minute. They all kept their distance and held conversations to the bare minimum.

With that, you got the same question from them, several times a day.

"Did you hear anything from Mr. Lee?"

"Did Mr. Lee contact you yet?"

"Do you know when Mr. Lee expects you back yet?"

It was clear to you.

You weren't a part of the Buja clan anymore at all.

You were Mr. Lee's property.

'Abeoji,' you said after seven days during dinner. You had barely spoken to him at all except when he had tried questioning you about Mr. Lee.

'Yes my daughter,' father replied, cutting his steak.

'Is the reason that I won't be the Heiress anymore because Mr. Lee has claimed me?' you asked the question that had been bothering you for days.

Binna looked up at you surprised. You hadn't told her about your falling out with your father, nor about how disconnected you felt with your families and the clan.

'No, you were never meant to be the heiress,' dad answered without skipping a beat and blinking.

Your cutlery fell out of your fists on your plate with a loud clattering.

The one thing...

The one thing you thought had to be the reason. Surely it had to be because Mr. Lee had claimed you. Surely...

You had gone over it so many times in your head. Trying to find a logical reason, and this being the only one you could find.

'Then why?' you said with clenched teeth. Anger seeping through your veins.

'Well, because you're a girl of course. You wouldn't be able to handle it nor would anyone take you seriously,' your father answered chuckling to himself at the idea of it.

Your body felt like ice.

With one harsh movement you got up, your father looking up in surprise when he heard your chair fall back.

Without saying a word you ran out of the dining room towards your own. Tears of anger, frustration, and utter injustice running down your face.

You fell on your bed crying and screaming into your pillow. Your fists hammering down on your bed.

Your home...

It had betrayed you.

Crying and feeling exhausted by all the emotions, for the first time you longed to be back at Mr. Lee's house.

At least he seemed to understand you.

You sat up on the bed. The thought of Mr. Lee had given you new energy.

You wanted to hurt your father. Make him angry. Upset him as much as he had upset you.

Now fully fueled by rage and a plan of revenge, you started to gather some of your stuff.

The light sound of footsteps on the old wooden stairs that led to your room let you know Binna was coming.

She knocked on the door.

'Y/n?' she asked with her soft voice.

You didn't answer but just grunted as you kept on stuffing the suitcase that was on your bed.

Binna entered the room.

'What are you doing?' she asked surprised when she saw you packing.

'Packing,' you answered simply. Even your love for your best friend that was like a sister to you wasn't enough right now to calm you down or change your mind.

'Why?' she asked dumbfounded.

'Because,' you said considering a pair of jeans before deciding to leave them here, 'I'm not a part of this clan,'

'You are!' Binna said shocked.

'No, I'm not,' you said determined and turning around to face her. 'Neither are you Binna,' you said harshly.

She looked at you with big eyes.

'Do yourself a favor, get out now. Go to Eun-woo, tell him how you feel. I'm pretty sure he feels the same way about you,' you told Binna in a sightly nicer tone. You walked over to her, grabbing her hands.

'Binna I love you and you will always be my best friend and sister but our fathers will never let us join the clan. And I know you don't want to,' you continued quickly when she opened her mouth to speak, 'but look what happened to me. I got claimed by some other mobster just because our parents made a mistake. Who knows what else will happen to us, to you, when our parents make a mistake again? You might never be able to see Eun-woo ever again,' you said seriously.

Binna bit her lip.

'Get out while you can. Get out, before you have to bear the consequences of our parent's mistake. Go marry Eun-woo,' you encouraged her.

Binna simply stared at you with her big doe eyes.

You sighed and let go of her hands, turning back to your suitcase.

It was filled by now. You smacked it closed and hoisted it from the bed.

It took a lot of effort to carry your massive and heavy suitcase down the stairs.

'Where do you think you're going young lady?' your father asked darkly as you passed him by in the living room.

'Away from this shithole,' you hissed at him, not being able to hold back.

'Watch your tone! You're not going anywhere at this time of night,' he commanded.

You had expected this.

'Call Mr. Lee. Tell him I'm ready,' you said coldly to your father. The color instantly drained from his face.

'O-of course. Right. If he has summoned you...' your father muttered, quickly getting his phone out of his pocket and dialing the number as he walked out of the room.

You waited by the door. Your father did not come back. Nor did you want him to.

But as the minutes crept by you felt the increasing need to say a proper goodbye to Binna and her mother. Even though Eomeoni had been cold to you too, you knew it was only because your father and Mr. Park had told her to keep her distance, not because she wanted to.

But you knew that a proper goodbye would break your heart. You wouldn't be able to leave anymore.

But you wanted to. You wanted to stab your father with the same pain he had inflicted upon you.

And you knew this would do it.

Barely ten minutes had passed when the doorbell rang.

You quickly opened the door.

Mr. Lee was standing in front of you, a broad smile on his face and his hands deep in his pockets. Around him were about five bodyguards.

'I've missed you. Let me take you home,' he said with his deep soothing voice.

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