Dream to Reality

By misscurtis15

190 33 3

This is a story about how a girl read The Outsiders in 9th grade. She was obsessed with The Outsiders. School... More

The Day Before The Dream
The Dream
A New Place
Meeting Soda And Steve
Meeting The Gang
Pony Got Jumped
Drive-in Part 2
After Drive-in
After Drive-in Part 2
The Hit
The Park
Dally's Advice
Going to Windrixville
Windrixville Part 2
Windrixville Part 3
Dairy Queen
Dairy Queen Part 2
The Fire
Hospital Part 2
The Next Day
The Next Day Part 2
The Next Day Part 3
The Next Day Part 4
The Rumble Part 2
After The Rumble
The Next Day
The Next Day Part 2
School then Court
After Court
Few Days Later
Later That Night
The Next Morning
The Truth
After That
Later That Day
After Christmas
New Years Eve
New Years Eve Part 2
First Day Of School
After School
Day After
Valentine's Day
Different Day
New Day
New Day Part 2
Day of Concert
Day After Concert
Spring Break
Week After
Last Day of School
Last Day of School Part 2
Park Again
The Lot
Chapter 58
Jasmine's Birthday
Football Time
Chapter 62
The First Day Of School
The Day After
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
After Halloween
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
The End

The Rumble

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By misscurtis15

Pony's POV

It was almost six-thirty when I got home. The rumble was set for seven,so I was late,as usual. I always come in late. I forgot what time it is. Darry had cooked dinner:baked chicken and potatoes and corn_two chickens because all three of us eat like horses. Especially Darry. After dinner,I hurried to take a shower and change clothes. Me and Soda and Darry always got spruced up before a rumble. And besides,we wanted to show the Socs we weren't trash,that we were just as good as they were. "Soda", I called from the bathroom,"when did you start shaving?". "When I was fifteen," Soda yelled. "When did Darry?" I asked. "When he was thirteen. Why? You figgering on growing a beard for the rumble?" Soda asked. "You're funny. We ought to send you in to the Reader's Digest. I hear they pay a lot for funny things" I said. Soda laughed and went right on playing poker with Steve in the living room. Darry had on a tight black T-shirt that showed every muscle on his chest and even the flat hard muscles of his stomach. I'd hate to be a Soc who takes a crack at him,I thought as I pulled on a clean T-shirt and a fresh pair of jeans. It was a chilly night and T-shirts aren't the warmest clothes in the world,but nobody ever gets cold in a rumble,and besides,jackets interfere with your swinging ability. Soda and Steve and I had put on more hair oil than was necessary,but we wanted to show that we were greasers. Tonight we could by proud of it. Greasers may not have much,but they have a rep. That and long hair. (What kind of world is it where all I have to be proud of is a reputation for being a good,and greasy hair? I don't want to be a hood,but even if I don't steal things and mug people and get boozed up,I'm marked lousy. Why should I even pretend to be proud of it?)Darry never went in for the long hair. His was short and clean all the time. I sat in the armchair in the living room,waiting for the rest of the outfit to show up. Bit of course, tonight the only coming would be Two-Bit;Dallas and Jasmine wouldn't show. Soda and Steve had turned up the radio so loud that it almost broke my eardrums. "You like fights,don't,Soda?" I asked suddenly. "Yeah,sure," Soda shrugged. "I like fights". "How come?" I asked. "I don't know",he looked at me puzzled. "It's action. It's a contest. Like a drag race or a dance or something" said Soda. "Shoot,"said Steve,"I want to beat those Socs heads in. When I get in a fight I want to stomp the other guy good. I like it,too". "How come you like fights,Darry?" I asked,looking up at him as he stood behind me,leaning in the kitchen doorway. He gave me one of those looks that hide what he's thinking,but Soda piped up:"He likes you show off his muscles". "I'm gonna show em off to you,little buddy,if you get any mouthier" said Darry. I digested what Soda said. It was the truth. Darry liked anything that took strength,like weight-lifting or playing football or roofing houses,even if he was proud of being smart. Darry never said anything about it,bit I knew knew he liked fights. I'll fight anyone anytime,but I don't like to. "I don't know if you ought to be in this rumble,Pony," Darry said slowly. "How come? I've always come through before, ain't I?" I asked. "Yeah," Darry said with a proud grin. "You fight real good for a kid your size. Bit you were in shape before. You've lost weight and you don't look so great,kid. You're tensed up too much" said Darry. "Shoot. We all get tensed up before a rumble. Let him fight tonight. Skin never hurt anyone no weapons,no danger. Curly Shepard won't be there either,or Dally,and we'll need all the help we can get" said Soda. "I'll be okay. I'll get hold of a little one okay?" I said.  "Wait,what happened to Shepherd?" I asked. "He's in the cooler. In the reformatory" Steve said. "Let me fight,Darry. If it was blades or chains or something it'd be different. Nobody ever gets really hurt in a skin rumble" I said. "Well,I guess you can. But be careful,and if you get in a jam,holler and I'll get you out" said Darry. "I'll be okay. How come you never worry about Sodapop as much? I don't see you lecturing him" I said. "Man,this is one kid brother I don't have to worry about" Darry said putting his arm around Soda. Soda punched him in the ribs affectionately. "This kid kiddo can use his head" said Darry. Soda looked down at me with mock superiority,but Darry went on:"You can see he uses it for one thing_to grow hair". He ducked Soda's swing and took off for the door. Two-Bit stuck his head in the door just as Darry went flying out of it. Leaping as he went off the steps,Darry turned a somersault in mid-air,hit the ground,and bounced up before Soda could catch him. "I see we are in prime condition for a rumble. Is everybody happy?" Two-Bit asked. "Yeah!" screamed Soda as he too did a flying somersault off the steps. He flipped up to walk on his hands and then did a no-hands cartwheel across the yard to beat Darry's performance. The excitement was catching. Screeching like a Indian,Steve went running across the lawn in flying leaps,stopped suddenly,and flipped backward. We could all do acrobatics because Darry had taken a course at the Y and then spent a whole summer teaching us everything he had learned on the grounds that it might come in handy in a fight. With a happy whoop I did a no-hands cartwheel off the porch steps,hit the ground,and rolled to my feet. Two-Bit followed me in a similar manner.

Dallas's POV

Tonight was the night of the rumble. There isn't a rumble without me. I got out of bed and put my clothes on. I then went to Jasmine's hospital room to bring her along. I am just glad I didn't have to take my blade out aka Two-Bits blade. I ran to her room and opened the door. She just stared up at me. "Get up,me and you are going to that rumble tonight" I said. I then left the room so she could get dressed. She came out about 5 minutes later. We then quickly went to "my car" and got in. Luckily we were able to get away from the nurses and doctors in the hospital or we would be in trouble right now. We then started heading towards where the rumble is taking place. This is going to be a good night.

Hey guys. I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry if it is a little too long. I thought that that was a good stopping point. I am really hoping you are liking this story so far. And after am done getting more information from the book,it is going to start getting some action and stuff in it. Bit am not going to spoil anything for you. Anyways,have a good day. Stay Gold

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