Valentine's Day

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Jasmine's POV

Today is Valentine's Day. School has been fun so far. Last month went by fast. I still have school today though. Jay hasn't left me alone one day at school. It kinda makes me mad. I hate him and I shouldn't have to listen to him. But if I don't listen to him he'll beat up my friends. He doesn't know that Pony and Johnny are part of my family. I guess if he did it would be worse. I also have Mark to worry about. I still haven't told anyone what happened that day we met. I didn't want to tell them how he forced me into his car. At least I think it is his car. Am used to both of them now. I see Mark once a week. At least I don't have to see him everyday unlike Jay. I go downstairs and sit at the table. "Hey Jasmine,I have a surprise for you" someone whispered in my ear. I think it was Soda. Soda sat next to me and gave me a gift. "Happy Valentine's Day!" Soda said. "Happy Valentine's Day and thank you for the gift" I said. "Your welcome" said Soda. I opened the gift and I got a card,some chocolates,and a stuffed Unicorn. I hugged and kissed Soda. "Thanks Soda" I said. "Your welcome" said Soda. Kate ran over to me and hugged me. "Happy Valentine's Day Jasmine. Look what Johnny got me" said Kate. Johnny got her a card and some chocolates. "Happy Valentine's Day Kate and that was nice of Johnny to get that stuff for you" I said. "It looks like Soda got you nice stuff too" said Kate. "Yeah he did" I said. We then all started walking to school. Day seemed quiet for some reason. Like quieter than normal. I just felt another shiver. So I get a shiver at least once a week now. Am not to worried about it though. Sometimes it happens I'm creepy times. Sometimes it happens when am I'm trouble or something. I don't get in trouble very often though. After Kate left me,Pony,and Johnny started talking about how we were getting 'haunted' again. I don't know what to think right now. Maybe we are or maybe we aren't getting haunted. Am kinda in between. I mean it is kinda weird that at least once every week we get these shivers. It is like something is going in and out of are body. That's what it feels like to me at least. I don't know what it feels like to Pony and Johnny though. Sometimes when am about to get hurt they look up and then run away. That seems a bit odd cause I don't know why they do that. And sometimes I feel pressure on my shoulders and there is no one behind but I might just be imagining that. I could be imagining all of that. I could be in a very long dream right now. Cause this whole other world seems impossible. I know it's real but if I leave this world and talk about it no one is going to believe me but Kate sense she is here to. If she wasn't here I doubt she would believe. Probably just think it was all in my imagination. That I was just daydreaming it all up. We stopped talking about it once we got to school. Pony came walked with me to class this time. Usually he walks with Johnny. I wonder if he gets to meet Jay. Someone tapped me on the shoulder again. I knew who it was. Jay always does that. Then he just walks me to my class. Sometimes he says something and sometimes he doesn't. He would grab my hand then basically drag me to class. I guess he really doesn't want to try and leave then. "Hey Jasmine,ready for me to walk you to class again?" Jay asked. "Leave me alone. Today is different" I said. "How?" Jay asked. He then looked up at Pony. "Hey Pony. Nice to meet you. Am Jay" said Jay. "Oh so your Jay. Leave my friend alone" said Pony. "Make me" said Jay. Pony was about to punch Jay but I stopped him. "Please no fighting. I hate fights" I said. "Fine" said Pony angrily. Jay still walked me to class even though Pony was with us. The rest of today was good. At least there wasn't a fight this morning. Am happy about that.

Johnny's POV

Pony said he would walk with Jasmine to her class first period. Of course I agreed. I wonder if Jasmine has seen Jay. I hope he has been leaving her alone. I don't like it when he messes with her. I can't believe today is Valentine's Day. Things have been going by fast. I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh am sorry for bumping into you" I said. "Oh it's fine Johnny you didn't mean to" someone said. Oh I think I just bumped into Randy. "Oh hey Randy. Didn't see you there" I said. "Hey kid. Nice to see you again" said Randy. "Nice to see you again to. Am surprised that you are even talking to me. Especially sense I did what I did to your friend" I said. "You know am really trying to get over that. Maybe that's what he wanted. I don't know anymore. Am not saying that am not still mad at you but am saying that I well try and be nice to you" said Randy. "Good to know. Am really so Randy. I didn't know what else to do. He was drowning am friend and it was the first thing I thought of" I said. "It's fine. Just be glad it wasn't me you killed. Bob would have probably beat you up or something" said Randy. "I think he would have to. Kinda like he did before. I got the scar from his rings" I said. "Yeah I kinda remember that. Anyways see you later Johnny" said Randy. "Bye Randy" I said. With that he left. At least he is trying to be nice to me. "Hey Johnny" someone said. It was a girl. I turned around to see Addison. She is a girl in one of my classes. "Oh hey Addison" I said. "Johnny I was wanting to ask you something" said Addison. "What is it?" I asked. "I was wondering if you wanted to be my boyfriend" said Addison. "That's sweet but I already have a girlfriend" I said. "Well can't you just break up with her?" Addison asked. "I love her too much to break up with her" I said. "Well can you at least protect me from my Ex?" Addison asked. "Protect you" I said confused. Then a boy walked next to her and put his arm around her. "What you doing Addison. Trying to get another boyfriend" he asked. I could see fear in her eyes. I think he is her Ex. She got his arm off of her. But before she could run away he grabbed her. "You are staying with me or something is going to get hurt" he said. "Leave her alone" I said. "Mind your own business greaser" he said. I forgot to mention that Addison is a middle class girl. I think her Ex is a Soc but he could be in the middle class range. With that he left. The rest of the day went good. It went fast too. I hope Addison is okay. I hope it doesn't haunt me for long.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry if it was a little too long. Anyways have a good day. Stay Gold

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