Chapter 74

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Soda's POV

Today's Saturday November 5th. I feel like somethings wrong. She goes to school and comes back but she always leaves the house at 5:50 and doesn't come back the rest of the night or the morning. She only comes back after school. I don't know how it is on weekends though. Pony is still mad because he thinks she's not "telling the truth about the ghost thing". Am still not sure if it's true or not. Kate's the only one who believes her. Am going to go with her if she leaves at that time again. It's 10am right now. I hope she comes soon. Just then she came through the door with headphones on and sat down. She had her head down not looking at anyone. Pony comes out but when he sees Jasmine he goes back in his room and slams the door shut. I feel bad right now. I looked at her and it looked liked she was crying. I can't take this anymore. I hope she still loves me and the rest of the gang. I don't like it when she's sad.

Pony's POV

Jasmine's at the house. I wish she'd just tell the true! Why is it so hard!? I don't feel like talking to her. Ghosts aren't real. Soda's not sure if she's right and Johnny thinks that she could be right but he's not 100 percent sure. She says we can come with her to the park for proof but I don't want to go. I hate that she's not telling us what actually happened. I miss you when she's gone. I feel like something bad happened but am not sure what. Am tried of this. I just thought she would've told the truth. I actually thought she would've told Soda the truth but she didn't. I don't even know what am going to do anymore. A few hours as pasted by now. I decided to get out of my room. "Guys I have to leave now" said Jasmine.

Jasmine's POV

"Guys I have to leave now" I said still sad. "Okay. Am coming with you though" said Soda.  "Me to. I want to see for myself" said Johnny. "I think we all should. It's for the best so we can all believe you" said Kate. I smiled that at least three people wanted to come. I looked at Pony then looked away quickly. "Pony your coming to. Especially if your still mad at her" said Darry. "Do I have to?" Pony asked. "Yeah" said Darry. "Fine" said Pony. With that was all went to the park. Bob better show up. When we got there,one was was there yet. I wasn't expecting anyone to be there right when we got there because he was usually a few minutes late. About 10 minutes later he shows up. It's usually five minutes after I get there but that's okay. I walked over to him and everyone was staying close behind. "I see your friends came with you this time. I actually wanted them to come eventually" said Bob. "Well at least they believe me now. Why did you kidnap me though?" I asked. I saw him look at the gang then back at me. "I kidnapped you to get revenge on Johnny. It's his fault am killed. Pony happened to see cause I was trying to drown him which was mine fault mostly. I asked Randy to and he did so I don't blame him. I've always hated Johnny ever sense I gave him that scar. I guess kidnapping you would've also been revenge on the gang" said Bob. I turned around and everyone was staring at him. Pony looked like he was about to cry and Soda,Kate,and Johnny looked worried. Everyone else just had there jaws wide open. "Wait you were actually telling the truth" said Pony. "Yeah. Am glad you finally believe me! Everyone else wasn't as mad as you were! I don't understand why most of you didn't believe me! I don't understand why you thought I'd like!" I yelled. "Let's go Jasmine" said Bob. With that he grabbed me and teleported me back to his house. He tied me up in the basement for the first time. Am sure he can't wait until school's out.

Pony's POV

After Jasmine disappeared into thin air me and the gang left. After we got there,I just sat in the dinning room and  started crying. This whole time I thought she was lying but she was actually telling the truth. Why couldn't I believe her!? She probably really mad at me now! I feel so stupid and and really bad friend. I guess I know that ghosts are real now. He better not have hurt her.

Johnny's POV

I went to Pony's room and shut the door quietly. So ghosts are real and one of them kidnapped Jasmine. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT WAS BOB SHELDON WHO DID THAT! It was all my fault. I shouldn't have killed him. Maybe none of this would've happened if I didn't do that. He said he was doing revenge on me. He then sense he kidnapped her it was also revenge on the rest of the gang but I still feel like it was mostly revenge on me. I hope Jasmine still likes me the same. I started crying after that.

Bob's POV

So the whole gang came with Jasmine to the park today. I was so happy that they came. I really wanted to see them there at some point. At least they all believe her now. I guess it was revenge on the whole gang but mostly revenge on Johnny. I've been mad at him for a long time even though I probably deserve it. I don't know how long I'll keep Jasmine for but I hope forever. I still have a crush on her but she's with Soda. I should kiss her or something.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! Have a good day! Stay Gold!

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