Chapter 66

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Johnny's POV

Today is Sunday September 11th. I think am going to tell Jasmine about what happened yesterday. I think she should know. I tried to forget about it but I couldn't. I have been debating whether I should tell her or not sense yesterday. "Hey Jasmine can I talk to you please?" I asked. I don't think I want to tell Kate. "Sure Johnny" said Jasmine. I wanted to go in my car to talk in case the gang was trying to listen through the window. "Am sorry that we have to talk in my car. I just don't want the gang to hear" I said. "It's okay. I get it" said Jasmine while smiling. She won't be smiling for long. I took a deep breath then told her what happened yesterday. "So you know how I said we forgot to leave you a note at the house?" I asked. "Yeah. What about it?" Jasmine asked. "Well I was walking back to the Curtis house when I saw a Mustang coming. I only took a few steps when all the Socs got out. I tried  getting away from them but seconds later I got pinned to the ground. Luckily all they did was slap me. Then they said tell Jasmine we said hi. Then they laughed and went back to their Mustang and drove away. I didn't want to tell the gang that I got jumped. I was debating on whether I should tell you about it sense the Socs said your name" I said. I looked at her and just as I thought her smile faded. "Am so sorry that happened to you Johnny" said Jasmine. "It's okay" I said. "Do you know their name's?" Jasmine asked. "They never told me" I said. "Oh. They must know me from the paper or from school or something. They didn't look familiar at all?" Jasmine asked. "Not to me but maybe they did to you" I said. "Well thanks for telling me" said Jasmine. "Of course" I said. After we got out I locked the car and we went back inside. "What was that all about?" Darry asked. "Nothing important. I just wanted to talk to her about something" I said. "Was it that serious?" Soda asked. I looked at Jasmine hoping she'd say something. "It wasn't serious" said Jasmine. "So everythings okay then?" Steve asked. "Everything is fine" I said. "That's good" said Two-Bit. "I hope it has nothing to do with Socs" said Dallas. "So what if it had to do with Socs. It had nothing to do with any of you. Am not saying it had to do with Socs either. Everything is fine and that's final" said Jasmine. My eyes went wide. I didn't know she could actually talk like that. I needed that right then for sure. "As long as you guys are safe it's fine" said Pony. "We are" I said annoyed. I was tired of people talking about it. I could tell that Jasmine was tired of talking about to.

Jasmine's POV

I  can't believe that Johnny got jumped. Am surprised he only got slapped though. I don't want him to get hurt but I expected him to get more hurt. I wonder if I knew those Socs or if they knew me from the paper because they mentioned my name. I guess they could have known me from school to though. "Guys am going for a walk" I said. "Can I come with you?" Johnny asked. "I was hoping to go by myself" I said. "Please" Johnny said. "Fine" I said. "Yes" Johnny said. When we got outside we started walking to the lot. I hope we don't run into any Socs. If I was alone I wouldn't mind running into them but I don't want Johnny running into them. Especially sense he was jumped yesterday. It was quite on are way over there. We were probably thinking about the same thing. When we got to the lot we were about to sit down on a bench when we saw a Mustang coming towards us. We started walking faster. Someone opened their door in front of us to block out path. Of course we had to run into some. "These are the Socs from yesterday" Johnny said. My eyes went wide. Of course we had to run into them. I looked around and there were four Socs. "Hey guys. Nice to see you again Johnny" one of the Socs said. "Please leave us alone guys" said Johnny. "Am afraid we're not doing that" the same Soc said. "Johnny let's try and stay strong" I whispered to him. "I agree" Johnny whispered back. I looked up and all the Socs were grinning at me. I took a step back. I actually didn't recognize any of them. "Hey Jasmine. Nice to meet you" the Soc said. "Should we try to leave?" Johnny whispered to me. "I think that's a good idea" I whispered back. We took a few steps back then started to fast walk again. I heard them running behind us. That's when we decided to start running. Someone grabbed me which made me stop. I saw one of them grab Johnny and throw him to the ground. He got pinned to the ground. I was being dragged to a bench and being forced to sit down. Two Socs went behind me and grabbed both of me arms and held them behind my back. I felt someone sit next to me. The same thing that's happening right now happened to me but it was Jay's gang not this gang. I tried getting out of the Socs grip but of course they had to keep tightening up on me. I heard one of the Socs smirk and I heard a blade open next to me. "Let us go already!" Johnny shouted. "Shut him up!" the Socs next to me shouted. Am amusing he was the leader. I watched as someone put a handkerchief over his mouth. I wish they'd just leave us alone. They can have me but I should let Johnny go. "Please let Johnny go. You can keep me but at least let Johnny go" I said. "So you finally talked huh. He's not going anywhere and neither are you" the Soc said. The next thing I knew cold metal from a blade was pressed under my chin which was getting lifted up to meet the Socs glaze. "Am Jim by the way and this is some members of my gang" the same Soc said. "Please just let us go" I said. He then started to laugh. "What about am not letting you guys go do you not understand?" He asked after he stopped laughing. I then felt the blade deepen into my skin. I closed my eyes for a second only to feel the blade deepen even more. "Eyes open" Jim said sternly. I opened my eyes to see him glaring at me. "That's what I thought. Now your going to do as I say or either your going to get hurt or I'll hurt someone you care about. Do I make myself clear?" Jim asked. I nodded my head. "Good girl. Now I want you to find someone for me. He's a greaser. We need to talk to him about something. I'll give you my number. Text me when you find him. He likes to hang around Bucks or the park. I'll give to until October 1st. If you don't find him by that time then things are going to start getting messy" said Jim threatenly. "Please don't tell me your looking for Dallas Winston" I said. "No not him although it would make things fun. Am looking for Steven Cook. I'll write the name on the card so you'll remember. You better not let me down or you'll regret it" said Jim. I nodded my head. "Good girl" said Jim. He then released me and him and his gang left. I took Johnny's hand and we went to the Curtis house. We decided not to tell the gang about it. When we got back we sat on the couch. What a day. I hope the gang never figures out what happened today.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry if it's to long. Anyways have a good day! Stay Gold

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