Chapter 75

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Jasmine's POV

Today is Monday November 7th. I went to school without saying anything to Bob. Am scared,mad,and upset at Bob for kidnapping me. He has mad my life worse. Am glad I finally proved to everyone especially Pony that I was kidnapped by a ghost. I hope Pony isn't mad at me anymore. Am still a little upset with him though. Am his sister. I guess it can be hard to believe that someone was kidnapped my a ghost. My sister is really the only one who believed me at first. Johnny believed me more then Pony. I tried to avoid seeing my friends and Jay and his gang but I guess that isn't possible. I should just stop using my locker. My first few classes with kinda slow. I decided to sit alone at lunch.

Pony's POV

I was sitting with Johnny at lunch when Johnson and his gang sat in front of us. I wish Jasmine was sitting with us to. I hope she isn't mad at me for not believing her. I guess I was really mad at her cause I thought she was lying but I guess she wasn't. "Hey guys. Nice to see you" said Johnson. "Leave us alone" said Johnny. "Shut up Johnny" said Johnson. "Don't tell him to shut up" I said. "Both of you shut up" said Johnson. "Leave us alone!" I yelled. "Make me" said Johnson. "I don't know what makes you guys think you can mess with us. I thought that big rumble would've made you guys stop messing with us" said Johnny. "That rumble wouldn't stop us from doing anything" said Johnson. I tried to get up but someone pulled me back down and put their hands on my shoulders. I already knew he was in Johnson's gang. I looked at Johnny and another Soc was doing the same thing. "Let us go or else" said Johnny. "Were not scared of you guys Johnny" said Johnson. "Leave them alone!" Someone said. I turned around to see Jasmine. "Oh hey Jasmine. What an honor for you to join us today" said Johnson. Johnson got up and tried to grab Jasmine when she kneed him in the stomach. "YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THAT JASMINE!" Johnson shouted. Johnson grabbed her and sat her next to him and puts his arm around her tightening his grip on her. "Let her go" I said. "She's not going anywhere" said Johnson. Johnson snapped his fingers and me and Johnny got punched twice. "Stop it Johnson! Tell him to lay off! I'll do anything!" Jasmine yelled. I watched as he tightened his grip on her more then pecked her cheek. "JOHNSON LET ME GO!" someone else shouted who happened to be Addison. "See you guys hopefully soon. I especially hope to see Jasmine soon to" said Johnson. He pushed past Addison then left. "You guys okay?" Addison asked. "Yeah" I said. "Yeah" said Johnny. "I wish he wasn't here but yeah" said Jasmine. "Am glad. I wish he'd just leave people alone. I don't know what his problem is" said Addison. "Jasmine am so sorry for not believing you. I just didn't believe in ghosts and it just didn't make sense. It's so hard to believe. I wasn't expecting it" I said. "It's okay Pony. I get it. It would've been better if more then one person believed me though" said Jasmine. "Am sorry to Jasmine. It's my fault. I shouldn't have killed him. He did revenge on me. I know he already wanted to kidnap you but if I didn't kill him you wouldn't have been kidnapped by a ghost and it would've made more sense" said Johnny. "Don't blame yourself. You did what was right" said Jasmine. "Can someone tell me what's going on?" Addison asked. "Do you believe in ghosts Addison?" Jasmine asked. "Yeah. I see ghosts a lot. Why?" Addison asked. "I got kidnapped by a ghost. I got kidnapped my Bob Sheldon. He said he wanted to kidnap me before he got killed to. I wasn't expecting to get kidnapped when he died" said Jasmine. "Oh. Am sorry to hear that. You don't deserve that" said Addison. With that she left. The rest of the school day went good. The lady few classes went by fast. Johnny dropped me off then went somewhere with Dally.

Jasmine's POV

I was about 10 houses away from the Curtis house when I saw a red Convair following me. That car looks familiar. That's when I remembered why. That was the same car that the Socs were in when Pony was jumped the day before Bob was killed. I wonder if they remember me. I walked a little faster hoping to get home in time. I heard them sped up and open there door in front of me to block my path. They all got out and there were five of them like before. "Well,well,well,look who we have here guys. It looks Jasmine decided to walk home alone. Nice to see you again" one of the Socs said. "What's your name?" I asked. "Am Greg" the leader said. "At least I know your name now. Leave me alone or else" I said. "Or else what middle class girl?" Greg asked. "Look who's talking. You guys look like middle class people to" I said. "Excuse me? We don't look like that group" said Greg. "Yeah sure" I said. I tried walking past them but they blocked me. "Your not going anywhere" said Greg. I heard a blade open and I was pushed against the wall of a house. Greg made a deep cut on my arm. It stang a lot. I tried to be tough and not show emotion. "Call us that again and see what happens" said Greg. I stayed silent but only because I didn't want to get cut again. "Good girl" said Greg. I felt the blade go to my neck. Whatever they were going to do I hope they do fast. I closed my eyes and hoped for the best. "Open your eyes" said Greg sternly. I opened my eyes. I felt the blade go to my other arm and he made a deep cut again. "Meet me at the lot this Sunday. If you don't then I'll go after you and best you up got it" said Greg sternly. I nodded my head then he let me go. He smiled at me then kissed me on the lips for about 20 seconds. He nodded at his gang then they followed him back to the car and they drove away. I went back home and cleaned my arms up. I few hours later I left to go back to Bob's house. I decided to walk there instead of him picking me up at the park and teleporting me to his house. I knew where he lived. I went to my room and slammed the door.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry if it was a little to long. Have a good day. Stay Gold

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