The First Day Of School

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Jasmine's POV

I woke up to someone waking me up. "Come on Jasmine wake up. Today is August 22nd" said Soda. "Why are you waking me up then?" I asked. "Today is your first day of school how could you forget!" Soda shouted. "Oh shoot" I said. Soda gets out of the room so I can get ready. I quickly get dressed. I decided to wear a fancy pink shirt with fancy pink leggings with blue boots and a black leather jacket. I can't believe am going into 11th grade!! I can't Johnny's going to be a senior!! I can't believe it!! That's so cool!! I went downstairs and quickly ate then finished getting ready.  Pony is going into 10th grade and Kate in 8th. Johnny was going to drive Pony and Kate to school but I wanted to walk. Johnny didn't really think that was a good idea considering it was the first day of school and what has happened in the past but I didn't care. My day can still be good. No Socs bothered me on the way to school which I was happy about. I met up with Pony and Johnny to find out if we had any classes together. We did have classes together. I had english with Pony and math with Pony and science and spanish with Johnny. My only classes I didn't have any of them in was choir. My first class was spanish so I was with Johnny. I quickly went to my locker and put my stuff in it. Me and Johnny then walked to class. I got to class without any Socs(Jay and his gang) walking me to class. Am glad to. This is the order the my classes go in. Spanish,science,choir,English,math. My lunch is right before choir. I hope today ends up being a good one. Today was a good day at school. I liked all of of my teachers. I had three girl teachers and two boy teachers. My boy teachers were my spanish teacher and my science teacher. Those are probably going to be my hardest subjects. Especially spanish because it's a different language. At least I have lunch with Pony and Johnny. "Today was fun" said Kate. "I agree" I said. "Yeah it was really good" said Pony. "You can say that again" said Johnny. "Am just glad no Socs decided to bother me today. It might be because today's the first day of school though" I said. "You might be right" said Johnny. "Were any Socs messing with you Kate?" Pony asked. "No. Were any Socs messing with you?" Kate asked. "No. Were any Socs messing with you Johnny?" Pony asked. "No" said Johnny. I then started laughing. I think I started that. "What's so funny?" Johnny asked. "Yeah nothing's funny about Socs messing with us" said Pony. "Am laughing because you guys kept asking each other if Socs were messing with you. I wasn't laughing about the Socs part. Luckily no Socs were messing with any of us" I said. "Oh. Laughs. I guess that is pretty funny that we kept on asking the same question and we all had the same answer" said Kate. "Oh. Laughs. Yeah it is funny" said Pony. "Okay I agree with that. Laughs" said Johnny. Am glad everyone had a good day at school.

Johnny's POV

Am glad today I have two classes with Jasmine. Am can't believe that this is my last year of high school. Am glad none of us ran into any Socs on the first day of school. Jasmine has encountered more Socs then any of us. Am surprised she didn't want to ride to and from school today. I just thought she'd want one today because it's the first day of school.

Pony's POV

Am so happy that I have two classes with Jasmine which are in the afternoon.  I wish I had a class with Johnny though. At least the three of us have the same lunch. Am so glad no Socs were messing with any of us. Socs have been coming to Jasmine the most though. We'll all probably encounter them later. At least the ones we've already seen. Today was a good day.

Kate's POV

School was pretty good today. No Socs tried to mess with me. Am glad no Socs(Zack and his gang) didn't try and walk me to class today. That made things better. I can't believe am already in 8th grade. I wish Socs would stop coming to Jasmine a lot. What do they want with her? Am just happy that today went well.

Bob's POV

Today is August 22nd. It was Jasmine,Pony,and Johnny's first day of school. I can't believe that Johnny's a senior already. Jasmine is going to be a senior next school year. She's going to graduate a year before Horseboy aka Ponyboy. Kate well be going to highschool next year. I think they all had a good day at school today. I noticed that no Socs messed with them. I guess Socs keep going to Jasmine. I wonder what they want with her. Am glad at least she had a good day. Just two more months and I'll start my plan. Well I guess after next Wednesday it'll be one month. Halloween is just around the corner. I can't wait. This Halloween well be one of the scariest for Jasmine. I hope she's going to be ready for a scare. Hahahahahahahaha.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! Have a good day. Stay Gold

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