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I woke up last in the afternoon. For a second I didn't know where I was. You know how it is,when you wake up in a strange place and wonder where in the world you are,until memory comes rushing over you like a wave. I half convinced myself that I had dreamed everything that had happened the night before. I was stiff and sore from sleeping on that hard floor,but I had never slept so soundly. I was still groggy. I pushed off Johnny's jean jacket,which had somehow got thrown across me,and blinked,scratching my head. It was awful quite,with just the sound of rushing wind in the tress. Suddenly I realized that Johnny wasn't there. Then I saw Jasmine standing there. "Johnny went to get supplies but he will be back soon" said Jasmine. "Ok,thanks,good to know" I said. I went to the pump to get some a drink. The water from it was like liquid ice and it tasted funny,but it was water. I splashed someone my face and that woke me up pretty quickly. I sat down on the back steps. The hill the church was on dropped off suddenly about twenty feet from the back door,and you could see for miles and miles. It was like sitting on the top of the world.

Johnny's POV

I felt the cold wind on my face. I got up and put my jean jacket over Pony. I could tell that it was still morning. I thought it would have been a good time to go to the store right now. I went to the back steps of the he church when I realized that Pony for Jasmine might worried if I don't write a note or something. I was about to write something on the ground when I saw Jasmine standing there. "Hey Jasmine,if Pony wakes up and am still not here tell him I went to get supplies" I said. "Will do,bye" said Jasmine. "Bye" I said. I hope am not gone long.

Pony's POV

I heard someone coming up through the dead leaves toward the back of the church,and I ducked inside the door. Then I heard a whistle,long and low,ending in a sudden high note. I knew that whistle well enough. It was used by us and the the Shepard gang for "Who's there?" I returned it carefully,then darted out the door so fast that I fell off the steps and sprawled flat under Johnny's nose. I propped myself on my elbows and grinned up at him. "Hey,Johnny. Fancy meeting you here" I said. He looked down at me over a big package. "Ponyboy,you're getting to act more like Two-Bit everyday" said Johnny. I tried unsuccessfully to cock an eyebrow. "Who's acting"? I said. I rolled over and sprang up,happy that someone was there. "What'd you get"? I asked. "Come on inside. Dally told us to stay inside" said Johnny. We went in. Johnny dusted off a table with his jacket and started taking things out of the sack and lining them up neatly.

Jasmine's POV

I noticed Johnny at the table. So guess he came back. I noticed him taking things out of the bag too. Oh,am remembering what he got. I wish I would have went so he didn't get baloney. "A week's supply of baloney,two loaves of bread,a box of matches...." Johnny went on. I could tell Pony was tired of watching him do that so he started digging into the sack. "Whee!" Pony said sitting down in a dusty chair. "A paperback of Gone with the Wind! How'd you know I always wanted one"? Pony asked. Johnny reddened. "I remembered you saying something about it once. And me and you went to see that movie,member?. I thought you could maybe read it out loud and help kill time or something" Johnny said. "Gee,thanks" Pony said. He put the book down and started looking through the bag again. "Peroxide,a deck of cards...."Johnny,you ain't thinking of...."We're gonna cut our hair,and you're gonna bleach yours. There'll have are descriptions in the paper. We can't fit them" said Johnny looking at the ground carefully. "Oh,no. No,Johnny,not my hair"! Pony shouted. "We'd have to anyway if we got caught. You know the first thing the judge does is make you get a haircut" said Johnny. "I don't see why,Dally could just easily mug somebody with short hair" said Pony. I don't either_it's just a way of trying to break us. They can't really do anything to guys like Curly Shepard or Tim;they've had about everything done to them. And they can't take anything away from them because they don't have anything in the first place. So they cut there hair" said Johnny. "I'm gonna cut mine too,and wash the grease out,but I can't bleach it. I'm too dark-skinned to look okay blond. Oh come on Ponyboy. It'll grow back" said Johnny. "Okay. Get it over with" said Pony. Johnny flipped out the razer-edge of his switchblade. "Wait" I said. They both looked at me. "I think you should rinse out the grease first. It will only make it hurt more if you don't" I said. "Good idea" said Pony. After he rinse,Johnny started sawing his hair. "It's lighter than I thought it was. Can I see what it looks like now?" Pony asked. "No. We gotta bleach it first" said Johnny. After about fifteen minutes,Johnny let Pony see his hair through a old cracked mirror. His hair looked lighter than Sodapop's hair. He kinda looked younger and scareder,too. It sure made him look tough. Lucky both of the boys rinse off there in from the pump. Johnny handed Pony the knife. He looked scared,too. "Cut the front and thin out the rest. I'll comb it back after" said Johnny. Pony finished in about 10 minutes. "I guess we're disguised" said Johnny. "Were disguised but we are forgetting one thing" said Pony. They both looked at me. "Okay,okay, let's do it" I said. My hair was long and it took Pony about 30 minutes too cut it a little short. It's fine,I was actually planning on cutting my hair short anyways. "Oh shoot,it's just hair" said Johnny. "Shoot nothing,it took me a long time to get that hair just the way I wanted it. And besides,this just ain't us. It's like being in a Halloween costume we can't get out of" said Pony. "Well,we got in get used to it. We're in big trouble and it's our looks or us" said Johnny. Pony started eating a candy bar. "I'm still tired" Pony said. "I'm sorry I cut your hair off, Ponyboy" said Johnny. "Oh it ain't that. I mean,not all of it. I'm just a little spooky. I really don't know what's the matter. I'm just mixed up" said Pony. "I know. Things have been happening so fast" said Johnny. I hope everything starts getting better soon. I don't know what I'd do. I know what will happen next. But still,I want to get out of this church.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry if it is a little too long. I just wanted it to end a little after the hair cut. I was not expecting it to be this long though. Anyways have a good day. Stay Gold

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