My First Kiss

By pookey

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My First Kiss
Chapter 1: Suprise
Chapter 2: Concert of my life time
Chapter 3: Okay
Chapter 4: Crap
Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 6: Disasters and Suprises
Chapter 7: Pool time
Chapter 8: The date
Chapter 9: Harry and Jenny
Chapter 11: Well crap!
Chapter 12: a bit of love HATE
Chapter 13: All Hate
Chapter 14: Last night of the boys
Chapter 14: True couples emerge
Chapter 15: Bye-bye girls, we love you still
Chapter 16: Is this a dream???
Chapter 17: Wishes come true, promises kept
Chapter 18:Jenny's Wedding
Chapter 19: Lex's Wedding
Chapter 20:Epilogue

Chapter 10: Twins and hospital?

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By pookey

New Chapter


     The girls and I decided we wanted to have fun tonight. Everyone was ready to be let a little loose. So I was sent to look up everything  that we wanted and needed. It was only around 10 in the morning. I found a couple clubs nearby so I sent that to the group while I went to search for something that I always love to do on vacation.  Finding only a couple nearby I am disturbed by someone placing their chin on my shoulder.  Turning my head I see it is Niall. Smiling he moves me from the chair to look what I was looking at smiling. He clicks a couple times before kissing me on the cheek and telling me to get ready. Kissing his cheek I walk to my room where I change into some comfortable jeans, a brown tank, and some purple and brown plaid flannel t-shirt, along with my brown cowboy boots.

    Coming back out of my room I find Niall gone and my computer sitting on the coffee table. I sit on the couch with a bottle water and my phone. Texting my older brother, his girlfriend Shana, and Hunter a friend of mine from school I wait for what Niall has in prize for me. Someone knocks on the door, putting on some apple chapstick and lip gloss I answer it to find Niall.   In some ripped jeans, read polo shirt, and red converses. Taking his outstretched hand I let him guide me to our destination.

       After being picked up by a taxi we take a long journey with my eyes covered by a blind fold.  It is about an hour of driving before the taxi stops and Nialls takes me out. Leading me somewhere I was sat on some wooden bench.  I hear someone talking to Niall and then somethings are being signed before my blindfold is taken off.   I am sitting on a stool and Niall is facing me in a horse stable. I am wide eyed looking around. I see a guy bring out a horse followed by a girl smiling I hick up and climb on the painted horse. I am saddled and waiting for Niall to get on, he has to use a stool. Smiling the boy whispers something to Niall. Smiling he follows my horse as we lead the trails. Following the signs we soon end up on the beach. I slow for Niall to catch up so we can ride side by side.  Making our way we ride side by side in silence only, I was watching Niall and his face as he held onto the saddle horn and reins for dear life.  Talking seemed to calm him we were fine and I told Niall to try to canter with me, he looked at me like I was crazy before I started up Nickel (my horses name) and bolted. I hear a scream and then Nialls contagious laugh behind me, I turn my head to see him laughing and finally learning the easiness of riding.

     All of a sudden there was a gunshot. Then a scream coming from Niall who is still behind me. Reining the horse to a stop I turn to find Niall on the ground unconscious and the horse with labored breathing. I was freaking out. Unsaddling I run straight to Niall.  I am worried when I get there I know he is fine since his breathing is even, but he wouldn't wake up.  I grab Niall's phone out of his pocket since mine is at home.  Sending a text to Liam, Jenny, and myself I hope and pray one of them had their phones nearby.  I am freaking out, I hear evil laughter coming from the woods, I turn to find Eric with a shotgun in his hands. Turning he leaves on the 4-wheeler and leaving us there, alone, with the sunset turning to dark.  I was terrified and didn't know what to do. Laying his head on my lap I play with his hair praying that someone will find us and help us or Liam or Jenny get the text, I am begging for life to work out a little in my favor.

*Jenny's P.O.V.*

      Everyone was hanging around watching Shark Tales. I got bored so I stole Liam's phone and was playing games on it. Throughout all fun of temple run 1 and 2 he gets a text. It said it was Niall, I knew he was on a date with Lex, so it was safe to open. The text read

~Horse shot, Niall is hurt, HELP!!!!~ I was scared. Grabbing the phone and throwing on my converses I yell at Liam to come with me. Busting out of the room, no one in the group knew but me. I dragged him to the lobby where we got where they were, grabbing a taxi I let Liam read the text. He called the ambulance saying we were on the way to that location. Pulling up it was just after sunset and the sun was setting fast. Getting the workers attention we tell them what happened, they lend us some 4-wheelers. The ambulance arrives.  They take a couple with a sled hooked up to it. We follow behind, Liam driving. When we hit the sand I she 3 figures in the distance. Coming closer one of the horses spooks. Getting to its feet and going to protect Lex and Niall. The paramedics were nervous. Passing the horse I lead it closer to the dead one. Liam called the owners telling of the news. Turns out it was an older horse, they were waiting for it to die, but the  shot had been less painful for it.  We watched as Niall was put on the sled and taken to the ambulance about a mile from the trail. Lex was in no state to ride, but she was the only who knew how. Saddling up I sit on the horse, Lex had trained it to follow her since the incident. So it followed behind her and Liam on the quad.

     When we get back to the barn Lex hands the led to a guy before running to the ambulance. Liam comes and helps me off, not missing a step when my foot got stuck in the stir-up. Once down we watch as Niall is taken away in the ambulance, Lex riding with him. Jumping in the cab, Liam was driving following the ambulance to the hospital. Once there we bustle in, the rude old nurse takes us to a special waiting room. I find Lex in the corner curled in a ball.

“Call the group.Tell them to come. Lex needs support right now and big time.” I whisper to Liam. He nods before exiting to the hallway.  I sit next to Lex taping on her shoulder she looks at me with tear filled eyes. I knew what she was thinking. She was thinking about her twin and the accident they had when she was younger. See Lex had a twin, until their 12th birthday party. They grew up next to their grandparents farm. They had 2 horses Sugar and Spice. Well the night of their birthday they decided to go on  a trial ride around the open South Dakota land, only they weren't alone.  A wolf was stalking in the grass and attacked her sister’s horse.  The horse bucked and her sister flew. The horse ran leading the wolf away. Her horse was terrified also. Getting off the horse she smacked its butt sending it home in a hurry, that way someone knew to come look for them when they see Spice alone. She held her sister and was there for her last breathe.  I felt horrible hearing the story, only the girls, Lex, and her family know. That is why Lex is closed off; she would never feel comfortable without her twin.

           I just held her and let her cry. She was scared, we all were, but she had a close experience to this so she is horrible. I held her, a soon as the girls got here we crowded around her holding her and whispering soothing words.    We dispersed Liam went to comfort Lex, since he was that type of guy, the rest of us curled into our boys embraces and held on, hoping our friend was okay. We were interrupted from our haze when the doctor came in. We all started asking questions on Niall's condition. He hushed us all with a glare.  He asks for the adult which was Liam, stepping outside with him, we try to listen in, but we couldn't hear through the sound proof door.  Lex is pacing back and forth, and I am nervous for her, I don't know if she could go through it again. Liam walks in with the best face in the world, it was a smile.

“He just has a mild concussion , broken arm, and a slipped kneecap which was put back during surgery. Now we all can go see him, 2 at a time. Also 2 are allowed to stay with him.  So I was thinking Lex and myself. Since we all have everyone else but us, so how about that, everyone good?” I watch as Lexs face brightens. With that we all take shifts to see him, of course we let Lex go first to get her nerves to calm.  She comes out smiling allowing the rest of us to go in.

    When Harry and I walk in we see a happy niall with a cast and knee brace on. He is in hospital pants and no shirt. Now I see why Lex was smiling. We each give him a hug and hope him well. It was already around 10 so the group decided to go home, but I promised Lex I would bring her some clothes and food for the group. Lex enters after we leave and I head to the hotel room to get what they might need.

*Lex P.O.V.*

      I was so scared when the gunshot sounded and the neighing of his horse. I was sat in a private waiting room. Soon Liam and Jenny. She come over to me, knowing I am thinking about my twin, Maxine, or Max for short.  When the rest of the girls come I let them comfort the guys while I sit in the corner with Liam. The doctor comes in and Liam goes out in the hallway with him to talk. I couldn't stand sitting anymore and decided to pace back and forth in the room.  My pacing soon stopped when the door opened a smiling Liam. Before I could beg him for answers he answers all of them in a couple of sentences.

“He just has a mild concussion , broken arm, and a slipped kneecap which was put back during surgery. Now we all can go see him, 2 at a time. Also 2 are allowed to stay with him.  So I was thinking Lex and myself. Since we all have everyone else but us, so how about that, everyone good?”  I was so excited to see Niall and calm my nerves. Following the nurse to his room, I walk in finding him shirtless and sitting up in the bed.  I couldn't help but run over and pull him into a hug. He grunts from the impact but I don't care.  Hugging me with his right arm, since he broke his left I just let the tears fall. Calming me down I finally have the courage to look at him. He has a slight smile on, but when he see me looking at him his smiles brightens and widens. Pecking his lips I promised to be back after everyone was done.

    After letting everyone go I get to go back to the room. Sitting on the lounge chair by his bed, I lean my head against his bed and lay angled where my feet face the door.  Niall plays with my hair as we talk. Then he asks the one question that pains me.

“Lex, why were you so overblown in fear. I know so many things could of happened, but the rest of the group didn't act like it was a huge deal?”  He asks weakly while lightly pulling my hair. Turning to face him I say “It is a long story.”  His smart comeback is “I have time.” Letting out a hugh I begin.

“Well when I was younger I used to live with my grandparents over the summer.But this time we went for fall break. So you never knew this, but I have a twin sister. Well we both loved to ride. So we decided to take our horses out for a trail ride, at sunset. South Dakota is all plains with little forest. Well our land hand some. We were riding in the calm when a wolf jumped out and attacked my sister horse. The horse reared and landed on her, she was unconscious, sending my horse without a rider home I run to her trying to wake her. I held her head in my lap, like I did with you praying hoping. She was okay, when they came we went to the hospital we were in a private room all night. When the doctor came they pulled my parents out of the room. Curling into my grandma. When they come in my parents have tears in their eyes.   They tell me they she had died. “ Sniffling I wipe my eyes, trying not to show the hurt I hand. Niall grabs my hand tugging on it to pull me close to him. I climb onto the bed, cuddling in his side.

“You don't have to finish.” He said.

“No I need to. Well she died and it was our birthday, so it hurt worse. I never really felt comfortable after that. I was alone. We were total opposites. She was outgoing and popular, I am the quiet shy one.  After she left I went into seclusion, we moved to North Carolina a couple of months after that.  So I started to show and feel comfortable, and that is when I met the girls. The shaping of me changed and I became a mix of me and my sister. That is the only way I keep her close now.” I mutter, before laying my head on his chest. Wrapping his good arm around me he kisses my forehead muttering a night, before I fell into a deep sleep.

*Liam P.O.V.*

I listened to Lex and her story, acting like I am asleep. After she is done and fell asleep I went also, thinking of the most beautiful girl in the world. I only wish she was mine.

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