Undiscovered Truths

Від SunrisexCamren

9.6K 701 340

Everyone has skeletons in their closets Більше

Loss Of A Father
Mock Honeymoon
Old Faces
A Mysterious Stalker
Warm Welcome
Private Investigator
When Their Journey Began...
Problems Can Be Resolved
Work With, Having It
Unwanted Discovery
In The Fire
Downpour Before The Storm
Out Of The Dark
Taking Some Time Apart
Karaoke Bar
An Unforgettable Past
Nothing In Mind But You
Family Beach Day
Not An Easy Game
Complete Family Once Again
Couples Therapy
Shocking Discovery
Wrong Kind Of Love
In Question
A Disturbing Obsession
A Major Break Through
Legal Team
Taken To Court

Everything Becomes Clear

295 22 5
Від SunrisexCamren

Once Liam parked the car in his driveway, Camila got out of the car immediately as Dinah and the boy followed after Liam turned the car off and locked the doors.

"Camila!" Liam raises his voice.

"Just open the fucking door!" Camila says.

Liam walks up the front door, unlocks it, and the brunette pushes him away as she storms inside.

"Camila!" Dinah jogs after her best friend.

"Can you guys just leave me the fuck alone?!" Camila chokes on a sob.

She throws open a door and it reveals Liam's home bar as the brunette stalks over and grabs a full bottle of whiskey.

"Camila! Don't you-"

"Leave me alone! You've never been married, you don't have kids, you don't know how it feels to find out that your wife cheated on you twice, you don't know how it feels to find out that your first child, is not even yours," Camila says. She opens the whiskey bottle and downs a good amount. The brunette wipes the liquid that dripped down her chin as she looks at Liam. "And you knew, didn't you? You knew that Grace wasn't mine and you didn't fucking tell me!" Camila raises her voice.

"I found out after I graduated. I wanted to tell you but..." Liam trails off.

"But what?" Camila raises an eyebrow.

Liam sighs as he runs a hand through his hair. "You should have seen the way Lauren was when I told her I knew. It broke my heart and... I didn't want to break yours so I just... Let it go... Figured she would tell you at one point but when I found you in Cancún... I saw that she didn't," Liam says.

"You should have told me at Cancún like you should have told me back then! She fooled me, used me," Camila says.

"Don't look at it like that! Lauren would have aborted Grace if it weren't for you because the guy who got Lauren pregnant was pressuring her so hard to abort. She would have done it. She asked me to help her with the money and to get my mother to help her abort without the permission of her parents but she didn't because you were there, you helped her in more ways than you thought," Dinah says.

"Lauren even self-harmed herself because of the amount of pressure the guy that got her pregnant put her in and even when it was past the point that she can abort. She lied to you about how she got the cuts when you found them but Dinah and I knew," Liam says.

"We are your best friends and we are sorry for not telling you then and when we saw you again back at Cancún but Lauren relied on us for support and we couldn't send her into a worse state by telling you and causing her more stress than she already had. It would have affected Grace and her," Dinah says.

"You subsided all that stress, you helped her. If you weren't there... Who knew what would have happened to her and Grace," Liam says.

Camila grips her hair tight as she takes in everything her best friends said.

But it's too much so she throws the whiskey bottle at the wall, shattering it but one of the shards flies back at her and cuts her across the cheek but the brunette doesn't even acknowledge it.

"Get out! Please, get out!" Camila yells.

"The cut. Let us-"

"Let's go get the first aid. Give Camila a little space while we're at it so she can... Drink all this in," Liam says.

"And not all the alcohol, Mila," Dinah says.

Camila sits down on one of the sofas as her head falls in her hands while Dinah and Liam exit the room.

When the door shuts, the brunette finally lets the tears go as she stands up, a part of her palm covered in blood due to the cut on her cheek.

She walks over and grabs another bottle of whiskey but this time pours herself some in a glass.

Camila slides the whiskey bottle to the side as she takes a sip of the whiskey in her glass.

The brunette stares down at the bar counter as her mind goes back to her younger days, back when Lauren was pregnant with Grace.


It's been about three days now since the two girls have told Lauren's parents and although they were extremely disappointed, they put that aside and are now supporting the two.

And now, Camila and Lauren are walking along the dirt trail of the park as the brunette is busy finishing her word search.

The green-eyed girl pulls her girlfriend to the side when a jogger jogs past them.

"You should stop doing that word search while we're walking," Lauren says.

Camila puts her word search down and tucks her pen in her back pocket. "I'm almost done," She pouts.

"Then let's sit on a bench," Lauren says.

"No, you need to get some exercise," Camila says.

"Just a small break," Lauren says.

"Okay... Fine," Camila says.

They find a bench and sit down as Camila finishes up the word search she's on while Lauren bites down on her lower lip, raising her sleeve to see the fresh cut on her wrist.

Camila, who has just found the last word, looks over and puts her things to the side when she sees the cut.

"Another cut?" The brunette asks.

Lauren jumps a little as she tries to hide it but Camila grabs her arm and brings it closer to her so she can see it more clearly.

"It's... Fresh. When did this happen?" Camila asks.

"I... Uh... Yesterday," Lauren says.

"How did it happen?" Camila asks.

"I was cutting fruit and one of them was slippery so the knife slipped," Lauren says.

"You have to be careful," Camila says. She tucks a strand of hair behind her girlfriend's ear before cupping her cheek. "It was when you made me a fruit bowl, was it?" Camila asks.

"Sorry," Lauren smiles apologetically.

"Hopefully none of your blood was in there," Camila said.

"I made sure," Lauren giggles. 

The brunette smiles as she connects their lips in a slow kiss.

Lauren pulls away as she rests her forehead against Camila's. "I love you... You don't know what would have happened to me if... I didn't have you," She whispers.

Camila pulls away slightly and frowns as she stares at her girlfriend's green eyes. "Is something wrong for you to say that, baby?" The brunette asks.

"No... It's just... Don't worry about it," Lauren says.

The brunette nods slowly and runs her thumb along the green-eyed girl's lower lip. "Okay," She whispers.

"Are you done now?" Lauren motions to the word search.

Camila smiles as she grabs her pen and book. "Yeah, I'm done," She says.

"Let's continue walking," Lauren says.

The brunette stands up and grabs her girlfriend's hand as they start to walk again.

Present time...

Camila grips her glass as she stands up and bites down on her lower lip whilst running a hand through her hair.

Now that she looks back at it, all those damn excuses were bullshit but Camila was just so focus on work and making sure to get Lauren everything she needed that the brunette just didn't pay attention, not too closely.

Camila takes her phone out and clicks on Lauren's contact as her thumb hovers over the call button but she shakes her head and puts it's away.

While with Lauren, she walks up the stairs of her house and knocks on Sofia's bedroom door first.

"Sofi? Can I... Can I come in?" Lauren speaks through the door.

"Y... Yeah," Sofia speaks from the other side.

The green-eyed girl opens the door, stepping in, before closing the door behind her.

"Hey... Are you... What are you thinking?" Lauren asks.

Sofia bites down on her lower lip. "I may be young but I'm not stupid so, why did you... Why did you do it?" She says.

The younger Cabello sister finally looks at Lauren and the green-eyed girl is about to cry because of how much she looks like her wife, the brown eyes especially.

"Because I was... I am stupid," Lauren says. She lets out a tiny sob and walks over, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Your sister is the greatest person ever. Nobody has ever loved me the way she did and for a good amount of time, she was the only one, she still is, although... I don't know anymore," Lauren says.

Sofia sniffs as she wipes away the tears and turns to stare at the green-eyed girl. "Camila is... One of the many people you rarely have the joy to meet. She is the greatest sister I could have asked for and I wouldn't switch her for anything even if it meant getting my mother and father back. I loved my father and I suppose my mother, at least her memory, but Camila, besides being my sister, became like a mother to me. I don't know much about your high school days but during my years of growing up, I saw how much she loves you. But why did you do it? What was the reason?" Sofia says.

Lauren stands up and starts to pace back and forth slowly. "I've just given birth to the twins. Camila and I have been finally recovered financially but then we had adopted you and now with the twins, I knew we were about to fall again and my boss did too so he approached me. I sleep with him and he makes sure I progress at work and the more I did the more my salary was. I accepted because your father gave you up. After all, he couldn't financially take care of you and I accepted because I didn't want you and the twins to go through what Grace did when she was younger. I wanted you three to have a fun childhood. Grace barely had anything when she was younger and I didn't want that for you three so I accepted. But I did it for you three, for our family," Lauren says.

Sofia sits back against the headboard of her bed and stares down at her hands. "Camila is just hurt right now. She'll come around," She says.

Lauren sighs and sits down at the edge of the bed again. "I hope so because I feel like I'm slowly dying without her," She says. The green-eyed girl stands up and reaches over, squeezing Sofia's leg. "I should go check on your brothers," Lauren says.

"They're probably confused and scared because Camila got hurt so you should go," Sofia says.

"Okay. Goodnight Sofi," Lauren says.

Before the green-eyed girl can retract her hand, Sofia grabs her wrist.

"Thank you for explaining. I still think it wasn't right and I'm disappointed in you but thank you for explaining. Apart from Camila, you became like a mother to me and I love you, as a daughter and as your cuñada," Sofia says. (Sister in law)

"I love you too, Sofi," Lauren smiles softly.

She stands up and Sofia gets under the covers as the green-eyed girl leans down and kisses the younger Cabello sister's forehead before leaving her room.

Lauren leans against the wall beside the door as she takes in everything Sofia said.

The green-eyed girl runs a hand over her face before walking down the hall towards the twins' room.

She opens the door softly and peeks her head in to see that they are already asleep.

Lauren quietly walks in as she lifts the cover's more up Joseph as she leans down and kisses his forehead. "I love you, my boy. Don't worry about your mother, I'll make sure she doesn't leave you and your siblings," She whispers. The green-eyed girl straightens up and turns to Cole and moves his hair out of his face. "I promise you. The two of you, Sofia and Grace. You guys don't deserve to suffer for my mistakes," Lauren whispers. She kisses Cole's forehead before she leaves their room, shutting the door quietly behind her. Lauren looks at another door and frowns as she knows that it's empty.

Just like Camila, her daughter Grace isn't here as the news most likely hit her like a train.

Lauren walks over to her bedroom and closes the door behind her as she shivers because, without the presence of Camila, this room feels empty and cold.

The green-eyed girl strips down from her clothes and walks into the restroom as she turns on the hot water of the shower.

She steps inside but the heat does not soothe down some of the tension her muscles have.

Lauren closes her eyes as she leans her forehead against the shower wall.

The raven-haired girl opens her eyes when she feels hands on her arms that run down to her waist as she turns around and her eyes widen.

"Camila? When did you-"

"Shhh..." The brunette shushes. She leans forward and kisses the green-eyed girl's shoulder then trails them down her arm.

"Camila..." Lauren trails off.

The brown-eyed girl presses herself more up against her wife as a soft moan escapes through the raven-haired girl's lips.

"Camila, we need to-"

"We don't need to do anything... Well, let me just touch you," Camila says.

Lauren reaches behind and grips her wife's hair when the brunette brings two fingers and starts toying with the green-eyed girl's clit.

The green-eyed girl bites down on her lower lip and lets out a whimper. "Camila... Stop... We need to talk," Lauren pants.

The raven-haired girl's eyes shoot open as she's panting and also realizes that one of her hands is in between her legs.

Lauren retracts her hand and shakes her head as she turns the water off. After wrapping a towel around her body, the green-eyed girl steps out of the shower and walks out of the restroom.

She walks over to her walk-in closet and was going to grab her pajamas but her eyes fall on her wife's side of the closet.

Lauren walks over and rummages through Camila's hoodies until she finds a specific one.

She pulls out an old hoodie from the high school they went to and she smiles when she sees that the hoodie still fits.

The green-eyed girl grabs some panties and sleeping shorts, putting them on before she walks out of the closet, closing the door. Lauren stares at her bed as even with Camila's hoodie on, she still shivers.

Feeling like someone put weights on her feet and strapped them on, she walks over to the bed and slides under the duvet.

Lauren turns off her bedside lamp, covering the room with darkness beside the moonlight shining through the small gap between the curtains.

She turns around and lays a hand on the empty spot on the bed beside her.

Lauren bites her lower lip and sits up as she grabs her phone from the nightstand and clicks on Camila's contact.

She presses on the call button and brings the device up to her ear as it rings.

Lauren bites down on her lower lip as she waits for her wife to pick up.

Finally, the ringing stops, and a smile forms on her lips but then it falls when she hears that it's not Camila's voice.

"Hey, Lauren," Liam speaks.

"Liam, hey. I was expecting Camila to answer," Lauren says.

"Oh... No, she's kinda... Passed out right now in my bar room," Liam says.

"She's drunk isn't she?" Lauren frowns.

"Sadly. I was coming in to take her to a room. Do you want me to wake her up?" Liam asks.

Lauren bites down on her lower lip, thinking about it before shaking her head. "No. It's fine," She says when she realizes Liam can't see her.

"Do I tell her you called?" Liam asks.

"No. I... I shouldn't have called. I know she needs space," Lauren says.

"Yeah," Liam says.

"Hey, can you make sure she doesn't drown herself in alcohol, please? Camila can be an alcoholic sometimes and she can do dumb stuff when she's drunk," Lauren says.

"Oh, I know. I'm here drinking buddy. And of course, I'll make sure she doesn't go overboard," Liam says.

"Thank you, Liam, so much. I knew I could always count on you," Lauren says.

"Of course, you always can. But I need to go now before Camila wakes up and I need to take her to a room," Liam says.

"Okay, goodnight," Lauren says.

"Goodnight," Liam says.

The green-eyed girl hangs up and she sighs as she places her phone down on her nightstand. "God, you're a fucking coward, Lauren," She whispers to herself.

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