Tranquility beyond

Bởi Tangotkt

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A long time ago when the cold blooded King and the shape shifter King had made peace with each other having h... Xem Thêm

Tranquility Beyond
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 4

377 25 8
Bởi Tangotkt

Zhavi's POV

I know I said I was going to see Holden but I decided against it. My body suddenly started to ache and I got really dizzy so when I arrived in my dorm room I zoned off.

I don't remember much but my dream was amazing this time. I was no longer dreaming about that awful day I lost my mother and brother, I dreamt about the person I couldn't tell who it was before and this time his image was clear. Shane....

I have never had a crush before and this is a major one. It was the way his  presence gave me peace and his scent calmed me and now he haunts my dreams?

For all I know he can be someone related to the wolves I plan to kill so I can't get all love sick for a man that I know would never give me a second glance. Besides I did annoy him so he must not want me around. Wait a go Zhavi, annoy the guy then crush on him.

My phone next to me rings and I jump at the sound. The caller ID says it's my father? What the hell does he want?

"Father." I say picking up the call.

"I hope you're well. I want to inform you the be new arrivals tomorrow. I'm trusting them in assisting you in taking care of those creatures that side. Also to teach one of them a lesson." I'm sorry what? I don't want a babysitter!

"I find it hard to see the need for a babysitter, I'm doing well thank you."

"This is non negotiable Zhavi . You might know Jane and Ginger Hues as Kane and Julia's children." He continues.

Oh I know them alright, Jane is the reckless girl that messes up every mission she goes to because she always just want to kill. No strategy whatsoever!

"Jane? So I'm the one who is going to be babysitting? Awesome. And isn't she 17 or 18? She can't go to my school."

"She's not but Ginger is. A friend of mine owns close to your school. You move first thing in the morning."

"But this is so sudden I didn't even have time to pack my things."

"The. I suggest you start." The line goes off after that. My life is hell.

I check the time and it says it's 9 pm. Damn how long have I been asleep? I decide to go take a shower since even my roommate is not back yet. I'm gonna go through hell when I see Holden again.

After a long and relaxing shower I get to my closet to get dressed. I couldn't help but notice how long my hair has gotten. Mother always made sure it was nice, small and bearable curly hair that reached my shoulders. I liked it like that but this long hair isn't that bad too. What I want to do is add some blonde highlights for I guess effect?

I would be studying right now for tomorrow afternoon's test but since I'm moving I should start packing and putting everything in my car. My father texted me the address and it's 15 minutes away from school and right next to a Forrest. I have to drive to school everyday now.

I put music on to distract myself from the work I have to do. I put on Sam Smith's fire on fire. He is one of my favourite musicians and his music is very calming.

An hour later I hear the door knob being turned and I reach for something close to me that I can use if it's anything or anyone that is planning to hurt me.

In comes a drunk Lydia and Raven laughing their asses out holding bottles of beer. I never got the fuss over alcohol because I tried it and it tasted horrible.

"Zhavi! I missed you so much why did you leave?" I did not think Lydia could be any louder.

"Uh yeah I'm moving out tomorrow. I'll be living with my dad's friend's kids starting tomorrow." I say not even sure they can understand.

"I'm so gonna miss you. You're so pretty I just wanna eat you up." That makes me uncomfortable in so many ways since she really can.

"Please don't. I think it's time you two went to sleep. How did you get here anyway?" With the state they're in, I don't think they would've known how to drive, or walk alone.

"Shane's mom called him and he left with Melissa right?" Lydia says asking for confirmation from Raven. She nods and takes another sip of her beer.

"We took Christian to a club and he drove us home. He's supposed to be the drunk one you know cause he loves alcohol more than us but he was busy making sure we're okay and being a total buzz." They both start to laugh at that. Poor Christian...

"It's a good thing he was there. Is he gone now?" I really just want to lock the door now.

"No he has their stuff." I hear a familiar and annoyed voice.

"Hey again. Sorry for intruding. For being the boss you'd swear Lydia is the one who owns me." Christian says as he puts Lydia and Raven's handbags on the window couch. They giggled at his statement.

"Oh come on you know you love me Chrissy and so does Shane. He was gonna marry me. Remember when we first went on a date? I miss those days." Her face was quick to turn sad.

They dated? Damn why do I feel.. jealous? I'm not jealous actually just shocked.

"Yeah I think it's time you go to sleep." Christian says.

"Need any help?" I say trying to get the image off my mind.

After 10 minutes of struggling with two drunk girls that were abnormally strong. I mean I expected it they are wolves after all.

"Oh my god how often do you do this?" I am super tired and it's almost midnight.

"Not often but it's not the first time and I'll make sure it's the last." Christian replies.

"What did Lydia mean by that Shane was going to marry her? I mean.. not trying to be forward, I just want to know what happened." I feel very curious and a pinch of jealousy.

"Uh- well they dated when they were in high school and it was that serious that it almost turned into something more official." Well I'd be damned.

I didn't say anything after that as I followed him outside.

"Although they aren't together anymore it's just back to being best friends and I think he might be interested in you though." Christian continues.

"Really?" I beam up at that cause I mean seriously?! "I mean not that I'm that excited but I just didn't expect it you know. He is a huge business man and Lydia's ex which doesn't add to this so I'll just shut up." I ramble and I couldn't help get mad at me. The embarrassment is sky high.

Today might be one of those embarrassing days I will keep remembering and cringe all the time.

"Well he did stutter which is something he doesn't usually do and was trying to flirt the whole time." He replies.

The feeling I am having right now is not just butterflies, it's a God damn zoo! Excuse my language.

Then the worst and best idea hits me. I should flirt more with him and date him. If I'm lucky I could score a few leads to the people I'm looking for. He's a wolf and he'll hate me when he finds out who I am so it's not a big deal if I use him anyway. It's not like I like him like that you know just a mission.

"Well we shouldn't be talking about him while he isn't here so I have a long day tomorrow and I'm sure you do too. " Honestly I do want to talk about him. Imagine talking to him. I'm going to faint.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"Uh, my dad's friend's kids will be here so I'm moving in with them. And I have a test so." I say.

"Well good luck. And goodnight." He heads for his car.

I wait for him to drive off before I went back inside. Tomorrow is a big day.. My own pair of fat boys from Alice in Wonderland. Exciting! Not.

I make my way to bed but I am not tired at all because I already had a few hours of sleep. I start thinking about tomorrow because I am not studying. I think about tomorrow and today's events. My fat boys are arriving after school so I guess I'll have to escape my two new friends so I can go pick them up.

The only thing or more like person I can't get out of my mind is Shane. I don't get this really weird and strong attraction I have for him. I think about how he loved Lydia so much he wanted to marry her! I mean who doesn't like Lydia though she's cool. But she is too loud for my comfort.

I start to think about my dream today, well yesterday cause its past midnight now. You know when you've already convinced yourself that you don't like someone or you will just stop obsessing over them because they are out of your league and you dream about them then suddenly huge multiple waves of feelings for them crash on to you? Yeah that's how it feels. Right now I'm lying on my bed like a Starfish on sand trying to figure this out.

Realisation starts to hit me. How did I dream about Shane before I even met him?  What the actual hell?!


I woke up to my 5 am alarm. I don't even remember when I fell asleep last night. I noticed Lydia and Raven are still out cold. Part of me is thinking about waking them up for school when I come back from the woods and the other part is just thinking about teaching them a lesson. Of course I got to be a friend. Boooo! That's boring.

I go for my usual jog and let off some steam for about an hour. Luckily I didn't meet anything that could kill me but I couldn't help feeling like I'm being watched. No matter because whoever that is would die if they would make a move.


Shane's POV

Today I woke up at 3 am because this thing with Alphas is really bugging me. I went to the office to continue with my paperwork. Having to deal with multiple alphas that are lazy and running a company with employees that go drinking on a Thursday night is no child's play.

I'm the CEO of Verlice franchise. Lydia being my PA isn't available now so I have to take care of everything myself. I don't mind having something to do because I love working and I love my job but some people can make you want to retire at 25.

I notice the clock was already 5:15 so I thought I should take a little break. My wolf is already feeling uneasy so I guess he needs to go for a run.

I decide to take some sweat shorts incase I see a human and I can go change quickly.

I shift to my black and white wolf and honestly the cracks in my bones felt good. I haven't shifted in 12 hours so I needed that. I took my shorts into my mouth and let my wolf take control.

Usually we just would run up north to the mountain to catch some of that autumn air but today my wolf headed east. I keep asking him what's going on but he is just silent. He follows a scent that I can't quite decipher yet. It's pretty feint.

The more we run the closer we get to it and the more familiar it gets. I'd recognise that scent even if my nose was blocked. My mate....

My wolf wants to meet her but we can't present ourselves in wolf form as yet because she might run away and get scared.

She has her long curly hair into a ponytail. If she does this often then how come I've never been here before. I mean this place is close to their college so no one out of the ordinary come here often. Most students throw parties at these parts of the Forrest so that's why.

She keeps looking around while she is jogging. She can feel I am watching her. I decide to go shift into my human form in case she sees me.

After shifting I decide to get out of the woods and approach her. She stops and puts her hands on her knees on take a break. Her scent is amazing...

I slowly approach her as she finally stands straight and when I am about to touch her shoulder she quickly turns to me and I have a knife heading for my neck. Luckily my quick reflexes grabbed her hand before she touched me.

"Shane? Don't do that! You never sneak up on a girl!" Maybe my attempt of surprise wasn't a good idea.

"Hi? Sorry I just wanted to surprise you." Also I was a expecting the cute human to turn in shock. "Where did you learn that?"

"My dad." She gives a short reply. Alright.

"How long have you been watching me? I knew there was someone or something and are you wearing only shorts? Wow." She looks down at my shirtless upper body.

"I was just taking a run and I noticed you. So I wanted to say Hi."

"I- uh- uhm Hi. Do you have a shirt?"

She tries not to look at my chest. Which is definitely not going to be easy since she is about a foot shorter than me. Of course she can't. I'm enjoying this.

"What do I make you uncomfortable?" I step a little closer this time. Since none of my cockblocking friends are here this will be more fun.

"Yes you are so can you just.." She pushes me with one hand and quickly removes it. She must've felt the sparks I felt. It's the mate bond...

"Look I have a long day ahead and I don't need you fumbling my mind as it is already messed up. I'm supposed to be studying!" She aggressively mumbled that last part.

"What has you on the edge chica bonita?" She looks at me for a second them goes to the fallen log on her left to sit. I guess she is also having major problems like me.

She sighs before she starts to talk. "My father wants me to leave my dorm to got to a house he has here a few minutes away from school. With his friend's kids of course. One of them is in high school and she is a pain in my ass. We don't get along much with her rebellious attitude. I was forced to pack my stuff in the middle of the night and I didn't get a chance to study." Sounds a little too familiar.

"I know those people very well because I call one of them my younger brother." Greyson is exactly what she described but very different when our mom is there and acts like I'm the one hard to deal with.

"You know Jane and Ginger?" She asked confused.

"What? No. I know the type of person you just described."

"Looks like I'll know what having a sibling like that is like too." We have a little laugh and honestly I can't get over it. I just want her to laugh all the time.

"You also have a nice laugh too by the way." She says. Oh really?

"Thank you. I don't remember anyone complementing my laugh before. Except for my mom of course."

"Argh! You don't struck me as a mama's boy." She playfully punches my arm at that. She seems to be comfortable around me. Only me with no extras. I like it.

"What do you prefer bad boys?" She smiles.

"Honestly? Yeah I kind of do so this is not working." So little time with her and I'm already feeling better.

"I can be bad for you chica. I can be really bad." I say in an intimidating tone.

"You do realise you're not intimidating me right? Besides I don't think I'll ever take you seriously anymore." Should I be offended? What's wrong with being a mama's boy?

"Anyways since both you and your brother are momma's boys who does your dad have?" I was really hoping I never get asked that question cause it really ruined the whole mood. Usually I can hide my sadness but I guess I've already trusted her.

"Wait.. Oh my God I didn't mean it like- I'm so sorry for bringing it up. I really don't know how to talk to people. Bad Zhavi!" She is really cute.

"No it's okay, my father died 8 years ago. I was 14 and I had to look out for my brother and mother. It still bothers me because my mom couldn't cope and I had to take care of everything including the family business." I say.

It wasn't easy for me back then. I always felt like my father put the good of the whole kingdom but his family.

"What happened?" He sacrificed his life for shit that's what.

"He was involved in a car accident." Lying to my mate doesn't feel right but she will know when the time comes.

"I'm terribly sorry. If it's any consolation, I also lost a mother and a brother on the same night. I had to be the strong one too. Still do..." She looks at a distance with what I see as hatred in her eyes.

"What happened to them?" She must've been really broken by this. I couldn't bare it.

"They were murdered. In front of my eyes. It was also 8 years ago by some man saying it's pay back for what my father did to him. That he still won't tell me even now." She says.

Through instinct I rap my arms around her. Maybe she had it harder than I did but she isn't even shedding a tear.

"I got over it though and I'm just trying to get through life right now. It's in the past." That's why. She doesn't want to think about it that's why she didn't cry.

She hates vulnerability.

I decide not to push it. I don't wanna mess up my chances.

"On a scale of 1-10. How much did I annoy you when I asked about your job yesterday?" She tries to break the silence.

"You didn't annoy me, I was just having a really bad day so I didn't want to talk about it. Although I should've been more considerate." I reply.

"Oh good. That was going to bother me for a long time." I couldn't help smile at her cuteness. My mate has social anxiety yet she is destined to rule thousands if not to a million people. Ironic.

"You couldn't annoy me even if you tried chica." I will never find anything annoying about my mate.

"Well it's almost seven. Got to get ready for school." She suddenly said while get off of the log we were sitting on.


She stopped abruptly and looked at me with shocked eyes.

"Okay? Why did you shout?"

"Why are you leaving so soon? I me-" I was cut short by my Beta's mindlink.

"Rogues heading for the cliff now!"

Great now I have to leave my mate.

"Actually we'll talk later then? Have a great day chica bonita."

She started running back to the opposite way she was going. I pretended to continue a jog until she left my eyes. The moment she disappeared I shifted into my black and white ombre wolf.

A lot of people thought my hair was dyed because of the blond highlights when actually they started being visible as I grew. My father used to tell me it's a sign for those who have been gifted by the moon Goddess herself. My great grandfather Zaydin had the same gift but his hair was a dark blue indicating that he had an affinity to control water. Any liquid substance was an exception and in other words he can remove the blood of his enemies right out of any hole of the body until they are as dry as a squeezed lemon.

Since my hair is white, my affinity is controlling air. I could create turnados. With a mix of air and small particles of dust I can make the clouds cry as hard as my enemies families could when I take the oxygen out of their loved ones. I only use my affinity for people stronger than just mere rogues and hunters.

The last time I used it was when the Snow Queen attacked. The Snow Queen was the superior of faes. Her heart as cold as ice, she did not want the death of others but to take over.

16 year old me knew nothing about my affinity but I had been training to control it for 3 years since it showed. I killed the Queen but never her daughter. Meaning her line was to continue... eventually. Since her daughter did not possess her power the only dangerous thing she had was having an offspring that possessed her mother's power. Rumor has it that she already had a daughter but no one knows for sure.

The cracking and rearranging of bones when I first shifted hurt, it felt like a brick wall was falling on me and it felt like forever. Now that I was used to it, it's ecstatic. The rearranging of bones brings about pain that is also pleasurable. It's like when your bones are sore and there is just this part you keep trying to crack for relief but you just can't but when you shift you are able to release that uncomforting feeling.

The wind blowing through me felt amazing. My wolf loved the adrenaline rushing through knowing we are to kill rogues, if my men hadn't taken care of that. I am known to be the ruthless Alpha King, I kill with no remorse or mercy. My only instinct is to protect, protect my pack, my friends, my brother, my mother, my wolves and human mate. My mea lux.

As I ran further I picked up the disgusting stench of rogues. They smell like rotten human guts that have been left for weeks. I should know because I've seen things no other wishes to see. Some rogues are too far gone in their minds that they devour on human flesh.

I ran faster and I could see some of my warriors and my Beta in wolf form fighting the large number of rogues. I didn't have time to formally estimate how many they are as I thought of my mate who was taking a calm morning jog this way in this very Forrest. Realising that they could've touched my mate with their dirty paws made my blood boil with rage. In a split second I lunged at the three rogues over powering one of my warriors I noticed to be Griffin. Removing them with ease I was able to kill one of them.

Griffin quickly got up to fight other rogues as the two were snarling at me. One of them tried to bite me at my right. Careless move, I dodged the impact and went for the other one, my nails scratching his face in the process before I went for the other one and bit at his neck. This is not challenging at all.

More rogues came at me and I mentally smiled at the fun I was about to have.

10 minutes later the problem was solved. 24 rogues down. Only one was alive and I needed him to get some information. What is the sudden attack of so many rogues against me? Something

"When did they enter the territory?"

I asked Christian through mindlink as some of our warriors went to shift to take care of the dead wolves everywhere. Can't risk humans seeing this.

"At least 7 minutes before we noticed they entered. They did some damage to the houses closest to the end of the territory."

"How the hell did none of the guards know about this?"

How do rogues enter my territory and no one noticed when my security is tightened?! Maybe I need to teach them a lesson. Some people are incompetent to do one job!

"They did. The guard that was at that post disappeared out of nowhere. No one knows where he went or when."

This can't be...

"What are you saying Christian?"

"I believe we have traitors Alpha."


I've been thinking about what Christian said the whole day. It's 5:45 in the evening and my mind is all muzzled up.

I can't even think about my encounter with my mate this morning. Zhavi... I keep trying her name because it is beautiful and it suits her tough exterior with her lack of patience and love for people.

As much as she hides it, I can see right through her that she doesn't like people, she's not one to socialize but unfortunately for her she got stuck with Lydia. Same as Raven.

They are complete opposites, with Raven being reserved and shy mostly because of me as Christian says, Lydia is more out going. She likes people and she talks a lot and loudly. A lot of people know and trust her, she also has the ability to make people feel at ease around her. A great quality for a Luna. Just not my Luna, I've found my Luna.

In between my thoughts in enters my annoying brother. "Hey, guess what?"


I said not looking up at him. I know he is just going to start mumbling things that don't exactly add any value to my life. He didn't even knock, he just strutted in my office.

"Come on Shane I just want to talk. Your papers are not going anywhere. And I might just die in a few minutes." Seriously?

"Tell me when you have 30 seconds of life left."

He huffs as he goes to sit on the chair in front of my desk. I guess he isn't going anywhere. He says nothing as I try to ignore him but I can feel his eyes piercing at me and his loud breathing starting to irritate me. Really? Fucking really?! He does that for a few minutes until I get irritated.

"I'm listening." I say looking up at a grinning Greyson.

"Good. So I saw this girl, at the ice cream bar at the mall today and... I think she might be my mate."

"What do you mean she might be your mate, Greyson you're old enough to be able to determine who your mate is."

All wolves at the age of 18 are able to determine their mates. Naturally in the olden days, immediately after finding out your mate you are to announce it to your parents or in my case, the whole kingdom of wolves and a mate ceremony is to take place. It's something close to a wedding but instead of rings there is cutting each other's palms under the moonlight with the Moon Goddess as a witness and later the marking and mating.

As time went on and some mates rejecting each other mostly for power and/or money, came the second chance mates which is completely rare. So very few people do that, we first get to know each other but as a Royal wolf that is how it still should be. That's how it was for my parents.

"That's the thing, my wolf feels an extreme attraction and protection for her and maybe she hasn't reached 18 as yet."

"Then there are high chances then brother." I expected him to be excited but I could see his uneasiness.

"There's more isn't there?" He hesitated before he gave me a curt nod. I crossed my arms waiting for him to talk.


He said it with a tone that was rather, how do I put this, unpleasant? Wolves and humans don't mix since humans are very weak and wolves are prideful beings and they hate being challenged by the weak. Which humans do on a daily basis.

"So what?"

My question caught him by surprise. We both know that I'm not a big fan of humans either but since I met Zhavi....

"What do you mean so what? She's a human, a weak and incompetent being."

The exact words that would come out of me. Part of me likes this side of him. Yes it's at a bad timing but he has Alpha blood and he usually jokes around. This is hardly how he ever acts.

"Firstly, she is your mate learn to appreciate the Moon Goddess' gift. Secondly, there's good in having a weak mate. You get a chance to be protective and her depending on you."

He looks at me as if I've grown two heads.

"Who the hell are you? Do I need to call the guards on you? You're definitely not the Shane I know."

"Don't do that, I don't want to kill my guards I'll need them in the long run."

He looks at me all skeptical and I know he is calculating something. Other than his annoying personality, my brother is pretty observant and smart. One of his strengths is his brain. When he focuses on something he makes sure, he can calculate a person's move before they make it if they are not fast enough. An ability very few people have mastered, he mastered it when he was 14.

"You have a mate and she's a human don't you?" He asks.

I don't answer instead I just looked at him straight in the eye. My silent response giving him an obvious answer he gasps and does a dramatic act of being shocked.

"You found your mate and you didn't tell me? How could you brother?! You disgust me! Disgust me I say!"

I roll my eyes at his child like actions.

"I didn't have time, besides I still don't know how to approach her. She's.... different. As if I might make a mistake or something and she slips away."

After pouring my heart out to my brother he just bursts out into laughter. I scrunch my nose in annoyance. Really?

"I'm- I jus-" He says in between laughs. "So- I'm- so sorry, I-" He continues clutching on his stomach as he tries to catch his breath.

I wait for him to finish, just looking at him with no humour on my features.

"Okay look, I'm really sorry but I don't see you as the romance type brother but your eyes say it all. You got it bad. Respect to the human." He says while still chuckling.

He's not wrong. His demeanor suddenly changes, he gets up to go by the window.

"What's troubling you now?" He gives me a smile laced with little to no amusement.

"What you said made me think, would I actually be able to protect my mate?"

I never thought I'd see the day my brother actually be serious. "Of course you can, you're a Verlice Greyson. She will have my protection also. I promise you."

He nodded and then left. I make a mental note to check on Greyson later. I don't think he is convinced by my reassurance.

Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, I'm having major issues with the service here:^) As a sorry here's another long chapter.^_^

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