Karna: the lost prince

By Parasanki

196K 8.9K 666

what would happen if Kunti told Pandu about karna ,before Pandu's dead and he accepted karna as his eldest so... More

kunti tells the truth.
Saving Bheem
Leaving Hastinapur
Meeting Parshuram
Aditya : the Saviour
Filler One
First Meeting
Being there for each other
Support System
Lakshagraha Conspiracy
Getting to know the truth
The Tale Continues
Distressed Minds
Filler Three
Meeting Once Again
A Hope
Discussion and conclusion
Filler Four
Everything is Clear Now
Filler Five
How did we let this injustice happen?!
Not Worthy
Filler six
Filler seven
looking for Vasu
Filler Eight
Sakuni's deceit
The big Reveal
filler nine
so close still so far
Saving Shon
Filler ten
Making Strategy
we are brothers.....
Trying again
Patching the hearts
Kunti's heart
Happy Birthday
The Spy
Regret and Forgiveness
Regret and Forgiveness II
Filler Eleven
Romance and chaos
what to do?!
Special Chapter
karna's Boon
Talk before the war
Not an update
Happy days
Great charity
The great Danveer

Filler Two

2.5K 116 4
By Parasanki

Knowing that his friends were safe Vasusen was at ease ,but when they did not returned to Hastinapur ,he came to the conclusion that they have decided to live in secrecy and he was fine with that because if they returned to Hastinapur ,their life would again be in danger, so, it is better for them to stay away for the time being, though he would miss them and also it was becoming almost impossible to see Mahamahim so devastated,he wanted to comfort him but he had no way of doing that without revealing the truth.


Bhishma was devastated ,he had failed Pandu and his family once again, now all of them were dead and he wanted to end his life as well.
Vidur had realised that the bodies they had found in the burnt palace were not of Pandavas and they must have escaped because of his warning.
Now ,the only thing that he needed to do is let Mahamahim know of the truth,he could not see him this lifeless anymore , so he told everything to him.
Mahamahim was happy after hearing this and even hugged Vidur, he also praised Aditya ,who gave them the information.
They decided to keep it a secret as long as they needed to,they knew that pandavas would resurface at the right time.


Pandavas were shocked hearing what Kunti said about a lost child, but before they could ask here anything more or start to try and comprehend ,they were ordered to move to a safer place by their mother.
So ,they decided to put the dead bodies of Purochan and his family in fire and also leave their weapons and some jewellery on them,so that whoever finds the bodies would think that pandavas were dead and that is what happened ,after that they moved to a forest and settled below a tree to get answers from their mother for all the questions burning in their minds.

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