Tranquility beyond

By Tangotkt

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A long time ago when the cold blooded King and the shape shifter King had made peace with each other having h... More

Tranquility Beyond
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 3

303 28 1
By Tangotkt

Shane's POV

I needed coffee because I've been working all day. What I didn't know was that my Beta and his twin sister were taking me to some FROYO shop and I don't even like yogurt.

"Come on you have to try it it's really good. Try the chocolate one it's always better." Melissa says.

"This place looks like a toddler threw up or something. I'm a King I shouldn't even be here." I complain.

"It hardly looks like that, I'd say maybe a 12 or 13 year old threw up." Christian comments. Is that supposed to make it better?

"That's what Christian said too but when he got his first one, he wanted to come here everyday. It's amazing plus it's a little hot you know." Melissa, my Beta's sister says.

I might as well because I'm already here. I don't even know what to order.

A brown haired girl comes to the table swaying her hips side to side in a form of seduction. I know I'm not the only one who notices judging by the way Melissa is looking at her. If looks could kill.

"Hi, my name is Lucy and I'll be your waitress today. Here are your menus and if there's anything else you gentlemen might like don't be afraid to shout." She says with a wink.

"So if I want something should I snap my fingers or tap the table or something?" A very irritated Melissa says.

Normally Melissa is not very nice but she is worse when she's mad because she has a mom side to her. Christian has told me that she always had a crush on me and we have had some sexual relation but it never had any feelings involved, at least not for me but that was a long time ago.

We separated because my heart felt so wrong because me and Lydia were broken up by the elders 'cause we were expected to find our mates. My heart was with her so I broke it off and got back to Lydia. We may not be mates but I know she doesn't like other females around me, especially Lydia.

Wolves are known to be very territorial but I think she is worse because not only is it part of her nature it's also part of her personality.

"What she meant was thank you." Christian answers trying to ease the situation since these two girls are now giving each other deadly looks. The waitress leaves in annoyance.

"I don't like you sometimes." Melissa says. This is going to be an argument. My Beta being the nice one and his sister giving people a piece of her mind is usually arguements everyday buy end up smiling after a few minutes.

"Wh- you don't have to be mean like that you know.."

"Mean?! She was flirting and you were just entertai..." I zone out on their little argument. I'm so used to it that I just choose to ignore it.

Trapped in my own thoughts I receive the most embrosial scent ever. Vanilla and a cool winter breeze. The smell is so addictive I had to know where it came from.

My eyes searched and searched until they stopped on the entrance of the shop. There stood a girl that was maybe 5 feet with big curly hair and cute little frackles. She has thick beautiful lips and brown chocolatey skin and huge brown eyes that hold annoyance. It feels as though time has stopped.

One of her thick eyebrows raised and her eyes looking lazy and annoyed with her lips pressed together. She looks so cute when she's mad.

The moment her eyes meet mine, I froze. The force being stronger and the attraction grown fonder I meet those beautiful brown eyes. Losing myself in those eyes as if I am running in the forest in my wolf form with the cool wind blowing my fur shows that I have found a reason to live and a person to protect.

"Mate.." My wolf and me say at the same time. From that moment on I knew I found who I would die for and who I want to live for.

Whilst I'm still captured by her beauty my view is blocked by my Gamma, Lydia. I hadn't noticed that she was with Lydia and Raven, how are they together?

They head over to our table and the closer they get the stronger their scents get which I get another scent coming form them and I didn't smell this one because the mate scent was stronger. Human...

She smells like a human, my mate is a human. As much as I think humans are weak a species and I doubt many wolves would approve of their Queen being a human, I don't really give a fuck anymore. She already has my heart yet I don't even know her name but I know I would never let anyone or anything hurt her.

"Fancy meeting you here." Lydia says in a weird attempt of a British accent.

"What was that?" Melissa says trying not to laugh.

"I do not know what you mean darling." She says again.

"You guys are such fun sponges. This is our new friend and she's British." She says that is a whisper tone. "Zhavi these are our friends, and bosses."

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Zhavi." Her voice is bold and yet angelic. Does that even make sense? I'm a werewolf King yet this small human has me lost for words.

Because of my silence she takes it as a a rude attempt to ignore her and I hadn't noticed she extended her hand until she extracts it.

"Excuse me for being rude, I'm Shane and this is my Bet-uh best friend, Christian and his sister Melissa. It's nice to meet you too. Zhavi.." Her name suits her.

Shit! Why the fuck did I just stutter! "Since when does the mighty werewolf King stutter?" My beta asks in a sarcastic tone through mindlink. How dare he! I know it was embarrassing but how dare he!

"Don't forget you work under me." I threaten him. He wants to mock me I'll make his work hard. "Can't you take a joke man?"

"No." He tries to hold his laugh. Why is he my beta again? "Okay seriously what's up?" We all sit down and I try not to look at my mate in the eye and the only way to do that is to keep my eyes with a talking Lydia. I can't even hear what she's saying though.

"She's my mate."

"Oh shit." My beta says before Lydia snaps her fingers at me. "You're doing it again!" Doing what?

"What are you on about?" Lydia rolls her eyes and I'm just sitting there confused. "You are pretending to listen to me when you are just- thinking about something else Shane. Did you hear what I just said?" No, no I didn't.

"I have a lot of things on my mind." I say looking over the menu.

"Right. Anyway I was just saying that professor Beck made me really sleepy. I need some FROYO but I don't know what to get. Everything looks sooo good. What do you want to get Zhavi?"

"Huh? Oh uhm usually I just get plain vanilla." My cute mate, now I know to be Zhavi seemed to be a little distracted too.

Zhavi's POV

I am now seated on this table with an insanely attractive specimen in front of me. Have you ever been so attracted to someone it makes it hard for you to breathe? Well this Shane guy is literally taking my breath away.

I can feel the temperature rising. I jog every morning, exercise every day to be sweating. My body should be in great shape so why am I this nervous? I feel like I'm going to explode!

"What do you want to get Zhavi?" Lydia pulls me back to reality with her question and I quickly remember I'm here for FROYO. Right. "Huh? Oh uhm usually I just get plain vanilla." I give a brief answer so I don't get any follow up questions.

"Anyone else?" We just arrived and Lydia is already taking over everything. The others say their orders and Shane ordered a chocolate FROYO according to his bet-uh best friend's recommendation. I may be a nervous wreck but I'm not stupid. They're wolves. Maybe just ordinary wolves though but now I know Christian is a Beta.

What I hate about new people is that I have to make conversation so I don't seem un-interested. Lydia calls the waitress up and she comes holding a pen and a small writing note book.

"Are you ready to order?" I don't know what but she sounded a little rude but I shake it off. I'm not paying so I'll just shut up.

"We will be having two chocolates no sprinkles, a strawberry with sprinkles and a Saturday special for me and two vanillas one with sprinkles and- you want sprinkles Zhavi?"

"I don't know, are they good on FROYO? I never tried." I don't like sprinkles when they are on cake.

"Please make a decision there are other customers waiting." The waitress says. Uhm sorry what?

"I'm undecided maybe they can wait a little longer." I say blantly to show I really do not care about other customers. "So what will it be then?" Your head on my hand.

"No sprinkles thanks." I say looking at her straight in the eye. I don't tolerate disrespect.

She leaves looking annoyed. Girl I feel the same way, I definitely relate. I can see everyone's eyes on me. Maybe I was rude? Shit how do I remove their eyes now? I mean I was rude but I mean I've been bearing these rude humans for a while. Who knew American college students could be as petty as high school kids? Call me stupid but I expected a bit of maturity.

"So how long have you two been together? You're a really cute couple." I ask about Melissa and Christian. It sounds like a better idea now to just change the topic before anything else.

"Couple? We're twins wait didn't Shane introduce us as siblings? You weren't listening same way he never does." Melissa responds pointing at her brother.

"I never listen because you're always yapping and your voice is not the best to hear." Christian says and Melissa gives a dramatic gasp. "I do not! Well do you know what I don't like about you?!"

I hear a a couple of 'uhh's and 'oh no's from the others.

"Not this again for Pete's sake." Shame comments.

I couldn't help but laugh at their exaggeration. Do they really argue like this a lot?

"You have an amazing laugh." I hear Shane say. That immediately shut me up. I can't take a compliment without feeling awkward. Damn I hate myself.

I give a small smile and try not to look at him. Although I think he enjoys me blushing right now, hell no I don't blush especially to some werewolf, hot or not no one makes me cave.

"So Shane, what do you guys do because I don't remember seeing you at school. I doubt I'd miss you anywhere." I am curious but at the same time I want to show him that he has no effect on me.

"Because of my good looks?" He teases. Please.

"No that's not it, I think everyone would notice a stuttering pretty boy." Christian starts to cough at that and the table grows silent. Did I hit a nerve or something?

"Are you teasing me mi luz?" Looks like he likes it. I'm not sure whether I'm pressing the guy's bottons or flirting but I kind of enjoy this. He called me his light, I don't think he knows I know Spanish. "It's just a question."

He gives me a little devilish smirk before he responds. "How are Lydia and Raven treating you so far?" He changed the topic. I was just enjoying that, maybe he wasn't.

"You didn't answer my question so I can't answer yours." I am so used to reverse psychology that it doesn't work on me anymore. "I came here to take a break from work and you want to talk about it? Isn't that rude pecas?"

"I'd prefer you don't call me that." I say with anger laced in my words, somehow I like that but my freckles are the one quality I don't like about my face. He stays quiet for a second and then his whole demeanor changes and he starts to looks less interested. I should stop being annoying.

Melissa takes notice of this and speaks before he does. "He owns a marketing company in the city." She said that with an attitude. Part of me kind of has an urge to pull out some of her hair.

The waitress arrived with our FROYOs. Finally! I haven't been here for 20 minutes and already I caused some tension.

"Raven you've been awfully quiet." Lydia says turning to her friend. After seeing her facial expression she gives a loud dramatic gasp. "Who is making you smile?! You have a new boyfriend?"

"Raven has a boyfriend?" Christian also joins in on this. " Looks like it she's blushing. Oooo Shane can I taste yours please?"

Shane beams at Lydia's plea after she gives him puppy eyes. Why do I feel a little hurt? I mean I know I was irritating the guy but it was 'cause I felt something for him but it doesn't mean he should do that.

I stay couped up in my own thoughts for a while until I start to feel like an outsider here. I check the time and it's almost 3 pm and I meet Holden at five. I know if I don't arrive on time I'll get lecturers about punctuation. I know it's early but I just need an excuse to leave.

"Uhm I think I have to go. I'm meeting someone in two hours so..." I say putting my cellphone inside my backpack. "What is that like a date? Two hours is too far. If it is we'll help you get ready and get you a new outfit. I'm pretty sure with what you're wearing, you need one." Lydia says scanning my outfit. Excuse me?

"What? But this is one of my favourite outfits." Lydia shakes her head in disapproval. I'm so offended!

"She's joking but why do you have to leave so early? I thought you were new to the country to you know have other friends." Shane answered this time.

"I never said I was, but if you have to know. I have to go for my afternoon jog for maybe an hour then I'll take a bath then go see him. He's an old friend that a met a few years ago." Now that I think about it that's exactly what I should do.

"He? So it is a date?" Everyone's attention turns to me after Christian's statement. "No of course not! Holden is my friend and I besides I don't think he would feel the same." I say getting up from my seat.

"Holden? Which Holden?" Shane says getting up with me. Shit I forgot they might know Holden. "I would love to explain but I really have to go." I say quickly leaving.

"See you later!" I hear Lydia shout. "Byee!" I say back running out. As much as I really still want to smell Shane's cologne because lord knows how amazing it is, being around so many wolves is suffocating.


Christian's POV

There's something about this Zhavi girl that I can't piece together. She hesitated when she realised she mentioned Holden's name and she was pushy with where Shane worked then got mad when Melissa responded. Of course the mate bond will make anyone jealous and Melissa already has a thing for Shane so she was also Jealous with the attention Shane gave her.

Shane will be oblivious to anything now. She's his mate so he definitely will be blind to see anything. "That was weird." Shane sits down after his mate leaves. "Maybe it's another Holden?" He says.

"What are the chances of a new British girl that landed 3 days ago in America, is very pushy about where you work and doesn't like sprinkles to know the vampire King?" Lydia says. I get her point. Of course she doesn't mean thee Holden.

"Maybe she was really being curios. I live with her so she can't be either a witch, vampire or a hunter." Raven replies. Raven is not a full wolf so she can sense a witch and a hunter always smells like wolfsbane even after they try to hide it, as for vampires, they can't stand wolves as much as we can't stand them.

"Even so, why would the vampire King be her friend? Humans and always going after something bigger than them." Melissa says. Of course she is pissed off at her but that doesn't really have to do with anything.

"Look can we not talk about her?" Shane is getting annoyed by this.

"Should we spy on her?" I mindlink him. "No, It's not necessary." I think it is but okay then.

"She also made you lose your game." Shane gives me the stink eye after that.

"Don't even start with me." He responds to me out loud. "Okay but honestly what was that? Why were you mad?" He pulls his phone after it buzzed. "My 'job' annoys me and I wasn't willing to talk about it." I think she got hurt by that though.

"Was Shane trying to flirt because if so it wasn't good." Lydia said.

"Right?" I agree with her. If a mate can do that then I don't think I like it anymore.

"You two are getting on my last nerve." Annoying our Alpha is our favourite thing and his is giving us extra work for annoying him.

"Since when do you flirt though?" Maybe he hasn't told them yet.

"She's my mate." The table goes silent.

"No way no way!" Lydia shouts and goes to hug him. These two never wanted to get married and I'm glad they never did. I already lost Holden as one of my best friends as kids so I can't have two of them know each other naked. Wait they already do!

"But she's human. Everyone expects a strong wolf as our queen Alpha. The. Moon Goddess must have made a mistake." And my sister decided to ruin it.

"No one has a say on what my mate should be Melissa so I don't care who expects what." That's when I knew my best friend is already whipped.

Sorry for the long chapter 😸 but I'm hoping to you enjoyed. More chapters coming your way. Don't forget to like and comment. Xoxo:-)

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