𝐇𝐢𝐣𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐉...

By --mananwriter--

35.8K 4.3K 1.2K

(Completed) She was kind but he was a bully. She was caring but he was a jerk. She is intelligent but he is a... More

------» Hijabi and Annoying Atheist «------
1. Nandini And Her Friends
2. Apology from Manik
3. God, my sister!
4. Annoyed Nandu
5. The jerk
6. Who is she?
7. Follow request
8. Uncomfortable Nandini
9. Call me your Savior
10. Dad
11. Jealous Alya
12. College Trip
13. Manik out
14. Broken Manik
15. End of Trip
16. Unknown Feelings
17. Dad is in hospital
18.Harshad Threat
19. Unexpected!
20. Attacked
21. Don't touch me Harshad
22. Dreamed!
23. Please Don't Kill Me
24. I love you
25. You are changed
26. Leave Me!
27. In Trouble
28. I want to see you
29. Grounded
30. Changed Mukti
31. Let me Go
32. How Dare You
33. You Missed Me
35. Holding Her Hand
36. Hiding the book
37. You promised me a date
38. On Periods!
39. Her Old friends
40. Sid's Confession
41. You coughed blood
42. First kiss
43. Manik kissed me
44. Cancer is back!
45. Jerk is back!
46. Revelation
47. I still love you
48. Can we talk!
49. Am I committing suicide
50. She knows
51. He needs your support
52. I'm here love [Last Chapter]
Bonus Chapter?

34. People Like Me Have Brains

433 62 23
By --mananwriter--


"You know I would love to, but people like me have a brain" I responded

DHRUV: "What brain?" he said pushing me.

He kept pushing me back but I knew he provoking me, I'm not gonna give him the one thing he wants the most

That was until I heard Cabir walking toward us.

CABIR: "You know, Manik can't punch you..but I can!" he said, and with that being said he gave him a punch which made him fall

Alya leaned over to him and helped him up.

CABIR: "You need to know one thing, don't you dare touch my mates ever again!"

Do you now see why I love this guy?!

We all walked away before a teacher would come.

"Thank you, you have no idea how much I wanted to punch him," I said to Cabir

CABIR: "Yeah I know, I got you, bro," he said throwing his arm over my shoulder

CABIR: "And I know what he said to Nandini, Mukti told me . I would also be pissed if he talked to my girlfriend like that so he deserved it, "he said

"Yeah, I agree.No girl ever deserves to be assaulted or threatened!" I replied

We walked together to class. We all had a class together.Cabir,Navya,Aryamaan,Nandini and myself

TEACHER: "Oh I see that you are also joining us, please be on time next time. Now take a seat," she said seeing us standing at the door

We nodded and took a seat in front of Nandini.

I turned around and looked at Nandini,

"I'm glad I'm back," I said she smiled and shook her head

TEACHER: "I know that your girl is sitting behind you, but you need to keep your eyes on me for the next hour. I know that's difficult though," she said probably because she saw me talking to her

NANDINI: "Oh we're not.." she said in defense

I turned back to Nandini and saw that she was as red as a tomato. I just laughed at how embarrassed she was. It wasn't an insult to be called her boyfriend, it was a dream


Our class was over.

MANIK: "Well, what do you wanna do tonight babe," he said swaying his arm around my neck

"Sleeping" I responded throwing his arm off me.

I was embarrassed when the teacher thought that Manik and I were together. And she said it in front of the class. Everybody turned in our direction and Manik enjoyed it, I could see it in his face

MANIK: "You know, I have a better idea," he said winking at me when I turned to him


MANIK: "Why what?" he asked

"Why are you still annoying me while we're supposed to be friends?" I asked

I really wanted to know why I was the only one he annoyed this much

MANIK: "Because annoying you makes my day, and secretly yours too" he replied

Why would I like it? Who the hell would like it to get annoyed by him...Oh, wait every freaking girl in this school except me.

MANIK: "You love the attention," he said and turned around to his friend who was waiting for him

MANIK: "I love you babe" he shouted and of course, everyone stared at me.

Great move, awesome, as I wasn't embarrassed enough...ThankGod I'm Manik free for the next few hours. What does he mean by 'you love attention though

I don't love him being all around me whilst he can have any girl he wants...Or maybe I do?

NAVYA: "C'mon or we'll be late," he said pulling me out of my thoughts


This day has been going on for too long. I'll be happy when I can finally throw my feet up when I arrive home. I took the same route home as when Harshad followed me the other day. I promised myself to not be scared of him anymore.

I can't be, I need to be stronger than him . Mentally obviously, physically he's way stronger than me. I was walking in a quiet slean neighborhood, I already passed the spot where Harshad grabbed my arm soI wasn't that worried anymore, well that's what I thought

As I was walking within deep thoughts, someone grabbed my shoulder. Out of relaxation, I jumped forward so he wouldn't be touching me anymore. I was sure that it was Harshad again, so I didn't bother to turn around. I didn't want to see his face.

"Harshad, leave me alone for God's sake. Why are you following me again?" I said still walking not bothering to look behind me.


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