Another World // Marvel FF

By irishsnowflakeluv

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Book Two- -------------- Asta's back and dealing with more issues then she anticipated. New friends are made... More

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33 2 1
By irishsnowflakeluv

"Hello? Hello?" she pauses, "I hear my voice echo, but it sounds strange in my head. The detail is amazing. However I am three feet off the ground." Simmons says as she uses Fitz's new gadget.

"Wait. What? Hold on. Damn it." Fitz replies, moving over to the computer that Asta stood in front of as she looked over all the work he had done. "Uh, well I did adjust the Y axis earlier for some reason." Fitz continues as he begins to fiddle with the numbers. "What does that look like now?"

"Better. The CPU seems to be handling the high poly count. Textures are impeccable. We should build a place to get away... a meadow or a cottage somewhere." Simmons begins to ramble before sighing, "I wish it were ever this quiet."

Simmons removes the headpiece to bring her back to the real world. Fitz and Asta stood before her in the busy lab of the SHIELD HQ. "Direct current stimulation. Creates  the other senses like touch and taste but also takes feedback. So I've just mapped your brain response..." Fitz starts to explain.

"Response to the environment. Of course." Simmons finishes hie thought.

"Next, Fitz wants to compare it to my brains response to see if theirs a difference at all with how Asgardian DNA response to technology like this." Asta brings up excited.

"That's a fascinating hypothesis. I can't wait to see the results to that!" Simmons says with excitement in her eyes. She then realized something, "Dr. Radcliffe came up with the architecture?" she asks looking to Fitz.

"Yeah. Yeah. He calls it 'The Framework'. But all the transcranial apparatus, that's all me." he says looking between the two girls that stood before him.

"No, of course. You're brilliant too. Of course." Simmons reassures him jokingly but with a serious tone.

"The most brilliant." Asta joins in on the teasing, causing Simmons to crack a smile.

Fitz ignores their teasing and continues to explain the work, "Cause soon you wont even need the eyewear or the earwear, 'cause it'll all be inside your head." 

"So May's strike team will be able to train virtually instead of May constantly breaking their ribs." Simmons replies.

Before the three of them could continue talking, something had gathered all their attention. "Hey, hey. Authorized personal only pal. No pas. No entry." one of the scientist had said from the doorway of the lab.

Stood in the doorway was Coulson and Mack. "Who the hell are you?" Mack questions the scientist confused.

"Leave them be, Nathanson. They have more reason to be here then you do." Simmons tells the agent as the three approach the door.

"Wow. A lot of new faces." Mack says and him and Coulson enter.

"Good to see yours." Simmons replies giving the two a hug.

"Six weeks. That's a record." Fitz comments.

"Great to see you two again." Asta greets them.

"Great to see you too princess." Mack jokes, earning a look from the girl in regards to the name.

"Heard you got a promotion." Coulson says towards Simmons.

"Oh yeah, and a title." Fitz says looking towards the girl with pride.

"Yeah. Special Advisor to the Director in Science and Technology." Simmons explains.

"or 'SADIST'." Fitz says, earning a light hit on the arm from Asta.

"They keeping you busy?" Mack questions.

"With busy work mainly." Simmons says with a shrug.

"I'm half the busy work" Asta chimes in.

"You're not busy work." The scientist tries to reassure her

"Please, you basically my babysitter." the goddess argues lightly.

"I wouldn't say babysitter..."Simmons tries to say.

"Really, what would you say then?" Fitz joins in, also viewing Simmons as just her babysitter when he wasn't helping the blonde with earth science.

"It doesn't matter. You're a joy to have a round." Simmons says, "You aren't busywork."

"Yeah, and you also have random state of the art lie detector test." Fitz says tauntingly. "So at least you know she's not lying Asta." he says, causing the blonde to laugh lightly.

"So that's the cost of being in the Directors inner circle." Coulson says with a sad smile to the scientist.

"Yeah, he's paranoid about what's happened the last time SHIELD was government run. Calls it his Widespread Infiltration Monitoring Program." Simmons explains.

"Or WIMP." Fitz chimes in earning a look from both girls. "Hey, uh, you should join us 'cause we're going to Radcliffe's and watch the Aberdeen-Inverness Caley Thistle League cup final." Fitz says, earning a confused looks from Coulson. "They're... Those are football teams."

"I'm not sure they are Turbo." Mack response after giving a look of confusion to Coulson.

"Unfortunatly we have to be wheels up in 10 minutes so... " Coulson informs the group.

"Okay. Alright. So Strickly business then..." Fitz replies only sounding a little dispointed as he makes his way to a desk near the group to grab the new gadgets.

"Aw yeah. New Toys?" Mack says and they all crowd around the table.Asta staying behind Jemma, having already seen the 'toys' earlier.

"They exploding pen that you asked for. I can't imagine a use for it." Fitz starts, hading a box with a pen in it to Mack who looked impressed to Coulson as Fitz continued looking and grabing things.

"What you never wanted on." Mack says to Coulson seeing the look he was given only recieving a chuckle in return.

"And for your Direct-, uh Agent Coulson," Fitz starts, messing up at the begingn but opens the box to show a new robo hand, "With new bells and whistles. And the directions will be there when you boot it up." Fitz explains as Coulson looks it over. 

Coulson Highfives his new robo hand before placing it back in its box. "So, whats the assignment?" Asta questions the two curiously.

Couslon sighs,"Its classified."

"Right. Everything is these days." Fitz replies as he two was curious on where their friends were going.

The two give the group a shrug before heading out of the lab with their new gear. "Fitz, sadly.. uh." Jemma started.

"Yeah, you can't make it to the match either." Fitz replies in a sad tone as the three head back into the lab were they were working together earlier.

"I have to finish my report." Jemma explains as she follows behind. Asta keeping her distance knowing the couple might need their space.

"Yeah, no. I get it. Thats okay. Just a shame we hardly get to see each other... Any of us." Fitz brings up.

Jemma sighs, "Yes, well... At least its better then the friends we'll never see again." was her response before turning and exiting the lab.

"Just us again?" Asta hesitantly asks seeing the look on his face.

Fitz sighs, "Yeah."


The two arrive at Radcliffes with drinks and snacks in hand as they knock on the door. "Hey. Just in time, they've taken to the pitch." Radcliffe greeets as the two as he allows them into his home. "Where's Jemma? Is she not coming?" 

"Yeah, she wanted to. Same story." Fitz explaisn as they set their stuff down on the counter.

"She feels bad about it." Asta adds as she helps to make sure one of the drinks doesn't fall.

"All work no play huh? Thats a bit disapointing." Radcliffe replies as she closes the door. "Still, you two make yours selves comfortable. I'm just,  uh,  finishing up cleaning up." he tells them before heaning into the kitchen.

"Asta watch this." Fitz says grabing a handful of peanuts and tossing it into the air and catching it in his mouth.

The blonde laughs at his antics, "So impressive." she teases as he glances at her with a grin, before focusing on the game. Asta glances over her shoulder, feeling as if someone was staring at her. She jumps in surprise, fully turning to face a naked woman. "Oh!"

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry." Fitz says in surpirise quickly facing away from the naked brunette in surprise.

Asta looks away, glacing at the womans face a few times, confused on why she wasn't reacting to them. "Sorry. We had no idea there was someone here." she apoligies glancing at Fitz to see he had his hand up to block his view of the woman as he was now sat on the couch.

"Hello." the woman replies. 

"You... You weren't  ment to see that." Radcliffe says as he reenters the room. Heading to the woman with a robe to cover her up.

"Hello. I'm glad to final... Hello. I'm glad to final..." she repeats.

"Fitz. Asta. Meet Aida." Radcliffe introduces.

"Hello. I'm glad to final..." Aida repeats again.

"She's uh crashed." Radcliffe explains as the two stare at their friend confused.

"Hello. I'm glad to final...Hello. I'm glad to final...Hello. I'm glad to final..." she continues to repeat before Radcliffe grabs a remote and presses a button that seems to shut her down as he smile fades and she stares blankly at the ground.

"What?" was all Asta could think of saying as she stares at Aida wide eyed before taking a seat next to Fitz.

"What the hell?" Fitz questions, as he stares in disbelief.

"Well. I've just upped her PSU to compensate for image processing. Must have overcranked it. I'll reboot." Radcliffe says.

"Nuh-nuh no. Thats not what I meant. I meant... What the hell?" Fitz says again.

"You lost me." Asta says as she continues to stare at the brunette.

"Well... You've already met Aida. Digital Personal Assistant as a voice on the computer. So uh, I built her a body." he explains the the two on his couch.

"A naked body!"

"A human body?" The two say at the same time in a loud whisper as they both face him.

"I was just now installing new hardware, updating her gyroscopic sensors. I'm not some sicko." Radcliffe explains in his defense.

"When did you build this?" Fitz questions as he stands. "Have you forgotten the very strict stipulations that came with your pardon? You are not allowed experimentation without  approval and oversight." he explains.

"Oversight, I know. I'm well aware of that, yeah. That's why I wanted Simmons here. I wanted to show all of you. Look this has been a lifelong dream of mine, Fitz. When I saw the work you nad Simmons were doing in replicating human tissues and internal bone structure in Coulson's hand, I knew... I knew right then that this was within reach." Radcliffe explains.

"A robot?" Fitz questions confused.

"Not just a robot. It's one that can cross the uncanny valley and come out the otherside... pass for a human." he explains, getting confusing looks from the two. "I mean, it has bloody micro-expressions." he continues as he walks over to Aida.

"'She'." Fitz cuts him off as Asta stands again, " It's a... It's deffinantly a 'she', cause we saw..." Fitz tries to explain.


"Yes." Fitz confirms.

"She has bloody micro expressions, full range of motion. I mean, physically its- she's nearly perfect." Radcliffe explains. 

"So she's a very realistic robot..." Asta puts it simply as she walks over to Aida, Fitz following behind.

"Yeah, very realistic." Fitz comments as he walks around her while Asta stays looking at her face.

"Now, mentally, well you've spoken with her she bright,she laughs at jokes I programmed her to recognize, but she's never passed the turning test. At the moment that's the pipe dream. However, I think, with your help..." Radcliffe brings up.

"No... no no no no no." Fitz covers his face with his hand for a moment. "We have to report this right away. You could lose everything." Fitz says as he starts to pace.

"I know. I know." Radcliffe replies

"Or you could go to jail." Fitz reminds him as he continues his journey around the room.

"I know!" Radcliffe says. "I know. You're right. Full disclosure at this time is the best course of action. I-I agree." Radcliffe brings up as Fitz stops his pacing gaining the two's attention. "Hmm. At least let me show you how it works." he offers.

Asta looks to Fitz, "This could be a good." she says gaining their attention, "To better understand what we're looking at. And- and to know what exactly it is we're dealing with when you have to... report it." she suggests, siding with Radcliffe, choosing her words carefully. The excitement clear on her face.

"Yes, yes. It could be a learning experience for Asta as well. Come on Fitz. Let me show you." Radcliffee adds on.


Now in Radcliffe's office, the three plus Aida were have talk on how she works. "This could be very dangerous. So much could go wrong." Fitz says, pacing once again.

"Ultron. Yes I know." Radcliffe agrees.

"She doesn't seem like Ultron." Asta says to Fitz.

"Thats reasuring." Fitz tells her, not seeming convinced as her stares at Aida.

"This is not A.I... A.I. is banned, and thats good. This is mimicary of human behavior." Radcliffee reasures them.

"Still, in the wrong hands, this could be used as a weapon. Is that the idea?" Fitz questions.

"No. Absolutley not. No... Look I know the dangers. Thats why I've been... I've been reticent to divulge. I don't know these new people at S.H.I.E.L.D. But a weapon is absolutely not the idea." Radcliffe explains before taking a drink.

"Alright, if she's not a weapon then why make her? What is she for?" Asta questions, curious as to the robots purpose. 

"Why not let Aida tell you herself." Radcliffe offers before going over to said robot, picking up the remote next to her and turning her on. 

Aida turns on, looking left, right, and center before facing both Fitz and Asta. She gives the two a smile, "Hello." she greet before walking up to the two of them. "I'm glad to finally shake your hand Leopold." she says before holding her hand out to Fitz.

"Very not Ultron." Asta says as she watches the interaction, a small excited smile on her face.

"Lovely to finally meet you Princess Asta." Aida says, looking to the blonde now. She looks around, "Where's Jemma? We were hoping that she would come?" she asks as she lets go of Fitz hand once the shake was done.

"Sh-she's uh... indisosed, I'm afraid. Aida... We were wondering..." Fitz hesitantly stutters out.

"Yes, Agent Fitz?" Aida says with a smile, possibly to calm him down.

"We were curious if you could tell us what exactly you were designed for?" Asta says seeing as Fitz was having a hard time forming a sentence.

Aida looks towards Radcliffe, who gave her a nod, "Of course. Dr. Radcliffe, time and again, has expressed his deep regret for causing pain. When all he ever wanted was to prevent it. He speaks often of the pain that you, Agent Simmons, and Agent Fitz have had to suffer, having lost so many friends and family. Lincoln Campbell, Andrew Garner, Antoine Triplett, Pietro Maximoff, L-." Aida explains.

"Okay stop." Fitz says cutting her off. "Stop it, stop it. You don't need to list them." he tells her.

Aida frowns, "Sorry." She says softly to the two. "The hope is that I will be able to prevent future tragedies. Save the lives of agents by putting myself in harms way, in thier place." she continues to explain.

"To kill?" Fitz questions.

"No. I am incapable of that. I will protect. I will serve as a decoy target, a safegaurd. A shield." she finishes explaining.

"O-okay turn her off." Fitz says taking a step back and leaning on the wall. Aida looks at him confused but Radcliffe listens and with a hit of a button she shuts down.

"So, she's a robot version of my power of sorts." Asta says, trying to wrap her head around Aida. Being told Peitro and almost Loki's names was not was she was expecting to be remindeed of today.

"Inspired by." Radcliffe tells the princess with a nod.

Fitz sighs, "We can't tell Simmons about this." he tells them.

"What?" Radcliffe questions. "Don't we want to move forward? Her approval is..."

"This is too dangerous to show the new director. We don't know what he'd do with it. And she would have to tell him so... she can't know." he pauses, "Not until..."

"Until?" Asta and Radclifee asks.

"Until she's perfect." he tells them.


2623 Words

Let go Season 4 of shield!

Hope you guys are hyped cause this is arguable my favorite season.





Lots of luv~ snowflake

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