Friends (Camren)

Por roxkvato

232K 4.8K 2K

Friends don't love me like you do... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 18.5
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
A Final Word

Chapter 12

9.3K 213 183
Por roxkvato

Camila's P.O.V.

The weeks after I told Lauren how I felt about her were magical, filled with bliss. We were closer than we had ever been. Not much had changed in our relationship except for the physical aspects. She held my hand with pride, and sneaked subtle kisses; not enough to draw attention to the two of us, but just enough to fulfill our urges. Neither of our parents suspected anything except for a close friendship; not that it would matter, both of our parents were very outspoken about their views on sexuality. They believed that love was love, and didn't care much about gender, but that didn't make it any more comfortable for us to admit the fact. We kept our relationship between us, and preferred it that way until we knew that this was a serious thing.
Spring break was coming up in two days, and I wanted to ask Lauren to come with me to my cabin in the mountains. I remembered how she said she had an obsession with them earlier in the year and figured this would be a perfect time to take her. I always went with a friend because we had two cabins: one for me and whoever I decided to bring, and the other reserved for my parents and my little sister, Sofi. I had to admit that having a cabin with Lauren to ourselves may not be the best idea, but at this point I didn't care and I was eager to invite the girl, for obvious reasons.

I had asked my parents on Tuesday night if it was alright for Lauren to come with us this year, and they nodded, barley even paying attention to my question. I planned on asking Lauren about her plans in the art room during our lunch period.

The hours before lunch were always the longest. My I had my three least favorite classes: math, chemistry, and health during my first three hours of school, none of which I got to see Lauren. All of our morning classes where on opposite sides of the building, so there was no way of running into her in the hallways either. The day rolled by slowly. I was eager to see Lauren, and I was anticipating our week in the mountains if she was allowed to go. I knew how happy she would be about going to the mountains, and I could imagine her smile when I asked her. The one where her eyes squinted together and you could see all of her teeth. I had images in my mind of us hiking to the top of the mountain together to watch the sun rise and set, and coming back to the cabin to drink tea and watch movies in oversized t-shirts. Mere fantasies, I know, but I can dream right?

I skipped into Mrs. Trainor's room eagerly, greeting her with my usual smile, before making my way to my seat next to Lauren. She was already sitting in her normal spot, eyebrows scrunched in concentration on the painting in front of her. I plopped down and in my seat, unable to remove the huge grin that had appeared on my face.

"Why so chipper?" Lauren asked, a smile forming on her face, mimicking mine.

"So...if I am correct, spring break happens to be next week..." I stated suspiciously.

"Correct.." she replied, raising her eyebrows.

"Well, if I am correct, someone is going to visit the mountains where her family has a cabin, and I'm sure this somebody would love to be accompanied by the beautiful Lauren Jauregui, if she were kind enough to accept their offer." I said, going about my business nonchalantly.

"I'm sure Lauren Jauregui would love to go to the mountains, but not with just anyone... I think she would prefer to go with Camila Cabello... If only that were the someone..." Lauren played along with a dramatic sigh.

"Really?" I asked, not sure if she was joking around or actually wanted to go.

"Really what?" she answered.

"Will you really go to the mountains with me? My family has two cabins there, and I know how much you love the mountains... Plus it won't cost you anything because we own the cabins and we can do whatever we want because my parents sort of do their own thing and I mean of course it's okay if you're already doing something..." I rambled nervously.

My hands were tapping on my knees because I was so anxious. I hadn't know how nervous I was until I was in the midst of asking her, which kind of sucked on my part. My feet began to tap on the ground and I didn't notice until I felt Lauren's warm hand on my knee, stalling the action. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it in an attempt to call my nerves.

"Camz of course I want to. I wasn't planning on doing anything over the break except for sit and watch Netflix anyway, and hanging out with you would be so much more fun. I'll just have to ask my dad, but I'm sure he'll say yes." she assured me, rubbing her thumb across the top of my hand.

"Alright good. I really hope you can come, I know how much you love the mountains and you said you've never been so I thought it would be nice, yanno?" I said, my voice still wavering slightly from nerves.

"Calm down Camzi, I really want to go. I've always wanted to go to the mountains and being with you would make it even better." she pressed, with an adorable smile.

I saw the green eyed girl look behind me, scanning the room, which confused me for a moment until she leaned forward and captured my bottom lip in hers. It was a gentle kiss, but she let her lips linger against mine for a few seconds, causing my heart beat to increase rapidly. It took me a moment to process what had happened, but when I came to the realization, a smile spread across my cheeks so wide that after a while, it began to hurt.

Lauren's P.O.V.

I was actually hoping that I could spend this spring break with Camila, so when she asked me if I wanted to go on vacation with her and her family, I was ecstatic, I tried to be casual about it though. Camila was so nervous to ask me for some reason. Her body was shaking nervously and her voice wavered each time she tried to speak; it was cute, but I didn't know why she was so nervous. Her rambled sentences made her irresistibly adorable, and as soon as she was finished with her little speech, I had the undeniable urge to kiss her.

I scanned the room to see if Mrs. Trainor was paying us any attention, which she wasn't, so I leaned in and grabbed the smaller girl's lip in my own. I heard her breath hitch in her throat, and I knew she was already nervous, plus we were in public, so I didn't make any efforts to deepen the kiss. I let my lips linger against hers for a moment, most likely causing the same reaction in her that happened within myself.

There was something about Camila that never failed to give me butterflies. Each time she held my hand I felt electricity run through my veins. When she kissed me, my heart would race at unimaginable speeds. Just the simple thought of her made me smile. I had never felt this way about anyone, and it was satisfying and terrifying at the same time.

The lunch bell rang, signaling our departure, and I gave her a quick hug before she exited the classroom. I gathered my things quickly and began to walk out of the room, but was stopped my Mrs. Trainor before I reached the door.

"Don't think I didn't see that Ms. Jauregui." I heard Mrs. Trainor's voice.
I stopped in my tracks, unmoving, before turning around slowly to face my teacher.

"Um... I'm..." I tried to explain, cursing myself internally for being unable to form a sentence.

"It's alright Lauren, just keep it PG in my classroom, babygirl." she said sweetly, with a wink.

"Yes ma'am." I nodded willingly, turning to leave the room; this time for real.

The rest of the day went by in its usual slow pace. It seemed to take longer due to my eagerness to ask my dad about going to the mountains during spring break with Camila. When the final bell rang, I basically sprinted out of the school to my car. I arrived at my house minutes later, bursting through the door to look for my dad. He was settled at the kitchen table, working on his laptop.

"Hey dad!" I said enthusiastically. I was always like this with my dad because of our close relationship, so being this chipper wasn't unusual for me.

"Hey, baby. How was your day?" he asked, looking up from his computer to look at me.

"It was alright. I have a question." I said, getting straight to the point.

"Alright, shoot." he replied.

"So you remember Camila, right?" I inquired.

"Of course. How could I forget, you're with her all the time these days." he answered.

"So, she and her family are going to the mountains over spring break, and they wanted me to go too! They have cabins up there and everything so I'll probably just need money for food and stuff. Can I go?" I asked, putting on my best puppy dog face.

"Lauren, you're 18 and you're about to graduate and be on your own. Of course you can go. I trust you not to do anything stupid like your brother would, so... Don't do anything stupid. And call me during the week so I know how you are, but sure that's alright with me." he replied.

Wow. I wasn't expecting it to be that easy. Usually I'd have to press him for a while before he actually agreed, but today his answer came easily. I was going to the mountains. I was going to the mountains with Camila.

"Oh my god. Thank you so much dad!" I practically yelled, hugging his neck so tightly that I'm sure the couldn't breathe.

I was beyond eager for this trip, so I began skipping up the stairs to my room, but before I reached the third step, I heard my dads voice call me back.

"Wait! Lauren, hold on." he said loudly, trying to get my attention.

Oh god. He had changed his mind already.

"This Camila girl.." he approached lightly, "she's just a friend, right?" he asked, almost nervously.

"Yeah of course dad!" I said hesitantly, turning to walk up the stairs.

Wait. Why was I hiding this? My dad didn't care. We had talked about this before. This would be the perfect time to tell him anyway. I might as well just do it now.

"Well actually.. She's a little more than just a friend. Not really a girlfriend...but a little more than a friend." I confirmed.

My dad nodded his head, unfazed by the confession.

"Okay. Just remember what I said. Don't do anything stupid." he repeated, referring back to his original statement.

"Alright, dad. I promise I won't do anything stupid." I nodded, exiting the kitchen swiftly.

I raced up to my room, pleased with my dad's reaction, and began searching my drawers for things to back. I assumed that since it was spring break, I'd need a bathing suit, a few changes of clothes, pajamas, and of course a toothbrush; I would definitely need a toothbrush. I knew as I was packing that I was getting way ahead of myself, we weren't even leaving for an entire two days, and I was already entirely too excited about the trip. I decided to text Camila and let her know that I could go, so we could be excited together.

L: Hey Camzi!! Dad said I could go!!

The girl answered surprisingly quickly in all caps, which caused a smile to creep up on my face.


Even though we were only texting, I could feel her excitement, which only made me anticipate the trip even more. Images filled my mind of intertwined fingers and kisses on the cheek, fairytale fantasies. I wasn't usually the type for cheesy day dreams, but I guess Camila brought out that side of me.

Despite my original thought, Thursday and Friday flew by. It was probably due to the fact that I spent almost every second with Camila, including the time between classes and lunch. We talked of the plans for the week, and how much we both were looking forward to it. Neither of us dared to approach the fact that we were going to be staying in a cabin for an entire week alone. Although I'm sure explicit images had crossed both of our minds... Or at least they crossed my mind. I was sort of ashamed to admit the fact, but then again, I was completely infatuated with the girl for not only her physical aspects, but her mind and her heart and her talents. I appreciated the fact that she could use her words to express exactly how she felt. I loved how she was kind to everyone she came into contact with, even if they didn't return the favor. I loved how she loved, how she cared, I loved her.

It wasn't until moments after I thought it that I realized what I had admitted to myself. I loved Camila. Not friendship love, though that type of bond was strong, but I realized that I was in love with her. Completely, totally, hopelessly in love. The thought terrified me and comforted me all at once.

My cell phone rang, interrupting my thoughts. It was Camila. I quickly answered and immediately heard her sweet voice on the other line.

"Hi Lolo! So we are planning on leaving early in the morning, do you want to stay here tonight or just stay home and have us pick you up when we leave? I don't want you to get tired of me, we are gonna be together for a while, yanno." she said in a serious tone.

I couldn't believe that she thought I would get tired of her. I was almost one hundred percent sure that I would never get enough of the girl.

"Camz, baby I'm never going to get tired of you. I'll stay so you can make sure I'm up on time in the morning!" I laughed into the phone.

"Okay yay! You can come whenever." she replied, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Alright, I'll just finish packing and tell my dad bye and I'll be on the way alright?" I answered.

"Cool, alright I'll see you in a bit." she said. I could almost see the smile on her face, the image still remaining in my head after we hung up.

I was already almost finished packing, so I grabbed my shampoo, conditioner, makeup bag, and toothbrush, threw it in my bag, and zipped it up hurriedly. I raced down stairs and said goodbye to my dad, Chris, and Taylor, before walking out the door and leaving for Camila's house.

It didn't occur to me unit I was walking into Camila's front porch that I hadn't formally met her parents yet. I knocked on the door, only to see a short woman with glasses ushering me inside.

"Hello, you must be Lauren, Camila's friend. I'm Sinu, Camila's mamma." Sinu said with a thick Hispanic accent. The small woman pulled me into a tight hug before leading me into the kitchen.

"Lauren!" Camila yelled. She was surrounded by a taller man and a younger girl which I assumed to be her sister and father.

"Hey, Camz." I said, slightly nervously. I was anxious to meet Camila's parents, and I wasn't expecting it to happen right now.

"This is my dad, my mom, and my baby sister, Sofi." she said pointing to each person as she introduced them. I gave a small wave and a smile before introducing myself.

"I'm Lauren." I said quietly.

"Ahh, Lauren. Camila talk about you all the time." added Camila's father, with the same accent as Sinu.

I blushed at the fact, but couldn't find the words to reply. It happened all too quickly, and I felt Camila's hand grab mine and pull me away from her family, towards her room. Neither of us said anything on the way, but simply walked hastily up to Camila's room.

When we reached her door, she pulled it open and hopped inside, pulling me behind her. She reached across my shoulder and slammed the door behind me, pushing my body up against it. Before I had a chance to process what was happening, her lips were colliding with mine. It wasn't long before she probed at my lips with her tongue, asking for entrance. This time I let her. We explored each other's mouths, severing the taste of each other's lips, and not bothering to come up for air. At this point, her hands were tangled in my hair, but she removed them, our lips still connected. As if my heart wasn't beating fast enough, her next action sped it up to a dangerously fast pace. Her fingers were gently tracing my collarbones, sending shivers down my entire body. Our lips still moving in sync, I felt her cold fingertips slip under my t-shirt, and connect with my abdomen, drawing small circles on my stomach. I felt like I was going to explode. She disconnected our lips just as unexpectedly as she had connected them and looked my directly in the eyes, causing me to go weak at the knees.

Holy shit. Holy shit. That was definitely not what I was expecting directly after meeting her parents. I wasn't expecting that at all.

"I'm going to go take a shower." she said breathlessly, reaching for he door handle behind me.

If that was a preview of how our vacation to the mountains was going to be, I think I might need a shower too; a very cold one.
Are y'all ready for camren spraaaaang break? 😏😏 this is gonna be fun.
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