Teenage Troubles

By LouisisLife

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Chapter 2
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Teenage Troubles
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 3

76 1 0
By LouisisLife

Chapter 3

“Zoey, Zoey” Chloe said clicking her fingers in Zoey’s face to try and get her attention.

“Huh, yeah, what?” Zoey jumped.

“What’s so interesting you’ve been staring at your screen for like 10 minutes.”

“Oh, nothing,” Zoey said shutting her laptop, “have you seen Zayn I need to talk to him about something.”

“Not today, but knowing him he’s probably in bed still.”

“Yeah, probably” Zoey sighed standing up and making her way to Liam and Zayn’s room with her laptop.

“Have you seen this?”

“Yeah, it’s all over tumblr”

“I might just leave you 2 to talk” Liam said getting up and shutting the door behind him.

“How did they even get close enough to take the photo, Zayn?”

“Zoey, it’s a vacant lot behind us anyone could have taken the photo,” Zayn said shrugging his shoulders, “I guess we’re going to have to be more careful.”

“And tell everyone what?” we were drunk and it didn’t mean anything?”

“If you want” Zayn said standing up, closing Zoey’s laptop and putting it down on his bed.

“Zayn, I think I’m finally ready to tell people about us, and I’m sick and tired of having to keep it a secret.”

“Okay,” he said hugging her and kissing the top of her head, “who do you want to tell first?”

“May as well start with everyone downstairs, who are probably making up stories about what we are doing up here” Zoey giggled linking Zayn’s fingers in between hers.

                “Hey, guys shut-up! We have to tell you something” Zayn yelled so that everyone would be quiet.

“Yeah, what?” Chloe said ending her conversation with Harry and Molly.

“Zoey and I are together we have been for a while.”

“We didn’t tell you guys because I didn’t want everyone to know so I thought if nobody knew it would be easier.”

“Wait, so like Niall and Emma together? Are you guys getting married too?” Jess squealed obviously drunk.

"No, more like you and Louis together” Zayn laughed at how drunk she was.

“Louis and I are together? Oh yeah right I remember, I’m so dumb how did I forget that?”

“Jess!” Molly yelled at her.

“Molly!” she yelled back.

“How much have you had to drink? It’s only 1 in the afternoon!”

“A little bit”

“Too much,” Louis said coming into the lounge room with a big glass of water for Jess, “what’d I miss?”

“Zoey and Zayn are together, but not like Emma and Niall together though, but like you and me together” she rushed after sculling the whole glass of water in one go.

“Okay baby,” Louis said standing up, “how ‘bout I take you up to bed so you can sleep this off”

“Okay, but can you carry me, coz I’m just so tired”

“Yeah, I think that would be safest for everyone” he chuckled picking her up and carrying her to bed.


“Hey, Jess wake up” Louis whispered in a soothing tone, shaking her lightly.

“Lou your doing it all wrong” Molly said appearing in the door way.

“How should I wake her up then?”

“Like this. Oi! Sleepy head, get up!” she yelled flicking the light on and ripping the quilt off her.

“I cant see!” Jess loudly whined pulling her quilt back up over her head.

“Oh, no you don’t” Molly said pulling the quilt off her again.

“I hate you” she said rolling onto her back so she could see Molly.

“I know I love me too, I mean who wouldn’t,” she giggled, “look the car’s coming in an hour you either come with us or stay in bed and think of an excuse for missing the first show of the tour and most likely get fired.”

“Yeah, I’ll come with you guys”

“Good call” Molly said leaving the room. Jess got up and had a shower and was ready just as the cars arrived.


Hey guys :D

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Justine xoxo

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