
By UncleRickHookedMe

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Marinette has been struggling with depression and the stress of being Ladybug. On top of that dealing with th... More

I broke
The Hospital
Chats Visit
Just talk to her
Gets to go home
Ladybugs Return
Close Call
Her Protector
Major Mental Breakdown
Just Can't Catch a Break
A whole lot of stuff happens
All over the news
Given Up
The Tower
Alone? Angry? Confused?
To Understand a Girl? And Into the Fire.
Official Date
Scavenger Hunt
A moment with Alya
The Gala
Song Game
Like Marinette
Let's be honest. Alyas the best
The Clean Up Effort


558 10 26
By UncleRickHookedMe

No Ones POV

Marinette glanced down and saw jeans not black sweats. She quickly shut her eyes and brought her hand up for extra protection. Then shoved him straight off her loft bed. After a quick squeak of fear from him she heard a loud thud. 

"Ow! Marinette what was that for!"

"Your not wearing your comfy close stupid!" 


"Marinette do you have extra?" 

"In my closet labeled Chat. I was prepared because I know you're an idiot." 

"Meowch Princess" 

Marinette giggled softly while she heard rustling in her closet. After a minute of more rustling she heard him call.  "Ok Mari you can look." She carefully uncovered her eyes and looked off the bed to see here beloved prince in a mask, sweat shirt and sweat pants. With his kwami on his shoulder. Plagg looked at me pleadingly. "Plagg go downstairs there's camembert and a little something extra for you." (Tikki for all you uncouth youths) Plagg immediately flew downstairs and Chat pouted. 

"Why does Plagg get something extra and I don't" I smiled at his hurt looked and leaned over the bed. "Catch me?" He smiled and walked over and held his arms out and I fell out of bed into his waiting arms. "Do I get something extra now? Maybe a treat?" I laughed a little then smirked. "Sure" I leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips. "Ok I like this better." He set me down on my feet then kissed me more forcibly. His hands slid down to my waist and my hands went for his hair. 

I grabbed ahold and softly pulled. Chat let out a soft groan as he used the leverage of my waist to pull me closer. I felt his tongue swipe softly against my lips asking for entrance. I opened my mouth to let him in when a sudden knock on my room door startled us. We both jumped away and I turned red as a rose. "C-come in"   

Tom poked his head through the door and smiled at us. "Dinners ready" he then slipped out and left. I let out a sigh because I knew what was about to happen. "Marinette do I need to forcibly take you down or will you comply?" "Ill comply." I said in a defeated voice. "Good" Chat voice was the opposite of mine. His was cheery and slightly embarrassed. He grabbed my hand and walked me down the stairs. 

We walked hand in hand over to the table and sat down. "Hey Marinette how are you doing?" Sabine asked worriedly. "Im fine mamon. Thanks to Chat" I sent a quick smile his way and he smiled back. "What's for dinner?" He asked cheerily 

"Well I was going to make a camembert soup but when I came to get the cheese I found it mysteriously gone with a floating cat on the plate fast asleep." Sabine replied in a jokingly annoyed voice. It took a second for Adrien to process what she said then a look of anger came across his face. "Plagg!" His voice was furious as he looked around the room for him but he didn't come out.

"Plagg I swear to god!" "Chat calm down." I said off handedly as I looked at my mother apologetically. At my words though Chat stopped yelling and looked back at my mother. 

"So if no Camembert soup then what?" He asked curiously. "Chicken and Brussel sprouts. Marinette used to love this meal and so I thought it was a good choice." She smiled at me and I gave her a weak smile back. Chat and Sabine walked to the kitchen to grab food but I just walked over to the T.V and turned on Zig and Sharko. Yes I know its a stupid kids show for like two year olds but I wanted something that could get me laughing and I didn't need to put to much thought into. 

I sat down and pushed play and watched the opening scenes. During the intro Chat came in with two plates of food and set them on the coffee table. One plate had a good amount of chicken and veggies and the other had a smaller amount. "Whatcha watching?" He asked as he flopped onto the couch beside me. "Zig and Sharko." I said still focused on the tv. "It looks Kinda dumb." "Oh its most defiantly dumb but its funny so I wanted to watch it. Also Burney is great so there's that." 

"Ok well if you like it then Ill watch it but you gotta eat K?" He said in a tone that brooked no argument. "Fine." I picked up the plate with the small amount of food and slowly picked at it. Chat was laughing his head off at the little kids show and his laughter was the best sound ever. I smiled at my silly boyfriend who was totally engrossed in the episode. He was laughing so hard that tears were coming to his eyes. He had already finished his food but my plate on the other hand was only half gone. Even with the small amount of food I just ate I felt slightly sick. 

"Mari you gotta eat." He said as he calmed down. "I know chat but Its making me sick to my stomach." He sighed but nodded. He then lay down on his side and put his head in my lap. I repositioned so My back was against the arm rest of the couch so he could lay easier in my lap. He gladly did so and we watched Zig and Shark for the next hour. Around eight. My parents walked in. "Marinette we need to talk ok?" My mother said softly 

As every teenager knows no one wants to hear that sentence. Whether from your parents or boyfriend/Girlfriend. "Y-yes?" I asked as I paused the show. Chat sat up and scooted closer for moral support for whatever was about to come. "Listen with all the problems you have been having recently we decided it would probably be best to get you a therapist." Tom said. "WHAT?!" I yelled in shock. "I don't need a therapist!" I exclaimed. "We think you do Marinette and that's all that matters." Sabine said sharply. I slightly jerked back ay my moms tone. She never spoke sharply. 

"She's a very good therapist and we think it's for the best. You have it every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We'll shorten the amount of times when you start to get better. Understand?" My face went from shock to confusion to anger. "You start tomorrow after school. Ill give you the address." I stood up without a word and stormed out of the room and to my own room. I locked the trap door and stood there fuming. Then yelled in frustration. I picked up a book by the door and threw it. 

I heard the trap door jiggle then a pleading voice. "Mari let me in." It was obviously chat but I didn't feel like responding. After a minute of silence I heard him moving away. I felt like doing something to get my anger out. I opened my trap door softly and went thought it the same time Chat came through my over top one. I sprinted down the stairs and out the front door. Sure my leg hurt but I didn't care. I ran to the park and stared at a tree. I then kicked it then let out a shout of pain as my toe complained that it didn't like that.

I then fell to the ground and started punching it. I saw people looking at me and a couple people say "Isn't that Marinette Dupan-Cheng? Chat Noirs girlfriend?" I then saw cameras get pulled out as I slumped down in defeat. My shoulders fell as tears fell down my face. 

I then saw I figure drop beside me and pull me to their chest. I heard a couple people gasp in shock then mutters through the crowd that had gathered. 

"Its Chat Noir!" 

"That has to be his Girlfriend!" 

"Has she gone crazy??"  

"I hope she's ok?" 

"There so cute!" 

"Is she hurt?"

"I hope they break up."

"Chat makes everything look hot!"

"Can I giver her my flower mommy?"

"She looks sad" 

The crowds gabled voice made me shrink into chat more then a little kid came up to my. She couldn't have been older than three. "Here flowers make everyone feel better." The little girl smiled at me and held out the flower. I reached out and accepted it. I smiled at the girl and held my arms out to her. She hugged me and I whispered in her ear. "Thank you." She then pulled away and ran back to her mother who looked so proud of her daughter. (I just remembered its supposed to be night but whatever. Go with it.) 

After that Chat quickly lifted me up and used his stick to vault me away. But he didn't go home he went to the Eiffel Tower. 

Word Count 1508 

Hey Y'all! As always pls comment! Also can someone tell me how to actually tag people so I can give actual shoutouts. Thanks for reading! 


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