I'm not a puppy! (age regress...

By Gizmo_Tester

264K 6.9K 2K

As far as streetrat, Jamie was concerned, they were 17, a teenager. And despite what their body is telling th... More

1. What do you think your doing?
3. Breakfast
4. Discreet items
5. Checking In
6. I don't need them
7. Shopping Trip
8. Dinner?
9. Getting a bit late
10. Getting some perspective
11. Ben's House
12. You took it too far
13. Everyone needs help
14. I have something to tell you
15. Tumble
16. The Conversation
17. Doctors
18. Tired
19.Being open and honest is cool
20. Bit of a fun break
21. Jammity Calamity
22. The Plan
23. Baby Steps
24. Part of the Family
25. Supplies
26. Mine
27. Hard Work
28. Visitor
29. Stormy Weather
30. Hanging out
31. The Park Predicament
32. I've got you
33. Call
34. An Interlude into Bandages

2. Jamie

19.8K 350 97
By Gizmo_Tester

"Oh dear, get him on the couch"
I layed down the small human I'd been carrying since they'd passed out earlier and looked back up to my elder brother, Tom.
"Well I actually don't know what their gender is and I don't wanna assume-"

I rambled a bit frantically and Tom put his hand on my shoulder.
"Ok, that's fine. Now how about you get a glass of water for your self, calm down a bit, and I'll look them over"

I went to the kitchen and filled a glass whilst Tom gave the kid an initial lookover. See, Tom's a nurse, perfectly handy for when a small child tries to rob you, gets knocked out and you decide they're perfect little one material.

As I drank, I realised the kid would probably be needed some water when they wake up too. I fixed a glass and a bowl of apple slices, plus a ham sandwich.

Tom called out to me as i walked back to the sitting room, leaving the food in the kitchen for the moment.
"Ok, so it's nothing too serious, just a twisted ankle, keep that elevated, bandage for that and their head, and at worst a mild concussion. They'll be just fine-"
I smiled at the little trooper and kneeled down next to them to stroke their forehead, then pulled a blanket up over them.

"-Now can i get a bit more explanation than just 'I think I found my baby'"
I sighed and as Tom bandaged up our topic of conversation, I recounted the nights events, describing the feeling I got when they fell into my arms.

Tom looked at me in awe.
"I have literally no words, I mean you've been wanting this for so long. It's unconventional sure, but we're vampires, we're all a bit unconventional"
I laughed as Tom continued
"What's your plan once they wake up, I don't reckon they'll be out for much longer"

"I'm going to be as upfront as I can, without coming off as a creep"
"Ooo thats gonna be hard"
"Yeah I know. I'm going to insist they stay for the night, offer them food and a place to stay and I'll go from there I guess"
"Well, good luck man, keep me updated on how they're doing, please if anythings wrong give me call"

"Of course, your on speed-dial for me from now on"

I brought Tom to the door and waved him off as he drove away. Shutting the door, I took a breath. It felt like I hadn't been breathing since the kid went out. It wouldn't be long till they woke and I was absolutely terrified.

A groan came from the sitting room.
Some shuffling.

Well, I suppose its time to face the music.


My head hurt, it hurt like hell. That's the first thing that hit me when I woke up. Not the soft knit fabric that incased me and the warmth that came with it, or the absence of that disgusting street smell I'd come accustomed to. Finally I opened my eyes to a roof.

That finally set me on alert. I quickly sat up but regretted it soon as pained coursed through my head and foot. I gritted my teeth and felt my head, wincing as I brushed over a bandange.

I threw off the thick knit blanket and saw my shoes off with a bandage around one of my ankles.

I looked around. I was lying on a couch in a sitting room seemingly, the floor length curtains were drawn and soft lamp was turned on in the corner. I clocked my shoes and bags sitting nexr to the door. The room gave off a whole cosy and comforting vibe.

However those vibes did nothing to comfort as I screamed in anger to whoever the hell was keeping me in here.

Footsteps kept me tense until a man walked in from behind the door and my blood ran cold. It was the man I tried to rob. Was I in this guy's house?

"Hey Sweetie-"

I began to silently panick, but I didn't show it. We stared at eachother for a moment before he fully stepped into the room, also revealing that he held a tray of sandwiches, some apple and a glass of water.

I tried to pull my legs up, to move as far away as I could but I hissed as the ankle throbbed in pain and I forced to put it back down. The man winced and went to reach out but pulled back, obviously sensing my discomfort 

He put the tray and the glass of water down on the table next to me

"Sweetie, it's ok, I know you're scared right now and you have no idea whats going on but I'm not gonna hurt you"
"Why am I here- where am I??"
I yelled at him making me head ache even more, I held it in my hands.
"You hit your head quite badly and I brought you back to my house to get you bandaged up"
"Who are you?"
I said, with the same amount of anger, just quieter cause my head hurt.

"My name is Andrew, what's yours sweetie?"
"Thats a very nice name Jamie, now can you tell me just quickly, what your pronouns are?"
I was a little taken aback.
"Um.. they/them, I'm nonbinary"
"Thank you, I didn't want to assume"

The man smiled awkwardly at me, I showed him nothing back. The faster I can get outta here the better.

He gestured towards to tray and the small plate of sandwiches with the crusts cut off
"Please have some, you should try eat something... its just ham but if you'd prefer something else you can say"

I had a little hesitation but my hunger got the better of me and I grabbed two slices of sandwiches and began scarfing them down.

Andrew chuckled at me and I grimaced at him. He went back to more serious talk.
"Now... where are your parents little one"
I got immediately snappy again, talking with my mouth full.
"Don't call me little one! And don't call me sweetie either"
"Ok, I'm sorry Jamie, now where are your parents"

I swallowed and shuffled a little growing more uncomfortable
"I don't have any-"
I puffed my cheeks in a quick breath
"Look, thanks for the bandages and the food and shit but can I please just go"

He gave me the most pitiful look and I scowled.
"I do just fine by myself, I don't need your pity"
I scoffed, he scoffed right back.
"But, you do need some proper rest, your going nowhere on that ankle tonight, it's only twisted but I wouldn't want it getting worse, and you probably have a concussion. I can't in my right mind let a kid-"

"I'm not a kid-"
I tried to say, mumbling but he caught me up on it.
"You shouldn't interupt, it's rude"
He said sternly but calmly, I shut up for the time being, but continued eating the last bits of the sandwich and moving onto the apple slices.

"As I was saying, I can't let you back out there in this state. Unless you have another proper place to go, you can stay here, but I'm not letting you back onto the streets, it's dangerous... now what were you trying to say"

I mumbled again.
"M'noh a kid"
He didn't catch it
"I'm sorry dear, could you repeat that"

A little annoyed at the new name he'd pulled out I yelled again.
"I'm not a kid!"
Bit of a mistake as my headache spiked and I regretfully whined, clutching the sides of my head in pain.

"Ok I hear you, let's maybe quiet down, so we're not hurting your head. Just speak a bit more clearly, how old are you?"

I sighed
"I'm 17"
Andrew got loud and I covered my ears with a little grunt. He immediately went back down in volume.
"Sorry kiddo, that's just a bit shocking"

I looked down in shame and started talking before he could make any more of a comment. It was always a big thing I hated about myself, how young I looked. No one took me seriously.
"I know, alright but I don't wanna talk about it"

He gave me a sympathetic smile.
"Alright, we won't"

There was a moment of awkward silence between us. I broke it
"Hey, uh Andrew was it? I'll say it again, thanks for everything but I'm 17, I'm fine, you don't need to help me. So I'm just gonna go"

I tried to get off the couch but jolted my ankle the wrong way and cried out in pain as I fell forward, putting my hands up to brace my fall when I fell back into a familiar set of arms

Dumb stupid giant man that made me look like a goddamn mouse had just caught me again. He placed me back on the couch and sat beside me this time.

"Ok, Jamie. I know you're 17 and you think you're fine and you've got this by yourself and that your basically an adult but you're still a minor. I just-"
He huffed, struggling to find his words.
"You're staying here tonight, that's definite, and tomorrow, after you're well rested, we can talk and you can decide to go on your way, or stay here as long as you would like"

I stared at Andrew, at this practical stranger and felt something beginning to stir inside of me, but it wasn't anger, it wasn't frustration. I don't know what it was. I shoved my feelings back down but couldn't stop this one insane feeling that I was safe here, that this giant tree of a man could help me. The gut feeling that this guy was ok, he wasn't going to hurt me, he was... important to me.

I spoke quietly and through gritted teeth.
He didn't ask me to repeat myself, he just smiled at me. The smile made me want to smile, but I remained neutral.

"Its already quite late-"
He took the glass of water from the tray.

"Finish your water and then i'll help you to bed"
I took hold of the glass he held out to me and began to drink the cold water. Andrew told me to slow down and i did somewhat but tipped the glass a little too far and spilt water all down my shirt.
I muttered to myself.
"Hey hey, there's no need for cursing it's alright. I was gonna suggest you get changed anyway, I'll lend you some of my clothes for the night"
"Um, ok"
I said and gave him back the now empty glass, he put it on the tray.

"Here sweetie, let me help you"
He stood over me and held out his hand, I sheepishly took it and he very carefully pulled me to my feet, supporting my back as if I'd loose balance any second.
"Good job, just lean on me and we'll get you up to bed"

As he brought me out of the room I made him stop at the door
He stopped and looked to me in concern.
"What's wrong?"
"Muh bag"
I pointed across him to my backpack and he made a little 'oh' sound. He put it over his back and dammit it looked tiny. It was a small bag but it looked really kiddy when he carried it. I wondered what it looked like on me for a moment before Andrew spoke again.

"Ready to walk again sweetie"
I nodded, still taken off guard by the name.

He half carried me up the stairs and down the hall to a guest bedroom. He put my old backpack at the end of the giant bed. He sat me down on said bed and clicked on the lamp.

"I'll go grab a t-shirt and a pair of shorts for you, just a moment"
He ran off and I looked around, pretty basic room, and he soon returned holding a large t shirt and a pair of drawstring shorts.

"Here, I would suggest a shower but it's a bit too late for that, you can have one tomorrow"
He gave me the clothes and I mumbled an 'ok'.

Andrew began walking out of the room.
"You get changed, call me when your done. I'll be just outside"

He then shut the door behind him

I began getting undressed. I just threw the gross wet old jeans and hoodie I was wearing to the end of the bed.

I slid off the bed that felt far too tall to make sense and hissed when my hurt foot came in slight contact with the floor, I was fine though and put on the clothes given to me.

The t-shirt was massive on me, going way down past my thighs to about my knees and the shorts werent any better. They wouldn't stay up on me so I held them up. In this man's clothes I looked even more childish than I normally did, like a toddler playing dress up or something.

I groaned and called him back in.
"I'm done"
He walked back in and failed at holding back a laugh at my state and the frown I had directed at him.

"I look stupid. The shorts don't even sit on me right"
I whined at him and he walked towards me.
"I don't think you look stupid, they're certainly a bit big but they'll do for tonight and I'll wash your clothes tomorrow.. As for the drawstring, I can help with that"

He bent down in front of me and grabbed each string before pulling them booth tight, accidentally yanking me forward and making me squeak in alarm.

Andrew almost laughed
"Sorry Jamie, bit too much force huh?"
I scowled and mumbled again.
"Shud up"

Andrew frowned at me but said nothing and it soon left. He tied the two drawstrings into a bow that dangled low from the amount that was needed to have it hold around my waist.

I could see the pity in his eyes when he realised how skinny I was. I huffed and pushed away his hands from the string, letting the giant t shirt fall and cover me back up.

He said nothing of it as he helped me up into the bed. Hovering over my arm and allowing me to limp the two steps myself, but assisting in the actually getting into bed part.

Andrew pulled back the covers and I scooted up and in. He brought them back up and over me. It felt so insanely comfy. I rolled onto my side and he gently patted my back through the covers.
"Night night Jamie, sleep tight"

He turned off the lamp and went to walk out of the room. He turned back to check on me..

But I was already asleep.

Authors Note

Bee woop bee woop
Here we are again.

For those wondering, I will be updating far too little as well as this new adventure, my apologies if anyone was confused about that

I'm working on a new chapter and that should up soon :) (like actually soon, I'm working on my scheduling)

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