Anonymous Dark Britain (A Wat...


11.1K 186 305

8 months after the events in Chicago, Anon and the others leave to London fora trip only for it to get cut of... Mais

Welcome to London (Ft Bagley the DedSec A.I.)
1. Wolfe
2. Party
3. Aftermath
4. Recruiting
5. Welcome to DedSec
6. Islington
7. Chase
8. Disruption
9. Additions
What the phones look like
10. Camden's defiance
11. Crystal Gems
12. Surprise guests
13. Heroes and hackers
Theme for this book
14. Training & Reuniting
15. Reporting For Duty
16. Digging up the past
Other hackers in this book and what they look like
17. Digging up the past part 2
18. Double Trouble...
19. Recruiting Eddie
Does anyone want to add their OCs
20. Anarchists
21. Lost in the process
22. Clan Kelley's New Export
23. Faqueed
For those who want to know what Eddie Green looks like
24. More surprise guests
25. Bloody Mary Kelley
26. Liberating Westminster
27. Big surprise
28. Wild, wild friends
29. Derek Monroe
A/N 1K READS!!!!
30. 1-B
31. Re-encounters
Last call to add your OCs into this book!
OC for a fan of my book!
32. Battle of Camden
33. Gap In The Armour
34. Inside Albion
35. Liberating Tower Hamlets & Protest of Trafalgar Square
36. Sly & Cheeky
New series joining the resistance coming soon!
37. Initiate Sequence & 404 Not Found
38. Red & Blue
Red & Blue's appearance
39. Coming Home
40. Hot time
41. Zoisite
42. Into The Void
43. Stealing Schemes
44. In The Belly Of The Beast
45. Strange Visitors in London
46. Bakusquad & Crashing The Auction
47. Tea & biscuits
48. Market closing
49. Falling From Grace
50. Quite the rescue
51. The Whistleblower
52. Recruiting Sandhya Nair
53. Espionage 101
54. Eddie Green's day
55. Family
56. Honey trap
57. Hunting Zero-Day
58. Smoking Gun
59. Kill Box
60. Run
61. Malik dossier
62. Barbarians at the gate
63. Night together
This guy looks like Anon in Watch Dogs Legion
64. ???
65. Day off
66. Clan Kelley's Jewels
67. Arts Of Vandalism
68. Fight Violence With Violence
69. Green
70. Euphoria
71. Clan Kelley's Knuckle Sandwich
72. Eddie's reward
73. Angels & Demons
74. Fall On My Enemies
75. The jerk in the red
76. Control
Coming soon when this book is finished
77. Chocolates
78. Faith
80. Fists & Booze
81. Recruit Emmett Kehoe & Joe Papadopoulos
82. Punks & Pigs
83. Jessica's Rescue
84. Simon's Old Friend
85. DJs & Officers
86. The Fox
87. Kirishima's Suspicions
88. Jessica's Task
89. Fear
90. Truths
91. Payback Part I
92. Payback Part II
93. Lucia
94. Interrogation
95. Grey Onyx
96. Legends
On November...
97. Liberating The City Of London
98. Liberating Nine Elms
99. Liberating Lambeth
1 year
100. Another Task for Declan
I made a mistake, thankfully I fixed it.
101. Memories
103. Liberating Southwark
104. Assassins
105. Declan's Good Night
106. Unite & Conquer
107. Restoking The Fire
108. Nigel's Close Shave
109. Defanging The Flock
110. #Justice4Claire
111. London's Protectors
112. Face Of The Enemy
113. Hard Reset
114. Finding Bagley & Epilogue
A rewrite is coming...

102. Liberating Islington & Hackney

17 1 0

Meanwhile in the borough of Islington & Hackney...

In Anon's grandparents' house, Erin is there helping out Anon's grandmother bake cookies while the grandfather is eating some homemade muffins. In the kitchen, Erin's wearing some gloves as she pulls out the tray of cookies.

Erin: "I got it, Mrs Grey!"

Nana: "Wonderful, right, place them on the counter, dear."

Erin nods and she places them on the side and she takes the gloves off and she checks her phone to see a text from Anon.

Nana: "Everything alright?"

Erin: "It's a text, from Edwin."

Nana: "Oh what's he doing?"

She reads the message and it happens to be urgent.

Anon <[Erin, Bagley just told me that it's time to liberate the 2 boroughs of Islington & Hackney. Once you're done, meet me at the graveyard entrance at the East side of Hackney, yeah?]

Erin then replies a text and she sends it.

<[Sure thing, see you there, babe.]

She then looks at Nana and she clears her throat, getting her attention.

Erin: "Mrs Grey, Edwin says that once I'm done here I need to go to meet him at the graveyard. He said that Islington & Hackney's going to get liberated."

Nana: "Oh? Go now actually. I'll finish up."

Erin: " sure?"

Nana: "Don't be silly I may look old but I can handle myself, dear. Go now."

Erin: "Sure then. See you later, Mrs Grey!"

She runs out the door and toward a car she took with her. She gets inside it and she starts its engines and she begins to drive it away from her house. She arrives at Hackney and she keeps driving down the road toward the Hackney graveyard. Upon arrival she sees doesn't see Anon. She gets out the car and grabs her own P9 pistol and cocks it.

Erin: "Ed? Edwin? Ed--


???: "ARGH!"

She looks in the graveyard and sees a Clan Kelley shotgunner's corpse fall onto the ground and she sees Anon there, holding his baton and he closes it and puts it in his pocket.

Anon: "Sorry about that, Erin. The graveyard's turned into a hideout for the Kelleys."

Erin: "It's alright. So, what do we do to liberate this place?"

Then, Bagley's on the line giving orders to both Erin & Anon and they both listen to what he has to say.

Bagley: "I've just recieved reports of a modified chase drone being developed here in the borough. Albion of course. Anywho, 5 Albion raid vehicles are here throughout the city and what you need to do is to get that bugger out there and blow 'em up!"

Anon: "Hm. Sounds like a blast. Pun intended."

Erin giggles and Anon chuckles softly at his own joke. It's not a good one in his opinion. The 2 head back to Erin's car with Anon taking the wheel and he drives it down the road to the location of the modified Chase Drone. As it turns out, the drone's at a small outdoor area known as the World Of Tomorrow. There, Anon parks the car outside the area and he and Erin get out and they enter the area to see a bar, dart boards and even 4 slot machines. Some people are drunk of course and Anon speaks to Bagley while Erin looks around.

Anon: "Bagley, where's this drone?"

Bagley: "I've marked the location for you."

Anon checks his device to see where the drone's been marked and he looks up to see it's upstairs. He walks over to a door to head up there however, it's locked.

Anon: "Damn. There's got to be something used to get up."

Erin: "Found something, it's right next to you."

Anon looks to his left to see a scissor lift and he gets in it with Erin following from behind.

Anon: "Going up."

He hacks into its controls and gets it to move upward toward the rooftop. Once they reach the top, they look around and in front of them, there's a small set up consisting of a desktop, a blueprint and the Albion modified chase drone itself. Anon heads over to the desktop and he begins to type into it and he activates the drone itself. Then, he controls it and moves it onto the road where it flies.

Bagley: "This drone has been modified. Slightly faster with better armour, but its maximum altitude is restricted. Also Albion is using ctOS to monitor the borough. They could shut it down if you fly too high. Time to buzz the streets."

Anon: "Acknowledged, Bagley. Right, let's go."

Erin: "Huh. You sound like an operator, Edwin."

Anon: "Haha. I do don't I. Anywho, let's do this."

He begins to fly the drone around the streets and toward the location of an Albion raid team marked by Bagley, who's marked it on Anon's map on his phone. He arrives at the location to see that the raid team has parked themselves at NeoGate, a hideout of Clan Kelley's. There, Anon shoots at an Albion armored truck with heavy bolts of electricity, causing the truck to catch fire and blow up.

Anon: "Holy shit!"

Erin: "Well this drone is something! Anyway we need to move the drone, let's go!"

Anon nods and he begins to fly the drone away from the area. Then, Bagley's on the line.

Bagley: "Look sharp, you've got Albion drones heading your way."

Anon: "Shit!"

He begins to fly hte drone faster and Albion chase drones begin chasing the modfied drone and Anon gets the drone to at least shoot down one drone before flying away from teh drones. Then, they arrive at an alleyway to see an Albion truck there. Anon shoots at its engines and it severely damages the vehicle, causing its engine to catch fire.

Erin: "Good job! Alright, let's keep doing this!"

Anon then moves the drone away and he accidentally flies it to high and the footage on the screen which is connected to the drone's camera begins to glitch a bit.

Erin: "Too high!"

Anon: "Shit! My bad."

He flies the drone back down and he flies it toward a small garage and sees the Albion vehicle inside. He takes aim and he fires, destroying the truck.

Erin: "Nicely done, Edwin."

Anon: "Thanks. Right, moving on to the next truck!"

He flies the drone toward the next location which has been marked and he flies past his grandparents' place and he accidentally bumps into another drone.

Anon: "Oi! Watch it!"

He arrives at the next location which is an abandoned area and he sees the truck there and he quickly destroys it. There, some Albion guards saw everything and they begin targeting Anon's drone and they manage to damage a small part of its propellors and Anon flies away from the site.

Anon: "How many left?"

Erin: "I think one more!"

Anon flies toward its location which is located near some shops and there, it's no truck. It's an Albion riot drone.

Anon: "Oh shit."

Erin: "Holy shit, can you bring that down?"

Anon: "I can try, Erin. Let's do this!"

He begins to shoot at the Riot Drone, damaging its left wing and the riot drone shoots back and hits Anon's drone on the right wing, damaging it and the drone begins to become unstable. Then, Anon comes up with a risky idea.

Anon: "I'm going to ram this thing into the Riot Drone."

Erin: "What?!"

Anon: "It's worth trying!"

He then begins to control the drone which is slowly tilting as it begins flying toward the Riot Drone. Then, Anon gets the Chase Drone to fly upwards a bit and it flies into the Riot Drone's propellor, completely damaging it and it falls onto the street and smashes into bits.

Anon: "YES!"

Erin: "Nice! Wait 'till everyone hears about this! Good job."

Then, they hear a large crowd cheer in the distance and they see flares and fireworks being launched into the sky. The pair look up and they even see a building with a screen projecting Albion propaganda malfunction and the screen changes to DedSec propaganda portraying the following message: 'Watch yourself! We are!'

Anon: "My Nana and Grandad will be happy."

Erin: "They sure will. So, what now?"

Anon: "Hm. Do me a favour, ring up Althea, Venus, Mia and Aventurine and Prasiolite. We're going for dinner at 18:50."

To be continued...

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