Princess of Dragons

By Varctana

304K 12.6K 815

Ciara Tarakona is the youngest princess of the Dragon Kingdom - known across the waters for their affinity wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 69

Chapter 68

3.6K 163 6
By Varctana

Kaisog landed effortlessly in the middle of the castle courtyard. The flight from the Tao-clan's camp wasn't long, so she knew she had to look a mess still. She still wasn't clad in anything but her night-robe and the fur, for starters.

Lodin slid down first and gestured for her to follow him.

"Perhaps you should go and get both bandages and clothes changed before we start anything," he muttered as she landed. She got the feeling he was talking to himself rather than her.

She simply nodded, pulling the fur closer around herself. The silken fabric of her night-robe wasn't doing much for her.

"Ciara! It is good to see you here," Sergon said as he reached them, giving her a soft smile all while he seemed to search her from head to toe.

"Thank you," she replied, trying to return that smile.

"Are they all gathered?" Lodin asked the Commander.

"All Dragon Slayers are gathered in the dungeons. No one has entered or exited the castle since you left either."

"Alex and Elias?" Lodin asked.

"On the way - no one can hold them back once they realize she is back." Sergon smiled at her again.

"Have them take you to our chambers and seen to, Ciara," Lodin told her directly. "Then you must come to the throne room immediately. Do not let them leave your side for even a moment."

She nodded. She wouldn't argue with any of that.

"Find Victoria and bring her to the throne room along with Arthas at approximately the same time as Ciara."

Sergon's brows furrowed, but he nodded grimly.

She shuddered. Still, duty demanded her presence, so she could only oblige.

"Ciara!" another familiar voice called, accompanied by two sets of footsteps.

She looked up just moments before she was enveloped in a steely hug. Still, it comforted her more than she thought possible.

"I was so worried. Never do that again!" Alex squeezed her a little tighter before releasing and holding her at arm's length.

The emotions flooding through his eyes made tears spring back to her own.

"He was truly horrible to be around," Elias said, eliciting a little laugh from her. "I am glad you are all right."

"T-thank you. I am glad to be back," she said, losing control of her voice. "Would you mind taking me to the chambers, though?" She glanced down at herself pointedly.

"Sure thing." Alex placed a hand on her back and quickly guided her inside.

Her feet had begun burning from the cold at this point, so it could only go too slow.

"Chanti should be ready for you with everything," Alex told her as they neared the chambers.

"She was almost as horrible as he was," Elias said. "She has fluttered about all night and morning."

She smiled. "That sounds nice."

Although she realized there was no time to prepare a proper, warm bath, she'd absolutely love a brush through her hair.

Sure enough, the maid was present in the chambers and immediately squealed upon their arrival.

"Oh, I was so scared for you, Ciara!" She quickly enveloped the princess in a tight hug.

"Thank you, Chanti." Ciara glanced around the room. The maid had prepared proper clothing, a small tub with hot water, a rag and a cup of tea already. "You are amazing."

"Yes, well, let us go about using it, shall we?" Chanti suggested once having taken in how the princess looked.

Alex chuckled. "We will be waiting outside. Call when you are ready."

Reflexively, she reached out and grabbed hold of his arm before he moved anywhere. The entire room paused.

"We will keep our backs turned," Elias said, doing just that.

Alex glanced at the other guard, then quickly followed suit as well.

She silently thanked the Gods for having gotten the guards she did.

She then turned to Chanti and quickly shrugged off the fur and robe, leaving her with heated cheeks despite her cold skin.

Chanti gasped at the sight of the bloodied bandages but said nothing as she removed them. She helped Ciara make short process of wiping dirt, grime and blood off her skin and face. Same with the bandages, forcing the scalding tea into the princess' hands.

Finally, as Ciara was dressed again and the guards could relax, the maid moved on to the hair.

"There you go, Ciara," Chanti said as she removed the brush.

"Thank you again, Chanti. You have been an invaluable help." Ciara turned and clasped the maid's hands between both of her own.

"Think nothing of it, Ciara. It is my pleasure to help you any way I can." Chanti smiled.

Ciara returned that smile, knowing no words could express her gratitude. This break had allowed her to reach the right state of mind for what was next.

She then turned to the guards, seeing them nodding and opening the door for her.

Unexpectedly, they found none other than the king on the other side of it.

"You look better," he said when their gazes locked.

"I feel better." Looking the part always helped. "Why are you here?"

He paused. "I thought it best to walk you there myself," he said after a moment. "To elaborate on what will happen."

She nodded, walking with him down the hall.

"I realize this is no easy feat for you to do so soon, but justice must be served."

"It is a duty I have to face if I am to be queen, is it not?"

"Indeed," he agreed with a mysterious smile. "I, Sergon, Alex and Elias will all be armed in there. Two guards will be by the door as well."

She nodded, tension leaving her shoulders.

"We will first hear what they might have to say, then their punishment will be determined," he said. "As the wronged party, you should know you have a say in this matter. You have the last word."

"I do?"

"Naturally," he simply replied. "It is important you agree with their punishment."

"Oh." She hadn't expected that at all.

"Oh, yes," Lodin said as the doors to the room came into view. "I have a little surprise ready for you in there."

She frowned as she looked at him again, continuing to watch as he entered the room ahead of her.

She came to a full stop once she saw the sight that greeted her on the other side. One she hadn't expected to see any time soon. At some points in time, never.

A throne.

Just as grandiose as the one she recognized to be his, if a little smaller, stood beside his.

"About time you got one, is it not?" Lodin rhetorically asked the girl stuck by the entrance.

She turned to him slowly, wholly unexpected and conflicting feelings bubbling in her.

"Is this really okay?"

"Anything I say goes," he said as he leisurely took his seat. "Sit with me." He gestured to his right.

Still, it was only a push at her back that could get her to move.

"It is okay, Ciara. Go on." Alex chuckled.

She sent the men a last look, then did as suggested.

Slowly, she placed herself in it, folding her hands in her lap and staring ahead. Her back didn't touch it at all.

Lodin watched her with a grin. "It will not break, you know."

She felt another rush of heat flying to her cheeks. "I look ridiculous, do I not?" She squirmed.

"It will grow on you soon enough."

"My king," Sergon's voice suddenly sounded from the entrance. The mood of the room changed in an instant.

"Bring them in," Lodin replied curtly, all traces of amusement absolutely gone.

She watched along with the two guards behind her as first Sergon and then Narza entered. Behind them followed Victoria and Arthas. Finally followed two guards, who closed the grand doors and kept by them afterwards.

Arthas seemed to be the picture of calm as he stopped in the middle of the room, watching Narza and Sergon take their spots beside Lodin and her respectively.

Victoria, on the other hand, quickly saw the new seating-arrangements. A fire stronger than the one Ciara had witnessed up until now burned behind that gaze.

"You both have been summoned here on the grounds of treason. What do you have to say for yourselves?"

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