Princess of Dragons

By Varctana

304K 12.5K 815

Ciara Tarakona is the youngest princess of the Dragon Kingdom - known across the waters for their affinity wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 17

5.3K 203 10
By Varctana

She smiled widely at the sight of the lively square in front of her, packed tightly with people of all sorts, old and young alike. Children were running around in a game of tag, grand smiles on their faces. It was so filled with sounds it seemed like the air itself was mumbling to her.

Even when she'd arrived here that first day, it had been nothing like this. Although, they hadn't exactly taken the conventional route then.

She pushed the dark thoughts to the back of her mind and instead returned to the reality that was Crocus Port in broad daylight.

"This is so amazing. Look at all these people!" she exclaimed, when one of the stalls caught her eyes. "Oh, let us go and look at those." She pointed to the many hairpins lined up there. She grabbed hold of the nearest of her companions and dragged him after her.

Alex sighed deeply, not really all too excited with all the looks she was getting. "Ciara, we should return to the castle."

"The king will have our heads for sure," Elias muttered just loud enough for everyone to hear.

She turned to the two party-poopers behind her, trying to brighten their moods with a smile.

"Why do you worry so much?" she asked. "Surely even he understands it is far better you are here with me than if I went alone. Besides, it was my idea, not yours."

"Yes, that is true bu-" Elias started out until he was forced to keep quiet when she took hold of his wrist as well and dragged him after her.

"Come on. There is so much we have to see!"

Both guards let themselves be pulled along, Alex chuckling.

"Okay, okay, princess. We get that you cannot be stopped. You do not have to drag us."

She quickly let go of them both. "Ah, I am sorry about that."

As they continued ahead with her curiously eyeing every shop they passed by, Alex suddenly spoke up.

"I am sorry for asking, Ciara, but where are we going, exactly?"

"Anywhere." She knew nothing of this city whatsoever, but she figured if they just continued long enough, they would see something. Besides, if they got so lost they had no clue where they were, she knew Kaisog was keeping an eye on them from above the clouds.

Her reply made Elias sigh, which had Alex laughing.

"Might I suggest walking down to the pier and back? You will see much of what this beautiful city of ours has to offer," someone suggested just a little to the left of them.

It was a man around Alex' and Elias' ages with chin-length, light, brown hair swept behind his ears, a sharp jaw covered by a finely trimmed beard and enticing, brown eyes. And then definitely not of the common people around here, he was certainly a noble. His attire told her that much.

And she recognized this man. He'd been the one who had helped her the other day.

"Julian? What are you doing here?" Alex asked before she got a chance to say anything, surprise coloring his voice.

The man - Julian, apparently - broke into a broad smile at that. "I figured that was you, Alex. Got a promotion, I see."

Alex rolled his eyes, yet grinned confidently. "Something like that."

"You two know each other?" She looked between them alternately.

Julian nodded. "Oh yes, we go way back. Been neighbors for years, until he traded my wonderful company for that armor of his." He gestured to said armor with a grimace.

Alex grinned. "And what a wonderful time it has been since then," he shot right back, to which Julian could only chuckle. "Anyway, as for introductions, the borish one in the back is Elias and the lady is, of course, princess Ciara Tarakona of the Dragon Kingdom herself," Alex said, gesturing grandly to her and basically completely ignoring the other man with them.

"Oh, we have already met, I assure you," Julian said.

Alex blinked. "Huh?"

"Yes, thank you so much for your help the other day." She smiled brightly.

"I am only glad we have the opportunity to meet properly, princess." Julian turned his warm gaze to her. Suddenly, he took hold of her hand and brought it to his lips slowly, never once breaking eye-contact with her. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

She felt the heat in her cheeks flare up again and prayed to the gods it wouldn't be obvious.

"Th-thank you, and likewise," she replied as he released her and straightened up again, still not looking away.

"Indeed," Elias commented sternly, pushing a shoulder in between the two of them. His gaze was so focused on the man they might just burn a hole through his skull. "To the pier, you said? We will take that into consideration. Thank you."

Almost as if reluctant to do so, Julian languidly tore his eyes from her to the man between them. His eyebrows drew together slightly.

"Alex sure was not kidding when he said you were boring, did he?" Suddenly, his face seemed to light up. "I have an idea. How about I be your guide for the day?"

Elias scowl only seemed to deepen at that suggestion. "No, your guidance will no-"

"Surely you would not let a princess wander these streets alone and without an inkling of where to go?" Julian quickly cut the guard off before he could finish his rejection.

"She is not alone, she has both o-"

"A lady the likes of the princess deserves only the best of the best," Julian stated as though that should be obvious.

"And you suggest that be you, then?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

Julian grinned widely. "Naturally."

She couldn't help but to laugh. No wonder Alex was as he was.

"See? Even she agrees." Julian spread his arms out wide as though he had already won.

"Or more likely, she finds you as laughably pathetic as the rest of us do." Alex crossed his arms over his chest.

When Julian put a hand to his chest as though thoroughly offended, she giggled again.

"No, I am merely amused," Finally, someone other than herself who could see the fun in all of this. "Well then, shall we?" She was already walking ahead, wasting no time.

Before she got too far ahead however, an armored hand fell on her shoulder.

"Ah-ah-ah, Ciara," Alex forced her to a stop.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Apart from escaping the castle, you mean?"

"You stand out," Elias clarified.

Only then did she take note of all the people staring at them. Clustered in small groups as they were, with wide eyes and pointing fingers as they whispered their secrets to each other.

She looked down at the clothes she wore. "Am I dressed that strangely?" She had opted for one of the less intricate dresses in her closet - though each of them were far more luxurious than anything she'd ever owned. It was a warm white in color with detailing in a light blue. Something she'd been told wouldn't be too outrageous for a noble to wear.

Julian shook his head. "On the contrary - you have dressed quite nicely." He stepped a little closer. "As it happens, it is your stunning locks of silvery gold that stands out among all this blandness - like the light of the moon on a dark night, one simply cannot look away." He reached out and ran a strand through his fingers as if it was the purest gold.

"My hair?" She looked around. Everyone here naturally had brown and dark hair and hers... Well, he wasn't entirely wrong to call it silver, because it was quite close. At least in comparison.

"Such a shame it would be to cover something as precious as this," he muttered as if in a trance, all while she found herself rooted to the spot.

"Julian," Alex spoke up loudly and uncharacteristically sternly. More importantly, it also drew the man in question's attention. Alex said nothing more however, just looked at him.

Julian sighed deeply and dropped his hand. "But cover it we must." He turned around to one of the stalls. "Wait here for one moment, please." He disappeared into the crowd and out of sight.

She was still speechless. She knew she was different from most others here, but her hair wasn't even particularly soft, and it certainly didn't have the volume her mother and sister's had. Not to mention Victoria. So why?

"Okay, so now is when we run," Alex spoke up beside her, bringing her out of her reverie.


"So that Julian will not catch up with us, of course." He drew a smile out of her. "You know, Julian is a little like Victoria - always take his words with a grain of salt," he said. "He is not all bad, though."

She smiled back at him. "Thank you, I will remember that." It seemed that kind of people weren't so uncommon here.

He gently reached up and ruffled her hair - something Aem also tended to. "You can rely on us, Ciara. We are your guards, after all, so we will always be close by."

"I will remember that as well." She sent him a wide smile, which earned her an even wider one in return.

That is when Julian returned to them with long strides, carrying what seemed to be thick fabric in a dark, forest-green color.

He smiled brightly at her as he approached. "Here you go, princess. Just for you." He held it out to her.

She looked at the beautiful, dark cape he held out to her with a hood to cover her hair and a golden string to tie it together at the neck. When she carefully took it from his hands, she felt just how soft and luxurious it was.

"This must have cost you a fortune! What do I owe you?" She wasn't even sure she had the kind of money necessary for this kind of thing.

He burst out laughing at her question. "Princesses do not buy their own clothing, so do not worry yourself over that." She frowned. "Now-" He quickly the cloak from her still hands and draped it over her shoulders. "I do think it is about time we start this little tour of ours, do you not?"

"Thank you so much, Julian." She smiled, pulling the hood up to cover her hair. "And yes, I do."

And so, their little trip began with her having Julian on one side, Alex on the other and Elias trailing behind. With the robe on, the trip was much more undisturbed than before. Sure, she got some looks still, but nothing out of the ordinary for a noble woman. Nothing more than passing glances, in truth.

And that meant she could experience Crocus as it truly was rather than version of it where everyone tip-toed around her.

No matter how far they went, the streets were still bustling with people, stalls and boutiques. Even a few who tried calling her over.

"Is Crocus always this busy or is it because something is happening?"

"There are always many traders here from the more rural parts of the kingdom, aiming to sell their goods here or simply travelling," Julian explained. "This, however, is nothing compared to when there is the festival in spring. When that comes around, you really have to shoulder your way past everyone."

She looked up at him, flabbergasted that so many people would be gathered at the same place.

"There are really that many people here - even on this street?" This one could easily fit a fully grown, adult dragon and it reached as far as she could see.

"Especially on this street. There will be even more vendors here - some to sell things and others with small games for the children. The whole street will be decorated with lanterns, which will be put on the water by the pier and float off to sea. It is really beautiful to see," he told her.

"Just remember to hold your companion's hand or something though, you will be lost otherwise." Alex looked at her suggestively. "For example if you were to go with the king."

She let out of huff of laughter. "As if I could make a man like him go to something like that." He wouldn't go normally, she was sure, but he certainly never would with her.

"It is true he is not the type to go to things like that. I do not believe I have heard of him ever doing anything of the sort as long as he has been the king," Elias added in behind her, only making her even more sure in her initial assumption.

"Neither before he was king, I assure you," Alex said, though that grin of his never left his face. "But if anyone can do it, it is definitely Ciara."

She shook her head. "You give me far too much credit, Alex. The only thing I can confidently say I am good at is dragons." She didn't want him to get too far ahead of himself as he was wont to do.

"I hate to say this, but I agree with him. If there is ever anyone who will be able to drag him out of that castle for anything that is not war, it would be you," Elias said.

She just shook her head. Whatever those two were seeing, she couldn't follow it at all.

Julian frowned, not understanding what they meant either. "I always heard you talking about how that Commander of yours was the only one who could rustle the king's feathers. What has changed?"

"The king has gotten some opposition, I tell you," Alex said as though he was a proud father talking of his child's accomplishments.

She sighed, already knowing which story he was pulling out of his sleeve. "Please stop telling everyone about that, Alex." He'd been telling it to maids, guards and anyone that'd listen these last few days.

Predictably, he completely ignored her plea for mercy.

"You should have heard her the day after she got here. At her first audience with the king, he slighted her, and she began shouting at and scolding him, only to come storming out in her righteous fury." He spoke faster and faster with each word, unable to contain his very palpable excitement over the situation. "And that is not even the greatest part. Afterwards he came out to find her and probably apologize, but ultimately failed as she did it first."

She looked at him, dumbfounded, then shook her head in shame. "You heard everything?" she asked, though she feared the answer she would be getting.

His smile only broadened at that. "Naturally."

Julian looked to her, then to his friend. "You do realize eavesdropping on other people's conversations is quite rude, right?" he asked as though he really was worried the Royal Guard didn't. "Especially a king's conversations."

Alex shrugged. "Sure, but you try standing guard out there and not get bored enough to risk it."

"It cannot be helped," Elias agreed. "You can truly hear everything through those doors."

"So, what you are saying is that I have wasted all my efforts trying to glean information from the maids, when really I should have asked you two if I wanted all the really juicy stories?" Julian asked as though he felt truly offended Alex had said nothing of this before.

Alex nodded. "Basically," he confirmed, then smirked. "Though, in your case, the maids are definitely the easier targets. They tend to be a little more loose-lipped."

Elias snorted. "The maids and yourself, you mean."

Ciara giggled

"Hey! You are not supposed to laugh at that!" Alex poked her side.

"Sorry, sorry! It is only because I find that so fitting of you," she said, making Julian bark in laughter beside her.

Alex adopted an expression of mock shock, mimicking the gestures of a noble lady as he held a hand to his mouth.

"How dare you, you insolent child!" He pushed his voice to the highest pitch he possibly could, which made all four of them laugh in unison.

Julian was the first to sober up. Ø"You know, even if that idiot makes fun of it, it is pretty impressive that you would stand up to the king like that. It takes some guts." He grinned amusedly. "Though I suppose his ire is nothing compared to that of a dragon's."

"At least dragons are reasonable in their anger." She paused thoughtfully. "Say, what do you think of the king, Julian?" Maybe she could learn something about him like this.

Julian scratched his chin and hummed as he thought. "Well, I think he is a really good king in the sense he is good and effective in his work," he explained. "For example, the square in which that dragon landed all those days ago, right? It got pretty roughed up back then, but if you go there now, you will not be able to see a dragon had ever been there."

She had to admit; that was pretty quick of him. In that sense, it was no wonder some called him a prodigy. Still though, that couldn't be all.

"Why do I feel a 'but' is coming?"

He chuckled. "But, he lacks charisma, as I am sure you have noticed. Many are too afraid to have an audience with him." His grin faltered. "As we talked about earlier with the festival, he is not very present with his people. He is always holed up in that castle of his and only ever comes out of it when it is absolutely necessary."

She nodded, her eyes falling to the ground. "I see." That did sound like the king she'd met on a few occasions now, all right.

"Never mind that, though," Julian said, attempting to lighten the mood again. "How about we go and see that square? It is very close by."

Alex nodded, grinning. "Yes, that sounds like a good idea. I would certainly like to see the place where Ciara faced off against that dragon."

She shook her head at him lightly. "It was not as dramatic as you may think - all I did was sew its wing."

That dragon hadn't been angry. He'd only been frightened and defensive, so it wasn't as great a feat as these guys seemed to think it was.

Julian shook his head. "It was growling at everyone and you just walked right up to it, not even caring about all the spears and arrows."

Elias nodded in agreement. "You also made them all drop their weapons."

"And-" Alex grinned widely. "You told the king off. Again."

Julian chuckled when she glared at them all. "You know, being a spectator from the sidelines, it all did seem very dramatic to me." The corners of his mouth tugged upwards. "Especially your entrance, I would say. Flying in on the back of that dragon of yours."

"I see."

Well, to them, it probably did seem dramatic.

She realized then that she recognized this street as being the one adjacent to the one with the square and surged up just a little herself.

Her eyes widened when she saw it again. "You were right," she muttered lowly. She didn't know what this place had looked like before, but she did remember how it had looked when she left it. And that was nothing like what it looked like now.

Alex nodded, impressed as well. "Our king works fast, no doubt about that."

"Told you so," Julian pointed out while she watched the children running around here, playing.

That is when a high-pitched voice sounded to their right. "You will not catch me! You are too- OOF!" A young child grunted when he ran straight into her.

"Oh!" Ciara staggered off balance with the sudden impact, quickly catching herself before they both toppled to the ground. "Are you all right?" She put a hand on his small shoulder.

"Oh, Ciara, your ho-" Elias started, but didn't get the chance to finish.

"I am sorry, miss!" The child looked up at the one he had run into. His eyes widened to an almost humorous size. "You are the Princess of Dragons!"

She blinked. "What?"

She felt a light weight fall on her head, realizing the hood had fallen off when the child had run into her. Looking up, she found it was Julian who had returned it to its place.

"That is what the people have taken to calling you since that incident, princess."

"You totally are! This is so awesome!" the child yelled in his excitement, drawing everyone else's attention to their little group.

While she was struggling with what to say, Alex squatted down to the child's height. "Hey, kid. Can you keep a secret?"

The kid nodded so fast she worried he might hurt his neck. "Yes! Definitely!"

"Good." Alex smiled. "You see, we are on a secret mission, so secret not even the king knows of it." He waved the child a little closer, glancing around as if to see if anyone were listening. The child, for his part, looked serious. "We are looking for a big, black dragon. It should be flying around somewhere close to this city," he told the child, who hung on to his every word. "Do you think you can help us find it?"

He gestured downwards to her behind his back so that the child wouldn't see it. She understood immediately, of course.

The boy nodded as quickly as he had before, though this time with a determined expression rather than an excited smile. "Yes, I can help you look for it!" He almost kept his voice low.

She smiled and whistled quietly, so that only the ones at her height and closest to her could hear it. And Kaisog with his advanced hearing.

Just as the great, black dragon dove down into view, the boy looked up into the sky.

"Look, mister! There it is!" the kid exclaimed, all subtlety forgotten.

"So it is - let us see if we can get it down here!" Alex played along, pulling the boy out into the middle of the square, where his friends were.

Julian frowned worriedly. "Is this really a good idea?" he asked. "I get that one is the princess' dragon, but still..." His expression was mirrored by the other adults within earshot of them.

She nodded. "Absolutely," she said, all while watching in awe at how well Alex managed to rile all those children up enough to attempt to beckon the dragon down with them.

When Julian turned his gaze to the one behind her, Elias confirmed. "I have been with her and this dragon for a while now, and I can assure you that one is about as dangerous as a fly. It will not harm a single hair on those children's heads," he said. "Alex is certain of this as well. Otherwise he would not be doing this."

She watched happily when Kaisog gently landed on the ground, lying with his belly flat to the ground even as all the children stormed him on Alex' command. Just as things should be.

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