The Alpha's Daughter: The Bet...

By CherryBlossom2214

510K 18.2K 1.5K

Black series: Book 2 Issac Snyder's past is unknown to many who knows him. His cold facade scares everyone aw... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60 The End
News People!
Elliot's Alpha

Chapter 59

5.4K 242 8
By CherryBlossom2214


Don't say I didn't warn ya.


Issac smiled when the view of his home came into view.
"Flower, I'm home." He said while entering, only to be greeted by silence and he looked around.
"Flower?" He called and it was silent again. He sensed that Allegra and Sonny was not here, but his mate was.
He walked into their bedroom and froze when he saw her on the bed in a blue flower lingerie set. He gulped as he felt himself harden.

"Welcome home my Darling." She stood up from the bed and slowly walked her way towards him and a faint blush covered her cheeks.
"F...flower." His voice came out hoarse when her hand trailed his chest down to the rim of his pants. She licked her lips and her eyes are deep with lust much like his own.
She gently removed his pants while going along with it till she was on her knees. Issac frowned at this behavior till Catherine opened her mouth and took his hard member in her mouth and he growled as her head starts moving, her lips was creating a sensation that he was sure he would get addicted to.
"Fuck Flower." He growled as she goes a little faster and she moaned. The vibrations made him growl more and his head falls back as he gasped.
On instinct he grabbed her hair and she moaned, taking him deeper into her mouth. Her teeth skimmed his dick and he hissed at the sensation.
Slowly his hips stared to move and they moaned together at the new stimulation.
He moved faster and used Catherine's head to further control the speed and she basked in the control.
"Oh yes, fuck Flower. It's so good."
His breathing got more rapid and when he wanted to pull out before he released inside her mouth she pulled him closer and took all of his seed as he rides out his orgasm.
She stood up and licked her lips and she still blushed.
"D...did you like it?" He couldn't get a word out so he picked her up and her legs wrapped around him. He kissed her hard and she moaned as her hands snake through his hair.

He threw her on the bed and carefully removed her lace panty and he rammed into her. She held onto his arms as she gasped. "Oh!"
She gasped when he slowly pulls out and rammed into her hard and fast. He repeats this action again and again, watching how he pushes his mate over the edge with need that match his own.
"Please Issac!" She begged as she arched her back in need.
"What do you need my Flower?" he asked as he rammed into her hard and fast again and her legs started to shake.
Catherine gasped, she was struggling to voice her needs as Issac sends her over the edge before pulling her back and then sending her to the edge again before pulling her back.
He growled in her ear and nipped at her mark and she convulsed into a high bliss.
"Tell me what you need Flower?" He whispered in her ear, he knew they were far from sated.
"Make sweet passionate love to me and then fuck me hard till the sun comes up." She moaned andbhe growled at her request.
"With pleasure mate."
And Issac did just that, he made sweet passionate love to Catherine and when she felt like she couldn't go on, he sparked her lust by giving it to her hard and fast. They were drowned in lust till the sun came up.

Catherine groaned as the sunlight invaded her sleep. "Morning Flower." Issac whispered in her her ear while the smell of tea filled her nose with a mouthwatering scent of pancakes. She opened her eyes to see Issac placing breakfast in front of her.
She sat up and blushed upon a naked Issac and shw licked her lips.
"Flowers I suggest you eat your breakfast before I take you." He smirked and she blushed, but kept looking at him.
"I wouldn't mind." She mumbled and he laughed, making her giggle.
She happily ate her breakfast, well, more like Issac fed her and she bathed in his attention.
"I love you Issac." She said after Issac put the breakfast in the kitchen and returned to their room.
He smiled at her with all the love in the world.
"I love you too Catherine." He quickly claimed her lips and moaned.
Issac scooped her up and she squeaked and giggled when he twirled her around.
"Let's get ourselves clean to get the kids. I'm afraid what will happen if we leave them for too long with Julian." Catherine laughed at Issac's slightly worried face.
"Well then let's get our selves fresh."
Neither if them wanted to get Sonny and Allegra smelling like lovemaking. Julian would have a field day.

Issac got the shower ready and they got in. Issac made sure he washed every inch of her delicate body. He could trace the small stretch marks she gained from carrying Allegra. He admired them greatly and might just be the most favorite part of her body.
"You're beautiful Flower." He whispered while kissing her stretch marks. She moaned when he licked her from her stretch marks up between her breast to her mark that was burning red from being claimed again last night, more than once.
"So beautiful and all mine." He whispered and she kissed him.
"All yours my Darling."

So they took a longer shower than normal and Catherine blamed Issac 100%, who looked all smug about it.
Everyone greeted them on the way to the palace, where Issac would grumble or nod, Catherine would smile and wave and even have light conversations with some people. She was just perfect.
In the distance, when they neared the palace, they saw Sonny and Ian running full speed at them. Sonny was a vew stepts behind Ian which was impressive for a five year old kid.
Sonny and Ian screamed together. Catherine giggled at Issac's new nickname that Ian had bestowed on him.
She squads and Sonny was in her arms in a flash and at the same time Ian tackled Issac.
"Well isn't this a warm welcome." She smiled at Sonny who nuzzled his face in her neck. "I missed you guys." He whispered and she kissed his head and did a metal awe.
"We missed you to."
Sonny pouted, "Nuh uh, uncle Julian said you guys won't miss me because you two would be doing the hanky panky or shaking the sheets."
She blushes furiously while Issac lowly growled.
"I'll strangle Julian into hell." He muttered while marching to where Julian no doupt will be.
"Mam, can I also shake the sheets with you guys?" Catherine shoked, walking so fast in hope's of avoiding this conversation.
"Well can I?" His cute blue eyes looked up at her and she felt a mutal urge to strangle Julian.
"Uhm, Sonny it is something only mates can do like your dad and me or like Julian and Anika." Sonny frowned. Bless his poor soul.
"Oky, so I can do it when I meet my mate?" He ask hopefully.
"Yes sweetheart, you can." Sonny was finally done questioning her about lovemaking when they reached Anika and Julian.
Anika was holding Zelda while Julian was bouncing Allegra.
Issac was quick to march up to Julian, who held Allegra like Simba in the Lion King, and took Allegra from his arms.
"Give me my daughter, she mustn't be too long with someone like you."
Julian growled, "She should be around someone like me if she has a peppery father like you." and then he huffed. Issac bounced Allegra, whispering comforting words at his daughter while glaring at Julian who just smiled like an idiot and wiggled his eyebrows.
Anika and herself only shook their heads. Both silently thinking of why the men just can't admit that they are each other's best friends.

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