Danganronpa: Memento Mori

By Reborn4Dog

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"Kaori Hotaru, the Ultimate Weaver, finds her school life to be far different from what she expected. She mee... More

Prologue, Part I
Prologue, Part II
Prologue, Part III
Chapter 1, Part I
Chapter 1, Part II
Chapter 1, Part III
Chapter 1, Part IV
Chapter 1, Part V
Chapter 1, Part VI
Chapter 1, Part VII
Chapter 2, Part I
Chapter 2, Part II
Chapter 2, Part III
Chapter 2, Part IV
Chapter 2, Part V
Chapter 2, Part VI
Chapter 2, Part VII
Chapter 3, Part I
Chapter 3, Part II
Chapter 3, Part III
Chapter 3, Part IV
Chapter 3, Part V
Chapter 3, Part VI
Chapter 3, Part VII
Chapter 3, Part VIII
Chapter 4, Part I
Chapter 4, Part II
Chapter 4, Part III
Chapter 4, Part IV
Chapter 4, Part V
Chapter 4, Part VI
Chapter 4, Part VII
Chapter 5, Part I
Chapter 5, Part II
Chapter 5, Part III
Chapter 5, Part IV
Chapter 5, Part V
Chapter 5, Part VI
Chapter 5, Part VII
Chapter 6, Part I
Chapter 6, Part II
Chapter 6, Part III
Chapter 6, Part IV
Chapter 6, Part VI

Chapter 6, Part V

94 1 0
By Reborn4Dog

Chapter 6: Remember, You Will Die, Part V (Class Trial)


The mastermind was under our noses the entire time. Pretending to be on our side, he assisted us with solving each and every murder committed here - and we were unaware that he orchestrated them until it was too late.

Kaiji Kudo... no, Naoya Edogawa, was now standing right in front of us, his eyes akin to those of a devil. He no longer needed Monokuma; he would either win and get everything he wanted, or lose and have to condemn himself to the same gruesome punishment that he inflicted upon us all. He wasn't happy.

Naoya: Daigo, Daigo, Daigo. You son of a bitch.

Daigo: What? What did I do wrong?!

Naoya: I can read you like an open book. You wanted to play the hero, save the day, and you put everyone at risk in order to do so. It got Ayane killed.

Daigo: But at least I know of my flaws. And I try to correct them.

Kaori: And aren't you guilty of the same sort of toxic behaviour?

Naoya: ...Kaori Hotaru! From the very beginning, you've been telling me what to do, how to act - without giving me any say whatsoever! I was the expert, the professional; and yet everyone flocked to you, a nobody.

Kaori: We're all nobodies, Naoya.

Naoya: Excuse me? Anything to prove it?


(Select Truth Needle)

TRUTH NEEDLE: Hope's Peak Academy Student Info


Kaori: The rejection letters do not lie, Naoya. Hope's Peak Academy has no info on us.

Naoya: And why is that?!

Kaori: Because they didn't need info on us, because they rejected us!

Daigo: ...It's true. Despite my genuine talent, there wasn't enough space for us all-

Naoya: And yet the headmaster gave a spot to his own fucking daughter! Goddamn nepotism; I mean, what's the difference between an Ultimate Detective and an Ultimate Private Investigator, huh? HUH?!

Souta: Are you out of your mind?!

Naoya: OF COURSE I AM! None of us even knew that we were worthless pieces of shit to be discarded!


(Non-Stop Debate)

Umiko: And how is that... even possible?

Daigo: Something had to be done with our minds.

Naoya: EXACTLY! We just up and forgot all about it!

Souta: The very idea of our memories being tampered with...

Daigo: Machines can do some rather funny stuff, am I right?

TRUTH NEEDLE: Memory-Altering Technology

Kaori: I agree with that!



Daigo: Huh? Really?

Kaori: We found it all in your room. Admit it, Naoya. You tampered with our memories so that we wouldn't remember that we weren't actually Hope's Peak Academy students! And for what purpose?

Naoya: And for what purpose? Exactly. What grudge would I hold against you all?

Kaori: You considered us to be worthless.

Umiko: And-and because of that... you thought that-that we deserved to, uh... die!

Souta: Why else would you throw us in such a twisted and sickening Killing Game?

Naoya: Really? (smirking) Any proof?

Kaori: Manifesto, Naoya. You swore vengeance against "worthless humans" in it - no doubt that you targeted us specifically.

Daigo: You're right, Kaori! Sock it to-

Naoya: Oh, shut your mouth, knight in shining armour.

Kaori: The kicker? It was signed with...


(Multiple Choice)

1. Arisu Edogawa.

2. Naoya Edogawa.

3. Kaiji Kudo.

Answer: Naoya Edogawa.


Kaori: ...Your very own name.

Ryoko: Eh? Naoya...?

Naoya: Oh, look at that, you're wasting time. She's wasting away with every minute that you spend trying to pin the blame on me even though you could just leave me for dead right here, right now.

Daigo: From what I've heard, you're the one who's killing her!

Naoya: Okay then, I might as well indulge you. What if I told you that I'm holding the antidote to the mind-melting poison I injected poor Ryoko with all those years ago? Mind you, considering how long it's been, I doubt it'll work.

Souta: What?

Daigo: A million-to-one chance is still a chance! And we must take it by the horns!

Ryoko: Uh... Please... Don't wanna die...

Naoya: One small problem. You found out the who. And I'll only give it up if you find out the why.

Kaori: We might as well take him up on his deal.

Umiko: So... let's find out why we're here. Right?

Kaori: Okay.


(Non-Stop Debate)

Souta: Right then! Why we're here... I wonder?

Daigo: Only a rich family could have afforded such a space.

Souta: An underwater base owned by a rich family... Like the Edogawas?

Umiko: They must have purchased it, am I right?

Naoya: Any sign of a contract to prove it, firefly? No?

TRUTH NEEDLE: Nautilus Purchase Contract

Kaori: No, that's wrong!



Kaori: Your family bought the Nautilus - and I suspect that it had something to do with the Killing Game you was planning.

Naoya: Mugen was planning, to correct you.

Daigo: What?! You're roping a dead man into this?

Naoya: Mugen was the brains and I was the brawn. It was a shame he died so early and I had to pick up the slack. See? We were both hanging out with Junko Enoshima, you know? It was not like he got cold feet or anything...


(Select Truth Needle)

TRUTH NEEDLE: Translated Note


Kaori: That's ridiculous! He sent a coded warning to us that Ryoko was being held hostage! Why? Because he no longer agreed to the idea of holding Ryoko hostage, that's why!

Ryoko: ...Hostage? Why did this have to happen?

Souta: (sigh) I certainly do not know myself, madam.

Naoya: And how did you find out about that?!

Kaori: A little scrap of paper we found.

Naoya: Where?! WHERE?! How did you get it?!


(Multiple Choice)

1. In the Monokuma control room.

2. In the dorm room.

3. In the incinerator.

Answer: In the incinerator.


Kaori: In the incinerator. More specifically, the black bag you was planning to burn in the incinerator. We can tell by how charred it was when I found it.

Umiko: Who knows what could have happened if... if it did get burned...

Naoya: Then you'll all have lungs filled with water and I'll be in my private escape pod itching to tell my sob story. So there.

Kaori: Naoya Edogawa. I can't let this stand! You made my friends kill each other!

Naoya: Really? What a fool you are!


(Rebuttal Showdown: Vs. Naoya Edogawa)

Naoya: Monokuma lied. It was in his nature.

Kaori: What do you mean by that?

Naoya: Sure, Ren killed Mugen. But he killed the mastermind. A pity Monokuma wouldn't let us all go afterwards-

Kaori: Because you hadn't gotten your sick idea of fun yet! And your story wouldn't hold water with the rest of us around!

Naoya: Nuh-uh! It wasn't me, it was Mugen. End of story.

Kaori: That's a lie. You were the one in control. Since the very beginning.

Naoya: And do you have anything to prove it?

Kaori: I'll show it to you!


TRUTH BLADE: Missing Diary Pages

Naoya: We owned the diary... (cut) ...as a pair! (cut) He could have tried to frame me... (cut) ...and I needed to stave off suspicion! (cut)


Kaori: Those allegations are explosive, and you tried to cover them up! Why?

Naoya: Mugen had to be sacrificed! (cut) One of us had to take the blame... (cut) ...and it just so happened to be him! (cut) He's dead, so he can't defend himself! (cut)

Kaori: Allow me to cut through those words.



Kaori: No wonder you ripped those diary pages out. Mugen was going to incriminate you.

Naoya: And I had to incriminate him first!

Kaori: You pressured him into continuing. You refused to release Ryoko. You blew up his house, and for what?!

Naoya: To keep him on a leash!

Kaori: You just said it. Mugen was your lackey, not the other way around.

Ryoko: Uh...

Naoya: Look. She's barely clinging on to life. And you still don't know why I would do such a thing.

Daigo: ...We want answers! Now!

Naoya: I'm not going to give them to you. It would be way too easy, upupupu~

Kaori: Well, your father made a good guess. He thinks you unfortunately fell in with the wrong crowd.

Umiko: Ho-how did his dad suggest that?!

Kaori: I think I know.


(Multiple Choice)

1. Through a memoir.

2. Through a letter.

3. Through a journal.

Answer: Through a memoir.


Kaori: Naoya? Your father noticed that you were grief-stricken by what happened to Arisu. So much that you tried following in her footsteps so that she would be proud of you.

Naoya: ...

Ryoko: Huh... Arisu? Who's that?

Souta: Naoya's dead older sister, from what we can tell.

Umiko: But how do you know she-she, uh... you know, died?

Kaori: Simple.


(Select Truth Needle)

TRUTH NEEDLE: Edogawa Family Tree


Kaori: We found the family tree of the Edogawas, and Arisu's entry has a death date on it.

Naoya: Arisu... no... No way... Arisu can't be-

Daigo: Sorry, Naoya. But it's time you faced up to the truth.

Souta: And as that memoir suggests, she uh... died far before her time. "Slain" is a pretty strong word, don't you think?

Kaori: Exactly.


(Non-Stop Debate)

Daigo: The Edogawa family were rather well-off and well-known...

Souta: So obviously if anything happened to them it would cause a big stink.

Umiko: Ar-Arisu's death must have been... untimely...

Daigo: Foul play, perhaps?


TRUTH NEEDLE: Newspaper Article

Kaori: No, that's wrong!



Kaori: Read this, Naoya. Arisu, your sister, was murdered.

Naoya: I know... I know! That's why I tried becoming a private investigator! So that she would be happy wherever she was! And take a wild guess how it all ended! I got rejected from Hope's Peak as if I was some sort of bug! Some worthless piece of shit I am!

Ryoko: ...Uh...

Naoya: I felt as though this was the only way to prove myself. So that I could solve crimes and... and...

Kaori: Arisu didn't want it to happen! She wouldn't have wanted you to orchestrate 11 deaths!

Naoya: WHY?!


(Select Truth Needle)

TRUTH NEEDLE: Note to Naoya


Kaori: Naoya, it's not too late. Before she died, she wrote a note for you.

Naoya: Huh?

Kaori: ...I'll read it.

Daigo: Go ahead. Maybe it'll knock some sense into him.

Kaori: (sniff) I'm ready.


To my little brother,

I can't believe how much you've grown over the last few years! Yes, I may be the heir apparent to the family tradition of going out into the world and solving crimes in the name of justice, but I know that you're fine with it, Naoya. I see that you're looking up to me as some sort of role model, and that's great! It's natural for youths to idolise their older siblings and follow in their footsteps - I see a bright future ahead for the both of us, dear brother.

With everlasting love, Arisu.


The boy lowered his head in shame, and I could notice that he was now crying.

Naoya: (sniff) ...Arisu... Sister...

Kaori: ...Is it over?

Naoya: ...No.

Ryoko: ...!

Naoya: I... I still need to... make her proud...

Kaori: Stop this foolishness, Naoya! There's no need to-

Naoya: One of us has to die right here, right now, and it's going to be you! Nobody can live knowing my shame! And of course, I'm not ready to die yet! Arisu died long before her time, and I have no intention to do likewise.

Kaori: She didn't have a choice! She was abducted and murdered - and you're just going to throw your life away like that?!

Naoya: No. I'm not gonna die here! ...I'M NOT GONNA DIE!


(Argument Armament: Vs. Naoya Edogawa)

It's not going to - W

End this way! - A

I haven't come this far - S

Just to die here! - D

If I give up now - D

Then what was - S

The point of - W

My efforts? - D

So that's why - A

All of you - A

Have to die! - W

So that I can live! - S

Those are the ground rules! - WASDWASDWASD

Either you all win - SSS

Or the mastermind wins! - AAA

And the losers have to die! - DDD

That's the penalty! - WWW

And nobody would be any the wiser! - WASDWASDWASD

Final Blow!

Naoya: And I'll finally get to prove to her... what I'm capable of...






Kaori: Got it!



Kaori: You wanted to make your sister proud, as far as we know.

Umiko: Th-that's right...

Souta: Indeed.

Daigo: And did you honestly think killing 11 people was going to get you in her good graces?!

Naoya: I did not kill them. I merely set them up! Ren threw the brick. Yura forced down the poison. Luka picked up the scissors. Yukiharu set the trap. Ayane took the knife - I didn't kill anyone!

Kaori: And was setting up this Killing Game the "bright future" she would have wanted? Arisu would have been disappointed if she was still around to see what you've been up to.

He stared down towards his hands, almost as if they were covered in blood.

Naoya: No way... I'm... no better than a criminal? I... I... ah...

And he screamed. Screamed in pure horror over the realisation of what he had become.

Ryoko: Uh...

Daigo: Almost makes you feel sorry for the poor bastard.

Kaori: We might as well do it. Let's go back through everything, one step at a time.

Naoya: (sobbing) Sure. I don't care anymore...


(Closing Argument)

(Act 1)

Kaori: Following the untimely death of the culprit's sister Arisu, they began a slow descent into following the teachings and ideals of the Ultimate Despair. First of all, they made friends with Mugen Kojima, a fellow aspiring student hoping to apply to Hope's Peak Academy. They were then introduced to Junko Enoshima, the Ultimate Despair herself.

(Act 2)

Kaori: After both Mugen and the culprit were rejected, a sense of resentment began to build within them both. To establish them both on her side, Junko tasked them with kidnapping her cousin, the Ultimate Analyst Ryoko Otonashi. Both of them went ahead with it, holding her captive inside the privately owned Nautilus, and they were rewarded handsomely with the resources necessary to kickstart a Killing Game.

(Act 3)

Kaori: Even after Junko died, the culprit and Mugen were still preparing to hold their very own Killing Game within the halls of the Nautilus. Even after Mugen got cold feet and secretly left incriminating evidence behind, the culprit was deadset on going ahead. They planned to participate as well, so that they could solve the crimes themselves and feel like someone Arisu would be proud of...


Kaori: ...Thus the sordid story began, all due to you, Kaiji Kudo... no, Naoya Edogawa, the Ultimate Private Investigator.


Naoya: ...

He was done for.

Naoya: ...Hah. Ahaha... I see now. I tried playing the hero... and I became an even worse villain. Ironic, isn't it?

Kaori: Yes.

Naoya: Ah... I understand now.

Umiko: Wh-what do you mean?!

Souta: Just get to the point! We don't have much time!

Daigo: After all, Ryoko's dying as we speak!

Naoya: I concede. It's over. The Killing Game... is over. You win. You know what to do now.

Kaori: What?

Naoya: Vote. We might as well officially bring this tragic tale to a close, shall we?

Kaori: ...Naoya. There has to be a better way-

Naoya: Do you want to die, right at the very edge of victory?! I'm offering you all a chance to survive, to tell the truth behind what happened here. And I request only one thing in return.

Kaori: What would voting for you change?

Naoya: Just finish me off already!

Kaori: ...As you wish, then.



Vote: Naoya Edogawa


Chapter 6: Remember, You Will Die, Part V, End

5 Remain

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