The Last Quirk User

By FIREscale

873K 17.4K 14.9K

Humanity has always lived in ignorance while the supernatural toy and exploit them all on the basis of racial... More

Harem Part 1
Harem Part 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Bio (Updated)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 46

4.1K 140 46
By FIREscale

{3rd Person POV}



Everything descended into chaos... The terrorist devils fighting against the forces of the allied factions. In this raging battlefield only someone with an iron focus could stay calm despite the carnage going on... And the leader of the fallen, Azazel, happened to be that someone...

Azazel: ''Boy oh boy... Things are starting to look just like the great war''

The great governor stood in the air, observing the battlefield as sparks of lightning and blazes of fire engulfed the land bellow. This whole thing was planed out by none other than the fallen governor, yet it took great risks to make it happen, as drawing the terrorists out of their hole was a problem in itself... But it looks like things payed off.

Azazel: ''Ho?... So one of the masterminds finally showed up...''

The fallen leader spoke showing a confident smirk as he turned around to meet a new arrival. Standing right behind him was a man with black hair tied in a pony tail, his outfit was simplistic yet threatening, and the aura surrounding him made him stand out from the rest...

Azazel: ''What's this? A descendant of the original Satans?''

???: ''I am Creuserey Asmodeus, and you will address me as such crow''

Azazel: ''Wow, no respect for good men. Kids nowadays...''

Creuserey: ''Silence. As a member of the true Satan faction, I will get revenge for Katerea's death! Using Ophis' power, we will destroy this world and create a new one for us devils!''

The man thrust his hand forward, on his palm manifested a type of seal with the 'Infinite' symbol that glowed as he activated it. In response the fallen angel pulled out his golden spear, but were both stopped before they could engage by a magic seal appearing in between them...

The crimson seal of a crimson devil, and from said seal the king of all devils bearing the name of Lucifer appeared on the battlefield...

Azazel: ''What took you so long Sirzechs?''

Sirzechs: ''Apologies, but I had to make sure Rias was okay. You should be grateful I am here at all given your utterly absurd plan...''

Azazel: ''Aww, you don't have to be so cold you know?''

Despite the chill attitude of the fallen, Sirzech's chiller gaze stopped the fallen from pulling out anymore jokes. And then he turned his attention on the other devil standing in front of him.

Sirzechs: ''Creuserey... I didn't expect a coward like you to be here''

Creuserey: ''Silence you damned faker!''

Sirzechs: ''Fool... For our species to continue living, war is just pointless baggage''

Creuserey: ''A bastard who deals not only with fallen, but with angels as well has no right to speak as a devil!''

Azazel: ''Aren't you guys in cahoots with the Khaos Brigade? Double standard much?'

Azazel casually insulted the terrorist, but the time for exchanging views was long over. All that remained in the moment was the slowly growing pressure of the devil king bearing down on his enemy...

Sirzechs: ''... As the great king, I will eliminate anyone threatening the order I established in the underworld...''

In the palm of his hand, a small orb of black red energy appeared... That orb expanded until it completely trapped Creuserey in its confines. The searing crimson energy attacked his body, turning each of his limbs into dust before he could even realize what was happening...

Creuserey: ''N-No! Impossible! How can the real thing lose to a fake!?''

His screams of anguish were drowned out by the sound of the battle going on in the background, and his voice was permanently silenced when the energy trapping him finally dissolved his entire body nothing but dust...

Azazel: ''Brutal! You know we could have interrogated him, right?''

Sirzechs: ''Does it matter? Creuserey was a coward, I doubt they would have given him any useful information. And while at it, I also destroyed the snake moving inside him as well''

Azazel: ''Geez... You do know we had a plan, don't you?''

Sirzechs: ''I do... And it's your fault that Rias is currently in the middle of all of this. And remember, it's your head on the line if anything happens to her... Are we clear?''

Azazel: ''Crystal...''

Although Azazel didn't look too bothered by his threat, the fact of the matter was that if his plan failed, he would have to pay for their losses with his own life. The fallen leader was walking a very thin line, but he still held trust in the youngsters fighting down below, most of all... He trusted in Y/N to get his friends out unharmed.

The two had to unfortunately end their conversation, as the orb in the middle of Azazel's golden dagger started glowing erratically, and both he and Sirzech's felt the presence of someone very familiar... Someone they both hoped they wouldn't encounter today...

Azazel: ''I didn't think you of all people would come here today...''

Standing above them was a small girl, one whose stature made it clear she was barely a child. But her presence was not one belonging to one as young looking as her. Even in the face of two ancient leaders like the two before her, she still stood on a pedestal even higher than them...

And within her eyes, those two orbs of empty nothingness, the two of them could feel the endless abyss staring back at them with great and terrifying disinterest...

???: ''... It has been a while... Azazel...''

Azazel: ''Bold of you to come here... If we defeat you, everything ends''

???: ''... impossible... You cannot beat me...''

Azazel: ''Though you hold absolute power, you show no interest in the world. What has made you decide to lead a brigade of terrorists?''

The small girl looked up, her hauntingly empty smile gazed at the great beyond, her empty gaze looking upon what lied beyond the skies with a type of longing the two leaders couldn't understand...

???: ''... Silence... I want to return home...''

Azazel: ''(Home? She must mean the dimensional gap... If my memory serves me right... Ahh, so that's what you want... Vali)''

???: ''... For now though... You have other things to worry about...''

The two leaders looked at the girl confused, all until they heard a titanic explosion in the distance, followed up by a powerful and chaotic energy signature descending upon the entire battlefield... A power that the two of them recognized from a long time ago, one that made Azazel's eyes open wide in shock and even fear...

Azazel: ''(Oh no!... Y/N... What's going on?...)''

{Scene Change}

At the center of the explosion, far away from the Azazel and Sirzechs, in the remains of what used to be a temple stood a single being among all the rubble and broken pillars... A giant red dragon as tall as a house and burning with intense energy...


The once heroic boy had descended into a pit of madness, one that had caught him in its grip and was now slowly dragging him deeper into the depths of fury and despair...

Watching from a safe distance were the boy's companions, all trapped in their spot and afraid to even step closer to the maddened beast that was once their friend...

Rias: ''Y/N...''

The red heiress was left standing in a daze, watching her beloved turn into such frightening creature unable to help him in anyway...

Shalba: ''So this is the dragon of domination... Don't think I will lose to some wannabe dragon emperor!''

The devil launched attacks of pure energy at the dragon, but each and every one of them bounced off his metallic scales without even leaving a single scratch. The annoying pokes that were the devil's attacks, had the unfortunate effect of simply irritating the beast into attacking...

The dragon opened his maw wide, and inside it a ball of energy formed.

The intense blast of crimson energy crushed everything in its path and the battlefield became bathed in a sea of flames, burning as intense as the beast's infernal hatred...

Millions of screams announced the destruction of everything like a choir of death and despair, the composer of this macabre orchestra being the roaring emperor of domination...

Shalba: ''Ghh!?... Don't joke around! I am Shalba Beelzebub! I will not lose to a rabid animal!''

In a fit of anger, the devil casted a spell that summoned a gigantic seal under the dragon's feet. From it, a pillar of pure light erupted into the skies, bathing the dragon in its painful light...

In response, the beast smashed its fist against the ground, shattering it into particles along with the seal controlling the spell. And now with the annoying light out of his eyes, the dragon had a clear sight on its prey...

With speed faster than the wind, the beast flew and tackled the devil, ripping off an arm with his jagged teeth and throwing the rest of Shalba to the side like a piece of unwanted meat...

Shalba: ''Ghh!? N-No!... This isn't how I die! I can't die to a mad beast!''

His cries of pain were drowned out by the roars of the dragon, and in its maddened state the dragon began gathering energy around his chest...


The blood red aura of the beast condensed into the emerald gem in its chest, pilling on top of itself and threatening to explode like a bomb...

Akeno: ''This is bad! We must get out of here now!''

The young devils ran as fast as their wings carried them, yet they had to drag their president by force as she was left too dazed to even move to save herself...




And so the last bits of the fallen descendant of Beelzebub were turned to ash, the once proud devil laid to rest among the ashes of the other beings that were unfortunate to be caught in the mad beast's rampage.


Now with no more target to vent his frustration on, the beast let lose its fury upon the entire battlefield, blasting and destroying anything close by with no consideration if they were friend or foe...

Among the hell of bullets flying everywhere, the ORC became trapped on the receiving end of the dragon's attack, barely holding on against the endless onslaught of power...

Kiba: ''Is standing by and doing nothing all we can do?...''

Koneko: ''Y/N...''

Xenovia: ''There must be a way to bring him back!...''

Akeno: ''Even if there is... How are we going to approach him?''

The situation was growing more desperate by the second... Their friend was going on an unstoppable rampage and yet they could do nothing to stop him, only watch as their dear friend was tearing himself apart...

???: ''It seems that I was right... It was a juggernaut drive''

Yet before despair could overcome them, someone unexpected had stepped onto the battlefield. Looking behind, the ORC saw the white dragon emperor, Vali, emerge from a tear in space...

Rias: ''Vali?! Where did you come from?''

Vali: ''I merely came to see what the sudden change I felt was... But to think he activated juggernaut drive... An incomplete one too. I wonder if he is the same person anymore...''

Rias: ''Is there any way to change him back?...''

Vali: ''He's in an incomplete state, there IS a chance he'll come back. But there's also a chance he'll use all his life force and die... Its honestly a fifty-fifty chance that either could happen''

???: ''Bottom line, his life is in danger''

A new person stepped out of the space tear, a man with golden hair and glasses wearing a white suit. He was obviously a friend of Vali's and one of the two people that were present during Loki's fall, yet he wasn't the one who the ORC had their attention on, but what that man was holding in his arms...

There, kept closely and safely, lay the body of an unconscious girl with blond hair. A girl that everyone had thought they would never see again.


Everyone of the devils rushed at her side, picking her up from the man's hands and gently laying her down by their side. For a moment everyone wondered if they were hallucinating, if this was simply an illusion meant to trick them. However the warm feeling of her body, and the slow breathing her mouth exuded was enough proof to the contrary... Asia had returned.

???: ''We happened to come across her while traversing the dimension gap. If she stayed there any longer, she would have turned into dust''

His words rang true, if they hadn't come across her, the nun would not be standing among her friends anymore. But while everyone else was happy to see their friend back, Rias couldn't feel happy yet, not until the one most important member of their group was here to celebrate with them...

Rias: ''... I am going''

Ravel: ''Going? Were do you think you're going?''

Rias: ''I am bringing back Y/N... I am sure he will hear me, and if I tell him Asia is still alive, he should be able to regain control of himself...''

Vali: ''In his current state, just approaching him could kill you...''

Rias: ''That's fine... If it means I can bring my Y/N back, then I am ready''

Kiba: ''Let us come with you!''

The heiress didn't give them a chance to help her, as she flew away with a gust of wind trailing behind her, knocking her friends away from trying to follow her...

Rias: ''(Y/N... After everything you've done for me, I can't let you suffer like this!... So please... Wait for me. I will save you!)''

As the ORC watched their president head straight towards her possible death, Vali couldn't help but watch his berserk rival with a strange and oddly enough pained expression...

Ravel: ''White dragon!''

Vali: ''... Hmm?''

Koneko: ''Please save them...''

Akeno: ''If its you, you may be able to do it''

The white dragon emperor listened to the pleading cries of the young devils, his expression not changing even as he became more thoughtful. In the end however, his eyes closed and he made his own decision...

Albion: ''Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker!''

Clad in white armor, the white dragon emperor took flight towards the berserk red dragon. His wings left trails of blue particles as he flew past all the destruction left behind by his rival.

Albion: ''(What is your plan Vali?)''

Vali: ''I am going to contain his power just a bit''

Albion: ''(I see... But to use Divine Dividing, you must touch him)''

Vali: ''Yeah... An eye for an eye... A dragon for a dragon...''

''I who am to awaken''

''Am the heavenly dragon''

''Who lost all to the principle of Supremacy of God...''

''I Envy the Infinite''

''And chase after the Dream''

'' I shall become the White Dragon of Supremacy''

''And I shall lead you''

''To the furthest reaches of innocence''


With an explosion of power, the world was bathed in pure white light as the true emperor of supremacy descended upon the world... Flying with no idea of what was going on, was Rias herself, her mind focused simply on saving her beloved...

A dragon just as large as the red beast descended upon the battlefield, his presence announcing itself to the creature and challenging it to a fight for dominance and superiority...

The two heavenly dragons clashed, their strikes creating shock-waves that resonated through the atmosphere. Claws and teeth lashed out and shredded flesh and scales while energy blast flew in every direction.

The white dragon chopped through his rival's scales and into his flesh, drawing blood and forcing both of them to crash into the ground below.

Once the two collided with the ground, the white dragon let go of his opponent and reverted back into his balance breaker form... Yet the red one was scarily done with him as he prepared to fire another attack.

Albion: ''Divde! Divde! Divde! Divde! Divde! Divde! Divde! Divde!''

With each shout, the power of the red dragon began to dissipate, his crimson aura started to vanish and his body lost the power to stand up. But he was still trapped in the confines of this transformation...

Rias: ''Y/N!''

Flying past Vali and towards Y/N was Rias. She flew into the danger zone as fast as she could, and Vali let her go as he had done his part in this...

Rias: ''Y/N... Please come back!''

The heiress crouched to the beast's level, her hand laying down on the hard and vicious scales of the creature, calling out the name of her love and begging him to return to her... But he had become too lost to even recognize her voice anymore...


The dragon trashed around, trying to get back on his feet and continue fighting, even if it meant breaking apart. In response Rias held him, she held him down as strongly as she could with her fragile hands...

Rias: ''Please... Please stop!... Please... Don't leave me... If you don't want to come back... Then at least let me disappear together with you!''

... A single tear... A single drop of water touched the face of the red beast and trickled down his cheek as if it was his own... Inside the confines of his own mind, the single shred of the boy the creature used to be drifted across the endless abyss... Images of his friend flashed by to remind him of his failure at protecting her...

''Hey Y/N?... Do you think... We could be together forever?''

The haunting words continued to torment him, torment and keep him trapped in here as those same images of a smiling Asia appeared before him... Among this sea madness, Y/N stood, barely holding on as the sea tried to consume him whole...

''... What am I even fight for?...''

''... I've already lost everything once...''

''... All I am doing is prolonging the inevitable...''

''... I am no hero...''

''... I am sorry... I failed you all...''

Drifting aimlessly, trying to hold onto himself... He saw the futility of his own actions, and for a moment he felt like he should give in... Accept his failure to change anything and give in... But... Somewhere in his mind...

There was something... Something that kept him from failing beyond...

''Are you afraid young one?''


''That's fine... No one is perfect''

''But... What if I fail?''

''You try again. As long as you wish for it, there will always be another chance''

''But... What if I am not good enough?''

''That's not the point... A hero isn't determined by his success or failure. To march on, even when there is nothing to be gained... That is the essence of a true Hero!''


The words Rang through his consciousness, forcing his eyes open... All around him was darkness... Yet there was still a speck of light, far off in the distance, shining like a bright star amidst a sea of nothingness...

The boy reached towards the light, uncertain if it was truly the light that would bring him salvation, or a mocking false hope meant to drown him deeper into despair. Yet he still reached out... And as he did, he started hearing a voice call out to him from the great beyond...

''Y... N.... C... B''

''Y/... N... Co... ack''

The voice was weak, powerless like a quiet whisper... But as he reached towards it, its words grew louder and he could finally tell that this voice was familiar to him. He knew it, yet he didn't know who's it was...

''Y/N... Com... Bac...''

''Y/N... Come... Back...!''

He didn't know why, but hearing the voice made him advance forward... Even though there was no reason for it, he felt it in his very core that he should move, and so he moved... With all his might, he trekked through the black mud trying to drown him...

''Y/N! Come back to us!''

When his hand finally reached within the light, a warm glow enveloped his body. In his vision, he saw the dark abyss crumbling away, and in its place colors emerged... He had returned to the world he almost gave up on.

Looking at his hand, he saw that he was being held by someone, and it was thanks to that someone that he didn't fall to the ground. The sight of a crying girl filled his vision, a girl with crimson hair that cried yet also smiled as she held his hand.

Rias: ''Y/N... Thank goodness...''

The two descended, and once they touched the ground the heiress took hold of her beloved, holding him tightly in her arms of fear she may lose him again...

Y/N: ''Rias...''

Rias: ''Yes... I am here... I will always be here, just like you have been for me''

The boy rested his head in her bosom. In this moment, he was at peace.

In the distance he heard footsteps approaching them, many of them as well. He raised his head just enough to see the people coming and there they were... Akeno, Koneko, Kiba, Gasper, Ravel and everyone else...

Y/N: ''Everyone...''

Akeno: ''Y/N, thank goodness you're okay''

Gasper: ''*Hic* W-We thought we lost you''

He gave a small tiered smile, but soon his eyes landed on a certain girl, one that had made him open his eyes wide when he saw her...

Y/N: ''Asia...''

There, cradled in Akeno's arms was Asia, the girl he thought was lost for good. He raised to his feet, as shaky as he was, he still rose and reached out to touch the sleeping girl. When his hand touched her cheek, he felt the warmth of a living being, he could feel her breath and heartbeat, he knew this was no illusion... Asia was well and truly alive...

Y/N: ''But... How?''

Kiba: ''It is thanks to them...''

Confused, Y/N looked to where Kiba's gaze was, and he saw two people standing a bit away from the group...

Y/N: ''Vali...''

Vali: ''Hey''

Y/N: ''... Why?...''

Vali: ''No reason. It was just a coincidence''

The white dragon emperor didn't elaborate any further, and not like Y/N cared really. All that really mattered to him right now, was that Asia had been returned to them safe and sound...

Y/N: ''I am sorry... I caused a lot of trouble, didn't I?''

Ravel: ''You don't know the half of it. Never do that again you hear?''

Y/N: ''Hehe... I will try''

The red dragon emperor let out a small strained laugh, after everything that happened today, everyone needed a bit of levity to raise their tired spirits. And it was good that they could finally laugh in peace...

Yubelluna: ''Master... What are we going to tell lady Ray?''

Y/N: ''... Oh shit...''

Ravel: ''I am pretty sure Tiamat would also like a word...''

Ddraig: ''(Oh Fuck...)''

The sudden realization hit him like a runaway train, this was the third time he almost died. The second time he told Ray this, she gave him the scolding of a lifetime, this time he was sure she would be LIVID when he would inevitably have to tell her...

Koneko: ''Your ass is grass when we get home...''

Y/N: ''(... Maybe I should have left the darkness consume me...)''


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