
Od hopeful_airhead

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"I was someone who tore through cities and villages with no remorse for the men, women and children I killed... Více

Mysterious Beginnings
Chaos Rising
Into the Vault
The Girl Who Knew Too Much
The Overlooked
Alpha Pact
Lunar Eclipse
More Bad Than Good
Echo House
The Fox and The Wolf
The Divine Move
Thank you

Letharia Vulpina

615 22 1
Od hopeful_airhead


     After Kira had successfully absorbed all the electricity and everyone was safe, they had admitted Isaac into the hospital for his severe burns and Allison had decided to sleep there until he woke up. Stiles disappeared after the chaos at the hospital and had been missing for 2 days. The pack had been unable to find him, so they had to see if Stiles would come out on his own. For now, it was a waiting game.

At school, Kira and Scott were brainstorming how to find Stiles and get the Nogistune out of him as they were on their way to class.

"The thing is, in all of the stories, kitsunes are tricksters. They're mischievous. They don't really get caught up in right or wrong or even understand it."

"Well, what's that mean? It's just doing this for the hell of it?" Scott asked, frustrated.

"No, there was something else I found. If you somehow offend a nogitsune, it can react pretty badly." She said and Scott shook his head, not understanding how they came to that point when they'd never encountered something like this.

"How do you offend a nogitsune?" He asked.

"I don't know. But if it's doing something this bad, then someone really, really offended it." She said ominously.

Scott couldn't help but think about Kira's words as he stood in the locker room with the lacrosse team, all the students listening to coach's routine yelling. What could they have possibly done to offend a nogitsune? Did it have to do with them sacrificing themselves to the nemeton? Did Stiles unknowingly offend it? He felt himself getting a headache from thinking so hard.

"No Stiles, no demonic ninjas. Things are getting too quiet." Ethan said, Scott nodded.

"Yeah. I know. It's making me nervous too." Just as he said that, he heard a metallic pulsing noise start to erupt from somewhere.

"Do you guys hear that?" Ethan asked. His twin and Scott nodded.

"It's an emitter. One of Argent's." Scott said, still focusing on the sound. The three quickly made their way out of the locker room without being seen, making their way down the hallway to get a better listen.

"It's coming from the basement." Ethan said. They all ran down to the basement, going down the stairs and turning to see none other than Stiles, back facing them, holding one of Argent's emitters.

He turned slowly to face them, raising his hands in a defensive manner.

"Okay, I know what you guys are thinking, but it's me. I swear to God, it's me."

The twins only roared, charging at Stiles full force and picking him up by his neck, dangling him in the air.

Scott ran to help Stiles, pulling Ethan off of him and throwing him into a cabinet across the small room.

Aiden roared in Scott's face and Scott roared back louder, eyes glowing red as he bared his fangs. Aiden's face fell and he backed down, Scott doing the same when he knew they weren't threatening Stiles anymore.

The Alpha looked at Stiles nervously, wondering if it was the real him.

"It's me, Scott. I swear, it's me. I don't know where I've been the last two days or what I've been doing, but this is me. I promise." He spoke, Scott not hearing any blips in his heartbeat to show he was lying.

"You know what happened at the hospital?" Ethan asked.

"I know more than that," He said, walking over to a duffel bag that was lying on the floor, taking out a blueprint, "you see this? It's a blueprint of the hospitals electrical wiring. You see all the marking in red? That's my handwriting. I know I did this. I caused the accident. And everything in this bag, it's all stuff that could be a part of something bigger."

Ethan was rummaging through the duffel as Stiles was talking and pulled out a reciprocating handsaw, looking at Stiles incredulously.

"What the hell have you been up to?" He asked.

"I think something worse. A lot worse."


     Lydia and Gwen were walking down the hall to next class, the latter complaining about someone she was partnered with in Chemistry making her fail their class assignment.

"I mean it's like he hasn't even been listening the entire year! He had no idea what the hell he was doing! How am I supposed to copy off of an idiot who doesn't pay attention in class?" She huffed and Lydia's brow quirked.

"You don't pay attention in class but you're not the idiot?" Lydia said and Gwen scoffed.

"Of course not! I don't pay attention because I'm over 50 years old and I already know this crap! Why should I have to pay attention when other people can do it and let me cheat off them?" She argued and Lydia only rolled her eyes chuckling.

The blonde continued to rant and Lydia could see her mother at the end of the hall talking to someone. Someone she knew all too well. Peter.

"Hey.. is that?.." Gwen started to ask.

"Yes, it is. Walk faster." Lydia demanded and Gwen started to speed walk along side Lydia, struggling to keep up with her determined pace.

As Lydia got closer, she noticed Peter had disappeared into the crowd, leaving her mother alone by the time she got there.

"Why were you talking to him?" Lydia interrogated immediately and her mother's face turned puzzled.

"Because he started talking to me. He's from the health department."

"Oh? Is that what he said?" Lydia asked sarcastically.

"Yes, really. They're scheduling hearing tests with the students." Ms. Martin said matter-of-factly.

"Hearing tests?" Gwen questioned, suspiciously.

"He was talking about hearing?" Lydia asked intrigued.

"Yes," her mother enunciated sarcastically, "hearing. I'm guessing we should sign you two up for a few tests. And, look, he gave me his card." She said, pulling it out and handing it to Lydia. Gwen inspected it before looking back at Lydia's mother pointedly.

"This is just a piece of paper with his phone number on it."

"I know," she raised her eyebrows in a suggestive tone, "still got it." She smirked before walking away, leaving Lydia to sigh and crumple the paper in her hand.

"Well, alrighty then." Gwen joked and turned to Lydia who was staring off after her mother, annoyed. "Off to class, Red?" Gwen asked and Lydia shook her head.

"No. I want to know why he was talking to my mother and I want to know now." She said as she started to walk the opposite direction toward the exit doors.

"Woah, woah, wait, we have English next block. Are we just gonna ditch school and go to Derek's loft to interrogate Peter?" She asked as she followed Lydia's fast moving legs.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do. And you're coming with me." Gwen scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Oh really? And why should I?" Gwen asked.

"Because you're the only one who knows where I'm going. So, if I get eaten by Peter, it'll be your fault for letting me go alone." She said sweetly and Gwen nodded, feigning deep though with her finger tapping her chin.

"Hmmm I don't know," she hummed, tapping her finger to her chin lightly in contemplation, "I still don't see what I'm getting out of this."

"I'll buy you food after we're done."

"Deal." She quipped, wrapping her arm around Lydia's shoulder and both of them leaving school to Derek's loft.


Scott and the twins had pulled everything out of the duffel Stiles brought to see what the nogitsune had been up to. Stiles paced around them, watching them scan all the equipment from the bag.

"What the hell were you doing? Building the terminator?" Aiden asked as they looked at all the various strange items that they assumed were for mass destruction.

"Thank you for that." Stiles said sarcastically.

Scott pulled out what looked to be a map of some kind of forest area.

"Guys, this is a map." Scott spoke up and they all circled around him.

"Isn't this the cross country trail?" Ethan asked as Scott's finger followed the trail lines on the map.

"Thats the Tate car. Where Malia's family died." He pointed out.

"You mean that's where her father put the steel-jawed traps." Stiles clarified and their hearts all dropped at the realization.

"We need to get there. Cross country is running that trail right now." Scott said panicked and they all rushed to leave the school grounds and get to the trail.

Scott and Ethan had decided to run on the trail to catch up to Danny and Kira and get their help to stop the rest of the track team from finishing. While they were on foot, Stiles and Aiden drove to the end of the trail to meet coach and get him to stop the runners as well.

Scott was running toward Kira as he saw her gaining on him quickly. Before she could pass him, he grabbed her waist, her body twirling in his arms as he caught her and brought her down to her feet. She looked at him, wide-eyed and breathing heavily.

"Did you see how fast I was running?" She said, out of breath but grinning wide.

"I felt it. But we have to stop the others." He said, not wanting to ruin her moment but it was life or death.

"Why?" She asked concern before they hear Stiles's voice call out to Scott from behind them. They turned to see him Aiden and Coach all running toward them as the rest of the track team came running from the other side.

Stiles held up his arms and yelled for all the running students running students to stop , all of them obeying when seeing his flailing arms.

They all looked at Stiles expectantly as the boy looked down at the ground, noticing a long, rusty chain hidden in the leaves. He leaned down to grab the end of it, slowly pulling the chain to be revealed. He continued to pull the chain up until the end was revealed to be attached to nothing. It was just a random chain laying in the woods.

Scott sighed at the sight as Coach started to laugh at the boys hysterics over a chain.

"Congratulations, Stilinski. You found a length of a chain. Can somebody please tell me what the hell's going on?" He spoke as he walked closer to Scott, not noticing the trip wire on the ground in front of him.

"Hey, Coach!-" Scott started to warn him but it was too late. Coach had tripped the wire and suddenly an arrow shot straight into his stomach, causing all the students to gasp. Coach stood, swaying lightly as he stared at the arrow in his stomach.

"Oh crap." He said before falling onto the ground, students surrounding him to check if he was still alive.


Lydia and Gwen had arrived at Derek's loft and were walking up to the door, ready to interrogate Peter. Lydia went to just grab the handle and open the door when Gwen stopped her, putting her hand on Lydia's.

"Wait, while I am very glad you wanted to bring me along to make sure you didn't become puppy chow, I still think this is a little insane." She said, trying to reason with Lydia, "I mean c'mon, Lydia, I've heard plenty enough from literally everyone in Beacon Hills that Peter is a manipulative and sociopathic dick. And after everything you told me he did to you sophomore year, you just wanna go into the lions den?" Lydia hadn't looked at Gwen once, only looking down at her shoes, listening before she closed her eyes and sighed, frustrated.

"I tried to find Stiles and I led everyone into a mental institution," she said embarrassed and Gwen sighed, "I call that a colossal failure."

"Lydia, you had a feeling and you went with it. Every time you've had a feeling like that, you've led us in the right direction. Why is it so bad to have had just one wrong feeling?" She asked and Lydia didn't look at her, continuing to look at the door.

"Look, I just need to figure this out and he's the only one offering help." She tried to reason and Gwen sighed in frustration.

"Peter doesn't offer help, Lydia. He offers a chance for you to be manipulated into giving him what he wants." Gwen argued.

"Fine. Let's see what he wants." She said sarcastically and Gwen rolled her eyes.

"You age me." She said, before opening the sliding door, Peter standing by the window inside the loft, staring out. He turned to look at them, a smile appearing across his face.

"The vampire and the banshee. Ladies, come in." He greeted eerily and Gwen nearly threw up in her mouth.

He walked closer as the two came deeper into his apartment and he looked Gwen up and down in distaste.

"Hate to be that guy but, she goes." He said, and Lydia only tsked.

"The last time I was alone with you, I almost bled out on a lacrosse field. She stays." She bit at him and he cocked his head.

"Do you actually think I was trying to kill you when I bit you?" He asked and her eyes squinted in suspicion. Why else would he bite her if not to kill her?, "You were my backup plan. Not to mention, the bite is what brought out your nascent abilities. You think power like that was just going to come out on its own?" He shook his head, tsking as she only stared, listening closely, "I'm the spark in your life, sweetheart." He smirked.

"You nearly killed her when you attacked her." Gwen said accusingly.

"Power doesn't come without a little pain and struggle."

"I didn't ask for it." Lydia nearly growled, fed up with Peter thinking he did her a favor.

"But you're embracing it now, aren't you?" He taunted and Gwen scoffed. She'd thoroughly had enough of his God complex thinking that hurting people was the same as helping them. She was sick of Peter making it seem like he fixed her when she wasn't broken to begin with.

"How about the fact that you brainwashed her and used her to bring yourself back to life?" Gwen asked, brows furrowed in anger.

"So, that I could be here today to help you master your abilities, Lydia. Isn't it amazing how things come full circle?"

Gwen's brows raised in disbelief at his words. She gaped at Lydia, the redhead still only looking at Peter.

"Lydia, please tell me you're not actually listening to this bafoon. We're leaving." She said, holding her hand out for Lydia to grab and the girl took it, happily letting Gwen walk her out.

"You want the truth, Lydia?" Peter called out to her and Gwen felt Lydia stop in her tracks and she turned around to look at her.

"It's not the scream that gives you power. All the scream does is help you drown out the noise, allowing you to hear what you really need to. I can help you focus your hearing." He echoed the last sentence, causing her to whip around to look at him incredulously.
Gwen sighed at Peter's words, knowing it wasn't that easy.

"But you want something in return, right?" The vampire asked annoyed.

"No, I'm dedicating my life to helping out narcissistic teenage girls," He snapped at her sarcastically, grabbing a cylindrical box off the table he was standing at. He opened the box, pouring out the contents inside revealing Talia's claws that Derek had used to communicate with her, "Of course I want something in return."

The girls looked at the table, seeing what looked to them as werewolf claws and Gwen quirked her brow.

"Uh, you invited us over for mani-pedis?" Gwen asked, confused about why he whipped out his dirty acrylics and Peter rolled his eyes.

"These are the claws of Derek's mother, Talia. She used them to take away a memory from me while she was alive, and she died before I could get it back. I need Lydia's power to help me retrieve that memory locked inside the claws." Lydia grew curious at his words, knowing he wasn't telling the full story.

"Why would your sister want to steal a memory from you?" She asked, suspicious of his motives.

"Well, if I remembered the memory, I might be able to tell you." He said sarcastically and she smirked back at him. Lydia put her hands on the table and sighed.

"So, what am I supposed to do?" She asked, looking down at the claws.


Scott stood alone watching Coach be picked up by the ambulance as the police surveyed the scene. He looked over to see Stiles and his dad hugging after having been apart almost two days and couldn't find it in himself to smile. Today was just too weird. He thought he'd feel better once they found Stiles but instead he just felt constantly on edge. Like something wasn't quite right.

Ethan had been digging around in Stiles's trunk for something when Scott heard the wolf call after him.

"Scott, you better look at this." Scott came around the back of the car to see what Ethan was talking about. He found wrapping paper and tape, as if Stiles had been wrapping presents.

"This is the same wrapping paper we used for Coach's birthday present." He said uneasily.

"Wasn't that William Barrow's thing? A bomb made from nails and bolts all wrapped in a birthday present? Where did it go off?" Ethan asked and Scott's eyes widened, turning to look at Stiles who was still talking to his dad.

"A school bus."


"Focus." Peter urged Lydia and she groaned in annoyance at his words.

"I am focusing!" She argued.

"No, you're not! I can see the wheels spinning behind your eyes." He stressed and she sighed, throwing her hands up and pacing the loft.

"Your hearing is attuned to a level of the universe no one else can hear. But only if you're listening."

"I'm trying." Lydia breathed and Peter stood from his seat quickly, hot on her heels.

"Try HARDER!" He yelled and Gwen stood in front of him, fangs bared and eyes red as she hissed in his face.

He merely cocked his head, smirking at her as he flicked out his claws. She only looked at him fiercely, unaffected by his threat.

"I think we both know who'd win in this cat and dog fight." Peter taunted and Gwen merely squinted her bloodshot eyes.

"Well I'm no cat. I'll tear you apart, piece by piece." She threatened and he chuckled.

"Not so strong with one little nip on the arm though, huh?" He asked and she narrowed her eyes at him, growling lowly.

"Stop it. Both of you." Lydia demanded, not wanting to see a blood bath between the two.

"You won't be nipping anybody when I shove my fist up your-"

"Stop it!" Lydia yelled, voice booming in the loft as she threw Talia's claws across the room, the sharp pieces stabbing into one of the wooden pillars.

Gwen and Peter stared at where the claws had landed before looking back at Lydia, the redhead only continuing to stare at the claws strangely.

"Lydia?" Gwen asked as the banshee walked closer to the claws, as if she could hear them speaking to her.

"What is it? What are they saying? Is it the memory? What did she take from me?" Peter interrogated as she listened closely. Lydia only remained quiet while she listened and Peter grew frustrated at her silence.

"Tell me what she knew!" He yelled and Lydia slowly turned to look at him, an ominous look on her face.

"You're not just an uncle." She whispered, not believing what she had heard at first.

Peter's eyes widened and he started to feel them water at the information as Gwen's eyebrows were raised practically to her hairline in shock.

"Holy shit." She said and Peter shook out if his daze, now looking at Lydia expectantly.

"Who is it?" He asked and Lydia only shook her head.

"I don't know. They didn't say a name."

"What's its name?" He demanded more harshly

"I said I don't know it's name. If it's a boy or a girl, or if it's some mutated wolf baby." She said sarcastically.

"You're lying," He sneered, stepping in front of her and grabbing her arms aggressively, "tell me what you know! Tell me! Tell-" he was cut off by the feeling of someone's hand digging into the skin of his back.

"You feel that? That's my hand inside your back, gripping your spine." Gwen gritted in his ear, the wolf grunting in pain at the feeling, "one little twist and you can say hello to being one of those paralyzed dogs that walks around with wheels strapped to its back legs." She said before ripping her hand out of his back, Peter falling to the floor, grabbing his lower back in pain. Gwen shook his blood off her hand, before grabbing Lydia's with her clean one.

"Now, we're leaving." Gwen said and led them out of the loft, leaving Peter writhing on the ground, calling after Lydia.


Students and faculty scattered like rats on the school grounds as the police arrived at the call that a bomb was found on one of the school buses.

Sheriff Stilinski followed Deputy Parish to his car as the younger of the two geared up to disarm the bomb.

"We need to wait for the bomb squad." Noah urged and the deputy only shook his head as he continued to gear up.

"I'm a certified HDT. Two years in the army. I can at least find out if this thing is real." The sheriff sighed but ultimately nodded his head as they headed to the bus, the vehicle taped off to keep students and news team away from the sight.

The deputy stepped up to the door, taking a look at the sheriff for confirmation first. Stilinski nodded, allowing Parish to proceed and the Deputy sighed, prepared for anything to happen.

He stepped carefully onto the bus, looking toward the back to see Jared, the student unfortunately holding the bomb in his lap, looking like he was about to lose his lunch all over it.

Deputy parish made his way to where Jared was and kneeled down beside him, trying to be careful about not touching the bomb or moving the bus in any way.

"Okay, Jared, it will be very helpful if you could resist throwing up on the potentially explosive device. Can you do that for me?" He asked, trying not to seem stressed or scared so Jared would remain calm.

"I think so." He stuttered out, and Deputy Parish reached to cut open the present on Jared's lap.

"You.. you look really... handsome?" Jared said, questionably and Parish only nodded, focused on the task at hand but maintaining eye contact with Jared. He figured now was the perfect time to distract the kid with conversation while he cut the ribbon on the package.

"Thank you. For a second there I thought you were going to say I look really young and then I was gonna have to launch into my explanation about how I'm actually 24 and that anyone can look young if they eat right and exercise. Although, it's probably just good genes anyway, right?" He finished as he snipped the ribbon holding the box closed and Jared flinched, waiting for an explosion only for nothing to happen. They both let out a small sigh of relief before realizing they still had to open the box.

Parish slowly lifted the lid and looked inside, Jared not being able to  out of fear. The deputy saw not a bomb but a name tag for a desk.

He paged Stilinski on his walkie and slowly walked to the front of the bus, showing the sheriff the name tag found in the box. It read 'Sheriff Stilinski' and Noah's brows furrowed in confusion. What was his desk name tag doing in a box a bomb is supposed to be in?

That's when the realization hit the sheriff like a train. There was a package delivered to he station that morning that hadn't been opened, and he was willing to bet it wasn't an ordinary package.

"My god. There is a bomb, but not here."


By the time the sheriff and the police had arrived back at the station, the bomb had already gone off, multiple officers and other people inside injured from the impact of the blast. Scott looked around at all the chaos of the station, seeing injured people everywhere among the debris.

"Scott?" Stiles called out to him from his position in the floor and Scott ran to his friend's aide, who was next to a bleeding officer.

"C-can you do something? Take his pain away? Anything to make it easier?" Stiles begged, feeling helpless seeing the officer writhing in pain.

Scott took the officers hand, focusing on the pain he was feeling so he could take it away. His veins ran black up his arms as the man's pain dissipated and Scott groaned. The officer lifted his head to look at Scott one last time before his head dropped to the floor, Scott hearing his heart stop as he died.

His mouth dropped open as he put down the officers hand, not believing he'd just died in front of him as he took his pain.

Before he could process the loss, the sheriff had come up to them, demanding they leave the body instead of dwelling. He didn't want them to experience that trauma yet. They slowly back away from the body and the sheriff as he helped another officer, both the boys silent in shock before their daze was interrupted by Kira entering the room and running up to them, panicked.

"The Oni. They're coming." She warned and they turned to look at Stiles wearily.

"Stiles, we gotta get you out of here."Scott said.

"Where are we going to go?" Kira asked.

"Somewhere the Oni won't be able to get in. The animal clinic." Kira's brows furrowed in confusion.

"We're taking him to an animal clinic?" Kira asked unsure of Scott's decision making skills.

"It's lined with Mountain Ash. We'll have time to come up with a plan while they're stuck outside." He said reassuringly.

"Can't they still get in though?" She asked and Scott shrugged.


"Got any better ideas?" Stiles asked and they two only shrugged, shaking their heads, "okay, animal clinic it is."

     Once they'd arrived at the clinic, they went to make their way inside through the pouring rain, only for the Oni to appear in attempt to stop them.

"Stiles, get inside!" Scott demanded as he tossed the human the keys to get into the clinic.

Scott shifted to his wolf form, ready to fight off the Oni as Kira watched helplessly and Stiles struggled to open the door with the rain straining his vision.

Scott charged at the Oni, dodging their swords while getting in as many hits as he could. Kira snapped into action and ran to a pile of crates and boxes by the entrance, throwing them at the Oni in attempts to help.

Stiles had finally opened the door, yelling for Kira to get inside. She ignored him, continuing in her effort to help Scott. As the Oni stepped in on her, in defense, she flipped one of the Oni in the air and onto its back, eyes widening at her own actions. She picked up the sword from the Oni on the ground and continued to fight off the rest of them, sword swinging with such skill she never knew she had. It felt like muscle memory taking over and she let it flow through her, taking down each Oni one by one.

Scott, in his fighting, couldn't help but stop to look at her, seeing her fight like he'd never seen before. He was in such amazement that he forgot he was in the middle of fighting and one of the Oni stabbed their swords straight into his stomach.

Kira, yelled out, seeing Scott get stabbed, and kicked the Oni in the chest away from the alpha.

Stiles ran to help carry Scott so they could get to safety.

"Come on! Get him inside! Get him inside!" He yelled as they grabbed his arms and dragged him into the vet clinic, Stiles shutting the door behind them.

Kira led Scott into the exam room, letting him rest against the table holding his wound. He grunted in pain as Kira gripped into the sword in his stomach, preparing to take it out as Scott groaned in pain.

As she began to pull, Stiles grabbed Kira's hand roughly, pulling her hands off the sword and twisting them, the kitsune groaning in pain as crushed her wrist.

She looked at him wide-eyed but had no time to process the betrayal before he grabbed her by her hair and bashed her head into the exam table, the girl falling to the floor unconscious.

Scott looked at Stiles in shock, and the nogitsune merely looked at him blankly, glancing at the sword still in the alphas stomach. He traced his fingers along the handle of the sword, fingers tapping to a tempo eerily as he eyed the sword.

Scott was utterly terrified watching his so-called best friend eye him like a maniac. He looked just like Stiles but was nothing like the warm, sarcastic and bubbly man the alpha had loved over the years. This was someone completely different.

"You okay?" Void asked Scott, faking concern as he pretended to be Stiles.

"Please don't. Stop." Scott begged.

"It's okay." Void said, taking a hold of the sword and putting his hand on Scott's shoulder, patting it like a friend would before twisting the sword.

Scott groaned as the nogitsune twisted and pushed into him deeper and deeper.

"Does it hurt? Hey, look at me." Void demanded, "you should have done your reading, Scott." He said before pushing the sword deport inside, Scott crying out in agony as 'Stiles' continued to talk.

"See, a nogitsune feeds off of chaos, strife, and pain. This morning, you took it from Isaac, then you took it from Coach, and then from a dying deputy. All that pain.. you took it all." Good slapped his head to Scott head, gripping as the alpha breathed heavily, trying to remain conscious.

"Now, give it to me." The nogitsune snarled before he started to take away all of the pain Scott was feeling, veins turning black as he eyes rolled to the back of his head one ecstasy. When he was done, Scott's eyes were wide, not believing he could do such a thing in a human's body.

"You really have to learn, Scott. You have to learn not to trust a fox. Mmm-mmm. Know why? 'Cause they're tricksters. They'll fool you. They'll fool everyone." He smiled as he taunted Scott.

"Not everyone." A voice from behind him said, before he felt a prick from a needle in his neck. He slowly felt his eyes flutter closed and he fell to the floor, unconscious. Scott looked up to see Deaton had saved him and sighed in relief at the sight of the doctor.

Deaton gave Scott a look of pity, knowing he'd have to take the sword out. He gripped the handle hard before ripping it out quickly, trying not to drag it out and Scott groaned in pain before getting himself together.

"What was that? Was that a cure? Is he okay?" The alpha asked, referring to the drug Deaton used to incapacitate Stiles.

"The fox is poisoned. But it's not dead." He said, as they looked down at Stiles body on the floor, still sleeping.

"Not yet."


     Gwen and Lydia were at the latter's house trying to find a recent picture of Peter's child. Lydia had lied to Peter saying she didn't know who it was in order to protect the mysterious child of a mass murderer. Lydia was lying on the bed, legs kicking in the air as she typed away on her laptop and Gwen sat at Lydia's vanity with her own laptop.

"This is probably gonna be a little difficult considering, ya know.." Gwen trailed off and Lydia sighed.

"Yeah, I know, but I need a recent picture for comparison. There's no way I'm gonna believe anything those claws tell me until I see a DNA test." Lydia said and Gwen scoffed.

"As if Peter would ever subject himself to a paternity test." She joked, continuing to search through Facebook photos.

"Actually, something Peter said earlier kind of stuck with me." Lydia said, sitting up from her position on the bed and Gwen turned to her, showing she was listening.

"What did Peter mean when he said that thing about 'one bite and you're dead'?"

"Well, its kind of a long story." Gwen winced, not wanting to drone about the specifics.

"We've got time." Lydia shrugged and Gwen smirked at her response. She sighed, leaning back in the chair and crossing her arms.

"Well, I guess I should go ahead and start with the fact that vampires and werewolves are the same in the sense that they were created rather than being a natural occurrence. Vampires, however, were created by an original witch thousands of years ago in an effort to preserve her children from being killed by anything. Whether that be sickness, old age, or tragic accidents. However, every creature has to have a weakness. It's just the balance, ya know?" Gwen asked and Lydia nodded, trying to keep up.

"So, when she created vampires, one of their biggest weaknesses was the venom from a werewolf. One bite from a wolf and it's game over for a vampire."

"So, if you get bit by one.."

Gwen made a neck slicing gesture and ripping sound for emphasis, Lydia rolling her eyes.

"So, if werewolves and vampires are pretty much meant to be sworn enemies, why did you join Deucalion's pack?" She asked and Gwen sighed loudly.

"You're getting into the good questions today, huh?" She asked sarcastically, "when Deucalion and I met, I was in my notorious ripper phase. I was feeding and tearing through towns and villages day after day with no remorse and I was raising quite a few brows with law enforcement. Apparently, I was the talk of the town but that's not necessarily a good thing in the supernatural world."

"What do you mean?"

"When dark creatures like me draw too much attention to the existence of the supernatural, there are certain groups of people who will go out of their way to make sure that our world stays under wraps. So, this superficial coven of assholes decided to take it upon themselves to deal with me by trying to put me in my own prison world."

"Prison world?" Lydia asked, confused on what that could be.

"In magic terms, basically they were going to cast a spell and send me to an alternate universe that would be my own personal hell. I'd be trapped there alone for eternity and I'd slowly desiccate without blood but would never die so I'd be suffering forever." Lydia's eyes widened, shocked that kind of magic would even exist.

"That definitely sounds like a personal hell." She said and Gwen nodded.

"Luckily for me though, Deucalion had been tracking me and he helped me kill every single witch in that coven. He saved me from living an eternity in hell and for that, I felt I owed him my loyalty." Lydia nodded, finally understanding why Gwen felt she couldn't leave Deucalion's pack before. She literally owed her life to him.

"Well, that definitely is a long and complicated story." Lydia joked and Gwen laughed, nodding her head and tsking.

"I've lived a very long and complicated life." She said, reminiscing about her crazy, immortal existence.

"Have you enjoyed it?" Lydia asked and Gwen thought hard. Most of her life had been hell already that going to a prison world would've been a personal vacation.

"I never really enjoyed my life until you came into it." Gwen said truthfully and Lydia smiled, feeling her pulse quicken drastically. She hated it when Gwen said things like that. It made Lydia feel like her heart was going to beat out of its chest. Before Lydia could respond, Gwen's phone pinged, indicating she'd received a text.

She checked her phone to see one of her sources had found a recent picture of Peter's child from the Beacon Ledger and had sent it to her.

"I've got the picture. You got yours?" Gwen asked and Lydia grabbed her laptop quickly, walking over to Gwen to put their pictures side by side for comparison.

"Peter and Malia?" Gwen questioned, not believing the werecoyote could actually be related to Peter in any way, and Lydia nodded, sighing.

"Father and daughter."

Authors note: a little more Gwen backstory for you guys. How you feeling about it? Let me know and I hope you guys are having a great day.

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