A Dragon's Love Story {BL} Or...

By YellowStoryMaker

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Kai Kai Was A Young Dragon Who Lived With His Parents, Little Baby Brother, And His Uncle. They Lived In Peac... More

The Perfect Life (Part 1)
A Dreaded Life (Part 2)
An Encounter (Part 3)
First Meet (Part 4)
Trustworthy (Part 5)
Hunt (Part 6)
Leaving (Part 7)
The Same Moment (Part 8)
A New (Part 9)
The Plan (Part 10)
A New Mission (Part 11)
Reunite (Part 12)
The Heir (Part 13)
The Mission Starts (Part 14)
A Seperate Mission (Part 15)
Declaration Of War (Part 16)
The Fall Of Kings (Part 17)
Small Life (Season 2)
Wedding Dificulties (Part 2)
A Child's Decision (Part 3)
The Wedding (Part 4)
Moonlight (Part 5)
A Lost (Part 6)

The Returned Life (Part 18 )

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By YellowStoryMaker

       A week later, Trevor defected the claim that his parents made. Their claim to rule all the realms. He met all the realms rulers, traveling to each realm to do so. The queen and queen of the Angels. The king and and queen of the humans. And the king and queen of the demons where he finally saw Arthur again. Jerome and Ninete smiled when they saw Trevor. They hugged and thanked him.
"You saved the realms, Trev." Jerome said messing up his hair. Trevor shook his head no.
"No, i didn't." Trevor said smiling.
"Kai and Ryder perhaps?" Ninete said curiously. Trevor looked up at them quickly.
"How-" Trevor asked quickly.
"Well, let's just say... Kai's uncle and aunt stopped by to deliver someone. Trevor froze. Ninete walked over to a cradle and picked up Arthur. She walked back over to Trevor and smiled.
"The king of the dragons?" Ninete asked with a smile. Trevor covered his mouth and held back tears. Ninete let Trevor hold him. Trevor smiled.
"Are you still with Alpha?" Jerome asked curiously. Trevor shook his head, still looking down at Arthur.
"He is down south of here. By the lava border." Trevor said. Jerome and Ninete smiled. Trevor looked up from Arthur.
"Can I bring him here so he can see Arthur again?" Trevor asked. Ninete and Jerome looked at Trevor curiously.
"Aren't you gonna take him? I thought you were gonna raise him into the king he shall be." Jerome asked. Trevor handed Arthur back to Ninete and chuckled.
"Are you really asking that?" Trevor asked. Jerome looked at Ninete and then back to Trevor, super confused. Trevor smiled.
"You guys were never able to have kids. Why the hell would I take the first thing you ever had closest to a kid from you guys?" Trevor said.
"And, he's the last thing you have of your sister. He is yours now." Trevor said with a smile. Ninete's eyes lit up and she started crying. Trevor smiled then walked out of the castle.

When Trevor went into the castle earlier, Ryder and Kai were waiting outside. Kai looked at Ryder and smirked. He was looking up at the sky. He walked closer to him, facing him. Ryder looked at Kai. Kai put his arms around Ryder's waist innocently. Ryder smiled and put his arms around Kai's neck. Kai smiled and kissed Ryder's cheek.
"Our lives can go back to how they were." Kai said as he laid his head onto Ryder's shoulder. Ryder looked at Kai.
"What were you before this?" Ryder asked curiously. Kai hesitated to say anything but he trusted Ryder.
"I was a peasant. Id just turned 16 and got my own room at that when everything went downhill." Kai explained. Ryder smiled and pulled away a little bit, making Kai lift his head up. Ryder touched his cheeks with both his hand.
"I love you." Ryder said calmly. Kai smiled.
"I love you too." Kai said then kissed him passionately. Ryder kissed back making it a beautiful scene of love. When they broke the kiss, Kai held onto Ryder's hand and started pulling.
"Let's go on a date while we wait for Trevor!" Kai said happily. Ryder laughed as he followed his boyfriend.
When it was time to leave, Kai and Ryder were on their way back to Shawna and Ren, talking to Lin Jane and Trevor.
"So Ry. Watcha gonna do after this?" Trevor asked curiously. Ryder tightened his grip on Kai's hand and smiled.
"I plan on moving in with Kai." Ryder said. Trevor looked at Kai. Kai was smiling as he lifted up his and Ryder's entangled hands and kissed them.
"If that's what you want." Trevor said. Ryder turned towards Trevor.
"I'm alright with it. But don't forget to invite us to you and Alpha's wedding." Ryder said happily. Trevor grew flustered.
"Actually I was thinking, do you wanna be my best man?" Trevor asked. Ryder's eyes widened and a smile grew large across his face.
"Hell yes!!" Ryder screamed happily. Trevor smiled. Lin Jane looked at Kai nervously.
"Kai, love, I have a question." Lin Jane said. Kai looked over at his mom.
"Will Jay be happy to see me?" Lin Jane asked nervously. Kai smiled.
"If he isn't, then he'd probably be dead." Kai said. Lin Jane smiled happily.
"Actually I have a question too. What are you gonna do after this mother?" Kai asked curiously. Lin Jane's smile vanished and sh held his heart.
"I wanna continue watching Jay till he leaves the house and I want to give your father a proper burial." Lin Jane said. Kai looked at Lin Jane and smiled.
"Can I be there?" Kai asked. Lin Jane broke a tear and laughed.
"Of course love." Lin said. Kai smiled and held onto Ryder.

When they arrived back to the town, they all rushed into the house. Lin Jane ran straight to Jay Jane, smothering him with hugs and kisses. Jay broke into tears and started crying. Ren Kai and Shawna Ray watched as their family reunited. Trevor ran straight over to Alpha. He was still healing but better then how he was before. He kissed him over and over again. Alpha let his strict self be soft for that time. Shawna finally noticed Ryder. At that time, she ran right into him, hugging him tightly. Ryder hugged her back happily. Kai walked over to his mother and brother and joined their hug.

They were all luckily happy.

One Month Later;

"Kai!! I found him!!" Lin Jane screamed. Kai rushed over to Lin Jane. She was pulling a almost full skeleton out of a body pile. Kai knelt down and looked at the skeleton. Ryder, Ren Kai, and Shawna Ray ran over to them. Kai smiled.
"Yep, this is father." Kai said. Lin Jane looked at the skeleton and started to tremble.
"Kai, take him over to the burial casket please." Lin Jane asked strictly, trying to hold back tears. Kai nodded his head and looked at Ren Kai. Ren came over to the skeleton and helped Kai lift him carefully. Shawna melt down and helped Lin Jane up.
"Come on, let's get you back home. They'll clean him up for the burial." Shawna said. Lin Jane nodded her head and walked with Shawna. Kai and Ren carried the body about a mile over to a casket they made. Ryder followed them to be with Kai. They set the body down carefully in the casket and then wiped their hands off. Kai looked at Ryder and motioned his head, telling Ryder to come over to him. Ryder walked over to Kai quickly. Kai smiled then looked at Quin Kai. He bent down and closed his eyes.
"Father, I'm sorry I couldn't be there to save you. Please forgive me." Kai said then he lifted back up. He looked at Ryder and grabbed his hand, entangling their fingers.
"Father, this is my boyfriend. Please except him by being our guardian." Kai said nervously. Ryder smiled slowly and closed his eyes to pray. Kai lifted back up and hugged Ryder. Ryder opened his eyes and hugged Kai. Ren Kai was smiling then looked down at Quin.
"Kai, Ry. Can you please leave. I want to talk to my brother. I'll clean him up myself." Ren Kai asked strictly. Kai and Ryder nodded their heads and then started walking back to the house.

     During the month, all of them, except Alpha and Trevor walked back to their old town with introduced Ryder to the town. They were lucky. Lin Jane's house and Shawna Ray's house were still standing and not mugged. Shawna Ray, Ren Kai, and Caroo Ray all lives in Shawna's old house. Lin Jane was planning to continue raising Jay Jane in their old house but she got a better chance. Trevor and Alpha wanted her to still be the maid and live in the castle. She would get paid as she worked and Jay Jane would get free education. She took the offer, leaving the house for Kai and Ryder. Trevor was gonna send Lin a letter of when she would be safe to come back to the castle.

    As they walked back to the house, Ryder and Kai were talking.
"I'm kinda excited to see what 16 year old Kai kept in his room." Ryder said with a chuckle. Kai lifted a brown and looked at Ryder.
"Really? I mean, I didn't have much so I'm pretty safe." Kai said. Ryder glared at Kai.
"No fun." Ryder said. Kai stopped moving and turned to Ryder. Ryder stopped and looked at Kai.
"What?" Ryder asked curiously. Kai walked up to him then started pulling him towards an alley. Kai pinned Ryder to the alley wall and started kissing his neck.
"Im not fun?" Kai asked as he kissed Ryder's pail neck. Ryder blushed a dark red and looked away nervously and flustered. Kai moved up to Ryder's mouth, kissing him. Ryder couldn't resist and relaxed. Kai broke the kiss and put his arms around Ryder's waist.
"Wanna know what 16 year old Kai had?" Kai asked with a greedy smirk. Ryder looked at Kai slowly, trying to hide as much blush as he could.
"Y-yeah?-" Ryder asked slowly. Kai leaned forward so he would be speaking in Ryder's ear.
"A bolted bed. So it won't move when we are-" Kai said, not being able to finish from Ryder. Ryder shut him up by putting his hand over his mouth.
"Don't say it!" Ryder said quickly with a crazy red face. Kai laughed and pulled him into a hug.
"I'm just kidding babe." Kai said nicely. Ryder trembled in blush and embarrassment.
"Can you just take me back you perv?" Ryder asked nervously. Kai chuckled and picked Ryder up. Ryder's ears went down far enough to cover his face.
"You asshole..." Ryder mumbled. Kai smiled as he carried Ryder back to the house. When they got there, Kai set Ryder down then was tackled immediately by Jay.
"Roar!!" Jay yelled. Kai fake growled and started tackling Jay. Ryder laugh and rolled his eyes. He walked around the house and saw Shawna and Lin Jane packing stuff into a bag. Shawna looked up and glared at Ryder.
"Honey, Kai's room is the other room." Shawna said pointing out the door then she turned back to Lin Jane. Ryder looked at Lin Jane then started walking towards the other room. He walked into the room and looked around.
"It's trashed in here- Just like all the other rooms." Ryder mumbled. Kai walked into the room when Ryder said that.
"It's because the guards themselves ransacked the house." Kai said. Ryder turned to Kai curiously.
"What do you mean?" Ryder asked, stepping up to Kai. Kai put his arms around Ryder and laid his head on his shoulder.
"The night of the proclamation, the guards broke down all the doors and broke all the windows. After, they looked around everywhere for a hiding dragon and destroyed everything to find what was cool to take." Kai explained. Ryder felt Kai's tail wrap around his waist.
"I thought you guys said that you hadn't been ransacked." Ryder said.
"We didn't. We were peasants. The most expensive thing we owned was my dads sword." Kai said. Ryder put one arm on Kai's back and the other stroked his hair.
"What was it like?" Ryder asked curiously. Kai closed his eyes and sighed.
"It was when Caroo was a baby. Me, Jay and Caroo were hiding in an underground hole in my parents room. The guards were breaking things all over. I heard Jay's crying and we could have never met if Caroo had woken up." Kai explained. Ryder leaned his head over Kai's head and kissed his neck.
"I'm so sorry. I have never really been curious about your past until now." Ryder said. Kai chuckled then lifted his head up. He slowly pulled in and kissed Ryder softly. Ryder smiled.

The next day, the burial for Quin Kai had been placed. He was buried in his now ruined garden in the front yard. Alpha and Trevor were able to make it. They were gonna head back to the kingdom with Shawna and Jay that day as well. Lin Jane sat at his grave the longest. Ryder and Kai stood in the window watching her while the others sat in the sadly displaced living room. Trevor turned to Ryder.
"So Ry, you are gonna live here?" Trevor asked curiously. Ryder looked over at Trevor.
"I don't know, only if Kai is gonna." Ryder said. Trevor smiled. Jay looked outside and watched his mom like Lin Jane.
"Was she ever like this when she was living in the castle?" Kai asked nervously. Ryder looked up at Kai.
"Not really but of course- she has been reunited with the family she lost three years ago." Ryder said. Jay looked up at Kai.
"Kai, what's wrong with mom?" Jay asked sadly. Kai grew nervous then looked at Jay. He kneeled down and picked up Jay.
"She's alright. She just misses father." Kai said. Jay looked out the window. Ryder walked over to them and laid his head down on Kai's shoulder.
Shawna's eyes were closed and she was gripping her arms. Ren Kai looked at her and grabbed her hand.
"Shawna, what's wrong?" Ren asked. Shawna looked up at Ren.
"Uhm... Lin Jane-" Shawna said nervously. Trever and Alpha looked over at Shawna along with Kai, Ryder, and Jay.
"I think everything is hitting her again- Her husband dying, losing her kids." Shawna said, looking up at Kai and Jay. Kai looked at Shawna weirdly.
"Are you saying that she's going crazy, Shawna?" Kai asked almost in a pissed voice. Shawna slowly nodded her head yes. Kai set Jay down and started towards Shawna but before he could reach her, Ryder, Ren Kai, and Alpha stood in front of him, stopping him. Shawna looked down at herself.
"Sorry but it's true." Shawna said. Kai looked at Shawna then to Ryder. Trevor stood up.
"If this helps at all, my kingdom has a very good therapist. I'll pay for her treatments." Trevor said. Kai looked at Trevor then slowly backed away. Trevor, Alpha, and Ren Kai sat back down and Kai picked Jay back up. Ryder walked up to Kai and looked at him. Jay looked at Kai and started messing with his hair.
"Would the- ttttthhhheerrrapppisssst- help mom?" Jay asked, trying to spell the word out. Kai laughed and nodded his head.
"Yeah, it'll help her." Kai said. Ryder looked over at Trevor.
"Have you guys decided when to get married?" Ryder asked. Trevor smirked as he turned to Ryder. Alpha's ears went down and he hid behind his hands.
"Hell yeah we have!~" Trevor said happily.
"We decided to have our wedding after we clear everything up with the wolves and dragons realm. And after the wedding...." Trevor explained. Kai quickly covered Jay's ears and Shawna covered Caroo's ears. Alpha quickly elbowed Trevor in the stomach.
"Shut up you pervert!" Alpha screamed. Trevor groaned then fell backwards. Ryder slid behind Kai in embarrassment.
"I am very embarrassed to have you as a brother Trev." Ryder said. Alpha lifted his ears slowly and put his hands down.
"We are gonna get married in three months." Alpha said. Ren Kai chuckled.
"Where's the honeymoon at?" Ren said mischievously. Alpha squinted his eyes at Ren.
"We are planning to have it at our old house down at the very end of the wolves realm." Alpha said nervously. Trevor lifted up quickly and covered Alpha's ears. Alpha started fighting back but Trevor said something before he could.
"Actually, I'm planning on taking him to his hometown down in the eastern side of the realm." Trevor said quickly then let go of Alpha's ears. Alpha wasn't struggling. He sat there. That was until he turned around to face Trevor.
"You are really bad at keeping secrets." Alpha said with a smile before jumping onto his lap and making out with him. Ren Kai started laughing with Kai and Shawna covered the eyes of Caroo and Jay. Ryder snickered and held onto Kai's arm.
"It's not a surprise now. Idiot." Ryder said. Kai looked at Ryder. Ryder looked up at Kai and smiled.

Like one big family, they sat there. All together. Everything was gonna go back to normal.

2911 Words - Kaylee B.

So this is the end of the series; I'm making a season two but it'll just be about the wedding(s) and home life and stuff like that so if you like juicy stuff, nsfw/smutt stuff, or lovey dovey stuff then you should keep reading.
Read About King Arthur, The Future King Of The Dragon's. Read His Love Story: 

    Fifteen years after the wolves takeover, Arthur, the dragon heir, finally turned 18. His family thought that he'd finally become responsible for himself but no. They thought very wrong. He was what the village called... "a rascal." He was supposed to be ready to take the thrown of the king of dragons.
    Jay Jane, also a dragon, a commoner, and Arthur's lookout, turned 23. When he turned 16, he left the house to watch after Arthur.
"A pest he is."
   Read about the love story and dramatic events of the two star cross-lovers and Arthur's fate.


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