This Omega is Sweet and Wild

By naravitluvs

62.6K 2.7K 148

Short Title:TOSW Alternate Title:这个omega甜又野Status:Completed Author:Mò Lǐ Link: More

Novel Summary
Extraordinary One-Playing Games
University Life 1 Cohabitation
World Championships and variety shows
Variety Shows and Pretty Fools
What happened?
Retirement and marriage proposal
Fanwai nesting 1
Fanwai nesting 2
Fanwai nesting 3
The cub is coming 1
The cub is coming 2
The day of coach Li Cheng
Fanwai "Where are the cubs"
Fanwai "Where are the cubs" 2
Fanwai "Where are the cubs" 3


653 36 1
By naravitluvs

With a word, Xiao Yiheng exchanged a fierce and quick fist. +++Mobile reading visit

He was punched in the face by Li Cheng, there was no time to hide, his teeth bit the corner of his mouth, and the tip of his tongue tasted blood.

Obviously Li Chengfa beat someone badly, but Li Cheng felt wronged as if he was beaten. He stared at Xiao Yiheng fiercely with those round and bright eyes, his (chest xiong) mouth undulated greatly, and his fists snapped.

"Xiao Yiheng!" Li Orange gritted his teeth, "I have sent all those who dare to make such jokes with me to be eunuchs!"

"Am I wrong?" Xiao Yiheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Your pheromone is leaking, but you don't realize it. This is obviously a manifestation of the coming of the omega boom. The boom is also called the climax period, the _ During the estrus period, in order to attract a partner, the pheromone secreted by the omega will increase exponentially, affecting the physiology and psychology-this is what you will learn in the first lesson of the "National Health Education Course", don't you know it?"

As soon as he finished saying these words, Xiao Yiheng realized that Li Cheng probably didn't know.

After all, in the principal's office, Li Cheng asked the principal to exempt his health education class, but the principal did not agree.

With Li Cheng's (sexual xing) style, he dared to skip even the main subject. It is normal to skip a few more health education classes.

Sure enough, Li Cheng, who was guessed of skipping class, couldn't hold her face (color).

" fart!" Mai (color)'s skin can't hide the flushing on his face, "The hot flashes are twice a year, I still have this common sense! I didn't have long before the last hot flashes, no Maybe again."

Oh my god, why on earth would he have to discuss with an alpha when his boom is coming?

It happens to be the alpha he hates most!

Xiao Yiheng looked at him with a look of mental retardation: "...Have you never heard of such things as the'craze ahead'?"




Li Cheng: "⺪!"

He turned and ran, slid down the ladder and ran back to school. He didn't even leave a single extra word for Xiao Yiheng, only a back who fled hastily.

Xiao Yiheng was punched in vain, and the corners of his lips (flesh) became bruised.

He raised his hand to the corner of his mouth, took out his phone unhurriedly, and took a picture of the wooden ladder in the corner.

Send it to—Principal Xu Wanli.

Within a minute, Principal Xu called.

Xiao Yiheng answered the phone and his voice was calm.

"Hello principal. Yes, yes, I found it in the alley outside the school. I have seen it. There are footprints on it. Someone should have used it recently.... Well, yes, I am also worried that it is a thief.... Okay, I am here. Here wait for the security to remove the ladder."

What did the principal on the other end say.

Xiao Yiheng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said softly, "I'm afraid it's not enough to strengthen security. This is a blind spot. Today they move the ladder, and tomorrow they can bring a new one."

The boy looked towards the high school wall.

Red bricks and black tiles are covered with vines and plants, and there is still a big gray (color) footprint on the wall.

"I suggest," a flash in his eyes, "I'd better pull up the barbed wire here and install the camera."


Li Cheng rushed back to the dormitory with a swish like a scorching stock.

There was no one in the dormitory, so he closed the door, too late to calm his heartbeat, and immediately called the team doctor Wang.

Teacher Wang is an omega. She is not only the doctor of the school's swimming team, but also Coach Wu's wife. The two of them are singing and singing, sending away the outstanding team members from year to year.

As soon as the phone was connected, Teacher Wang's gentle voice came.

"Xiao Li, what's the matter?"

Li Cheng's throat rolled, and he stammered: "Mother, me, I seem to have advanced the craze period."

The sound of flipping through documents rang on the other end of the phone.

"Are you sure?" Teacher Wang said, "According to my records, your last boom was more than three months ago. Normally, you should be about two months away from the next boom."

"I... I'm actually a bit uncertain." Li Cheng said nervously, "but I couldn't keep up with my physical strength when I was training today; I have always been irritable lately-of course I am usually irritable; the most The main thing is that I just met an alpha. He said that he could smell the pheromone in me, but I didn't feel it myself."

"Sensitivity, irritability, and fatigue, coupled with the'unconscious emission of pheromone'." Teacher Wang recorded his various symptoms, brushing the tip of the pen on the paper, "In this way, it really looks like the craze is coming. Previous symptoms."

The most difficult part of omega is the boom period. Depending on the system, each omega has two to three craze periods a year, each lasting about three to ten days. The arrival of the craze period represents the maturity of the body, and the level of omega pheromone secretion will be short. A substantial increase in time.

When the craze is about to come, the uncomforted omega will be more irritable, sensitive, suspicious, weakened, and some people will have persistent low-grade fever and nest-building behavior.

"Mother, what should I do!" Li Cheng was going crazy. "Today the coach told me that there will be a provincial competition at the beginning of next month, which is very important! If I can win the championship, I can go to the national team for training. Now! But if it catches up with the boom..."

Li Cheng is an all-around player, but he is best at freestyle. He has explosive power (strong qiang) and slightly insufficient endurance, so he specializes in short-range competitions. 50, 100, 200, plus an individual all-around medley, he has a total of four events to participate in!

But the premise of a normal game is that he must not be in a boom period.

"Xiao Li, don't worry first." Teacher Wang comforted him, "Tomorrow you don't go to the class, come directly to the infirmary, I will give you a test first, if you are sure that your craze is ahead of schedule, let's think together Method."


This night, Li Cheng (sleeping Shui) was so unreliable. As soon as the bell rang when he got up the next day, he grunted and sat up, which shocked his three roommates.

"Li Cheng, why did you get up so early?"

"The sun came out from the west?"

"If you wake up so early, don't you go to study in the morning?"

Li Cheng laughed and laughed: "I heard that there is a limited amount of sugar triangles in the cafeteria today. I'm going to grab it."

"Sugar Triangle?" The little fat man drooled, "Then I have to go early!"

Li Cheng left the dormitory with them, and when the three roommates ran to the canteen to line up, he immediately abducted to the infirmary.

In the infirmary, both Teacher Wang and Coach Wu were there, and they saw him coming, and they surrounded him at the same time.

Coach Wu sniffed: "Li Cheng, don't be suspicious, I don't smell the pheromone smell on your body?"

Teacher Wang patted him on the shoulder: "You are a beta, and your sensitivity to pheromone is not as high as Ao. Besides, it is possible for pheromone to diverge unstable in an early boom like this. All of these are required. Check first to confirm."

Li Cheng immediately rolled up his sleeves, (exposed) his bulging biceps, and couldn't wait to say, "Draw blood, draw blood."

Teacher Wang drew a tube of blood and put it in a device specially used to detect the boom. The result came out within ten minutes.

——"The level of pheromone secretion is indeed increasing significantly." Teacher Wang said solemnly, "Moreover, it seems that this increase is only a prelude, and there will be an outbreak in the later period. It is expected that the peak period of the boom should be the next The beginning of the month."

Unfortunately, it happened to coincide with the game date.

This is really bad.

Coach Wu Xu looked at his beloved apprentice and sighed: "Li Cheng, if you can't catch up this time, then you..."

"There is no next time!" Li Cheng said stubbornly, "The World Middle School Games is held every four years. I can't keep up with this one, so there will be no next one!"

"Then there is no (guanguan) department." Wu Xu comforted him, "There is no middle school sports games, there are also college sports games. When you go to university, with your ability, you will definitely have the opportunity to go abroad."

"It's not the same." The boy fixedly looked at his teacher, "When I go to the competition, I represent another school; when I stand on the podium with a medal, they won't say ——'Look, the good apprentice Wu Xu brought out has won the world championship!'"

Coach Wu never expected that Li Cheng would say such a thing.

The bad boy who seems to be laughing, always proud of his coach's blood pressure soaring, actually has a soft and sincere heart.

He did not regard his achievements as his own. All his achievements belonged to the teacher who treated him as his own son.

Brother Li of the First Middle School will not only retaliate if he has grudges, he will also avenge his grace!

"Mother," Li Cheng thought for a while, and asked, "Is there any more injections from the last time?"

Teacher Wang immediately understood what he was talking about: "You mean a pheromone inhibitor that can delay the craze period?" She shook her head again and again, her expression full of disapproval, "According to the doctor's advice, a minor who is still developing, one year You can only use it once. You used it last time, and you can’t use it this time."

The boom period of omega greatly affects normal life, work, and study. Both the omega and the alpha around them will be affected by pheromone. So a few decades ago, inhibitors were developed and changed the world in one fell swoop.

Before the hot flash period, the use of suppressive injections can completely postpone the hot flash period. For occupations such as omega soldiers and omega athletes, the invention of inhibitors has greatly reduced their physical burden, allowing them to devote themselves to their profession.

Teacher Wang said: "Xiao Li, you were late in the differentiation. You belonged to a highly sensitive (sexual xing) physique. You forgot that after the last game, you stayed in the dormitory (sleeping Shui) for three days. During the craze period, you have been feverish. Quit?"

Li Cheng is like a little stubborn cow: "As long as I can play normally, I am fainted (sleeping in Shui) for ten days this time, and I am willing!"

Coach Wu was so angry that he wanted to hit him: "Li Cheng, give me a clearer mind! I understand your desire to achieve results, but you can't rely on overdrafting your future physical health and professional life in exchange for your current Short-lived glory!"

Faced with the joint attack from the coach and the teacher, Li Cheng paused for a long time and smiled bitterly.

"Coach, mother, I am an omega. From the day I participated in the competition for the first time, someone told me that this 50-meter swimming pool could not accommodate an omega.

Everyone said that omega’s physical fitness is poor, and the amount of muscle development is low. It is not inherently dominant in this kind of racing competition. Some people even suggested that I switch to synchronized swimming, or even pay less attention to it. ) Other diving teams.

...... But there is no way, I just like racing swimming, I just want to get results, I just want to use my own efforts to tell those who look down on my alpha and beta-"If there is no room for anything in the stadium, it can't be enough. hard working person'. "

After he finished speaking, Coach Wu was silent.

It was Coach Wu who rejected all the opinions and absorbed Li Cheng into the swimming team. He is not the first omega player he has ever taken, but as Li Cheng said, omega has to pay far more than alpha and beta on this lane to the championship.

Some people couldn't bear it and changed special items, and some even left the pool forever.

Only Li Cheng persisted.

This tough, unassuming, and indomitable omega boy is like a fire that never goes out burning under the water.

Everyone hopes that this cluster of fire will burn more ardently and domineeringly.

The couple looked at each other, and Coach Wu nodded slightly to his wife.

After a long time, she said, "Xiao Li, we all feel your desire to play in the competition. Lao Wu is your coach, and he supports your choice; but as the team doctor of the school swimming team, I am very unhappy. I agree with you for another second injection of inhibitor."

Li Cheng's eyebrows were wringed miserably.

He reached out and pinched the root of his leg, and was about to force two tears, when suddenly she spoke again.

Teacher Wang said: "However, there is another method, which is safe and effective without side effects. I recommend you to use it."

Li Cheng almost jumped up, it felt like riding a roller coaster: "You say! You say! As long as I can get on the field normally, I can use anything!"

Teacher Wang said: "There is still half a month away from the competition. You can quickly find a suitable alpha to give you a temporary mark. This is more effective than inhibitors."

Li Cheng: "...Huh?"

Teacher Wang patted him on the shoulder, and asked kindly: "Popular love, are you very moved?"

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