Sycamore High ~ Road To The W...

By AmourshipperFDM

310K 6.4K 9.8K

Ash Ketchum. A young and inspiring trainer who just became Alolan Champion and is now on his way back home. ... More

Goodbye Alola! CH-1
Connecting Through Aura! CH-2
Home Sweet Home! CH-3
The League of League's! CH-4
Enter the Dragons! CH-5
Taking the Forest to the Skies! CH-6
Climbing for Research! CH-7 1/3
Climbing for Research! CH-8 2/3
Climbing for Research! CH-9 3/3
Haunted or Cursed? CH-10
From the Past to the Future! Ash vs Gary! CH-12
Battling against Evolution! CH-13
The upcoming Kalos Queen CH-14
A new Beginning! CH-15
Lumiose Showdown! CH-16
Ash and Serena! CH-17
Training with Flare! CH-18
Dragons at the Wetlands! CH-19
Battle of the Researchers! CH-20
Enter the Champion! CH-21 (1/3)
Electrifying Spirits! CH-22 (2/3)
Elvolving to the Next Stage! CH-23 (3/3)
Familiar Faces at the School!! CH-24
Battling X against Y! CH-25
Ash and Serena's first Date? CH-26
Calem's Story! CH-27
The New Trainer! CH-28
2nd Schoolday! CH-29
Houndoomed! CH-30
Meeting the Pokemon! CH-31
Feelings.. CH-32
Rematch against the Cerulean Gym Leader! CH-33
Gym Battle Preperations! CH-34
Friends and Weird Dreams! CH-35
Assemble for the Battle! CH-36
A Weekend With Her! CH-37
The Night of Dreams! CH-38
Moments of Amour! CH-39
Moments of Love! CH-40
Santalune Battle Party! CH-41
The Collision of Fire and Ice! (1/2) CH-42
Battling the Ice Fortress! (2/2) CH-43
Fulfilling Promises! CH-44
The Big Discovery! CH-45
Gary's Challenge! CH-46
Using Fire to Melt the Ice! CH-47
Flying to Victory! CH-48
The New Student! CH-49
An Unexpected Challenge! CH-50
Pikachu's Ultimate Showdown! CH-51
A Battle to Remember! CH-52
Performance Practice! CH-53
Serena's Big Discovery! CH-54.
Ash and Serena! CH-55
Serena's Shocking Suprise! CH-56
The Battle of Tactics! CH-57 (1/2)
A Mega Showdown! CH-58 (2/2)
Securing the Box! CH-59
Memories and a Performing Beauty! CH-60
Performers Debut! CH-61
Performing Conclusion! CH-62
Doubts CH-63
The Origins of Mega Evolution! CH-64
Mega Island! CH-65
The Challenger! CH-66
An Unexpected Surprise! CH-67
Putting The Past Behind Us! CH-68
Ash Versus Serena! CH-69
Serena's Birthday! CH-70
To Unova! CH-71
Under The Unova Skies! CH-72
Drayden, The Untamable Dragon! CH-73
Surpassing The Flames! CH-74
Gary's Adventure! CH-75
You And Me Against The World! CH-76
First Round Rumble! CH-77
Surprising Strategies! CH-78
Chaotic Visit to the Museum! CH-79
Flawless Comeback! CH-80
Semi Final Frontier! CH-81
Calm Before The Storm! CH-82
Dealing With The Past! CH-83
Cheerful Encounter! CH-84
Champion Time! CH-85
To Alola! CH-86
Welcome To Alola! CH-87
Emotional Reunion! CH-88
Exploring Alola! CH-89
Lost One ~ CH-90
Ash vs Gladion, Lillie's Confession! ~ CH-91
How We've Met! ~ CH-92
New Life ~ CH-93
Z-Move Mastery! ~ CH-94
All Fired Up! ~ CH-95
Burning Desires, Z vs Y! CH-96
Shining on Stage! CH-97
Lucario's Origins, Goodbye Alola! CH-98
Homecoming ~ CH-99
The Battle of Legends! CH-100 MOVIE SPECIAL
Vladimir The Attacker! ~ CH-101
Key Three! Road To The Master Class! ~ CH-102
Serena's Mission, Ash's Birthday! ~ CH-103
Evolutionairy Results! ~ CH-104
Master Class Begins! ~ CH-105
Surprising Matchups! ~ CH-106
Masterclass Finals! ~ CH-107
Serena vs Aria! The Ultimate Showdown! ~ CH-108
Graduation ~ CH-109
Prom ~ CH-110
Kalos League, Here We Come... Again! ~ CH-111
Preliminary Conclusions! ~ CH-112
Meeting An Old Friend! ~ CH-113
Round One Aftermath! ~ CH-115
Ash Versus Remo! Dragons versus Godzilla! ~ CH-116
Christmas Special
The Dance of Dragons! ~ CH-117
A Day with Ash and Serena! ~ CH-118
Nerves of Steel! ~ CH-119
Max versus Bonnie! ~ CH-120
The Aftermath, Ash versus Trevor! ~ CH-121
Ash and Serena vs Max and Bonnie! CH-122
Ash vs Bonnie, Hard as Metal! ~ CH-123 (1/2)
Unexpected ~ CH-124 (2/2)
Ruthless ~ CH-125
Blazing Sensation!~ CH-126
Wrestling Match! ~ CH-127
A Tricky Situation ~CH-128
Semi Final Freight! ~ CH-129
Bound By Fate, A Battle of Rivals! ~ CH-130
Persistence ~ CH-131
Just Us ~ CH-132
The Final Match! Ash vs R! ~ CH-133
The Ultimate Face-off ~ CH-134
Unmasked ~ CH-135
Unleash the Beast! ~ CH-136
One Journey Ends, Another One Starts... ~ CH-137
250k Views! - Season 2 is out!

Goodbye Kanto, I'll miss you.. CH-11

3.5K 67 53
By AmourshipperFDM

We start where we left off, Ash was flying on Pidgeot's back accompanied by Pikachu and Riolu.

After a couple hours flying they have finally landed in Pallet Town at professor Oak's lab. When they hopped off, he returned Pidgeot back to it's pokeball.

Ash: It's 3pm now, and we've got 1 more day to spend here guys! Tomorrow we're leaving for Kalos!

Pikachu: Pika!

Riolu: Rio!

Ash couldn't help but smile at their excitement as he walked towards the door of the lab. As he went inside, he started searching for professor Oak.

Ash: Professor! We're back!

Professor Oak walks out of a room at the left side at the end of the hallway.

Prof. Oak: Ah Ash! Welcome back!

Ash: Good to see you professor!

Prof. Oak: Same here Ash, How was yo- He got cut off by a voice calling out Ash's name

???: Ash!

Ash: Mom! What are you do-

Ash got cut off by Delia giving him a bear hug.

Delia: Why are you back this late Ash Ketchum! You know we leave tomorrow! She scolded Ash.

Ash: Yes I know mom... You probably know the reason why I left in the first place and I'll tell you now it was all worth it! Ash said excited.

???: Hello there Ashy-boy!

Ash: Gary! Stop calling me that! He said frustrated but excited.

Delia: Why don't we head over to our place for dinner? It's already 6pm.

Ash: What! I just arrived! How can the time fly this quickly!

Prof. Oak: Calm down Ash, I think it's a wonderful idea Delia! Thanks for having us.

Delia: No problem at all! And since it's our last night here in Kanto, I'll make something really special!

Ash: I can't wait mom! He yelled while drooling at the thought of the food.

Gary: Ash... You're drooling... He said as he bursts out in laughter.

This made Ash snap out of his thoughts as he replied to Gary.

Ash: Shut it Gary! You know how I am, eat, sleep, pokemon!

They all start laughing at this and then they walked over to Ash & Delia's home. They started to eat dinner for the last time in their home in Kanto.

Ash looked a bit sad while eating and this didn't go unnoticed.

Delia: What's wrong Ash? A minute ago you we're so excited to eat!

Ash: It's nothing, don't worry. As he put up a fake smile.

They ate in silence for a bit until professor Oak broke it.

Prof. Oak: Ash, you are gonna pick up your pokemon tomorrow morning right?

Ash: That's right professor! Just before we leave!

Gary: I'll do the same gramps, They also need to enjoy their last time in Kanto aswell. Atleast after i'm done with the education, then I'm coming back ofcourse!

Prof. Oak: Right! I'll make sure I've got them gathered tomorrow morning when you two arrive.

Ash: Thanks professor! That saves us a lot of time!

Gary: Yeah! And Ash, since we have some spare time left then, what about a battle tomorrow before we leave?

Ash: Thought you'd never ask Gary! How does 2 on 2 sound?

Gary: Gotcha Ash!

They finished up eating and after that Ash went to his room in search for something.

Ash: It gotta be here somewhere! Pikachu any luck?

Pikachu: Pika... It said while looking sad.

Riolu: What are we looking for master?

Ash: We're looking for my necklace Riolu, it's very special to me since some great memories are attached to it.

Riolu: I see, could you tell me what it looks like? Then I can help search too!

Ash: ofcourse! It's a round shaped form with a X form in it. The X form is attached to a circle in the middle. The necklace has a golden colour.

Riolu: Thanks master! As he begins to search for it.

After around 30 minutes of searching Ash finally sees it.

Ash: There it is! As he grabs it.

Riolu: what are those things attached to it master?

Ash: i'll explain, the half of the pokeball is a symbole of my friendship with Gary, the mini knife and fork (formed in an X shape) are symbole of my friendship with Brock and Misty, the guys who I traveled with through Kanto and Jotho. The Half ribbon stands for my friendship with May, the one who traveled with me and her brother Max through Hoenn and the Battle Frontier.

Ash: The little Piplup is for Dawn from Sinnoh and Axew is for Iris, who traveled me and Cilan through Unova.

"Everything stands for something in the regions I traveled through, my Z-bracelet is for everyone in Alola." Ash said.

Riolu: And what about that Heart in the middle of the necklace?

Ash started to blush a little before he started talking.

Ash: Well, that one is really special to me but lets take a walk first since it's our last night here in Kanto. I'll tell you then! He said while putting the neclace around his neck and puts the emblem under his black shirt.

They told Delia that they would walk around town for a bit. Eventually they sit down on a bench in the park.

Ash grabs the necklace again from his neck and keeps it in his hand while looking at it.

Ash: Pikachu, you kind of know this story but i'll explain it so you both know.

Ash: This heart in the middle is for the best journey i've been on. It was in Kalos, where we're going to live now. Ash said as he clicks the heart pendance open.

In the heart they see a picture of little Ash and little Serena.

Ash: You see, she made my journey through Kalos special. I don't know why but she gives me a warm feeling inside and my cheeks start to burn up whenever I think of her. That's why I got this picture inside of it, this way she'll be here forever. And then th-

Ash got cut off by Pikachu who bursted out in laughter on the fact that while Ash was talking his face was tomato red.

Ash: Pikachu! Quit it! I'm being serious! He said in an angry tone.

Pikachu stopped laughing ans looked in an apologetic way at Ash

Riolu: But what about that golden necklace itself? It looks like Arceus his ring around his back?

Ash: It is Riolu..

Riolu looked shocked at Ash's words as the flashback starts.


Arceus: Thanks Ash for saving my life from those evil do-ers who controlled my friend Damos.

Ash: No problem Arceus! But you should thank Dialga, he sent us back so we could help you out by changing history!

Arceus: That's true but you and your Pikachu still had a massive part in it. Is there anything I could do to return the favour?

Ash: Well, normally I'd like to battle you but there is no way we'd stand a chance against you... So I don't know... Ash said while thinking.

Arceus: Take your time thinking about it Ash, I'll give you a pendance that when you call me out, it will summon me. You can ask anything of me when you are ready!

Ash: Really!? That's awesome! Thanks Arceus!! Ash said with stars in his eyes.

Flashback ends

Riolu: That's a-amazing m-master! He said full of disbelieve.

Ash: Yeah I know but I don't want anyone to know it's the real thing. If people ask, I bought it in some store.

Riolu: Why master?

Ash: If this falls in the wrong hands.. who knows what would happen!

Riolu: I understand master!

"Good!" Ash said while patting Riolu on the head.

Ash: We should head home before mom gets worried!

PIKA!! Pikachu squealed with a scared look at his face like he knows whats coming.

Ash, Pikachu and Riolu went home, just in time to safe themselves from getting scolded by Delia.

They went straight to bed because tomorrow is the day they leave Pallet Town.


Ash: Morning guys!

Ash slowly got up, woke Riolu and Pikachu up carefully, not wanting to get shocked by Pikachu.

Ash grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom while Pikachu and Riolu went downstairs for breakfast.

After Ash finished, he put on his clothes and went downstairs too.

Delia: Morning honey, you ready for today? She said while putting some pancakes on Ash's plate.

Ash: Morning mom! And ofcourse I am! Though I hate to leave this place behind for good...

Delia: Don't worry Ash, I'm sure you like it in Kalos and besides, we keep this house anyway.

Ash: What do you mean?

Delia: Professor Oak said we'd be able to keep the house. This way we can come here during the holidays.

Ash: That's great mom! Thanks! He said while jumping from happiness.

Delia: I'm glad you're happy Ash but now eat up! We go towards professor Oak's lab after to collect your pokeballs.

Ash: Right!

Ash started eating breakfast and after they all finished, they went with the moving truck to Oak's lab where Gary was also waiting for them.

"Morning Professor and Gary!" Ash said with a smile while waving his hand.

Prof. Oak: Morning Ash! Delia! I've got all your pokemon in their balls so you can load them in right away!

Ash: Thank you so much professor! He said with a massive smile on his face.

They quickly bring the trays of pokeballs to the truck and loaded them in.

Gary: So Ash.. Now we're done, you ready?

Ash: Thought you'd never ask Gary!

Gary: I'll show you what the strongest trainer in Pallet Town looks like Ashy-boy!

Ash: We'll see Gary...

They make their way over to the battlefield behind the lab.

Prof. Oak: I'll act as referee!

Both Ash and Gary make their way over to their own side of the battlefield.

Prof. Oak: This battle will be a 2 on 2 single battle! Once both pokemon on 1 side are unable to battle, the other trainer wins! Are you ready?

Both Ash and Gary nodded while keeping a close eye at each other.

Prof. Oak: Ok! Then sent out your pokemon!

Gary: Arcanine! come on out!

Ash: Gengar! I choose you!

Both pokemon emerged from their pokeball and stood right infront of their respective trainer.



Now Ash and Gary stood right infront of eachother, ready for their last battle in Pallet Town.


Chapter 11 already! Sorry for the cliffhanger but I promise the battle will be good! See you in the next one and enjoy reading!

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