My Calling

By stromburger

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// Wesley Stromberg // " ... stop trying to fight me, just let go and kiss me ... " More

My Calling - An Emblem3 Story
One - The Audition
Two - Isn't She Lovely
Three - Basketball
Four - Sweet Eighteenth
Five - Unexpected Comfort
Seven - Ready or Not
Eight - The Long Road Ahead
Nine - Back to the Beginning
Ten - Vulnerable
Eleven - Lunch
Twelve - Just Jump
Thirteen - Unexpected Words
Fourteen - Denial
Fifteen - The Jingle Bell Ball
Sixteen - Goodbye
Seventeen - The Month
Eighteen - More Mistakes
Nineteen - Early Christmas
Twenty - Last Words
Twenty One - A Month Later
Twenty Two - Conversations
Twenty Three - Rude Awakenings
Twenty Four - Facing Facts
Twenty Five - Hurricane
Twenty Six - August Rush
Twenty Seven - Lyrics
Twenty Eight - Born Again
Twenty Nine - When I Look At You
Thirty - The End
Epilogue - One Year Later

Six - The Meeting

5.4K 122 10
By stromburger

Chapter Six

I don't know, this is kind of messy and I'm not sure if it's realistic. Oh well, not my fault. Vote and comment ... yeah. And promo me and I shall promo you back. yay, okay great. Also, read story, it's fab! 

Enjoy everyone, for anyone who reads Thought of Her, that chapter should be up sometime in the next few days. (:

I end up having to tell the girls where the jacket came from which lead them onto mocking me about Wes and my growing relationship with him, which then lead onto being genuinely happy at the friendly banter. I apologise to the girls for being such a downer and they wave me away, saying that it’s understandable to be angry.  My happy mood carries over the whole weekend and my family are stoked that I’m finally talking again. That I’m finally coming to terms with everything.

However, on Monday I’m back to square one because school is murderous. I keep my head down and avoid any questions, eventually the school finds out that I didn’t make it. There are a few spiteful comments but mostly my friends deflect them for me. I sit in class silently and pretend to listen, whatever the teacher says just flies over my head anyway. I’m in a pretty shitty mood on my home from school. I play my music loud in the car and angrily sing along. I’m annoyed and frustrated that I have to put up with this for the rest of the year and there’s nothing I can do about it.

When I pull into the driveway there’s a sleek black Ferrari in the driveway. I sigh; I’m really not in the mood to see one of Dad’s clients in our house right now. They always try to make conversation and I always feel uncomfortable. No, I don’t like women from my neighbourhood discussing why they’re here for their private appointment with my father. Whether it is that niggling STD or the bump, they have on their boobs. Dad being a private doctor has its difficulty, that’s for sure.  

I run my hand along the car gently and admire its beauty, thankful the alarm isn’t on so I don’t embarrass myself. It’s a nice car. Nicer than what I’m used to seeing. Dad’s clients usually drive BMW’s. They’re always BMW’s. It’s weird.

I push the door open and hear people talking in the lounge, I try and sneak up the staircase unnoticed but my Mum stops me, her voice carrying out very well throughout the house, “Asha, is that you dear? Can you come in for a moment? There’s someone here to see you.”

I contemplate ignoring her but I know I’ll never hear the end of it. Grudgingly, I make my way into the lounge. My mum is smiling as if there’s no tomorrow so I’m immediately on alert. My mum never smiles that big. When I see the other figure sitting on the couch I stop dead in my tracks.

Simon Cowell is sitting in my lounge.

I hesitantly walk over and look at Mum nervously, “Uh yes? You wanted me.”

It’s Simon who answers me, “Asha love, I'm here to talk about the X Factor." 

"Yeah?" I say, my tone becoming happier. Maybe he's here to tell me it was all a mistake and I am through to the Live Shows.

"I'm really sorry Demi let you go, what are you going to do now?" 

I sit down because my hopes crash around me. I wait for the catch. Nothing comes. Maybe he does this for every rejected contestant that made it this far. After all, he is the producer. My voice drops again as I shrug, "I don't know. Go back to school, study medicine like my parents wanted." 

He frowns, "Well that's no good." 

"Yeah tell me about it."

"I'm here to offer you a preposition. I think Demi was wrong to let you go. So I'm here to offer you a contract with me." 

I'm still thinking about the X Factor so I don't properly hear his words. I give him a funny look, "Sorry what? I don't think I heard you correctly."

He laughs, "Asha sweetie, I want to sign you. I'm here to officially ask you myself if you want to sign on with my company as a female artist." 

I'm frozen in shock. I can't move. I can't speak. Mum nudges me, "Say something Asha." 

I snap out of it. That explains her smile earlier on. I stare at Simon, "You're serious? I'm not being Punk'd or anything?" 

"No you're not being Punk'd Asha. I'm completely serious. I want to sign you on as a female artist. This isn’t something I do often, I was looking back through your Audition tapes and I see something in you I guess Demi didn’t. You have what it takes to be a star and I want to capitalise on that while I can. So what do you say?”

My eyes go wide and soon I'm jumping on him for a hug when he stands up, "I say yes! A big, fat yes!" 

"Well that's good. I have a contract already set up so if you come with your Lawyer to my office in Los Angles we can have it settled and you can get straight to work with us because I want your first single released as soon as possible." 

The feelings inside me are overwhelming and next thing I know I'm crying tears of joy and hugging Mum and Simon and then Mum again. Simon laughs, "Glad to know you're excited. I'll have my people call you to set up a time and date." He stops me from jumping around by putting his hands on my shoulders, "And Asha? I'm going out on a limb here by signing you so I expect a lot of hard work.”

I shake my head until it's on the brink of falling off, "I will work harder than anyone else." 

He smiles, "I know. And I chose you because I like your style and I love the sound of your voice, despite what Demi said I actually do think there's room for you in the industry. With a little bit of work you'll be a well acclaimed artist in no time."

"Thank you." I manage to say, "You don't know how much this means to me."

"Yes well don't let me down." He says with a stern glance. "Now tell whoever you need to and get ready, because you're coming to Hollywood." 

I shake all around from excitement before giving him one last hug and a couple more thank you's. Mum eventually drags me off him and lets him leave after thank you's of her own. We're both crying tears of happiness when she pulls me into a hug. It’s a nice hug. A hug full of new futures and old memories.


After telling my family and my three closest friends and going to a celebratory dinner, I'm completely tired after the events of the day. I'm in a much happier mood and going to sleep comes easy. 

In the morning, Mum says I don't need to go to school especially after getting a call from Simon's assistant saying our appointment is the next day. Mum lets the whole family stay home but after a few hours it proves a bad idea because Mum has gone crazy obsessive, making sure we're all ready for tomorrow. Eventually Finn and I successfully sneak out. We grab our short boards and go for a surf even though it's not really my thing. When we're sitting out in a break in the waves Finn looks at me nervously, "So what happens now sis?" 

"I have no idea." I reply honestly, "I guess I sign some sort of contract and then start on my Music career, recording and stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if I have to stay up in LA." 

"So I'm never going to see you?" 

I flick water at him, "Is this Finn Carson actually showing emotion? I'm impressed. Of course you'll see me; I'm not going to disappear completely."

"Are you nervous?" 

I don't have to think about that one, "I'm excited. I've been waiting for this for so long." 

He smiles, "I'm glad you're happy." 

"Well yeah, let's hope what Simon has lined up for me is good and people like my music enough that they'll buy it." 

He rolls his eyes, "Well I'll buy it if it makes you feel better." 

I ruffle his hair, "Thanks kid."

He does some surfing while I just float on my board. Eventually I get in peoples way so I just catch a wave into shore. I allow myself to relax and tan, trying not to get over-excited at the prospect of tomorrow's events.


The next morning Mum is absolutely crazy. She takes it to a completely new level. She insists I wear a dress and heals to seem professional but after a screaming match, I get my own way as to how I dress. I choose a simple black dress with red hearts, an over sized navy cardigan and my studded boots. I straighten my hair and keep my usual jewellery on before doing my make-up. Mum's shouting at me from downstairs so I pack some stuff into my satchel and make my way down there. She glares at me, "Get in the car or we're going to be late." 

"Chill Mum. What car?" 

"Dad's car. We're all waiting on you."

I make my way past Mum's car to Dad's X5. I get in the car and immediately plug my headphones in; Mum's still going crazy and I need to calm my excitement.

The drive is uneventful and when we finally get to the building, Mum is back to being insane. She tries to brush Finn's hair down with her hands as well pull my dress down. Finn and I groan at her simultaneously, "Mum give up already." 

We're shown to a board room where our lawyer, another lawyer looking guy, Simon and a few other people are sitting. We say hello and sit down in our respective seats. Simon smiles at me and claps his hands together, "Ok Asha. This will be the business side of things. We're offering you a 350 grand contract not including any profits you make from singles, albums and anything like that. You get 40% of the profit from that and the company gets 60%."

I shrug, "Uh yeah sounds good to me." 

A big wad of paper is slid across to my Lawyer to look at. He frowns, "How long does the contract last?" 

"A year. Then we go from there." Simon's lawyer responds. 

"And it's a no-outs deal?" he turns to me, "If you sign with them you have to stay with them for a year and follow their rules." 

"What are the rules?" 

A wad of paper is slid to me and I mumble through a few that catch my eye, "No drinking unless given permission. No smoking. Outfits and production for performances are decided by professionals. First single is written for you and how we want it." 

I look up, "Um. Will I get to do original stuff?" 

Simon chuckles and nods, "Yes definitely. We just want to build you up in the industry first. And before you ask, you'll get some say in production and what not." 

"Okay cool." 

My lawyer turns to me, "Another thing, it's required that you move to LA." 

I stop. That was a bit of a shock. I mean, I did know it’d happen eventually but not straight away. "Um, alone?" I ask hesitantly.

"Well if your family want to move they can, but ultimately, yes alone. You're 18 now so you can live by yourself." 

Simon nods, "We have an apartment all ready for you. It's easier living here Asha so you're close to everything." 

"Oh um ... Wow." I say hesitantly, "I didn't really expect that."

I look over at Mum and she gives me a reassuring smile, "You know we can't move here sweetie. At the end of the day, this is your dream so it's your decision. You are old enough to make important calls like this. We'll support you no matter what."  

"What about school?" I ask just because I need to say something. 

My lawyer looks slightly uncomfortable, "Being 18 now you can make take the opportunity to leave. Actually that's probably the hiccup in the contract; you're required to leave school to focus on Music." 

I nod, "I walk through the corridors at school and feel so alone. I feel that no one understands me. The teachers talk about things I have no care for. This is all I’ve ever wanted. I want to leave school for Music, I always have." It’s the most confident I’ve felt all day say that stuff.

My lawyer grins, "Well then, I don't see anything wrong with this contract. It seems fair. You just need to know that you are bound to this company for one whole year." 

Mum quickly fires off a few questions about living attire and travelling to both lawyers and Simon while I'm left to mill over the contract. 

Simon eventually looks at me to tell me I have a couple of days to think over it but I shake my head, "No it's fine. I want to sign the contract, this is what I want." 

Simon grins, "Then welcome to Syco Asha." 

"Thanks." I say simply. What else is there to say?

His lawyer tells me all the places to sign and I do so with shaky hands. Simon signs a few things as well as another woman sitting around as well as both lawyers. When it's all done I shake hands with everyone and Simon produces a bottle of wine, "Time to celebrate."

Everyone has a small glass of wine excluding my brother and I, who settle on coke and for half an hour Mum and Dad get to know Simon. Eventually everyone has to get back to work so Simon tells me we'll have a meeting next week after I've moved into my new place -- which my parents have the information of -- I thank everyone profoundly before following my family out of there.

When we're out on the road, I look at Mum, "Guess I'm moving out and not going back to school." 

She wraps me in a tight hug, "My baby's growing up. I'm so immensely proud of you sweetie." 

I eventually am able to untangle myself. I smile at Dad, "What do you think about this Dad?" 

He claps me over the back as he's always done when he's feeling sentimental, "Just know you always have a home to come back too. And don't forget us when you're big and famous." 

Finn grins, "Yeah don't forget us. And you have to let me stay with you in the holidays." 

"Um I don't know about that. We'll have to see." 

We go out to dinner the same night for a final celebration over the day's events and for the prospect of the future. I'm so happy that I even pull out my phone and text the boy who irritates me. I don’t know, after everything, after the talk I had with him at the party, I just feel he’s the one I need to tell first. I pull out my phone and try to make it as quirky as possible, I don’t think soppy is his style.

guess who just got signed by Simon cowell? Taking it in my stride biatch, get my autograph now before it's too late x

 Polyvore: (available in external link under story cover)

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