By ggddcp

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Hi!! It's me again....😉 With my New Story..... and it's all belong to our dearest cp WEILAN ❤ Please enjoy t... More

Prologue & Intro
Lost Journey
Cloud Village
The Journal
1st Clue
The Twins!
Sudden Storm!
Ice Cave
White Dragon
I Promise!
Sharing Soul!
Switching Places!
Pleasure for Twins(part1)
Pleasure for Twins(final)
Golden Dragon
Crystal Cave
Karma Return!!
Jade Dragon
Broken Soul!
We're One!
Bright Shadow
Become One...
He's Coming!

Dragon Earrings

123 15 15
By ggddcp

Under that big tree Shenwei sitting unconscious and Yunlan also sitting there while closing his eyes "NOOO.......!!!!!" Yunlan snapped open his eyes when he heard.... Shenwei scream, he turns towards Wei and hold him "what happened... are you all right...??" Yunlan ask him and other look at Yunlan with blank eyes..... like he tries to remember him.

Lin comes with water bottle "how are you? drink this you feel better....." Lin said to Shenwei then he look at Yunlan's worried face "why you look so worried......" Lin asked to Yunlan but other didn't bother to replies him......Zhao looking at Shenwei who drinking water in one go "Ahem!" he cough suddenly and Yunlan about to rub his back......Shenwei glare at him, Yunlan retreat himself and frown "why you behaving like this......what have I done with you...?" Yunlan feeling angry now.

"you get what you want.....I fulfill my promise!"

"NO! you are not....! you promise me that you coming with us in this trip...." Yunlan said and Wei quiet remain.....then Lin clear his throat and ask how to open the journal.....because they have not much time left, Shenwei sigh deeply and ask for that dragon key.....Lin gave him and Wei look at Yunlan then Lin "I need gloves...." Lin scratch his head in confusion.


"do as he say....!" Yunlan said and Lin hurriedly take out his gloves and give to Wei.....later Shenwei wear it then ask for journal, Lin again give him......and Wei place it on car's bonnet, then insert that key in Wei slowly turn that key to open that journal.....some acid release from in it "what the hell..." Lin shock as well as Yunlan "You already knew about this?" Yunlan ask but Shenwei didn't answer him.....he only give that journal on Yunlan's hand and about to walk from there..... Yunlan hold his hand.

"Leave my hand..... Zhao Yunlan!

"Not until you tell me..... what happened to you and why you behave like this"

Yunlan politely said and Shenwei slowly turn toward him, with moist eyes..... and Yunlan feels someone stabbed knife in his heart. "Honey! do you find anything...." Hong said from inside the car "your wife is calling you...." Shenwei said in his low voice "hmm...." Yunlan only hummed and gesture Hong to wait for a moment..... then slowly opened that journal.

Yunlan read the journey and found a piece of map.....which lead him to the 1st artifacts WHITE DRAGON.....but first he have to find it's keys Dragon Earring, which help him to get it.

Yunlan read everything which was written in first page.....but when he turned the page, found nothing.... Yunlan look at Lin then Shenwei "nothing written further...." Lin also check but found nothing "Yunlan! let me scan it... maybe we found anything" Lin take the journal and Yunlan thinking something..... then looked at Shenwei who busy cleaning his hand.... because that gloves make him feel disgusting.

Hong also looking at Shenwei and her eyes catch.....something shiny around his slender milky wrist. Hong get off the car and come to Wei..... then grab his soft wrist and roll up other's sleeve "Yunlan! look, it's that bangle... which you want to buy for me..." Hong said and Yunlan also look at his wrist "you married....?" Yunlan ask and other sadly nod then roll down his sleeve "you have jade bangle! means you married with....." Yunlan word cut by Shenwei.


"So where is he...."Hong asked "he forget about me! and happy with his new wife...." Shenwei said and tear drop from his sad doey eyes "but why? if he marry you.... then why he forget you?" Yunlan said while seeing Shenwei's pain "maybe he realised that.....physical love not give you everything, and after marrying a boy like you.... what he got in return!" Hong mocks and Wei faintly smile "I think you are right..... maybe I can't give him that happiness...which you give today to your husband!" Shenwei said and Hong shyly smile.

Yunlan don't like the way Hong talk to he change the topic "Yezun! do you know.... where's we found that dragon earrings...." Shenwei first look at him then turn his gaze at.... jewellery shop.

Yunlan understand and gesture his men to follow him..... then he look at Wei and ask him to come inside......but Shenwei denied and say that he wait outside the shop. Yunlan nod and they all enter inside the jewellery shop except Shen Wei.

"welcome sir please have a seat" Jewellery shop owner warmly welcome them "don't waste our time, gave us dragon earring" Yunlan coldly said which make that wander confused "What so hurry sir, here's all our shop jewellery......choose whatever you want"

"look like we have to buy all this" Lin Jing said and Yunlan glare at him, both Shaya and Hong were start choosing earring and only Lin Jing was finding that dragon earring, Yunlan do back forth in frustration. he about to shout on them meantime, his eye fell on wander wife's ear. she was wearing dragon earring, Yunlan hurriedly come to her and asked for the earring.

she hold her husband arm and said while covering her ear with her hair "sorry sir I can't give you.....this was gift from my In Laws ancestor, and this only belongs to our clan" Yunlan grit his teeth and again said "give this earring to me it's matter of someone's life and death" she feel bad but still refused.....then Hong bang her palm on the table and said "everything has a price, so just open your mouth"

this action make that wander's wife startled....and she whisper to her husband

"Sang! I don't want to give my precious earring to them, so do something"

"don't be afraid Wang! no one is born who can force me....and it was not easy for them to take it from us......" Sang said then Yunlan gesture his men, they all holding there gun and point it toward the shop owner "Give it to us quickly, otherwise what will happen to you, you will not live to tell anyone" Yunlan warn them.

"do whatever you want....but remember one thing, you never able to take it" Sang word make Yunlan anger boil and he gesture his men to kill them. they all ready and about to start firing.


One melodious voice catch there attention, they stop for a while and turn toward the owner of the voice......and it's Shen Wei who slowly enter inside the shop "Gave that earring to them!!"

Both Sang and Wang who hide under the table......shock to hears Wei's voice.......they didn't dare to look at him and politely handover that earring to Yunlan's hand. "If you had already given, then you would not have suffered so much" Hong said and Yunlan only gazing at Shen Wei with suspicious eyes. "Wow! finally we got that earring" Lin Jing said in excitement.

"Strangely, when we asked you for those earrings, you refused and agreed to Yezun's request" Yunlan said "Yezun? who...." Wang didn't complete her word Shenwei interrut her "we have to hurry...." Lin heard it and tell Yunlan that Yezun is right, we have to go for that 1st artifacts......White Dragon.

When Sang hears their conversation, he also want to help them because......Sang and Wang is the guardian of the white dragon, and without their help Yunlan and his team can't find they agree and later they all sits inside the car "you not coming with us..." Yunlan said "I'm coming...." Shenwei replies then Yunlan decided that, he, Lin, Shenwei and Sang with some of his men......sits in the same car, and others in 2nd car.....but Sang refused to sit with Shenwei.

Then Lin ask why but Sang didn't answer him...... Yunlan think something and tell Lin to sits with Sang in other car and send Hong here.....Lin smirk and do as Yunlan said, Hong become happy and kiss Yunlan's cheek which make Shenwei jealous.....he didn't say anything and sits in backside....and Yunlan sits in driving seat and Hong sits beside him.... while holding Yunlan's arm. Shenwei avert his eye and look outside the calm himself down.

(Map maid by my meimei ❤️)

Lin start the car and open that map which he scan earlier......and send a link to Yunlan "what is this...." Sang confusedly said after seeing that map on Lin's tablet "don't put pressure on your tiny mind.... okay! and just tell me where's the route of that white dragon......" Lin said "but why it's blurry....." Sang ask "I don't know....and why you worry about this, you say that your guardian of that lead us the way" Lin replies and Sang nod then lead them to the 1st artifacts...... which was in the Ice Cave


An hour later they reach at the old lake....and Sang tell them, Now from here we will have to travel by boat.... because there is no other way to go near that Ice Cave. After a while Yunlan rented a house boat and they all boarded that boat....Hong was very happy she immediately took a room for herself and Yunlan, and Shaya did the same...

Shenwei and both Sang and Wang got a single room, they all went to rest in their respective rooms except Yunlan......who asked Sang, when we going to reached that Ice Cave? and Sang told him that in the morning they reach at the jungle....then after couples of miles of walking..........we reach there, Yunlan nod in understanding and the journey to reach the White Dragon is started.

"Master! for sometime, in this have to take care of yourself" Wang said looking down and Shenwei hold her hand "thank you for your concern.....and I'm sorry! because of me you both suffer..." Wei apologize and Wang shook her head "don't say this please!"

"she's right Master! it's not your fault...but I'm confused, why they call you Yezun......and why not they recognise you...." Sang said but they both startled when they see Wei's pale face and he run toward the window while covering his mouth.

"is he okay...." Sang ask and Wang only looking at him worriedly......Wei come after wiping his mouth and lay on the bed "let me" Wei sleep while mumbling then Sang stand at the door like a guard and Wang sits beside him with concern face.



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