Forbidden Miss Foster

By Pages05

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Rosie Foster is a twenty seven year old teacher at Sumchester Secondary and Sixth Form. Haunted by a troubled... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 7

141 11 1
By Pages05

Rosie's POV

"The lunch bell's gonna go any second.." Cate sighed , putting her phone in her pocket.

I huffed and shoved the last bit of Janice's birthday cake into my mouth , wiping my fingers on a napkin and then throwing said napkin into the bin. "Tell Janice thank you for the cake for me.." I said , picking up my worksheets from the printer and then opening the office door.

"I will.." , she said with a smile.

I shut the door behind me and hurried into my classroom , I can't exactly scold my students for being late if I'm late myself. I set the worksheets down on my desk and then sit down at my laptop, putting up the powerpoint slide with the task on it that they'd be getting on with once they came in.

Running around like a headless chicken , I then stood back up again and propped open the classroom door , leaning against the door frame ready to greet my students as I always do.

One by one , they turned up to my door and smiled as they walked into the classroom. Jessica , Bella and Tristen , the girls who I almost gave detention to for being late yesterday , turned up significantly earlier today in order to avoid the fate they almost met just the day before.

Walking swiftly but not quite as speedily as when she greeted me this morning , Kennedy turned the corner of the corridor and smiled at me when she spotted me by the door. I returned the smile and addressed her as she walked by , "Good Afternoon , Miss Matthews.." I said , smiliing even wider now having thought back to our conversation this morning. She's so cocky and confident , yet not at all arrogant or rude.

After I talked to Christine about Kennedy last night , I decided that I'd try and distance myself from her in an attempt to ease the attraction , but my god was I falling horrifically. I couldn't help it , she was just so charming and easy to talk to , and even though it's been just two days , I feel as though my attachment to this girl is beginning to show. Nevertheless , I continue to treat her the way I do every other student , as ignoring her just wouldn't be fair on her whatsoever.

"Afternoon , Miss Foster.." , she says , returning the smile.

She then walks past me and sits down in her seat. I think she's the last one ; I checked over my shoulder to be sure and had my inkling confirmed when I saw all of the seats full. Satisfied that no one had turned up late , I closed the door and made my way back over to my desk.

"Task is on the board , you all know what you're doing.." I said , having given them an extremely easy recap assignment from yesterday's lesson.


Having called the last name on the register , I ascribed them all a task to do in silence while I took a quick walk around the room to check that they'd all done their homework. To my surprise , so far everybody had done the work , to what standard would be a question that answered itself when I marked the work later on this evening , but at least they'd all put in the effort.

I approached Kennedy's desk but furrowed my brows when I saw pages 1-8 having been summarised , but the other two sets of notes nowhere to be seen.

"Kennedy?" I whispered , causing her to immediately look up at me.

"Where're pages nine and ten?" I asked.

She looked at me guiltily , "I'm sorry but I didn't get time to finish them , can I get them to you tomorrow morning before school?" , she asked , those pleading eyes almost causing me to give in and let her off the hook.

But I'm better than that , as I clarified previously , I have to treat her like I would every other student.

I sighed and crossed my arms , "Kennedy what happened , you were finishing it off literally just this morning?" I asked.

She groaned , clearly frustrated with herself. "I fell asleep doing it last night and still had a lot left to do. That's the reason I was in such a rush this morning , I forgot to set my alarm.." , she explained.

"Kennedy you know that you're going to have to stay and finish it after school.." I said.

"Please just let me get it to you tomorrow morning , I can't stay late after school. I have t-" she begins but I interrupt her.

"Kennedy you know the rules.." I interject.

"Can you at least let me explain?" , she begs more than just asks.

I regretfully shake my head , I hate giving detentions to any student , let alone this one. "You'll have plenty of time to explain in detention.." I say.

Kennedy reluctantly accepts the sanction , nods her head and then puts it back down again to continue with the assigned task.

I look up and around the room to see a few nosey students trying to listen in to what I was telling Kennedy. "Everybody concentrate on your work.." I say sternly , causing those few students who knew that was aimed at them to get on with the task at hand.

I sighed to myself and then continued my swoop around the room. I still hate giving detentions , possibly now even more so.


Kennedy's POV

The bell signalling the end of the day rung , and for a split second I had that spur of adrenaline you get when you just want to quickly pack up your things and get the hell out of there.

However , I slouched back into my chair when I remembered the detention Miss Foster gave me at the beginning of the lesson. It's my own fault though , I didn't get a chance to finish the work at break or lunch without my notes looking rushed and being of a crappy quality , which just wouldn't help me in the long run for revision. On the bright side , I only have two pages to summarise which shouldn't take me longer than fifteen minutes.

That being said , I sat back in my chair and just watched as all my other classmates filed out of the room , Miss Foster stood at the door saying goodbye to each and every one of them as they walked past her.

As the last few left , I scanned my eyes around the room and realised that I was in fact the ONLY person who hadn't completed the homework. That essentially meant two things ,one being that I'd get to spend some one-one-one time with Miss Foster , which I definitely wasn't complaining about , but it also meant that I looked even worse due to being the ONE person in the class who hadn't accomplished the homework.

Once everyone had disappeared , Miss Foster closed the classroom door and walked over to her desk , sitting down and then looking over in my direction.

"You wanna come sit over here so you can explain?" , she said softly, nodding at the desk directly in front of her own.

I shook my head , "I'd rather just get this done and then leave.." I said , honestly.

"You have to stay the full hour , Kennedy , so you may as well come sit over here so I'm not having to shout.." , she said.

I looked up at her fully and furrowed my eyebrows , what did she mean the full hour? "Wait I can't just leave once I'm done?" I said , with a slight impatience in my tone of voice.

She shook her head , "It's mandatory that after school detentions last a minimum of one hour.." , she said playing with the rings on her fingers.

I sighed and then stood up , if I was gonna stay the full hour , I may as well make the most of it.

I picked up my stuff and then set it down again on the desk closest to her's , before sitting down and crossing my legs under the table.

"Go ahead , explain.." , she said , sitting back in her chair and crossing her arms.

I shook my head , "If I'm staying anyway then there's no point.." I said with a shrug.

If it was already set in stone that I'd have to stay until four thirty , there was no point explaining my situation regarding mum at home. I mean there may be the possibility that upon hearing my explanation that she let me off the hook , but there was always the possibility that the rules couldn't be bent despite any special circumstances , and I just don't feel like getting into everything with someone I barely know if it would possibly just get me nowhere anyway.

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly yet her expression seemed to soften , "Are you sure?" , she asked , softly.

I nodded my head and picked up my pen , "Yeah it's fine.." I said , shooting her a reassuring smile.

I think that despite my efforts to disguise it , Miss Foster picked up on my reluctancy to talk about things at home , as I could still feel her looking at me even after I'd put my head down to continue my work.

"You know I'm here if you ever want to talk , judgment..", she said softly , yet still maintained a certain professionalism in her tone.

I looked up again and nodded , "I know..thank you.." I responded with slight dismissal , not wanting to carry on with this minute pity party any longer.

Miss Foster looked at me for a couple more seconds before averting her gaze and focussing on the marking she had begun a few minutes before the end of last lesson.


I have been working in silence pretty much this whole time , and without the added distraction of other people being in class , I'm on the verge of finishing my work significantly sooner than I thought I would.

I was completing my last sentence when I heard Miss Foster's classroom door open , another teacher that I'd seen roaming the history block at various times during the day , stood on the other side of it.

"Rosie?" , this teacher called out as she peaked around the door.

I smiled to myself but ducked my head down to disguise it. Rosie , Rosie Foster. Come to think of it , she does look like a Rosie , the name suits her.

"Uh huh?" , she said , looking up from her laptop screen with a smile.

This other teacher took a quick look around the mostly empty room and her eyes widened when she only just noticed me sat here.
"I didn't realise you had a student in here with you , would you rather talk outside?" , she whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear her. Not that I was eves-dropping or anything.

Miss Foster looked over at me briefly and then shook her head , "No don't worry it's fine , are you okay?" , she asked.

I decided that my listening in to their conversation was rude and so did my best to drown them out , reading through my notes to check I'd completed them to a standard I was happy with. I found myself wanting to impress Miss Foster in a way I didn't with other teachers , I wanted to do well in her subject and I cared a lot more about the quality of my work knowing that she'd be the one reading it.


A couple of minutes later , that teacher left the classroom again , which I was alerted to by the sound of the door closing behind her.

Having finished my work , I closed my book and looked up at Miss Foster with a smile.

I think she may have felt my gaze boring into the top of her head , as she almost immediately looked up from her marking and over at me.

"What are you grinning at, Miss Mathews?" she said , her expression wearing somewhat of a confused smile.

I sat up slightly in my chair. "'s pretty.." I said , smiling softly.

She smiled and rolled her eyes , "Thank you.." , she dismissed.

I smiled at her in response to the dismissal in her voice , I knew I was getting to her. "A pretty name for a pretty girl.." I said , riskily.

I immediately saw a blush creep onto her cheeks , whether it was just the simple flattery that did it , or the fact that it was me in particular who was giving it to her , it made me smile seeing her become increasingly nervous around me. I liked having the upper hand.

I grin , "Awh I made you blush.." I teased , only causing her cheeks to grow a darker shade of crimson.

She shook her head and then quickly averted her gaze , looking back down at her computer screen.

"That's very kind , Kennedy but it's also not appropriate.." she said , dismissing my compliment all together.

I smiled and sat up further , leaning forward on my elbows in order to get closer to her. "Why is it not? All I said is that you're pretty?!" I asked.

"Because.." , she paused , "It could look like something it's not and get both of us into a lot of's not professional.." she said , looking up from her laptop screen and back at me.

"How so? Miss Adams told me I looked pretty yesterday when I walked into class.." I said.

I'm not even lying, she did actually tell me that I looked pretty yesterday. It was nothing like this though , Miss Adams is like seventy years old and is married to Mr Adams in the science department.

"You know that's irrelevant Kennedy.." she said in response to my admittedly childish argument.

I smiled and cocked my head slightly to one side. "Why is it?" I continued to badger her.

"That's completely different to what's going on here.." she said , becoming increasingly more frustrated with me.

I secretly liked getting under her skin though , well maybe not so secretly , I think she had a pretty good grasp of what I was trying to do.

"Are you insinuating that something's going on between us , Miss Foster?! " I smiled at her.

I knew I was overstepping, but at the same time , I liked seeing how far I could push her.

She just sighed and shook her head at me , "You know that's not what I'm saying.."

I smirked, "Do I know that?" I retorted.

Rosie just exhaled heavily and rolled her eyes , "As charming as you may be , Miss Matthews , you're also extremely tiresome.." she said , once again playing that stupid teacher card.

I smiled and cocked an eyebrow, "So you think I'm charming.."

At this she slouched down in her chair , tipped her head back and ran her hands down her face , groaning annoyedly. "Kennedyyyy.." she whined.

I laughed , "Yes Miss Foster?" I said , with an obviously exaggerated innocence.

She smiled and sat up again , "Can you give it a rest now?!"

I liked where this was going but decided to comply , it wasn't fair of me to do this to her , especially while she was at work and supposed to be acting entirely professional.

I nodded , "Fine..but can I ask you one last question?" I asked with a smile.

"If you must.." she said , sighing.

I smirked , "Are you married?"

She shook her head almost immediately, "No I'm not.." she replied in a monotone.

"Well do you have a partner?" I asked , still smiling.

She crossed her arms , "That's two questions, I gave you permission to ask me just the one.." she replied.

I smiled, "No , I'm just rephrasing my original question , that's all?!" I answered back in a smug , but not too smug , tone.

I saw a smile begin pull at her lips , however as soon as she caught herself smiling, she almost immediately wiped it from her expression.
"No I do not have a partner.." she replied.

I smiled , to myself more than anything. How in the world is she single? She's easily the most attractive person I've ever met.

"You?" , she asked , taking a sip from her water bottle.

"I , what?" I replied, confused as to what she meant.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" , she asked , seeming genuinely curious about my answer rather than just reciprocating the question to be polite.

I shake my head , "Not my type.." I responded simply.

Her eyebrows furrowed, "Who's not your type?"

"Men.." I said , both shrugging and smiling simultaneously.

Rose smiled and nodded her head , "I see..girlfriend then?"

I shook my head and sighed , "Unfortunately not , no.."

She smiled , "I'm with you on that one.." she said in agreement.

I smiled , "So you're gay?!"

I'm aware that's a very personal question to ask anyone, especially your teacher , but the conversation wasn't feeling forced or awkward, it felt  genuine , and so I didn't feel like I was taking anything too far.

Although, I could tell that she was thinking about whether to answer me or not for a few seconds before she actually committed to doing it. I'm not surprised though, if I had kids screaming to other kids across my classroom that I was a quote-un-quote lezza , I would be reluctant to share that information too.

She nodded her head , "Mhm..don't go spreading that around school though , Cameron was a perfect example as to why I don't let students in on personal life.." she replied.

Exactly as I thought , I can read this woman like a book.

I smiled and held my hands up in defence , "My lips are sealed.."

Rosie smiled and nodded her head. "Thank you.."

Grinning, I responded , "You're welcome, Miss Foster.." , once again putting on that exaggeratively sweet and innocent tone of voice that I knew would get a rise out of her.

She rolled her eyes and cocked and eyebrow, "You can feel free to stop saying my name like that as well , Miss Matthews.." she said sternly but was still smiling.

I smirked and slightly leant my head to one side , "Like what?!"

I noticed her blushing again , not as severely as last time , but it was still just as noticeable. "Get on with your work.." she said , nodding down at the book on my desk.

I smiled, "I've finished.."

She sighed , "Course you have.." she stuck out her hand and curled her fingers , ushering me to hand my book over. "Let me see.."

I smiled and placed the book in her hand , purposely brushing my hand against her's as I exchanged the book between us.

She definitely noticed the gesture but refused to acknowledge it , she just cleared her throat and then began to read through my work.

Meanwhile, I sat anxiously playing with the rings on my fingers , hoping that what I'd done was to as high a standard as my work yesterday.

I watched intently as she repeatedly dashed the page with red ink and scribbled random notes into the margins. She was marking for about ten minutes before she passed my book back to me with a smile.

"Once again , excellent work , Kennedy.." she praised.

I smiled as I accepted my book back and then set it back down onto the table. "Thank you.." I replied.

She smiled and crossed her arms , "You're surprisingly good at my subject?" , she said in a sort of accusatory tone.

"I'm trying.." , I shrugged.

Rosie chuckled , "Well keep doing whatever you're doing.." she advised before carrying on with marking other people's work.

I smiled to myself and slouched back in my chair , this woman was something else.

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