Can't Help Falling in Love

De daddyyderek

65.9K 1.6K 321

Derek Shepherd, Neurosurgeon. Meredith Grey, first grade teacher. What happens when their worlds collide? AU... Mais



533 12 1
De daddyyderek

"Do you see the babies in the mirror?" Derek laughed as he sat on his living room floor, his baby girls giggling in front of him as they stared at the plastic mirror in front of them. "Those are some pretty beautiful babies, aren't they?"

"Aba no," Melanie smiled as she pushed her upper body off of the blanket, stretching to swat at the mirror.

"There's no baby behind there," Derek laughed. "That's you."

"Me ahhh!" Becky squealed, rolling onto her back and kicking her legs in the air.

"You're very cute," Derek nodded. "But play time's almost over. Daddy promised Mommy he'd get some laundry done. So you can come sit in your play pen and talk to Daddy."

"So na," Melanie frowned as she rolled onto her back.

"I know," Derek sighed. "And you used to be able to lay on the kitchen table while we did laundry but now that you know how to roll over, you can't do that anymore."

"Ma sa ba," Becky frowned as he reached to pick her up, then scooped Melanie into his other arm.

"Mommy's out with Aunt Lexie," Derek nodded. "I know she's your favorite, but you're going to have to deal with me until se gets home."

"Fa sa bala," Melanie sighed.

"I know, I'm a horrible mean Daddy," Derek laughed. "It's pretty obvious that you're both mommy's girls."

As he moved to place them gently in the play pen, the door bell sounded through the house, and both girls looked up at the ceiling curiously.

"Ba no?" Becky frowned.

"I don't know," Derek sighed as he placed a teddy bear in the play pen. "Tell the teddy bear what's going on in your busy lives while Daddy answers the door."

He moved to the front hall, frowning as he opened the door and saw Andrew staring back at him. "What the hell are you doing here?" he demanded.

" Meredith here?" Andrew asked.

"What do you want with her?" Derek asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I just want to talk to her," Andrew said, holding up his hands in mock defense. "I know she's in love with you."

"She's not here," Derek rolled his eyes. "And I don't think you should come back."

"Derek," Andrew sighed as he stepped into the house tentatively. "I know that you hate me, and honestly, I don't blame you. Meredith's amazing and I would be completely uncomfortable with anyone who threatened that."

"Are you done telling me how amazing my wife is?" Derek snapped. "Because I'm pretty sure I knew that when I married her."

"I didn't come here to talk to you about Meredith," Andrew argued.

Before Derek could respond, he heard Melanie yell loudly from the living room and he sighed. "Come in," he said, turning and walking towards the living room. "What's wrong sweetheart?" he asked, his voice softening as he looked into the play pen. "Did you lose your pacifier?" He reached into the playpen to hand her the pacifier back, running a hand over her head before he stood, turning to stare at Andrew as he looked at the pictures on the mantel.

"Is this when you and Mer went to Europe?" he asked, pointing to a picture of them in Paris.

"Don't call her Mer," Derek snapped, grabbing the picture out of his hands and placing it back on the mantel. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to tell you that you shouldn't take this out on Caitlin," Andrew said. "She's been really torn up these past couple weeks, and she thinks you hate her."

"I don't hate her," Derek rolled his eyes. "And I don't think my relationship with my sister is any of your business."

"It is," Andrew nodded. "Because I honestly didn't know she was your sister when I started dating her, but when she told me about Mer's party I couldn't exactly break up with her."

"I told you not to call her Mer," Derek snapped. "And the only reason I haven't punched you yet is because my daughters are in the room."

"I'm trying to apologize."

"I haven't heard the words I'm sorry."

Before either one of them could say anything else, the front door opened and Meredith's voice rang through the house. "I'm home," she giggled. "And you'll never believe the most adorable things I bought for...what the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out myself," Derek said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Look, I didn't come here to fight," Andrew said, his eyes flickering to the play pen as Melanie and Becky babbled excitedly at the sight of their mother entering the room.

"You should leave," Meredith sighed. "Caitlin told me she broke up with you last week."

Derek turned to face Andrew, his eyes flashing. "I don't know what the fuck you're up to," he said in a low, threatening voice. "But I do know that you're going to get the hell away from my family and never come near us ever again."

"Meredith," Andrew said, turning to her. "Please, can we just talk?"

Meredith glanced at him for a moment, her eyes flickering to Derek for a moment before she said softly, "Derek, why don't you take the girls upstairs? They're ready for a nap."

"Mer, if you think I'm going to leave you alone with him..."

"I'm fine, Derek," she sighed. "Please. with them or something."


"Derek," she whispered, stepping closer to him, whispering in his ear. "This is my mess. Let me clean it up. I'm fine, I promise."

Derek sighed as he nodded, reaching to take the girls out of the playpen. "Okay," he sighed. "I'll just be upstairs."

Meredith nodded as she ran a hand over Melanie's head, watching him walk out of the room with the girls before turning back to Andrew. "Andrew," she breathed, looking at him closely. "What do you want from me?"

"I want you," Andrew said softly, stepping closer to her, causing her to step back as well.

"You're not going to get that," Meredith shook her head. "Andrew, I don't know what I need to do to convince you that it's never going to happen. We were...I was never over Derek. And I hate that I led you on, but that was two and a half years ago."

"But we're so good together," Andrew breathed. "I'm perfect for you, Meredith."

"No, Derek's perfect for me," Meredith argued, taking another step backwards.

"Remember how amazing we were together?" Andrew asked.

"We weren't amazing together," Meredith shook her head. "And you're crazy if you think I'd even consider leaving my family for you for a second."

Andrew stared at her for a moment before he reached out to cup her cheek in his hand. "Mer, just think about it," he whispered. "We can leave. Go anywhere in the world you want, and you won't have to worry about Derek or taking care of those babies."

Meredith's hand cracked against his cheek as she slapped him. "Don't you dare suggest that I ever want to leave my children," she snapped. "You obviously don't know me at all if you think that I would ever leave those girls."

"We could take them with us," Andrew breathed. "I have friends at the hospital, they could fake a DNA test."

"You are unbelievable," Meredith snapped. "Do you honestly think that anyone could look at Melanie and think that she's anyone but Derek's daughter?"

Andrew stared at her for a moment before he asked, "What can I do to convince you to be with me?" he asked.

"Nothing!" Meredith cried. "I don't know what else I can do to convince you that I'm madly in love with my husband, that even when I was trying to move on with you, I was completely head over heels in love with him!"

Andrew looked at her closely for a moment before he stepped back, smiling slightly. "You know there's nothing I wouldn't do to make it possible to be with you," he said softly. "And would be a real shame if something happened to that perfect family of yours so they couldn't stand in the way anymore."

Meredith felt her blood run cold as she stared at him. "Stay away from my children," she said evenly.

Andrew smiled as he stepped towards the front door. "Have a good afternoon, Meredith," he said. "I hope you can enjoy some time with those beautiful girls of yours."

Meredith slammed the door closed behind it, snapping the lock and sliding the chain on before she thundered up the stairs, moving directly to the nursery. Derek was sitting on the floor in front of the girls as they giggled at their reflections in the mirror.

"Mer?" Derek asked softly as she leaned forward to grab Becky off the floor, hugging her tightly as Becky whimpered at the surprise change of scenery. "Are you okay?"

"We have to do something," Meredith breathed, holding Becky close to her. "Derek, he threatened to hurt you and the girls. We have to...go to the police or get out of the city... he can't hurt the girls, he can't."

"Oh, Meredith," Derek sighed, pulling Melanie into his arms. "I'm sure he was just trying to upset you."

"No," Meredith shook her head, tightening her arms around Becky and causing her to start crying. "You didn't see him, Derek, he's completely crazy. And the way he smiled when he was talking about the girls...I can't take the chance. We have to go somewhere, somewhere where he can't find us. If he...we just have to."

"Okay," Derek nodded, reaching out to pull her towards him. "You've got to calm down. You're scaring Becky."

Meredith took a deep breath as she loosened her grip on her daughter. "I'm sorry sweetheart," she whispered as she pressed a kiss to Becky's head. "Derek, I'm serious. I'm really terrified of what he can do, and if he comes out here, we're in the middle of nowhere. I know it sounds stupid, but I seriously can't let him hurt the girls. Or you."

"Okay," Derek sighed, standing carefully as he still cradled Melanie in his arms. "We can...I'll call Mom."

"He knows where she lives," Meredith whimpered.

"Mer," Derek sighed, reaching down to help her to her feet. "She'll know what to do. We'll go over there and call the cops, and I think you could use her right now."

"You don't believe me," Meredith whispered as she looked up at him.

"I believe that you're terrified," Derek said, pulling her closer. "And I hate that. So we'll do whatever we can to make sure you feel safe."

"Thank you," Meredith whispered. "I know I sound crazy, but I swear I'm not."

"Of course not," Derek nodded with a smirk. "No more than usual anyways."

"Shut up," Meredith sighed, holding Becky close to her as she reached for the diaper bag that sat beside the changing table. "I'll get the girls' stuff ready."

"I'll call Mom," Derek sighed as he placed Melanie in her crib, handing her a rattle as she babbled excitedly. "We'll be okay, Mer."

"I love you," Meredith whispered, turning to place Becky in Melanie's crib as well and looking at him with wide eyes. "The things he was saying...I just love you, Derek. Completely and totally. And there will never be anyone else. I promise."

"I love you too," Derek nodded, pulling her in to kiss her gently. "And there will never be anyone else for me either. Hasn't been since the moment we met."

"Corny," Meredith whispered as she pressed her lips against his again. "But thank you for humoring me."

Derek squeezed her tightly before he moved towards the door. "I'll be right back," he promised.

"Okay," Meredith sighed as she shoved some onesies and diapers into the diaper bag. She put some stuffed animals in at the top and zipped it closed before she turned back to her daughters. "Mommy's sorry if she scared you," she whispered. "But we're going to go stay with Grandma for a couple days. That will be fun, won't it?"

"Basa pa no," Melanie said, holding her arms out to Meredith.

"I knew you'd see it my way," Meredith nodded as she pulled the girl into her arms.

"Okay," Derek sighed as he walked back into the room, immediately pulling Becky into his arms as she reached for him. "Mom says we can come over as soon as we want. And she'll activate her alarm system again and call her friend who's high up in the police department."

"Thank you," Meredith breathed as she leaned into him. "I'm sorry, Derek, I really am."

"Don't be sorry," Derek shook his head. "I promised you I'd always keep you safe. So that's what I'm doing."

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," Derek said, kissing her softly before he turned to look at Becky. "What do you think, butterfly? Are you ready to go play with Grandma?"

"Bama la saba," Becky giggled.

"Good," Derek nodded. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," Meredith sighed as she grabbed the diaper bag and followed him down the stairs. "Make sure you actually lock the door."

"I've got it, Mer," he nodded as he locked the door behind them, turning to the car and settling Becky into her car seat. "We'll be fine. I promise."

"I hope so," Meredith sighed as she leaned down to kiss Melanie's forehead as the little girl giggled excitedly in her seat.

"It will be good for you to have Mom help you out with the girls," Derek nodded. "And I'll call into work so we can just have some family time."

"Hiding out from a psycho," Meredith muttered.

"Mer," Derek breathed, reaching for her hand. "I know you're scared. And I hate the guy too. But you have to calm down. I don't need you freaking out over this."

"Its kind of hard not to freak out over this, Derek," she snapped. "He thinks that if you and the girls are out of the picture I'll be willing to go back to him. And if I had never been with him in the first place, none of this would be happening. So I'm sorry if I'm completely freaking out over this."

"Okay," Derek sighed as he pulled into his mother's driveway. "But try not to scare the girls, okay? They can tell when you're upset, and they don't like it."

"I know," Meredith said, taking a deep breath before she got out of the car and smiled nervously down at Melanie. "Hi sweetheart," she said as she lifted her into her arms. "I promise I'll make sure you're safe. You don't need to worry, baby."

Derek wrapped an arm around her as they walked towards the front door. "We'll be fine, Mer," he said. "Nothing will happen. I promise."

Meredith sighed as she pressed a kiss to Melanie's head, smiling softly when Emma pulled the door open. "Mom," she whispered, her eyes suddenly filling with tears.

"Oh, darling," Emma sighed, pulling Derek and Meredith into the house and leading them into the living room. "How are you?" she asked as Meredith placed Melanie in the play pen beside the couch.

"Mom," Meredith whispered again, cuddling into Emma's arms and letting the tears fall. "I don't...I can't..."

"It's okay," Emma breathed, rocking Meredith gently as she guided her to the couch. "Just let it all out."

"My babies," Meredith whispered, sobs taking over her body. "He wants to hurt my babies."

"We won't let him," Emma said, smoothing Meredith's hair back from her forehead. "I have one of the best police officers in the city on his way over right now, and we're going to be sure that he won't be allowed near you again."

"We'll get a restraining order if that's what it takes, Mer," Derek murmured, sitting down on her other side and rubbing her back gently. "Whatever we need to do."

Meredith gasped as she shifted her weight from Emma to Derek. They were going to be okay. She had worked too hard to finally get her happily ever after. And they had to be okay.

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