Can't Help Falling in Love

By daddyyderek

68.7K 1.7K 321

Derek Shepherd, Neurosurgeon. Meredith Grey, first grade teacher. What happens when their worlds collide? AU... More



528 14 2
By daddyyderek

"You remembered the stuffed animals?" Meredith asked as Derek pulled into Mark and Addison's driveway.

"They're in the back," Derek laughed. "Although Becky seemed to think they were for her."

"Like she doesn't have enough of her own," Meredith giggled. "There are times when I go to grab them out of the cribs and I don't even know where they are, there's too many stuffed animals."

"They're not that spoiled," Derek frowned as he shut off the engine and moved to the trunk for the diaper bag.

"They kind of are," she laughed as she reached to take Melanie out of the car seat. "Right sweetie? You and your sister are very spoiled. But it's okay, because you deserve it."

"Loved," Derek argued as he pulled Becky into her arms. "You ready to meet your cousin Mark?"

Becky cooed slightly, giggling as Derek carried her towards the door. Meredith smiled as she rang the doorbell, turning to look at Derek. "You're sure Addison's okay for visitors?" she asked. "Because remember when you told Lexie and George it was okay to come over when I hadn't slept in forty hours and your daughters screamed the entire time causing me to have a nervous breakdown?"

"That was different," Derek sighed. "And apparently Mark's a pretty quiet baby, not like our little hellions."

"I kind of hate Addison right now."

"Shep!" Mark announced as he flung the door open. "Where are my nieces?"

"Right here," Derek smiled, holding Becky out to him. "They're starting to get a little shy, she might not stay with you for long."

"I'm her Uncle Mark, she loves me," Mark grinned, staring down at the baby. "Are you ready to meet your future husband?"

"You're pathetic," Meredith rolled her eyes as she and Derek followed Mark into the house. "Hey Addie."

"Mer," Addison smiled, looking up from the newborn cradled into her arms. "How are you?"

"I'm good," Meredith said, handing Melanie to Derek before sitting down on the couch. "Hi Mark," she breathed.

"He's a great baby," Addison smiled as Meredith offered the baby her finger. "He's got a lot of me in him."

"Hey!" Mark protested, causing Becky to burst into tears at the sound of his loud, powerful voice.

"Come here sweetie," Meredith breathed, reaching for her daughter and rubbing her back gently.

"Is she okay?" Mark asked.

"She's fine," Meredith nodded. "They're just clingy, and a little skittish around anyone besides me and Derek."

"Okay," Mark sighed.

"There we go," Meredith smiled she rubbed Becky's back gently, her sobs calming to small hiccups. "Look, sweetie. There's your cousin Mark. You're going to spend a lot of time with him."

Becky stared at the baby in Addison's arms for a moment, her eyes widening as Mark's hand reached out, brushing against Becky's. "She's so curious," Addison smiled as she reached a free hand out to run a hand over Becky's curls. "You look like your mommy. Very pretty."

"I know," Meredith smiled as she kissed the baby's head. "You want to play, sweetie? Let's get your blanket on the ground and you and Mellie can play with the toys we brought."

"So are you going to call the baby Mark?" Derek asked as he handed Melanie to Mark and spread their blanket on the ground.

"Why not?" Mark asked, his voice significantly softer than it had been as Melanie looked up at him with curious eyes. "It's a good strong name. Mark Jacob Sloan. A man's name."

"I didn't say it wasn't," Derek rolled his eyes. "I just thought it might get confusing with two Marks."

"We haven't decided yet," Addison sighed. "I think we might call him Jake. His middle name's Jacob."

"That's a good idea," Meredith smiled. "But while I'm thinking about it, thanks for planting the idea of naming our son after Derek in his idiot brain. I really appreciate that."

"Sorry," Addison laughed. "This is why we should have picked a name out before I had him. No one should be allowed to name their child immediately after giving birth. They end up regretting it."

"I'm starting to take offense from this conversation," Mark frowned as he placed Melanie on the blanket beside Becky, Derek and Meredith kneeling on the floor in front of the girls."

"Don't take offense," Addison sighed as she handed him the baby. "He looks like a Jake."

"I suppose," Mark sighed, looking down at his son. "Hey, Jake. I guess it works. You can be Jake."

Meredith smiled as she leaned into Derek. "Look at them," she whispered. "They're so happy."

"They are," Derek smiled, wrapping an arm around her. "Just like us. A completely happy family."

"Hmm," Meredith smiled.

"Alright, it's my turn to change the dirty diaper," Mark sighed as he stood. "You need anything Addie?"

"I'm good," she nodded, smiling up at him.

"How are you feeling?" Meredith asked as she left Derek on the floor and moved to sit beside her friend on the couch.

"Okay," Addison sighed as she reached for a water bottle. "Tired, but really happy. I love him so much."

"Get used to it," Derek laughed. "The girls are two months old and we're still tired. We will be for years."

"They're sleeping a little better," Meredith nodded. "Only waking up once a night. Of course not at the same time, but it's better than waking up six or seven times a night. That was horrible."

Addison smiled as she looked down at the babies on the floor, smiling as Melanie looked at the teddy bear Derek held above their heads. "They're getting so big," she commented.

"I know," Meredith sighed. "I feel like I was just in your position, completely exhausted after giving birth and staying awake all night. And now they can practically talk. Next thing I know they'll be walking."

"Derek's a great father," Addison observed as she watched him lean down to tickle Becky's stomach, causing her to giggle loudly.

"He is," Meredith smiled, her eyes on her husband. "He's amazing. He finds time to do it all. Be an amazing father, a great husband, and make up for all the time he took off of work. I don't know how he does it, I'm completely busy just being Mommy. Derek's good about reminding me to be Meredith."

"Well, you look fantastic," Addison said, looking at Meredith's waist. "Have you lost all your weight?"

"I wish," Meredith sighed. "I've still got three sizes to drop to get down to my pre pregnancy body."

"Well, you're going to have to tell me your secret," Addison sighed. "I still feel like a cow."

"You look great," Meredith said. "Definitely not a cow. And you only had one baby. Try having two."

Addison sighed as she leaned into the couch. "Mark says that too," she breathed. "But I'm not sure I believe him."

"It's only been a week," Meredith smiled. "You'll get back into shape. Make sure you use nap time to work out. It works well."

"Hmmm," Addison sighed. "I wish I could take as much time off as you are. I want to stay with him."

"It's been nice," Meredith sighed, reaching into the diaper bag to hand Derek a bottle as Becky began to whimper. "I think I'm going to miss teaching in the fall though. With all the back to school will be hard. But worth it."

"Mer, we've got a diaper situation here," Derek announced as he held Becky tightly in his arms.

"Can you take care of it?" she asked.

"I'm feeding Becky."

"She can hold the bottle herself."

Derek sighed as he looked down at Becky, sucking eagerly at the bottle. "She wants Daddy to hold her."

"I think Daddy doesn't want to change a diaper," Meredith rolled her eyes as she moved to kneel in front of Melanie.

"Never," Derek laughed.

"So," Mark announced as he entered the room, his son cradled in his arms. "I've been thinking."

"Always a scary preface," Derek rolled his eyes as he looked down at Becky.

"Wait until you've heard it, Shep," Mark rolled his eyes. "We should have dinner."

"It's eleven in the morning."

"Not right now," Mark said. "Like how Mom does dinner every Sunday. We should do it every Friday or something. Give the kids some play time, and us some time to be real adults."

"That's actually a good idea," Meredith said as she snapped Melanie's onesie back up. "We're bringing the girls to dinner at Mom's tonight."

"We'll host it next week," Addison said, reaching for her baby. "Jake shouldn't leave the house yet."

"Derek will cook," Meredith offered.

"Of course, Derek doesn't mind," he rolled his eyes.

"Well, you won't let me cook," Meredith argued.

"I'd prefer not to build another house after you burn this one to the ground."

"Mark can't cook either," Meredith nodded. "And Addison's too tired. Which means you're the only one left."

"Fine," Derek laughed, kissing her quickly. "I will be cooking."

"Good," Mark nodded.

Before anyone else could respond, Meredith's phone rang and she frowned as she looked down at it. "It's Liz," she sighed. "Probably more questions about the baby."

Derek laughed. "Tell her the poking in her stomach is normal, it's just the baby moving," he said.

"Shut up," Meredith rolled her eyes. "She's scared."

"Meredith," Liz giggled from the other end of the line. "I just had a doctor's appointment."

"I take it the baby's healthy?" Meredith smiled as she placed a teddy bear in Melanie's hands and watched her daughter examine it closely.

"He's fine," Liz giggled.

"He?" Meredith asked. "You're having a boy?"

"I am," Liz giggled. "Shawn's getting his boy."

"Is he there?" Meredith asked.

"He is," Liz breathed. "And...there's more."

"More?" Meredith asked. "You're not having twins too, are you?"

"Definitely not," Liz giggled. " have to promise you won't get mad."

"I won't," Meredith nodded.

"And you'll calm Derek down," Liz nodded. "Because he will be mad."

"Liz," Meredith breathed. "What did you do?"

"Shawn and I....we kind of got married," Liz said.

"You got married?" Meredith cried, causing Derek's head to snap up in surprise.

"At town hall," Liz nodded. "And no one else knows. We're telling the family tonight, but I wanted to tell you because you know that you'll be on our side."

"Of course," Meredith smiled. "But I have to go. Your brother looks like his head's about to explode, and I need to get my babies out of his hands before that happens."

"Thanks, Mer," Liz giggled. "I'll see you tonight."

"Bye Liz," Meredith smiled as she hung up. "So," she smiled, bring Melanie to rest in her lap. "You have a new uncle. And in a couple months, you're going to have a new baby boy cousin."

"They got married?" Derek asked incredulously.

"Yep," Meredith smiled, tickling Melanie's stomach gently.



"My sister just got married and all you can say is yep?"

"What else do you want me to say?" she asked. "It's done."

"She just got married when she's six months pregnant."

"And they're in love," Meredith shrugged. "What's the big deal?"

"They just got married," Derek replied. "Without their family."

"Derek, if they had called and said they were getting married, what would you have done?" Meredith asked.

"I...." Derek frowned as he looked down at a cooing Becky.

"You would have gone all caveman and driven over there, demanding that they never see each other again," Meredith nodded. "Derek, they know you."

"They didn't need to get married just because they're pregnant," Derek replied. "Look at Mark and Addison."

"Hey!" Mark frowned. "We were engaged when we got pregnant. Not broken up like Liz and that frat boy."

"Whatever," Derek rolled his eyes. "I don't like it."

"You're going to have a new nephew," Meredith said with a wide smile. "Come on, Der, the boys are catching up."

Derek frowned. "But...I was supposed to give her away," he said.

"She did things her way," Meredith shrugged. "Remember when everyone wanted us to have their kind of wedding? We did it our way, and so is Liz. You can't be mad at her for that."

Derek frowned as he looked down at Becky. "You're right," he sighed. "Our wedding was perfect. For us. And now we're even. Three girls and three boys."

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